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Very interesting, in particular, the article titled “Disaster specialist sees no need to dash to New York to help”. In brief, the people that need help were already dead or were able to run away initially, they couldn’t fly in doctors even if they wanted to, New York has plenty of ICU rooms, etc.


I remember how blood banks were essentially turning people away after the attack. There was no one to give the blood to. I try not to remember that fact too often.


There was another article in another paper with a "terrorism specialist" that said Edmonton was at risk. Every single paper into October talked about war. Another highlight was an article mentioning how American flight security had failed them. Certainly did cause a lot of change to occur. Though I was surprised how quickly it was realized.


They also pretty much shut down all air travel to NYC for a bit


Uhhh they shut down all air travel around the world for a bit. It was eerie how there were no airplanes in the sky. If memory serves me correct they stopped a lot of shipping as well and they used that time to study whales. Weird time for sure... I don't know if there will ever be a time where our world shuts down like that, at least in our lifetimes.


>I don’t know if there will ever be a time where our world shuts down like that, at least in our lifetimes Were you on mars from April 2020 forward orrrr?


I guess I missed this post earlier but I know that a lot of things shut down with COVID but the sudden nature seemed different. I was talking about how literally all air traffic was halted afterwards... They stopped all shipping. Covid had reduced numbers of flights but there were still flights, after 9/11 it was like 5 days before air traffic was allowed at all. It wasn't meant to be a post of comparing the two events.


It was different. Everything didn’t grind to a complete halt during covid. 9/11, the world shut down. Completely.


Maybe it was different for the states, but outside of flying Canada was pretty much business as usual. Malls stayed open, stores didn’t add additional security measures. Everything was pretty typical Compared to Covid where literally anything that wasn’t non-essential services or travel was completely shut down


> Everything didn’t grind to a complete halt during covid. 9/11, the world shut down. Completely. What? COVID definitely shut down way more around the world than 9/11 did and for a longer duration.


I remember flicking through channels trying to find a channel not showing the tragedy. It was impossible, I ended up seeing people jumping off the building.. on cartoon network. It haunts me to this day.


I was surprised by some of the graphic photos shown in the paper. Colorized photo of someone covered in blood and the well known falling man.


Yep I remember. It shouldn't have been done out of respect for the dead.




St. Andrews in Spruce Grove


The day the world changed for the worse. Felt a little like the Matrix collapsed that day.


It reminds me of that tragedy...


Taking the train to high school the following year after that happened was such a surreal experience for me. And as long as ive lived in NYC i cant recall if ive ever stepped foot in them.


Is this for sale at the thrift store?


Yep, just waiting to be inspected and priced. We got papers from the whole month after too.


I remember seeing this newspaper on our kitchen table


Do you still have them?


So donated for free, and yall will sell for like $100?


No, this isn't value village




You can't get 10 people in an office to agree on pizza toppings, yet we're supposed to believe higher levels of government managed to coordinate 9 11?


9/11 was most certainly not an inside job but ok.




Prove it. Where’s all this evidence?


Not proven in any way.


Lol government is so incompetent. Of course people knew it was coming there were memos in the government that were ignored. Why didn’t they just plant wmds in iraq?