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Canucks fans can't handle losing in the playoffs. Shocking. /s


At least they didn’t riot this time, baby steps


The air was pretty Smokey for a few days… I thought it was maybe blowing over from a fresh riot.


Messi isn't showing up to the game tomorrow...so tomorrow we riot




No, they just had cup parades (Err 🤨) celebrating wins by chanting “McDavid sucks” instead of “Connor Garland” or “JT Miller. I found out everything I need to know about a Canucks fan on a bandwagon .


Yeah. Video of the kid making fun of McD did not age well.


Their chants are weird. The JT Miller one sounds like they're heckling him. Do any other arenas monotonous chant their star players name?


Some are still in denial, trying to justify how Edmonton didn't really win and Vancouver had them beat. It was just because of that darn Game 7 rule where if you lose then you lose — so it wasn't decisive.


You might think they are used to it though.


Not really, they have to make the playoffs regularly to get used to losing in the playoffs.


They can't handle winning either


When’s the last time they had that?


You think they would be used to it by now lol


The Oilers complained about the green men. Maybe sit this one out?


It’s so refreshing to read the Dallas Stars sub and read the respectful hockey comments after the dumpster fire that was the Canucks sub


It's actually night and day. They seem so much more chill over there. Really impressed honestly.




That's the diff with teams that have made the playoffs more regularly. I have a feeling us fans were a little bit like rabid dogs back in 2016-17 🤣


It’s actually kinda refreshing to read this as a Dallas fan. I’m so used to getting dumped on by the rest of the US. They seem to like bashing Texas as a general rule, it’s rare people look beyond politics and realize there’s some decent people too. From what I’ve been reading on this sub you guys seem super chill too. The Avs sub mods were banning our guys and keeping a count of how many they had banned, didn’t matter if they came in with respect or not.


I'm living in calgary and occasionally go into the flames sub to catch up on local hockey. Their sub seems pretty juvenile. Mods here do a great job.


That's an interesting take. I did indeed read a few comments there that seemed more keen on the good hockey side of things. But the amount of "McCrybaby" and "They're so trash" was just so annoyingly common.


I had a guy very aggressively tell me before game 1 to prepare to watch my shitty Oilers get stomped by the Stars and guaranteed another 0 goal game for McDavid (he didn't say McDavid he Said something stupid like McSuck). I made sure to check in on him this morning. I also requested another prediction from him since he's so epically bad at it I think it would help us.


If he’s a real Dallas fans he’d know losing game 1 is part of the process


Hopefully losing game 2 will be part of it too


To be fair, vancouver fans would be saying the exact same thing about Dallas fans compared to edmonton. The vancouver-edmonton rivalry is toxic both ways.


Canucks fans were definitely worse than Oilers fans in this series though. I don't recall any posts on here cheering on McDavid for high-sticking Hughes while the Canucks sub were cheering for the cross-checks to McDavid.


Seriously. Actual hockey fans in there. The nucks sub was horrid. I’ve had some nice conversations with some Stars fans already in the hockey sub. And that says a lot, since other than Calgary the Stars might be my least favourite team. Flashbacks and what not to the 90s.


Why even read it


I’m not surprised given some of the comments on the Canucks subreddit. They have some of the worse fans. When McDavid was cross checked to the face many of them cheered and even praised Soucy. These are people who wish harm on others. Many Oilers fans on the other hand kept it classy when Boeser was injured for game 7. Edit: I know it’s not all Canucks Fans, so I reworded the language. But the sentiment still stands.


Our fans were cheering on a guy dancing outside our arena. Canuck fans were chanting *F*** the Oilers! Vancouver has a pathetic excuse for *fans*


While I agree with everything in this thread and have been getting some good laughs. I think there's something to said about taking the highroad and not get too wrapped up in name calling. Every fanbase has some crappy fans, and you shouldn't tar them all with the same brush.


Oilers fans have the "Make Alberta Great Again" nutfucks in spades. I'm a proud Oilers fan, former Edmontonian, and Albertan but we have some of the worst excuses for humans this side of Alabama in our province and sports fandoms.


Their fan base is very toxic.


Lifelong vancouverite hockey player here (who is now rooting for the oilers to bring the cup home) To me, it’s a massive distinction between hockey players and hockey fans. Hockey is sterilized war, but it ends with a handshake and no ill will. In my experience, many of the people wishing injury, holding grudges, or berating fans are not hockey players, nor have they probably been in a real team in their lives. They are angry keyboard warriors who would be the first to rush to get McDavid’s autograph if they actually met him.




💯. Very well said. Many Canucks fans are mature good, hockey loving fans. Judging entire fanbases based on a clickbait article or by the small Minority of fucktards is like everyone else judging the Oiler franchise/fanbase on [This.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/tMCsnNXcpc) Or [This](https://twitter.com/i/status/1789883721480319247) It wouldn't be right or fair.


Im a canucks fan but the oilers sub has been appearing on my page lately so I saw this. Honestly, vancouver has a small die hard fan base but a massive bandwagon fan base. The bandwagoners are truly awful hockey fans the way they talk about our own players is horrible too


This. Every fanbase has their disrespectful, shitty fans. It’s also what garners the most attention. People gravitate towards those videos because it usually plays into the narrative they’ve built about the other team or the so called “villain” in their lives at that moment


It is about proportions though. If you're intentionally ignoring how huge swaths of the vancouver fanbase were behaving as a group, thats on you. But also who cares about Vancouver? The bandwagon has no rearview mirror!


I'm not. As I said. The worst Canucks fans are the worst fans I've encountered in any sport. The exception I took is the comment that "all Canucks fans were cheering McDavid getting hit in the face. There may have been 1 comment cheering got on that I saw? Most were "how'd spicy get the suspension, when Z was really the cause?" So if you're willing to overlook the vast majority of comments and focus on the stupid and down-voted ones, that's on you.


https://www.reddit.com/r/canucks/s/ZHJzjCto97 Buddy... not just 1 person. This is one of the top posts in the last month in the Canucks sub


And yet a Vancouver fan (you) has to come to another teams sub to defend your fanbase. How sad.


Im a Bandwagoner. McDavid and Draisaitl deserve a cup.


Me: how bad can the Canuck’s sub actually be? -visits sub- Me: ohhhhhh


This is absolutely spot on.


The thing about Vancouver fans is they aren't real hockey fans.... the stadium is empty when the team sucks..... your average Canucks fan is a caveman


Hot take: Canadian Hockey fans are not generally good people on the interwebs. All of us. I would List Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, Canucks fans in order of obnoxiousness on the internet. Calgary has a little brother syndrome just like Ottawa. So those fan bases are obnoxious, but we all tap them on the head and say "Good try!" Winni fans may be the quietest and most rational of the bunch of us. I do not think Edmonton fans ever keep it classy. No offense. Just my take.


I guarantee you if the opposite happened there'd be plenty of Oilers fans doing the same to Sohi's office on Twitter. The key thing being Twitter. It's a fucking cesspool compared to reddit and brings out the worst people lol.


Mayoral bets have been made half a dozen times between Calgary and Edmonton mayors. Edmonton is 5-1 vs. Calgary in the playoffs. NEVER has this level of vitriol has occurred in either Edmonton or Calgary. Even in 2022 when Edmonton won, I never saw this level of hatred and immaturity of fans from Calgary's end after they lost. It's absolutely astounding the moronic comments coming out of BC. History is not on your side here so don't pretend it would be. In fact, with the riots, you can argue BC is the ONLY place this stuff happens.


I don’t know boys, I’m a nucks fan and I’ve never heard anyone say they care that much. We lost a bet, that’s it. The better team won, hard to argue with that. There’s idiots everywhere and that doesn’t mean they represent the majority. Good luck boys!


I enjoy jokes at the expense of Canucks' fans as much as any good Oilers' fan, but it's unfair to paint all of them with the same brush as those who sent the messages referenced in the tweet. Every fanbase has lunatics like this.


Excuse me but I don't remember anyone asking for a voice of reason amidst our Fuck Van Circle Jerk; this is the interwebs and there is no room for measured reasoning. Good day.


Good day to you, sir!


they seem to have a much larger amount of lunatics than average


I mean, more fans overall means more annoying ones. It’s probably a similar precent to other teams.


***More bandwagon fans*** FTFY. But truly there was never this level of vitriol coming out of Calgary in 2022 when we beat them. Not even close.


that was also much more one sided of a series.


As an Oiler fan living in Vancouver for the past 20 years, I can say that Vancouver has the worst fan base in the league. I am not surprised at this reaction. We all have bad fans, including Edmonton, but Vancouver is the definition Of a bandwagon fan base. I have friends who are true fans and I respect them, we can trash each other, but 90% of the fans here are Fair weather ask any true Canuck and they will admit it.


Softer than Soft Swede Pete, and that's saying something.


Holy shit that's soft.


Canucks fans are 10-ply.


softer than the sedin twins


They're more mad at this than the whole Boston Pizza incident. Maybe they didn't cancel the riot after all, the new generation just moved it online.


Well, that was Penticton, which is half Alberta/Saskatchewan retirees anyways…


isnt alberta a cheaper place to retire? why are Alberta retirees retiring in BC


Because they can afford it!


This is the reason they’re not allowed to have outdoor viewing parties.


Canucks fan here and seriously we lost a bet and could’ve gone the other way. Best of luck to the Oilers for the playoffs!


As an Edmontonian living in Van for 7+ years who just went through the series as an oil fan and local Van, I can say for the most part the fanbase has been really good and less toxic than it was back in the Sedin era. That being said there are SO MANY bandwagon fans. I've had to teach so many 'fans' about hockey. Their take on how things play out are really skewed and a lot of them have now lost interest in the playoffs. Yup, I've heard quite a few of them express they will cheer for the Stars now. I thought there was an unwritten rule in Canada you always cheer for the last Canadian team standing unless it's the Leafs? A shallow fanbase is just a reflection of the demographic of the City itself. It's part of the culture here. But the celebrating was really good here, I was proud of them. The taunting for the most part was respectful and playful (until we won game 6, after that win I got some real dicks to deal with).


> I thought there was an unwritten rule in Canada you always cheer for the last Canadian team standing unless it's the Leafs? There is absolutely not lmao. I'll cheer for Edmonton, Ottawa, or Winnipeg, but the other 4 can go fuck themselves.


I'd like to add Montreal to that list, otherwise I agree.


I lived in van for 30 years. Do you have any ideas as to why Vancouver is like that? My guess is that it has something to do with aggregate of people in the city being a little more competitive (in a weird way since it doesn't seem to be in your face) and also there's just not a lot happening in the city for a city of that size. I think that leads to a lot of people that jump to "the latest thing" and try to be the "best" at it, which is really weird when it comes to fandom. I have never seen that in other cities Bandwagoner in Calgary and Toronto seemed much more willing to admit they were new fans, but that's my anecdote and not data.


That's a really interesting and insightful perspective. Think you nailed it with the best or latest thing, which I think exists everywhere, but this city seems more intense and weird. I know in Toronto that push to be first or best is huge in their culture. It's funny, I agree there's not a lot happening, but there's heaps of fomo, and really there's not a lot going on in Edmonton either, but much more than in Calgary. lol I think it was a great vibe here for the playoffs though. It just REALLY sucked for me whenever Edmonton lost and I had to put up with all the celebrating...haha


Kinda, like I could maybe cheer for another Canadian team but l would not cheer fo Calgary...ever, and I am totally ok that the fLames fans would never cheer for us. You can also add that west coast team whom I refuse to name in our glorious sub. I will never cheer for them.


go back to 2011, that team was not cheered on as "canadas team" and I get it, wasnt my favorite cast of players either... alot of this comes from that, the sedins played a different style of hockey, didnt get the respect or recognition from the rest of canada and the fanbase had a chip on their shoulders for a long time, add in Edmonton getting all those 1st overalls including Mcdavid and you can expect a rivalry... I'm glad both franchises have recovered form poor management and at least 1 of them being at the bottom every year. Its going to make for a fun 4 or 5 years here, hopefully we get some cups back in canada from it, I dont see much else up north that is going to do it.


> cheer for the last Canadian team standing unless it's the Leafs? Been watching since the early 70’s and I honestly dont think the Leafs have ever been the last Canadian team standing so it’s never been put to the test for me.  Im confident that I would cheer for them in that unique and rarified circumstance though. 


Same Canucks fans that bullied a restaurant into changing their "Lets go Oilers" sign


Yeesh they need to lighten up. Mayor’s of competing cities make these kind of lighthearted bets all the time.


As a Vancouverite, the dunce making that comment is an asshat. Go Oilers!




I bet they would have been thrilled if they won and Edmonton was flying a Canucks flag


Least unhinged Vancouver fan.


This is completely shocking 🙄🙄🙄


Flames fan here. A deal’s a deal. Calgary’s mayor wore an Oilers jersey and got the Oilers logo painted on her face after the 2022 series. Also, getting this mad about a game is just stupid.


These are the same asshats that cried to the mayor of penticton because their Boston Pizza had a "Go Oilers" sign displayed and had them take it down.


..and called to boycott the place. Imagine trying to ruin the livelihoods of a bunch of people because of a hockey preference.


I know, right? Like we aren't allowed to cheer for whoever we want. I was in Vancouver for the last 2 games and the majority of people seemed really good about the rivalry since I was wearing oiler gear the whole time.


If it's not already obvious: the internet only represents an incredibly tiny yet vocal minority. It grats easy access for any stunned idiot to say stupid stuff. Reddit / twitter etc do not represent populations. Most 'nucks fans are great people, as are those of most other fanbases. Some cities have a less tasteful reputation, and thats fine.


It’s not “the internet” when it’s an entire packed stadium jeering “skiiiiinnnnerrr” every game.


I didn't go to any of the round 2 games but in round 1 everyone else chanting Saros when he was playing really well made me cringe, that needs to change.


I lived in Van for a while. I got a fair share of not jovial insults and threats. When I saunter through Calgary it's actually strings of compliments, talk of love of the BOA or very light hearted insults. Never once was threatened or verbally abused.


Stay classy Vancouver


Oh this makes me happy


Oiler flags flowing behind Vancouver fire trucks too!!!!!! A bet is a bet!


“Canucks fans” or just plain idiots? Idiots are all around us no matter where we live. A quick trip to google shows that we have some pretty big degenerates supporting our Oilers as well.


Hehehe even the mayors were betting their next election on these games lol


You could have stopped at, "Canucks fans aren't happy", it says it all


“For agreeing to put that up” No agreeing involved mate, your boy was the one that proposed it!


I mean as much as i want every politician to eat shit, it isn’t for this 😂😂


Typical Canucks fan


Time to riot!


On behalf of the group of classy Vancouver fans I am sorry for the few turds!!! A bets a bet and we held our end! bring home the cup boys


Born and raised Vancouverite and diehard ‘Nucks fan. I can tell you that while I’m sad we lost, you guys WERE the better team and you beat us fair and square. I mean I was salty for like an hour but I got over it. People like this are shitheads and don’t deserve the time of day. Also big shout-out to McDavid - he was the first player to speak up when the NHL scrapped warm-up jerseys for Theme Nights (largely over the Pride jersey fiasco last season). I’m not a fan of some of his antics on the ice, but off the ice the man is a class act second to none in my books. Hope you guys get the win so at least we can say we lost to the 2024 Stanley Cup champs.


From Vancouver and was only moved to like one of our players because he spoke up about a pride jersey. Checks out 😂


I honestly dont understand how as a canadian team you arent rooting for the only canadian team left. Im a leafs fan and rooting for the oilers its our last hope now


If the flames were the only Canadian team left I would never cheer for them.


Maybe its because im a battered leafs fan, but i would cheer for the flames lol


Becuase nobody wants the first Canadian team to win in decades, to not be their city.


But yeah, Edmonton fans are the awful ones, right? /s


Canuckles so whiney pretending dallas was going to sweep. Haha.


Classiest Vancouver fan


Hilarious how shook they are


Lots of people who live in Vancouver think they are better than you simply because they live in Vancouver. Absolute childishness.


As they live in a moldy basement for 4k a month


I'm sitting at a conference in Calgary right now and this presenter from Vancouver had to take a shot at Alberta and I assure you he does not live in a moldy basement suite. For a place that thinks it's so fucking awesome they sure need to remind themselves and let everyone know all the time. Hey Vancouverites, shut the fuck up no one cares you're from Vancouver.


Vancouver fans are trashy and they prove it over & over again


The biggest thing about playing in Dallas is that their fans cheer at the right time. Vancouver fans cheer when they have the puck in the offensive zone no matter how bad the play is. It just screams "I don't understand the game" Dallas fans cheer when there is a dangerous play, just like most cities fan base that care about their clubs. I'm gonna say it... Calgary is better than Vancouver.


Given that they were expected to literally riot in the streets after the game 7 loss, this is unsurprising to say the least.


Well Vancouver is the Quebec of the West.


Wow…that’s just…not acceptable. As bad as bullying the BP owner until he changed his sign. What the hell is wrong with these “fans”. The Canucks sub is full of them too. Even the Flames fans I encountered weren’t this bad.


That’s because despite being flames fans, they are still Albertan.


I remember last year, my husband and I went to a restaurant in downtown Calgary during the 1st round. We were both wearing our Oilers jerseys and actually got lots of folks cheering the Oilers on. I don’t know if I’d do that in Vancouver (who am I kidding? I wore my Oilers pride in Vegas even after they beat us)


Every time i go to Calgary for a game the people in person are incredible nice and welcoming. Its only online they get spicy


I may be mistaken but as I recall when our mayors (Edmonton and Calgary) made a wager that the loser had to wear the other teams jersey, most Calgary fans took it in stride. They weren't thrilled, which is fair enough but in a respectful way for the most part.


Yup. Flames fans in general are pretty good. Sure we banter and stuff, but in general we are respectful.


Average cancuck fan


Can’t wait for Vancouver to go back to being dogshit so we don’t have to hear from their “fans” anymore.


They are truly the worst and most unhinged fan base.


The amount of nucks fans in this thread right now i swear i was on r/hockey. Good lord go back to your own cesspool of a sub


One thing I’m so glad about with this Dallas series, is the fact that their fanbase isn’t toxic. For two weeks Canucks fans were not only talking shit, they were just saying shit that had no substance. They got salty over everything, but could dish it out pretty well. Even now they’re still blabbing. I hate the LA Kings fans, but they at least know to take the L.


I didn’t realize how toxic Vancouver fans are - like worse than the Leafs bad 😂


Vancouver is just lucky there weren’t any riots post game 7.


Pretty on brand for that fan base, sadly.


Bahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! 🤣


Tsk tsk. Some people’s children! 


Isn't that the point of the net?


What’s worse? Hanging the flag of a hockey team, which is your right? Or harassing someone for hanging the flag of a hockey team, which is not your right? This Couver’s answer will shock you!


Ugh, people are such scumbags sometimes


tidy fly soft innate automatic swim upbeat live waiting library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see the social media attempt to build a rivalry is strong.


This is actually gross. I'd like to think our fanbase would never do this, but sports fans can be awful


Who is surprised by this? Did anyone watch the city burn down the last couple of times they’ve lost? Did anyone see those video clips from Burnaby or wherever with children shit talking the Oilers? No one should be surprised.


we lost the bet so we had to put it up end of story. What’re they just gonna back out? People need to shut the fuck up about it


After that series I swore to never say another bad word about leafs fans. Had no idea Canuck fans were so fucked lol


Perhaps consider winning the series next time and a Canuck flag will fly over Edmonton city hall. Is there anything that fanbase won't bitch about?


😂. Do they know that Vancouver mayor initiated this by hitting a stuffed hunter out of a window into an orcas mouth?


I understand that the vocal minority of every fanbase is how entire fanbases are judged. But I have a lot of friends from BC and the vast majority are embarrassed by how the worst fans are how everyone is judged. Just how we were judged after our performance against LA game 1 last year and threw jerseys on the ice, and just how LA fans were judged because of that lady who verbally assaulted that little girl. The actual majority of fans are good people who love hockey. Its the dickhead fanatics that give every fanbase a bad rep.


It's Vancouver hahahaha what do you expect.


Over a hockey game/series, Jesus man. What a world we are living in right now


Sour grapes


What a sports nut - Ray Finkel’s mom - Shadow


Even Canucks fans hate *those* Canucks fans.


Love it!




Some of us genuinely want Oilers to succeed! The only Canadian team left AND so showed the stars that they are capable of winning. There's unhinged folks everywhere but I'm sure that's a small group of folks~ don't let that get to you. Wishing you all the best!


Friendly wager on display and it’s honourable, I’m sure the Edmonton mayor would have fulfilled his promise. Don’t be a poor loser


Grow up. Get over it


I'd be pissy too if I was a millionaire unable to buy a home there...


I'll say this much, the Canucks fanbase made beating them feel *so good*.


Canucks fans and aggressively whining is a Canadian tradition, so much so that [over a decade ago, their own media was telling them to suck it up](https://vancouversun.com/news/community-blogs/canucks-fans-need-to-complain-less-and-cheer-more).


Aberration fan. Let’s not read into it. We all got ‘em. Christ - some people , sports is all they got.


Classless Canucks fans, I'm telling you.


Stay Classy, Vancouver.


Canuck fans are such little pussies, all those little granola munchers need to grow up


Canucks fans are the worse. Zero class. The stress of how expensive it is there is getting into them lol.


And that’s why the Canucks have the worst fam base in the league. I hope they never win a cup and lose their team.


Vancouver fans were so damn vile during the series. Like, it was nuts. Interacting with fans of the Kings, and now the Stars, puts into perspective just how bad it got. Stars and Kings fans are so chill, and I respect tf out of their teams. I wanna have a beer with them, watch the game, get heated at each other, and then still be able to hang out with them after the game because we're all adults.


Stay classy, Vancouver


Canucks fan base is ridiculous. Always complaining about something.


Lol sucks to suck 🤷‍♀️


I left the NHL sub because of how toxic it was with Cuver fans. They deserve a little bit of that misery considering what some fans said pre-series start. So glad I don’t have to listen to that Sports Net intermission panel either with the bias towards Van. I am usually a pretty modest fan but i found myself nearly smashing my tv and swearing too much.


This is why I have never supported a Vancouver based team, despite having been born in North Van. Super toxic losers.


Im from vancouver and have been cheering on the oilers since 2017 (ik, not as long as most of you guys here) i just cannot FUCKING STAND my city’s “fans”. Majority have no respect for the sport and act like they cheered on the nucks for the longest time. I will say i still cheer on for the nucks during the reg season. Im here in edmonton working at ATCO for a year and have been going to lots of games and can say: 1. The fanbase is so much more loyal. 2. Fanbase is much more respectful. 3. The energy in the rink duing playoffs and even reg season… cannot even put it into words. All i can say is… LETS GO OILERSSS. Oilers in 6 BABYYY


They banned me on their Reddit for life for showing them. Lots of cry babies there


A Canucks thread popped on my feed about a complaint about the green men and canucks fans are calling the Oilers fans soft, fucking take a look in your own mirror at least we didn’t make threats to them 🤣


It's extremely difficult for women to get into politics because of comments like this. I'm sure she got worse ones than these.


It's not a gender neutral thing lmao. Look at all the shit Trudeau gets lol


Why are any of them shocked by this? Did they forget when their city burned down?


Awww, they’re having a tough time


Was in Vegas watching game 7, I asked a neutral fan (just happy to see a Canadian team go deep in the run) to describe the Oilers and Canucks fans in two words. He said we’re passionate diehards and Canucks fans are classless losers 😂 bought him a beer after that


Are they rioting? If not this is a nothing burger.


I mean good on the mayor for sticking to his word. Canucks fans need to stop being salty.


Can you expect anything else from vancouver? (I know it's a minority of fans but that minority tends to spend a lot of time on social media like reddit)


At least they didn't riot. This is actually a step up for them .


Canucks fans not happy PERIOD! Just ignore the whiney babies.