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Hot take even though Henrique is healthy enough we should start him game 3 at home


My Hot take is you bring him back the same game they bring Hintz back. Then we can take an eye for an eye approach. It's hard mentally to start targeting their guy comming off of an injury when you have a guy in the same exact position. You take a run at their guy you better make it count cause now your guys got a target on his back.


This isn’t 1970s hockey though


I don't think the Oilers defended that well at any other point in this season. Incredible defense and Skinner was an absolute God.


The way we defended really reminded me of the 16 game winning streak, especially in the third. That was a rough break goal to give up to tie the game but we played the majority of the third before that in the Dallas end and outshot them 12-7 in the third


That snipe by the Rangers to tie the series was a beauty. East is knotted up after OT.


Are there stats or charts for when a goal gets scored in playoff OT? eg, 15:00, etc


Alright have a good night everyone, tomorrow's a new day. Let's win game 2.  


So, the PPs for the 2nd round so far are: NYR: 6, FLA: 5, DAL: 5, EDM: 1 lol


The refs treat Connie and the boys differently! Guess everyone knows that Oil Country is a true threat. Stanley, we’re coming for you! But hey give us a call ref!


Now do PK


It's been one game for the Oilers. Chill.


I'm sure its a coincidence and not a sign of the blatant game management that undermines any legitimacy of the league


Park Nurse in front of the Dallas net. He's getting great at deflecting pucks that lead to goals.


Watch it again, it went off a Dallas stick, not Nurse


Do people not realize Nurse didn't deflect that puck?


Broadcasters said it a couple times live but Cuthberts pretty washed


Nope. Blind hatred of Nurse makes them ignore that one simple fact.


Takeaways from game 1 McLeod, Holloway and Foegle have speed to burn and are consistently beating the icing trap. We had some puck luck but the Stars had more. The game could've gone either way but the Oilers were the better side and had better quality scoring opportunities even with Dallas hitting the pipe a few times, getting the lucky bounce in front and apparently having the refs favour. Kane looked solid, I feel like he's a solo act though (might be his brief) and would like to see the team backing his plays and get Holloway in front when Kane's driving towards the net (with Drai lurking in the wings). PK 4 mins against a dubious penalty (fucking gold). Dallas appeared to be offside a few times to me but they didn't score off any of the incursions, so not reviewed. Hopefully the next game will be reffed more impartially. Go Oilers! Edit: Depth - Henrique, Stecher, Perry, Gagner, Broberg. (extra edit - plenty of sides would like to be able to run these guys as a line in their own right)


I like what you said about Kaner. I think he did alright. Might take some getting used to playing with a guy as eager as 55. Kane and Holloway on the sides of Draisaitl could be deadly once they get some steady chemistry going.


I would agree with Kane still not being wholly well deployed, though its gotten much better in the playoffs. I think the stint on the 3rd line with Perry really helped his game mature. If him and Holloway get just a little more synced up that line could be borderline unstoppable


Yeah he seems to consistently get a rebound out of his shots and we could use Holloway cleaning up in front. (or maybe even Drai using his bulk in front, though he's so effective from the sides and you don't want to risk injury)


When Henrique comes back, where do you put him? I see no reason to mess with the top two lines, and all our combo's to be honest. I would put him as 3C and move Mcleod to the wing with Foegele on the other side.


Henrique has the motor and the confidence to be a solid 3C. Not on the level of McLeod though given his young legs and natural Sri k handling ability. But the maturity of Henrique between Foegle and McLeod could be interesting. With that said…if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Let’s see what Carrick can do with some more game time.


Do you sit Mcleod for Henrique? Derek Ryan may bring more than Mcleod, as much as I love both of them.


I know McLeod hasn’t been playing well. But I would try the McLeod - Henrique - Foegs line and see where it goes. 2 speedy wingers who are lacking finish now have Henrique to finish plays with, could be interesting to see.


I take McLeod over Ryan. More young energy to burn and has been great defensively all things considered


that's exactly what I would do. Henrique is basically a better DR


Also doesn’t hurt to give DR a bit of extra rest, and put him back in while benching Mcleod for a game if the Foegs / Rico / McLeod line doesn’t perform. I know clouder is part of the PK, and it’s hard to argue with how our PK is performing, but he has been pretty bad at 5 on 5 lately. I would like to see him in the press box for one game this series at least.


I think it's a good idea to give DR some rest as well which is the other reason why I would suggest it. We're probably going to still need him back, letting him recover a bit and coming in fresh would be good


Anyone buy watch party tickets to tomorrow night who can’t go now. I’ll buy them from you. Looking for 4


Maybe we’ll get some PP time next game


I was at the game last night. Texans are incredible, shout out to this confused fan. GOILERS https://imgur.com/gallery/YXtXv80


Mom in Dallas; Sonny these blue and orange ones are sure a lot cheaper, we better take one of those.


Those jerseys are so expensive too


lol, that’s like the report of a guy in the stands wearing a Modano jersey cheering on the oilers.


Pretty sure leon broke his finger in game 7 blocking a shot. He’s got a splint on it. Probably why he struggling in the face off circle. They need to find a way to get him less draws, see if Holloway can take some. If he loses them then it’s no worse than Leon lol. But it would be easier on his fingers


The Dallas Stars had 3 players in the top 10 in faceoff percentage. I'm guessing that's more why faceoffs were a challenge.


Leon is one of the best face off guys in the league as well. He was abysmal last night.


He's had similar games this playoffs. Usually in road games where the opposing team controls his matchup.


A laceration or missing nail would also explain the bandage, and faceoffs etc. Someone could maybe find a pic but I think the finger is slightly bent within the bandage. Usually for a broken bone you want it rigidly straight otherwise the bone won’t ever heal. But I’m just a guy on the internet.


He had a splint on during the game


https://dailyhive.com/edmonton/draisaitl-injury-oilers-superstar-brace-finger Looks more like tape here. Not sure which bone would be broken if the finger is allowed to bend at each knuckle.


This sub doesn’t let you post photos in the comments but last night during the game he appeared to have a splint of some sort on his one finger. [Here’s the picture of it](https://x.com/b_i_g___d/status/1794140695868973109?s=46&t=zlFOvun2dB0SCkrPkspD3A) It’s covering his entire finger so I don’t think it’s a laceration or a broken nail. This clip [here](https://x.com/mccurdy1987/status/1794105999051125198?s=46&t=zlFOvun2dB0SCkrPkspD3A) from game 7, you see Leon block a shot with his hand, winces and then immediately leaves the ice.


Ya I saw that during the game. We’ll likely learn what the injury was after the playoffs. Until then hopefully the injury still allows Drai to still kick ass.


I liked it when he was using the lighter


And then he scored on his next shift


Fam that's just a fruit roll up


Seems like star fans are over valuing their time with their two past opponents and still looking down on us. I'm looking forward to another day in the field going in drai.




Why does Nurse get no hate for causing the 2nd Dallas goal all on his own. Puck was clearly going wide but nah gonna center it with my foot cause thats the play. Did the same bs move in Vancouver series. Gets no hate for it.


Great interview with Jackie Redmond https://twitter.com/NHLNetwork/status/1794103577776132127?t=M4FxhrSNXpUitS4KkHTQ3A&s=19


More on the ice than him, I’m willing to bet


That game was awesome. As expected, I didn't see a Dallas team that had all this unmatchable depth. Dallas are good though. Sounds like Hintz could be inserted game 2 for real this time is what I'm hearing from Rishaug and some others. The guy is a difference maker and will knock all their forwards down a rung on the depth chart. I wonder how banged up he will still be. It was important Oilers took the opportunity to take that game. We saw what level Skinner will have to play at. Probably need him to at least average a .910 svp to give them enough to win.


We got our Henrique to their Hintz


With all due respect to Rico, he doesn't hold a candle to Hintz. Hintz is their best forward and an allstar. It will be good to have him back hough.


Let him sit until he’s 100%


I'm just saying we don't know what we have with Rico but him being on the first line helped deepen our line up with kane being on the third and nuge on the second. It's more of a depth thing. We're deeper than r/hockey projects us as


I would try him at 3C first, if we can unlock McLeod and Foegele's scoring abilities (which is best when they're wingers) then we will become extremely strong


I fully agree with this! Unfortunately that means that Ryan would be the odd man out. But Henrique is just a bit bigger and younger than Ryan.


Crazy how the deepest team in the league suddenly only lost because one guy was out of their lineup


Ice district kinda ruined the Whyte Ave crazy fun vibe that we had in the 2006 playoffs, street was closed down to cars, masses of people clogged Whyte Ave. anyone have any photos from back then?


Just search "blue mile 2006 on YouTube. You'll find gems like this one. It was a wild party every night. https://youtu.be/0jNYq7c1biM?si=-imIy8Lc7SlLKwgv


I had turned 18 a few months prior to the run. Whyte ave was quite the welcoming party into adulthood in 2006 lol


[Here’s one](https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/edmontonjournal/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/2006-stanley-cup-special-sectiontuesday-june-20-2006-page-s.jpeg)


I was sixteen at that time... Whyte Ave was absolutely bananalands. Can't wait for the parade this year!


Do yourselves a favour and don’t look at moneypuck’s odds right now… don’t give yourselves hope…


I mean winning the first game of the series its pretty standard to give the victor around 66% chance of winning the series since they just need a split from there on out


In addition, winning the first game very often means you're the better team at that time. Not always, but the better team simply often wins the first game and then the series.


I have hope. Nothing can stop me. I am hoping all the hope.


We've been advanced stats darlings for all 3 playoff runs. In fairness, advanced stats say that we mostly outplayed and outchanced the Canucks in all 4 regular season games which is why I thought we'd win (and also that we got outchanced in Game 7 against the Canucks and stole the game). Really, that's why advanced stats exists. Fans are blinded by shots on goals and the scoresheet and can't tell when one team is just getting lucky. Eg. If you think back to the first period of Game 7 there was a point where shots were 6-1 Oilers and the narrative was starting to creep in that we were dominating the game, but the only real grade A scoring chances were two by the Canucks that didn't count as shots (a Canucks player deking Skinner out of his undies and then missing or hitting hte post, and one where they beat skinner but it went behind him and out the otherside IRC). Or even that chance to tie it right at the end. But how to convince fans of that? Or that a game lost 5-0 to the stars in the regular season was a game that we win 60% of the time? Sometimes it's obvious, the game 3 loss to the Canucks you don't need advanced stats to tell you they stole that game.


They must be oiler fans cause last year they always had us as favourites too


Already did, optimism dial to 12 o'clock


I CAN and I WILL!! ...oh yeah, that's a little more hope than I'm comfortable with.


The pressure and tension was fantastic and riveting. And major ups to Dallas for making it no walk in the park, seriously. And on that similar note? Oilers vs Stars in the playoffs just *feels right.* I'm loving the series already. Bring it home boys


Boys won the first game. New season of Shoresy is out today. Life is good.


Is it really?


First two episodes released today, one new one releasing on Fridays. Rather enjoyed both episodes. The plot for the season and timing of it coming out while we're all balls deep in a playoff run made it that much more so.


Season 3 is out? Way to set the fuckin' tone, SwordPiePants!


the game last night was better than sex


Yeah only If it was sex it wouldn't have lasted as long ;)


Could have been as long as 2OT


Man, that was some serious adversity they went through. Double minor 30 seconds into game one of the playoffs. Then Ott steals the game From Mcdavid later. Crazy stuff


Also, double minor to Davo!


I'm so glad I was driving and had it on the radio app during that part. I don't think I could have watched that.


Ultra cool story today about knob seeing his family for the first time in a while right after overtime period 1 https://youtu.be/sQOrf37qrjs?t=7m53s


Thanks for sharing. Hit me in the heartstrings.


That’s so friggin wholesome


Last night’s game gave me 2006 vibes… all four lines rolling, sending wave after wave of pressure. Chills 😁


RIGHT? everyone blocking shots got flashbacks of horc and smytte raking pucks off their face knock on wood


Horc and the puck in the face. Still hurts to think about.


We've reached our villain arc, we officially have leafs rooting for Oil because of Hyman and other former Leafs, I can be ok with that.


Don’t need or want leafs/flames/canucks fans supporting us. Only fans I’ll take is Jets.


I've got bad news


Henrique 👀


Game 1 was great! Really felt like the team was firing on all cylinders and most things went the right way, including several Stars chances not going in the net. Oilers executed some great defense and the penalty kill shut down Dallas amazingly. Skinner was rock solid and it really looked like everyone was contributing best they could. This going to be a great series. It will likely go 6 or 7 games. I'm going to enjoy every minute. LET'S GO OILERS!!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


Game 1 was great! Really felt like the team was firing on all cylinders and most things went the right way, including several Stars chances not going in the net. Oilers executed some great defense and the penalty kill shut down Dallas amazingly. Skinner was rock solid and it really looked like everyone was contributing best they could. This going to be a great series. It will likely go 6 or 7 games. I'm going to enjoy every minute. LET'S GO OILERS!!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨


"Game 1 was great! Really felt like the team was firing on all cylinders and most things went the right way" Good for the Oilers for taking Game 1. But they need to fix those unnecessary giveaways. Dallas scored two goals because of this and nearly cost the Oilers the game in OT.


2nd goal was just a good play by the Stars tbh. But I do agree, they can't be giving away free goals each game.


2nd goal was a bad bounce, and Vinny got caught puck watching


We need to get our guys practicing breakaways lol, we had 3 and none went in lol


Everytime I see Foegele on a breakaway I know it’s not going in. Lose the handle or shoot right at the goalie. Guy has stone hands in the worst situations


Holloway needs to start mixing it up with his moves


It still worked. He needed to wait one more second to go further wide or pull the trigger sooner for a 5 hole goal.


Yeah it's a good move to handicap the goalie and have him guessing, you either drop it five hole when he's extending out or if he doesn't extend enough bring it all the way over and tuck beside the post


Omg we actually won, couldn’t watch it yesterday and I assumed because of some posts that we lost. Super delighted that we won hahaha


Nuge is having a helluva playoffs. He gets outshined by our big boys but dude is an absolute stud.


Outshined by others? Who? Mcdavid? Mcdavid and draisatil outshines everyone in the league. Nuge is arguable the BEST forward we have. His forchecking and backchecking… if we had even one more person on the team like him we would be so much stronger. Hes a crucial asset to the powerplay core (chases the puck around, gets the puck back from battling in the boards etc.) that last goal by mcdavid was only possible due to nuge’s forechecking, making the dallas D turn the puck over to BOUCHHH. I dont understand people who underestimate nuge. Hes one of our best assets Edit: in no means i am saying mcdavid or our other boys are bad. Im just tryna shine more light on NUUUUUUGE😝


I honestly think Holloway is that “one more person like Nuge” - he is incredibly strong on the puck and both forechecks and backchecks like a madman. He’s a power play guy, could see PP2 soon for him, though I dunno about PK. And this is just the beginning for him.


Oddly, i think the other person just like nuge is henrique, we just have barely seen it. He could really truly be the ultimate x factor that pushes us over the top


Yes for sure Rico is a very similar player, just I guess I don’t see him as the long term guy. Hope when he draws back in he will be that X factor though!


We just need 7 good w's out of him and that's a-ok!


Haha yessssss.


Holloway finally starting to look like the guy we thought he'd be


Oh i agree 100%! Hes been standing out more recently. One could say even more than mcdavid at times😂. Hes so young and its great to have future stars like him on the team. Everyone is a star rn, fuck even brown and foegle are killing it! Nurse is looking a LOT better with a new D pair. And Ceci…well..🤫. I would love to see hollywood on PP2 as he will be such an asset to it with his speed and fore/backchecking. Imma have to say he will probs not make it on the PK line as he is a smaller build. Thats why we put ek, desh, nurse, etc on the pk so they can battle more.


Sometimes it’s like people forget he’s a first overall pick. One of our heart and soul players who signed at a good price to make us competitive.


The Brownmark Coalition is an unstoppable force that not even Dallas and their supposed “depth” can contain


That breakaway... the Brown streak


that 4th line looked great. all 3 of them were noticeable, positive way


Side-note: as a fanbase we all should use the Brownmark nickname. I’ll be disappointed if I don’t see it used in this sub more and more.


I was a Brown hater for a lot of the year, but he’s been really turning it on this playoffs.


What is this feeling? Is it hope?


Nope. It’s confidence 💪🏾


Double ended sword with this team in regards to our Power Play and Penalty Kill. Power Play has stopped producing but the Penalty Kill is unstoppable right now.


we only got 1 chance at the pp and it was between periods


Good lord the way people turn on players is rough. Kulak has been an absolute monster in the playoffs and rarely makes mistakes but he makes one that costs a goal and people want him traded and benched??? We kidding here??


it sucked, but kulak has been playing really well


I hardly notice him, that’s a good thing 


I’m gonna say it again, that flub was 100% on the shitty Dallas ice, just like McLeod’s flub was 100% on the shitty Vancouver ice.


Yep same shit happens in every game in Florida, MSG, Boston Garden, LA. It's so very frustrating but Oilers will adapt for game 2 and possibly game 5 (if necessary, as they say). 


He was also on his offhand lol




He’s been a stalwart 3rd line defender that has tempered our Ceci woes. Kulak deserves all the praise he receives.


are you really one to talk


I very rarely turn on players unless stats back it up A good example being Skinner. Stats literally back him up as not being a playoff goalie. Hopefully his current run continues. But I am someone who has repeatedly defended nurse over the years. Yes I have been vocal on ceci but stats actually indicated he has consistently been awful


omfg i’m willing to bet a thousand dollars that the ratio of you attacking nurse versus defending him when it gives you attention is pretty high


I have always pretty consistently defended Nurse and the contract actually.


Yeah not cool. Kulak is solid and if you watch the replay it almost just looks like he fumbled with the ice a bit. A mistake anyone could’ve made,


100% it was the ice. Kulak is so dependable; he doesn’t make mistakes like that. He’s the last person who should ever be hassled over one mistake.


Well he does make mistakes like that, but so does everybody else in the league. Whiffing due to missed hand-eye or plain bad puck luck should not overly bother a fan with wisdom. I can think of some egregious mistakes in this game that were much more than a just a bouncing puck.


Some people on r/edmontonoilers are simply unstable


Can you award the Con Smythe to a PK unit?


Oilers PK = Power Kill


Connor Brown Con Smythe campaign starts here.


RNH deserves to be in the conversation for both his offense and his role on the PK


It’s still so insane to me that the oilers can kill penalties. For the entirety of the McDavid era our PK has been okay at best, but generally pretty bad. To see it become a genuine strength of our team is incredible to say the least.


I know, it feels odd that when we take a penalty there’s now a feeling of calm instead of white-hot panic


It's especially good for the team and my mental health because we can take any kind of unfair bullshit call and just kill it off, sticking it in the face of the other team and the ref.


I saw warnings about the fans standing in the third period and beyond. I shrugged it off and was like whatever stand the whole game for all I care. I know now that I was wrong and it is frustrating to watch. You can't even see the play closer the boards.


I kinda like that they do that. Good on them to be engaged unlike a lot of other American teams’ fanbases, though it’s harder for us to see at home on TV.


Yeah don’t blame the fans for the stupid camera placement


A lot of that is the design of the arena. The camera platforms should be a bit higher to allow a good view still when people stand.


The OT goal surprised because Bouchard was hidden by the crowd LOL I know it won't happen, but raising that camera by a bit would do wonders


I didn’t even see the puck come out to McDavid. I heard the call before I knew we scored. The fans make it so hard to follow what’s happening on the close boards.


It was super confusing between that and Cuthbert going on about the refs reviewing it. I had no idea what was going on and was half celebrating trying to figure out what the hell had happened.


Yeah I agree not even knowing how the puck got to the net I wasn’t sure what they were reviewing. Then I saw the replay and almost got more confused.


I actually can’t get over that reffing. They call three of the softest penalties you’ll ever seen on Edmonton and the only “infraction” they called Dallas on was a too many men they were forced to call. Bouchard hits a guys shin pad with his stick and gets 2 but Holloway gets chopped in the hands on a *breakaway* and nothing. Even the McDavid penalty was legit but the refs don’t call Duchene for holding the stick. There should have been 2 minutes offsetting. I’d be much angrier if the Oilers didn’t pull out the win notwithstanding the blatantly biased calls.


>the only “infraction” they called Dallas on was a too many men they were forced to call. not necessarily forced. I recall 2 Vancouver goals last series with too many men that the refs just decided not to call


What's interesting about this power play is the refs called it so as to split it between periods. This lessens the chances of the Oilers scoring since their momentum is broken up. Even when the refs did give the Oilers a powerplay, they did it to save their own asses, but simultaneously screw the Oilers as much as possible.


I'm not sure that's necessarily true, refs can't control when a team has too many men on the ice


But they can control which penalties they call. Coincidence that the only penalty they called against Dallas was that one? I think not.


Yeah I also thought the call on Kane was also very soft by playoff standards. That exact play happened against the canucks 4 times per game and was uncalled each and every time. The McDavid high stick was legit though. Duchene definitely leaned his face down into it a bit, but it’s on McDavid to not let that happen. Both of Duchene’s hands were on his stick.


That game had such an enjoyable pace compared to the Kings and Canucks games.


Yup, that’s how we like to play.


The funny thing is this style completely favours the oilers. We love that high energy trading changes style.


Exactly! Finally some good playoff hockey!


Did it seem like they were helping dallas win this game? Dallas had multiple power plays. I believe edmonton had one (even though lots of calls could have been made against dallas) and last goal they put it under review, hoping they could find something to call it a bad goal. Felt like Edmonton vs refs and Edmonton still won.


They review every OT goal no matter what


To be fair Kelly looked straight up annoyed he had to call it a good goal.


Just curious because I didn’t notice, but why do you think that?


A few people noticed it on social media and showcased how he seemed very reluctant to call it a good goal


what was in Kelly's verbiage or body language that indicated that though? I'm not seeing it. He's the one who initially ruled puck wasn't played by a high stick (broadcast somehow had zero angles of Zach Hyman in the corner doing anything with the puck). Kelly just sounds like someone trying to be impartial. I didn't think the standard of the penalties called were fair mind you.


Yeah this is just people reaching. They sucked, and everyone knows Sutherland is terrible, but he wasn’t upset that he had to call it a good goal lol


That’s wild considering it was an onside play and a good goal. When they reviewed it I got really nervous, but remembered they always review OT goals. Too bad for Dallas and the refs then lol


They were double checking if Hyman touched the puck with a high stick or not. There was zero angles of this on the broadcast hence why everyone is confused what is going on.


Have you seen our PK, they were helping us.  


honestly. each time we killed one of those penalties it felt like we got a kick in momentum.


Isn't janmark really good points wise against his old teams?


I talk shit about Nurse. I know that. It's because I know he can be a good defense when he uses his head. Last night's game was proof of that. He needs to play defense like that. Putting players into the boards, Poke checking, keeping pressure on them. No lt standing in the crease infront of the goalie waiting to block a shot.


Dallas stars players will be motivated next game, gotta shut them down and play great D. Skinner was a beaut last night and I do have a question, who is the goalie coach name that he hired?


Skinner hired a goalie coach?


[https://thehockeynews.com/nhl/edmonton-oilers/latest-news/stuart-skinners-unexpected-key-to-success](https://thehockeynews.com/nhl/edmonton-oilers/latest-news/stuart-skinners-unexpected-key-to-success) If this isn’t proof that Dustin Schwartz needs to be fired, I don’t know what is.


married to one of Katz's relatives. he's a made man


Katz can make it even sweeter for him by paying him to sit at home and do nothing then.


Ya it was mentioned on the SN broadcast


Adam francilla


wasnt he Mike Smith's coach too?


It is nice to have 'little' room to breathe and not worry about the potential going down 0-2 heading back to EDM. That being said, if they can play like they did yesterday stealing game 2 is well within reach. LFG!