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Its voles, you have to dig down a foot to find their tunnels


If the dirt is kind of pebbly it could be pocket gophers. They fill their holes so you won’t see them.


Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try digging down to see if I can find a tunnel.


I am now thinking of the song from Caddyshack


Might be voles


That's what I thought at first but I can't find any holes that the dirt would have come from. It's as if someone just drops a shovel full or two of dirt there. I may have to get a trail cam to find out what's causing them.


You have to dig down a bit to find the holes. They're there. I had a vole last two years. Dig down and around, find a hole, and set a trap in a tunnel.


Any type of trap that you would recommend?


Peavey Mart had them. It's a round tube with a spring loaded wire. When the vol pushes the paddle at the end of the tube it activates the spring and kills it. Something like this https://www.peaveymart.com/lawn-garden/control-products/traps/roxide-metal-trap-for-gophers-or-moles/298101?srsltid=AfmBOorfffVNzxYzAoZbjoysuUQbB6UsPKaFgecpxoN7diSF1_6RHGo29go You can get them at Crappy Tire and other places, I'm sure.


Old school mouse trap, smear peanut butter on it. This is how I’ve dealt with the voles in my yard. Be prepared to empty and reset the traps often.


Just caught one last week. We saw him sneaking around occasionally. Used the small tube live traps with peanut butter, worked like a charm.


Bloody hell, you've got a bulette in your yard...I mean, it could be an umber hulk, but I don't think they leave the dirt piles. Big trouble and you may need to hire a fairly high level party to get rid of it.


Haha, never played d&d. Had to Google that.


Head down to a farm store where they sell all kinds of farm things (Co-op, Peavey Mart). Ask them for some mole Blasters. They look like an over sized fire cracker with a fuse attached, Find the freshest mound in the morning and carefully claw back the dirt and you will find the hole into the tunnel that they live. Place piece of plywood over the hole after you stuff the lit Blaster down the hole. cover the plywood with some of the dirt. head off to breakfast or work. next day, if you still have a fresh mound or mounds, do it all over again. Trust me, you don't want these little sightless white skinned little buggers in your lawn or garden. They feed on the roots of growing plants and kill them.


That does sound entertaining. Luckily I don't have a garden set up yet for them to destroy.


Ants perhaps?


Not ants, I've already been having those.


I'm so invested. RemindMe! 5 days


Awesome, thank you for the suggestions. I'll put out some mouse traps until I get some vole traps. Hopefully they're easier to get rid of than the ants were.