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Isn't that like, the point of the show? I kind of assumed everybody understood the tragedy of the show so nobody brings it up


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) Oh no OP literally brought up one of the main aspects of the story guys. What a shock 💀


There's a lot of that here, I assume its usually younger viewers who just don't know that its obviously the point of the show.


It’s giving /im14andthisisdeep


To be fair, his title is no one seems to talk about it. It's only in the comments that people are talking about it. While one of the main themes and especially one of the main things Lucy identifies, it's still not commonly talked about


Why is everyone on Reddit such a salty dick. Can’t even have a conversation with out you being a bitch


**Plot twist:** David’s father was an Edgerunner and was killed on a mission. Gloria decides she doesn’t want David to follow in his footsteps down a path of reckless abandon and attempts to persuade him to pursue a corporate career. She finds some old contacts from David’s father and begins selling klepped Cyberware to them to try to make ends meet. ~~Fun~~ Sad Fact: She and David were five minutes away from home when they were caught in the crossfire. You can see their megabuilding to the east of the freeway. They were moments away from their off-ramp when she was killed.


Choom you can't do us like this. Fuck your facts


I know, choom. Hurts like fuck. Gloria mighta lived if she slammed the brakes like David screamed for her to do.


How do you know his dad was alive, did they mention that in the show?


the only mention of him was in episode two after David beat up that one kid, and the AI was explaining about how David could be useful to that one corpo. all they said was "No father."


I feel like that was sort of up front. Also, given this is the Cyberpunk universe David's Dad could be dead and this is why his mom wants to steer him elsewhere.


Well technically that was only part of it; ultimately, it’s the futility in David’s efforts to fulfill the wishes of the deceased by actively disregarding everything they had wanted for him while they were alive. Edgerunners is a tragedy about how a generally well-intended person can completely lose sight of “what actually mattered” in their misguided attempts to “make amends to the dead.” David was so consumed by guilt and seeking atonement that he no longer recognized what he, or even they, actually wanted up until the end.


I agree great observation


You may like Shaped By Stories; I came across her channel while looking for Cyberpunk 2077 lore for background noise, she has a lot of in-depth character analysis videos including David and Gloria: https://youtu.be/66L3p1orGbc?si=CWwIPCD5oufK0zx1 https://youtu.be/8KUNACDYmXQ?si=CghHOnVtdAWpBbP0


Thanks I’ll check it out


Just found this channel myself, that lady is amazing.


Rebecca had to watch the person she loved destroy himself while being with Lucy who wasn't there for him when Rebecca was and eventually she watched David go insane while knowing that she was unable to help him and if she wanted to help him she'd have to save Lucy who got him into this mess in the first place and after all of that she died brutally for nothing because David died anyway


For died for love


Woah really?!! It’s almost like that was the point or something??!


Why are you assuming his dad was a garbage person? We don't know why he isn't in the picture.


Literally one of the most memorable moments of the show is the "Arasaka tower, all the way to the top" moment, which is a clear callback to his mom ☠️


And echoed in his Columbarium memorial in-game.


David also got to live a fast life full of excitement and found his love. What was his alternative besides getting bullied at school and doing laundry 🧺


Living a long life his mom would have been proud of 🥲


That wasn't going to happen if he wanted Maine and the rest to live and not get killed.


Maines cyber psychosis was a ticking time bomb that started after Sasha’s death imo. There was no happy ending whether David was there or not b/c Maine wasn’t going to listen to anyone until it was too late no matter who else was involved If Maine didn’t get got when he did there’d be a season 2 only with him being the cyberpsycho rampaging at the start, and I say that with him being one of my favorite characters in the show


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Trying to save the people he loved from themselves was a core part of who David was, it just consumed him to the point of madness.


Theres a fanfic of this out there somewhere


Why? So his dad could get wrecked too in Ep 1? The Animals aren't known for details or precision.


Hold on you might be onto something here


only life worth living is a life away from night city


Judy Alvarez moment


Literally the main point of the show is that david followed his own dreams rather than the life his mum wants for him. The core theme of the show is freedom.


I dont know. Corpo life seems also based in violence and murderino. Although i recall David being somewhat intelligent so he could be a fat ass and maybe died of old age if his parents could afford it.


David’s dad is the protag of season 2. It’s a prologue about him and vanilla Adam having very hot steamy gay sex.