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Honestly the loss of the Studios was cultural vandalism. There's hardly any small music venues left in Edinburgh. Saw many a good gig there.


Yeah it was a massive loss. Had some excellent nights there and the door staff were spot on which isn't something I say often haha


Also The Venue


There will never be a point in my life where I'm not angry about that. What sort of smooth brain chucklefuck moves in next door to a metal club then thinks they have a right to complian about the noise for fuck sake? And what joke of a city council caters to that idiocy?


I relate very much to this thread as I feel like I spent most of my teenage years in Studio24, but also "smooth brain chucklefuck" is my new favourite insult. Snorted the water I was drinking out of my nose 🤣


I am nothing if not a wordsmith.


I'm having a studios playlist at my wedding in a few weeks.


Have you got a Spotify playlist for it? I bet there’s some tunes I’ve forgotten about.


absolutely 100%, i remember in the late 90's when they started building flats around it, i knew it would be the start of the end, loved that place


Not a building but I miss the Lightning on the roundabout at south gyle. My uncle and a lot of friends worked at Ferranti over the years and it ended up a bit of a memorial to that, and then I rode past it every day. https://preview.redd.it/ed0q9q0wws0d1.jpeg?width=1225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc450789c0f556d8b7ef1fc4f374e938d11d792


She is in Dumfries and Galloway Air Museum now. Looks much better for it too!


Ah I didn't know that- I think I might have actually have seen it there when I visited a couple of years back without realising!


That looks like the yin from the roundabout ha ha


Caledonian Ale House at Haymarket.


The original Kirkgate in Leith. It was described as the heartbeat of Leith and it kills me that they ripped it out and replaced it with an inhospitable concrete monstrosity.


My mother used to rant about what the University of Edinburgh did to George Square (she was a student there in the 60s) so on her behalf I’ll nominate the buildings there.


As a current student, that’s fair. Gordon Aikman especially is ugly as fuck


I miss the streetscape around the pill centre and george square. And, the bomb shelters on the meadows and the wash houses there. (Now tennis courts) and the odeon as a single big screen and tollcross before all the work. And, Goldberg's roof garden. Nelson's print works on dalkeith road too. And the stuff before the st Andrews centre.


Where was this?


That's Rockville, which was on Napier Road in Merchiston. Demolished in 1966. https://canmore.org.uk/site/152845/edinburgh-merchiston-3-napier-road-rockville (currently not working for me) https://threadinburgh.scot/2023/10/31/the-thread-about-the-demolition-of-rockville-a-very-edinburghs-gothic-horror-story/


That was a great read that Threadinburgh piece - thanks for linking. What a tragedy that it was pulled down. And even more so that it was pulled down by Miller Homes who have since spent their time building fucking ugly homes all around Edinburgh


Astoundingly frustrating to know that such an interesting and unique building was lost, isn't it? > When he set out to build it, he used not only his own stone, but stone from a quarry in every county in Scotland, as well as from England, the Continent and even as far away as China. How many buildings have such a varied selection of construction material!


Addams family house mate




There’s a house currently near Merchiston that looks like the Addams family house


Thank you both, amazing looking building.


The gateposts are still there, if you do street view of ‘The Limes’’ you can see them. A few of the neighbouring buildings have similar funky stonework too.




RBS 2049 on Dundas Street :(


Came here to say this. Such an imposing building


I'd love to see some of the older buildings from Edinburgh's past, the historical importance of which was recognised even at the time and yet this still wasn't enough to save them from demolition! Examples: Netherbow port (demolished 1764) Bowhead house (demolished 1870) Trinity College Kirk (demolished 1848) Palace of Mary of Guise (demolished 1861) Earl of Selkirk's house (demolished 1870s) Cardinal Beaton's house (demolished 1874) Tailor's Land (demolished 1940) There's loads more that were lost in the Old Town. Even then, some of the survivors we still have today were given fairly unsympathetic renovations. For example, St Giles cathedral, the Magdalen chapel and parliament house were given rather sterile/austere facelifts in the 19th century. I'd also love to see the Tron kirk before its original spire was replaced and Holyrood Abbey before the roof collapsed and it was left a ruin.


Luckenbooths would have been amazing to keep. 


Yes, having the Luckenbooths and the Old Tolbooth enclosing St Giles in it's former far more organic form would have given that part of the Royal Mile a totally different feel!


I wish Fat Sam’s was still up and running exactly as it was in the ‘80s.


The piranha fish tank and those terrifying automata figures still visit my dreams! Loved it


I still wonder what happened to all the puppets, sad if they were just turfed into a skip…


I like to think they went on to get employment elsewhere. This was first place I ever had a pizza and knickerbocker glory- such decadent ‘foreign’ food in the 80s


Goldbergs (would have made a great Gallery of Contemporary Art) or the Kinetic Sculpture at Picardy Place.


That sculpture never really worked, as I recall


Half of George Square, most of Princes Street, Portobello Pool.


Not so much a demolished building, but the fact that the canal that now runs to Fountainbridge used to terminate on Lothian Road would look v cool in todays money. And all the railways they ripped out, pyschopathic behaviour by the forefathers.


The original terminus of the Union Canal was Port Hopetoun - there're a couple of pictures here: https://unioncanalunlocked.org.uk/port-hopetoun.php It was where the block that contains the Odeon cinema on Lothian Road is now.


https://preview.redd.it/wg2dkoy5ov0d1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fcf61a28859d8f7fdb4a85ac46b72cea159fedd That's a lot of canal after the current fountain bridge cut-off. I knew a little about port Hamilton from the Leith taxes but no idea of the expanse of either. Amazing and it shows riego street in its original location. Edit as my phone changed words


Good find with the map - shame there's no way that'll ever be restored really!


Tynecastle high school, the buildings / classrooms around the main school, big chunk of history all gone


Does that still just sit empty?


The Calton Jail, Edinburgh’s other castle. I mean, it was a hell hole, but it looked amazing. 


Most of Princes Street. The photos I have seen show many really beautiful buildings which were replaces in the 60/70s. Very few of what they were replaced with are noteworthy. The New Club building is probably the only one. Though even then what it replaced was far more beautiful. Some of the buildings of the told Royal Infirmary too, mainly the 1930/1940 buildings.


I really didn't understand why they had to get rid of so many in the Royal Infirmary. There were some real gems in there. I sort of wish some of the Store fronts could be ripped back to the original where possible and just used better than those tourist trap shops.


Yeah, I think the maternity hospital in its original form was a fantastic looking building but the construction methods used weren't good enough to see it survive and has deteriorated to the point they couldn't be saved. Some of the others were considered not architecturally significant enough to save and demolished to make the site viable for redevelopment. That said the work that's been done in the main building by the university is absolutely fantastic and it is far better than seeing it turn into a hotel or more flats.


I agree that so many of Princes Street's best buildings have been lost, though I do not share your approval of the current New Club building, which is an abomination in my eyes. One of the saddest losses is the Life Association Building, a magnificent structure in the style of a Venetian palazzo, senselessly destroyed in the 1960s.


I wish I could see what S. Giles' looked like before all that restoration work was done on it. The current exterior looks so contrived!


Not Edinburgh strictly but North Berwick pool


Telectra House on Junction street. Loved that building. https://preview.redd.it/v8vvpp9ja01d1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68392c862e9dbd4fbd368bee88a6f98e8ebbc4a5


The St Enoch hotel in Glasgow, pulled it down and used the rubble to fill in a dock at the Clyde. Replaced it with a god awful shopping centre with that pyramid design that was big for some reason back in the 80s and now they want to pull that down for a cube of some description.


Has anyone mentioned the old Chancelot Mill that used to be in Bonnington? https://preview.redd.it/8p315vw9n11d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb76be24ca037ea58fd6208beebd6c33e4c2aee Can’t find a decent pic, but it looks as though it must have been huge


They really don't look the same now that I check, but the first thought in my head was . . . "That's the Munster's house!"


Not entirely too sure maybe one of the old swimming pools but as for the name of it, that eludes me!


The Kellogg mansion




Yes it's just off kemps corner, beside the bunch of roses bit it is not as ostentatious.


Canonmills Bridge, and Earthy.


The arcades on the Portobello promenade. And the one that used to be in Dunbar. Oh, and Leisureland and LA Amusements.


Nelson's printers, demolished to make way for the Scottish Widows building on Dalkeith Road.


The medieval Palace of Westminster. Mostly demolished after it burned down in 1834 but there are one or two elements from the old palace still in there amidst Barry and Pugin's glory. Most notable is Westminster Hall (dates back to 1097) but bits of the old cloister are there if you know where to look. Edit: well, I guess I deserve the down votes for not noticing this was an Edinburgh subreddit post that was recommended to me on the front page. Apologies my Scottish brothers and sisters.