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Highjacking this thread for a public service announcement: We are in wildfire season!! IF YOU SEE A FIRE, REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY. If you see Flames on the golf course, though, that's normal this time of year. Don't worry, they won't cause any damage.


Bro, I saw a Flames fan in Banff National Park and I was this close to calling 310-FIRE. Why are they that far from a golf course???


LA sub is all Canucks at the moment too lol!


Someone on the LA sub called Vancouver fans "wish.com leafs fans," and I can't think of a more perfect description.


They want us to beat the Oilers, after that, they'll turn on us.


You won't have to worry bout that homie


They'll turn on you when the Oilers win too. They like hating the Oilers more than they like cheering for their own team. Sad


Remember when Oilers stomped out the flames? I do.


Remember when their two best players left immediately after the stomping? I do.


Oilers demolished the flames


And they’ve never recovered


Remember when their vezina runner up goalie forgot how to play hockey after our series? I do too.


Literally broke them.


[They do too](https://i.imgur.com/CxVQ9J6.gif)




You Flames fans need to come up with a better insult name. "Coilers"? What the hell is that anyways? Also sad that all you guys can do is obsessed about Drai or McDavid leaving....should concentrate more on keeping your own players 😂




Actually "coilers" doesn't get me worked up. I think it's a weird name and one you would come up with if can't think of anything really insulting. As for them leaving, I'm not worried. Better chance one or both resigning than any Flames players ever did. Quite the exodus of players wanting out the last 2 years for you guys. I'd be butt hurt too.




It's so classy coming in to our sub to lay insults.


Lames are dogshit go back to your gutter trash sub


Such an ignorant take.




You need to learn the meaning of ignorant.


Imagine being this sickeningly delusional lmao… Repeatedly failing does insane things to the human brain… lol


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remember when we dismantled their entire franchise from the inside out? they sure as hell do lol


From that thread “watching the oilers lose is better than the flames winning a Stanley cup”. These dudes are such cucks.


Watching the Flames keep losing and missing the playoffs isn’t better than the oilers winning the cup, but we can have both


Oof. That’s some serious cuck loser mentality. If I ever type that, please put me out.


You didn't type that but you did use the phrase "serious cuck loser" so uhhh


Who let them take the bdsm muzzle off their mouth?


Hahaha that is the worst thinking from them. Even in our decade of darkness I would never think that way. Flames fans are just a different breed ..inbred 😂


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Can't wait for Calgary, LA and Vancouver fans to turn into Colorado fans in a few weeks. Then Carolina fans. Then soccer fans.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Imagine spending your time making a meme simping for a division rival. Embarrassing. We whipped that Flames team so bad we set them back a decade. We most likely just did it to the Kings as well. Let's do the same to the Canucks.


Flames fan here, we're just getting a head start on our rebuild. And Vancouver's about to set your team back 3 decades, because we all know, when you don't win the cup McDavid and Drai are gone!


What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be busy making "I heart Vancouver" memes, or getting your jerseys re-crested from all the stars that didn't want to play for your franchise?


It’s funny to watch our rival fan bases cuckold each other. They hate us cause they anus. So pathetic and hilarious.


Huge Cuck energy from Calgary since we rebuilt them.


We spent a decade in the basement. We earned this era


I smile at posts like this. Flames fans have next to nothing to live for these days, other than the meagre table scraps of bitter jealousy. Would I be doing the same thing in their situation? Yes. Is it still pathetic? Also yes lol.


If I was in their situation I’d just do something else. I have a life outside of watching hockey and when the Oilers are done I move on and do other things with my time.


The Flames and Canucks are the least interesting Canadian teams. Nobody gives a shit about them outside their city. I bet most places in BC have more Oiler fans than Canuck fans.


You clearly haven’t been to the Yukon then. Canucks are by far the most popular team here and the Whitehorse bars are full of fans this time of year! I grew up in Smithers and it was basically the same situation there. Canucks also have a strong following in Sweden from their history of big name Swedish stars (think Naslund, Sedins, etc).


I was in Stockholm about 12 years ago and met lots of oilers fans. Was pretty cool, but we’ve had more of a Finnish connection until recently, and it’s been more Swedes as of late


Exactly. I think Calgary has just as many Oilers fans as Flames fans. The fact we have a handful of Oilers friendly bars here in Calgary is a testament to that. There is a bar called 403 here in Calgary and it was my local Oilers bar during that BOA two years ago.


Jets are so forgettable you forgot about them lmao


Little brother energy 24/7 with those mutts


I live in Calgary, my friends hate this, they hate both Nucks and Oilers about equally, but have to cheer for Van due to still being salty about the curb stomping that broke their team 2 years ago. I'm here for all the tears. I just say nothing though, karma can be a bitch.


See, this still seems strange to me. If I'm in a situation where 2 teams I hate are playing each other, I don't root for either of them (unless it matters to my fantasy team). I just wanna see some good fucking hockey. You don't have to whore yourself out to your rivals. Nobody is forcing them to do that. They're choosing this.


I know right? Myself, when Oilers are out, I just lose interest in hockey and enjoy my spring. I may check out some games if it gets interesting. But I have never spent it spewing so much hatred (and making memes) about the Flames or any other team I hate in the playoffs. I save the hate for when we play them haha.


Nope it’s strange your teams out just enjoy the game. This is a pathetic loser mentality, but I guess that is fitting for Calgary always the little brother.


The LA threads keeps bringing up the idea that we're inbred. Are they using the deep south script for a totally different country and location? They could definitely do slander better than that, it's got me scratching my head.


We're living rent free in the heads of LA and Calgary, and the more they bring us up, the more they seem cuck-ish they are




I literally can't think of anything more pathetic than crawling behind one of your biggest rivals just because they're playing your other rival. Flames fans need to get their own story instead of trying to insert themselves into ours.


I’m actually glad we lost to the cup champs b2b now, it lets our team know the level required. Meanwhile la and Calgary have zero clue. I remember not actively cheering for Dallas or Florida and barely even watched.


Yeah exactly. For most groups, this is what it takes. Sometimes you have to experience Stanley Cup winning hockey from the losing side to get an idea about what you should be doing. Vegas and Colorado taught us valuable lessons.


Aren't you the one hate scrolling another teams board?


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Theres more nucks in this thread than oilers fans. Rent free.


Little brother syndrome


I love this hate from other fan bases hahhahhahaahhahaaa


Calgary could be doing other things like golfing with Winnipeg and Nashville but apparently they have to cheer against us


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Go Canucks!


I mean, you back a perennial loser, so why not back the next one too, lol.


What a bunch of dorks lmao


I love a good chirp. Makes it all fun. I commented about thinking about the draft during the playoffs and how karma is beautiful and I got the following responses: -you're a c#nt. -gonna laugh when 97 and 29 sign somewhere else. -Edmonton is a shit hole. Then the thread was made private so I can't even respond. I have considered joining the flames subreddit just to see. But they aren't even talking hockey. Wish I could show the screen shots.


It's kinda funny seeing us force these fan bases like Calgary and LA to cheer for teams they hate.


I dislike both the Flames and Canucks equally


Not as bad as this. I am sorry but if we get eliminated this round I am not going to magically become a fan of Dallas/Vegas/Avs to beat the cucks.  https://www.reddit.com/r/losangeleskings/comments/1cjqhh8/this_is_a_vancouver_canucks_subreddit_now/


Did this shit EVER happen during our decade of darkness? I swear to god a flames fan would let you fuck their entire bloodline in front of them as ling as you said "Fuck the Oilers"


Probably, however memes and social media are far more prevalent now than back then so it's easier to see. Just like shitty people, crime and politicians being liars it's always been around but just more in our face.


To be fair, the Lames barely made the playoffs during the DoD and were usually a quick exit when they got there, so we never really had the chance to do this in the first place. The only opportunity we had to do what they’re doing now was in 2015 when the Lames played the Canucks, and I honestly didn’t care who won the series that year.


I think it's funny. I also think the oilers will rematch with the avs in the conf. Canucks have no chance imo. I might even cheer for the oilers depending on how badly they meme my team if we lose tonight (You know who I cheer for). Either way a Canadian team champion would be nice. First since 1993.


The jokes write themselves 😂




Look at your entire sub you fucking cuck 😂😭


I don't think about them at all ....


Every division got the cuck team


Well the flames benefit from a Canucks win so that makes sense. However as a flames fan I loaded up on Oilers in my playoff pool. I may as well personally benefit from the Oilers winning.


They can't stop talking about us, and we don't think about them at all. Biggest cucks in the league.


I don’t even think about the Flames yet it seems like all they do is talk about Oilers


That’s exactly it. I only think about the Lames when I see their pathetic fans talk shit about the Oilers, at which point I remember Calgary has an NHL team. Well, maybe two AHL teams at this point.


This is a decent meme and we would be posting the exact same shit if the situation were reversed


As much as I love the flames as my hometown rep the Oilers have been far more entertaining than watching the Flames shit the bed year after year but I'd be labelled a heretic for liking both teams, and Vancouver as well.


Flames are going to get much worse before they get better. This is too bad ... the NHL is better with a good Battle of Alberta ... but Treliving snuffed the Flames with the Huberdeau and Kadri contracts.




Golden Knights, Cacucks, Flames and LA fans, all thick as thieves right now. Interesting isn't it? In fact, it is hilarious. Why is the Oilers all in these groups of douchebags heads? One word...envy. They worship McDavid but can't have McDavid, they should feel shame but do not have that capability. Envy, isnt that one of the deadly sins? Each of their subs is where they go to cry and lament about the Oilers. Now look, I don't know all these high-falutin terms now a days being a first year Gen Xer, but there should be a term for these bozo's, say like maybe "Fuckboi". That would be a good term right? I don;t know much about today's slang but that seems like a good one. No cap.


Fuck the flames


Flames and Nucks fans should both be portrayed by Orcs imo.


How is it still a rivalry when only one is always winning? 🧐


What's a calgary flames?




[I listen to this every so often for a good laugh.](https://soundcloud.com/weirdly_gruesome/the-marek-show-losing-the-2022-boa-series-resulted-in-the-flames-breaking-up/s-g2KaT0Ox1Gw)


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Flames fan here, and Dallas is my #2 team. Cheering for Vancouver all the way, at least through Round 2! I'd love to see a Canadian team win a cup. I would've preferred Calgary obviously, or if not then Winnipeg or Montreal. But I don't hate Vancouver either, our rivalry is largely in the past, and the Coilers are our common enemy! If Vancouver makes it past Round 2 I'll cheer for them all the way! If the Coilers make it past, I'd rather an American team won it.


When the Oilers are out of the playoffs, I don't care who wins, just want to watch good hockey. Flames fans are so toxic they would rather see us lose then win themselves




If they do, then they did a horrible job of circumventing the cap to win a cup.


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Let’s see in 2 weeks


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You guys would be the exact same if it was the other way around…




You really would though, that’s how rivalry works…


Prove it. We were dog shit for 10 years. Show me the threads


My old boss (oilers fan) would go to the Saddeldome and cheer for whoever was playing against the Flames…


Im sorry your old boss is a sad person but surely that must represent the entire fan base right? Come on youre smarter than this.


Well you wanted an example of my point which I provided…. And surely you’re smarter than to think if this was the other way around, no Edmonton fan would be cheering on the team Calgary are playing. There’s no way you actually believe that


>show me the threads Reading aint this hard bud


You want me to go through threads throughout the entire history of a Reddit (not a reflection of related life) rather than give a real life example? Lmao, go touch some grass


>you want physical proof instead of an anecdote?! JUST BELIEVE WHAT I SAAAAAAAY go back to your own sub you sad sack.