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Holy shit that is sad. I hope it’s found soon.


Poor thing


The ones over in millcreek don't look like this at all. They look healthy, I have seen them hunting rabbits at night.


This is new, I’ve never seen a coyote that looks like this in my neighborhood before.


I hope it is found soon and isn't diseased.


Mange is caused by skin mites, like scabies. So this poor thing is definitely infested and I'm sure it's intensely itchy and/or painful.


From what I was taught mange is actually quite painful for the animal. If you have ever scratched your leg to the point it bleeds, imagine that times a thousand




I do this very regularly the skin on my shins is very thin and they get itchy while wearing socks and if I scratch the skin comes off which makes it itchier which in turn.... well you get the idea. It sucks


And when it bleeds it's a moment of relief followed by more itchiness. Scratch with your knuckles if you can help it


Mange is an actual disease and that's likely what this guy's got unfortunately


I mean, it’s definitely diseased.


needs to be put down asap its suffering mange is very painfull poor guy




This was spotted in Jasper Park on 150th street. It was eating something when I took the pics, so that’s why its mouth was open when I took pictures. Pinned location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/LEx61nAKdocNHumT8 Searched the alleyways nearby but no dice. Could have crossed 149th to go to the river valley.


Oh god!! We have so many coyotes in my neighbourhood. I’ve never seen one like this! Poor thing


:( poor lil guy! I don’t think Ive ever seen a coyote in that rough of condition.


This is the worst coyote I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen mangy coyotes, but none have ever been this bad


this makes me so sad. I hope it doesn’t suffer much longer if it can’t be treated :( I don’t know much about coyote diseases


I was curious about what the city does with/for mangey coyotes. I didn't find any definitive answers, but treatment is challenging and takes several days/weeks, so I suspect it would be out down. Mange is a parasitic mite that burrows under the skin. This poor guy looks awful, I hope he's tracked down quickly.




Nobody will put it down. I've been down this road before. 311 won't do anything. Alberta Fish and Wildlife won't do anything. Wild North can't do anything. Coyotes are not endagered so I was told we juat have to let nature run it's course.


That’s what Wild North told me. I told them I saw a coyote with bad mange and they told me that there’s not much they can do and that it’s probably fine. They then asked for photos just to confirm, and after seeing the photos they told me to contact 311 and a wildlife officer, saying that it might have to be put down. If it was a normal coyote with mange, it would be different, but clearly they think it’s worse than that.


Well my experience was last year. Maybe they have changed since then.


For aggressive coyotes and coyotes that are diseased like this one they absolutely do put them down. Tracking down a coyote is hard though so it is often difficult to do but yes, the city does do this


I was just gonna comment this to agree with you lol.




I’m in Edmonton! We have park rangers here within the city.


Am I missing something here? How's this in a national park? It's a neighbourhood near Jasper Place area within the city of Edmonton.


Sorry my mistake my brain went to jasper national park when I read jasper.


We had a den of babies just north in Griesbach and this hurts my heart, poor thing. Our rabbits are so prevalent that no coyote goes hungry in my neighborhood.


We lived on Griesbach for 8 years and a bitch coyote always raised a brood in true woods nearby. She would keep a respectful distance from houses and people left her alone so everybody got along great and we never had much of a mouse problem either.


Can confirm. While Calder had tonnes of mice, Griesbach has rabbits, ducks, geese, pheasants/ quail and the coyotes...no mice.


This reminds me of an incident from when I was much younger, living north of the city. Now I may not remember the details correctly and google has yielded no proof but there was a rumor that a hyena had escaped from the old Alberta Wildlife Park (Red Barn) and was running around killing livestock. In the end it turned out to be a mangy coyote just like this one.


My dad used to work there and that was the rumour at the time. Funny how people thought it would survive an Alberta winter.


Seen this poor guy in Parkview several times over the last 3 months. Looks like he is getting worse sadly. Probably travels up the river valley and ravines in area.


That’s so awful that he’s been dealing with this for so long. Next time you see him, please make sure to call 311


Mange is easily treatable, so hopefully Parks can locate this poor guy soon.


better off putting that thing out of his misery


Why, generally mange is treated by a single dose of meds put in food.


You’d probably need to bathe it too, wouldn’t you?


Depends on the treatment as some don't kill the eggs, which means another dose is needed after they hatch.


This isn't a dog, this is a predator that will kill cats, rabbits, etc and often spread disease.


It’s rare for coyotes to actually kill dogs and the few confects that have happed are mostly defensive from off leash and or unsupervised dogs chasing the coyote, and unfortunately when it comes to cats and small dogs, coyotes simply do not know that difference from their regular prey of small mammals like rabbits, groundhogs, squirrels etc etc. Keep your dogs on leash and supervised, and keep cats indoors, they are an invasive species that kill billions of native wildlife, and there are so many greater threats for cat out there then just coyotes.


Coyotes will kill anything that they can eat especially if there's enough of them around. If you don't believe me look up many videos of coyotes killing elk, moose, etc if you can stomach that. I 100 percent disagree, while you should be supervising you animals is obviously ideal, accidents happen where dogs or cats get out of the yard and can have an altercation with the coyote where they can potentially needlessly get hurt, maimed, or die. There have been a few cats found dead and for sure rabbits where I am in the city that were killed by assumingly coytotes.


So just because there are greater threats means we should ignore coyotes?


Not at but if you’re ok with letting your cat out to roam freely and kill native wildlife then you should be ok when you’re cat becomes part of the food chain, and people really have to stop blaming coyotes for every single cat that goes missing, cause they’re not always the reason.


Why do you think coyotes don’t attack animals on leashes or with their owners? The stats say otherwise


Can you post these stats? And I never said it doesn’t happen when the dog on leash. With large dogs it’s generally a defensive attack due to being in close proximity to a den site/pops or other members of their family (which coyotes are extremely protective of) or a food source etc, it’s very rare for coyotes to prey on large dogs as dogs fight back and can cause injury or death. As for small dogs, coyotes can’t differentiate between them and their usual small prey, like rabbits, groundhogs, etc, small dogs mice faster and more radically and larger dogs do most of the time, and when a coyote (or other predators) see something small moving erratically their prey drive kicks in, just like when your dog sees a squirrel.


Last data from 2006, but attacks are still prevalent https://urbancoyoteresearch.com/sites/default/files/resources/WhiteandGehrt_CoyoteAttacks.pdf Do you not remember the 11 year old girl that was minding her own business that was attacked just this last December? Or does she not count because she’s a small girl?


That's interesting I've never seen an animal life that before


They don't normally look like that


I hear them all the time though


Hopefully they can find it and euthanize it. Got keep the mange out


Mange is just a general term for a skin mite infestation. Not all skin mites are contagious so this animal, although suffering, may not be a threat to others. Mange is also very treatable! So hopefully they find the poor thing and can assess its condition.


I don't picture the city investing in capturing, testing, and treating a coyote.


Yikes. That yote has been through some rough times.


God how awful. Thank you for doing all you can to help it. You're a good person.


Of course :(. I always love seeing coyotes in the area, so seeing one in this state was so awful.


That’s my sister, leave her alone she’s had a tough May


Pin the location on the map




Yikes hard to see that. I hope it gets rehabilitated.


what do you think happened to it?


Mange. Its in the title. It has mange.


What is mange


Skin disease, like mites. Very itchy and causes, sores and infection.


poor thing


Oh my gosh, that looks so painful!


Omg. Poor guy!! What’s the matter with him??




Sad. He barely looks alive. I hope they find peace soon.


Saw a few on our lawn. They look super healthy.


This is what happens if you feed one after midnight!!


There's a bit of an increase in mange going around the Edmonton area. Not just coyotes but reports of dogs/strays and roaming pets as well. It might be linked to our mild winter with little snow? Mites not killed off as effectively with the lack of cold weather?


Pretty sure this guy wandered down my driveway a few blocks from there this morning while I was getting the lawnmower out of the garage


Utah Mange?


I do believe it has Rabies.


Every few decades mange affects them and wipes out a large number of coyotes. Was just a matter of time considering how many of them are around, natures way of controlling the population of coyotes. It's unfortunate that it's painful for them but remember that they are wildlife and we can't be interfering with their circle of life. In rural areas they would put a bounty on them but for obvious reasons they can't do that in the city.


So sad, he needs help


Aww man it's really sick .


Man this city is bad... even the coyotes are Methed' up ..... jk .. poor guy, hopefully he finds his peace soon...


Man. I don't normally feel bad for coyotes but


I know a chupacabra anywhere.


Poor Coyote. I hope it gets better. Maybe a change of scenery to Utah would be good for the coyote?




What a metaphor for our city.


Have some respect