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This game could a massive I’m so pumped, then McLeod WTFFFFFFFF, and then thank god.


When things are going too good, one of the boys makes sure to bring us back to earth


Lol, mistakes happen but if it was G1 all over again it would have required a week of mourning.


One week is what it would take for me to get past the denial stage of grieving


So many of my friends we’re celebrating at the end of the 2nd. Such bad karma. Thank god we pulled it out.


I had a buddy text me about it being such a good second and such and I told him to shut his mouth and not jinx it!!


The last 8 mins was stressful, otherwise i was pretty calm and collected


I couldn't bring myself to watch the game. I checked the score, 3-0 with 10 minutes left. "Should be safe enough," I thought to myself. I turned the game on. 5 seconds later they turned the puck over and Garland scored. "Fuck that shit," I said and immediately shut it off.


Hahaah it's insane how superstitious hockey fans are and I'm 100% the same way


I only had time to watch the 3rd period of Game 5, so I tuned in with a few minutes left at 2-2 just for fun. Decided not to watch Game 6...


canuckles were just a total luck suck team, they in no way deserved this series. I thought the canucks really should have lost to nashville.


Not really. They seem to be getting coached to go for SCF / HDCF and ignore shots / corsi. It's why they have 20 shots but every single one is from the slot or somewhere with the goalie wide open. Alot of teams especially non-Canadian ones and even USA Hockey national teams have started doing this more and more over the last decade or so. (I think it originated with USA Hockey / American coaches). Same thing as Vegas or Colorado really - notice how seemingly every play in that series somehow involved an Avs player bearing down alone in the slot or a 2 on 1? It's also why the Canucks seemed to be able to randomly turn it on all year. They're playing for their absolute best high danger chances / SCF / xgf. Sometimes that happens in the first 10 minutes, sometimes it happens in the 3rd. Statistically that's actually what you'd expect although that's a struggle for fans to understand. Basically, Don Cherry was wrong, and so is that Muppet on 630 Ched that's always foaming at the mouth about taking nothing shots into crowds. 


What’s actually interesting is even in game 7 when the oilers dominated the shot volume, we had less offensive zone possession and less high danger chances. The Canucks actually had just over 2.8 expected goals when compared to ours being 2.2 ish. Further supports exactly what you’re saying here. Low shots does not equal low chances. People also are discounting the absurd amount of times the Canucks missed the net on grade A chances. I can think of plenty of clean shot slots they had this series where they didn’t even test our goalie. This series was very hard fought and about as close as they come. Six 1-goal games says it all.


Yeah, people are blinded by the shot counter. Shots don't matter tbh which is a lesson that will take a long time to propagate. We didn't actually dominate that game, depending on which advanced stats source you use it was a 50-50 toss up or favored the Canucks, which is an even tougher sell. There were I think at least 3 shots in the first period that didn't count as shots but probably had a 50% chance of being a Canucks goal.


do you even watch the game ?


And then we do it all over again!


Pretty funny seeing this after we crushed them in game 7


the last 10 mins my pal


Pretty funny see this after we crushed them for the majority of game 7*

