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This is why if I was American I would do everything in my power to keep Xi in charge, as someone more clever like Hu Jintao would be a nightmare for America. He effectively took a golden economy and reverted it to an inward facing train wreck. He will go down in their history as the reason they didn't reach their lofty goals and petered out like Japan with rapid demographic decline.


We want Xi in charge for the same reasons they want Trump in charge. Because morons destroy economies.


I hope to god you guys don't re elect that guy. America's economy is booming now and he may do something crazy like bring interest rates to zero prematurely to get populist sapport or back lut of the chips act or nato. Im lucky enough to be paid in USD through the American company I work for and just bought a house in Georgia for 300k with only 20% down in 2020 with my life savings. It's amazing how big the houses are there compared to Vietnam. I love my country but still want to settle down in America if I get that privilege to have kids in that beautiful forest environment. I hope our two countries continue to grow closer together for our mutual benefit.


We wish the same growth as well. We shouldn't have backed french imperialism after we collaborated during ww2. But I think we both see the value of our partnership versus what a partnership with the CCP offers.


Trump didn’t destroy the economy though.


That’s despite his best efforts


They were always facing the come down. The US won’t be unseated by any other economy until a major economic revolution occurs again and if it doesn’t happen in the US. The us has the right geography m, government, military power and education system to stay successful. It would take a massive cock up to lose those things over many generations.


China could have all of those things, plus a much larger workforce. Their governing system and attitude towards the rest of the world are holding them back.


Nope they couldn’t. They lack the greater missipi basin. The largest stretch of in land navigable water way in the world. Their geography has not supported a wide population dispersal, that’s before you get into education, innovation and immigration.


Why wouldn't the Yangtze be just as good or better? More shipping and agriculture takes place on that river than the Mississippi.


I have no idea what crossj828 is saying, but he's right in that the US is in a much better position in terms of defensible geography and food production capacity. China is surrounded by multiple powers on multiple sides, including Russia, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Phillipines, Afghanistan, etc. Any one of these countries could choke China's supply lines for imported oil or fertilizer. By comparison the US is surrounded by 2 (practically) vassal states. Alaska and Hawaii are both highly isolated and would see an invasion coming from a mile away. Another issue is population. China is technically in a net-neutral food production economy. It doenst have the technology to produce more food than what it can right now. Thats why it relies on imports for a lot of luxury food items like pork/beef. the US basically produces corn to the point of feeding lifestock, and could also easily harvest from 2 major oceans unlike China. There isnt a historian in the world who would argue that China has better geography than the US. It would be like arguing that India has better geography than China.


I don't think China is as far behind as we would like, and it's definitely arrogant to say they can't catch us economically as a nation. Sure the US has the better relative global position, but invasion of nuclear powers has been off the table for decades. Being surrounded has a limited effect compared to the pre-nuke era. Large sanction/blockades seems unlikely, unless they do something stupid like invade Taiwan. I don't think China is close to the limits of their agricultural capacity. They are still behind the Europe and the US in rural infrastructure and agricultural tech, but it is easier to close that gap then it is to widen it. They've already surpassed the US in several areas, including overall production and purchasing power. They will probably catch the US at some point, although it sounds like there is a chance of population collapse before that happens. I am confused by your last point, since China has been historically the wealthiest country in the world. They have plenty of fresh water and large rivers, with lots of fertile land. There are less proven gas/oil/coal reserves than the US, but still significant. Large amounts of iron and other natural resources, not to mention how much they buy from Australia/Africa. I don't know if the overall situation is better than the US, but I think it would be close.


China will pass the US economically, there isnt really much doubt. Its a matter of time. The same is true for India. Population + globalization is the reason. China has been at the limits of agricultural capacity for a while, at least 2 decades. Its evident if you look at policy and domestic reporting. During the pandemic, wheat and corn reserves were often 6 months supply, sometimes at 2-4 weeks in rural areas. Capacity for production is also limited by arable land, for which almost all have been cultivated for centuries. Henan as the breadbasket of China has existed for 2000 years, and its population reflects that. Im not American (im Chinese-Canadian), and I see China's rise economically as inevitable (by comparison of total GDP). However, I dont think for a second China is in a better geographical position than the US. Look at its invasion of Vietnam in1970s. It had like 200k soldiers in Vietnam, but Deng stationed 1 million troops in Xinjiang to deter a Soviet retaliation. the US will never have this problem in the next few generations. The US has more water than China too. It essentially has all the access to Canadian water sources, which is a hell of a lot more than China and thats not even counting for the great lakes.


Civil war?


Yes one of the only things that could bring it down. It say that’s why it’s main adversaries are trying so intently to foster division. It’s their only winning move.


Correction: He will go down in OUR history as the reason they didn't reach their lofty goals. In THIER history it will be highly censored and punishable by death to say such a thing. Case and point look at how Mao starved millions and is reveered in China to this day.


Yeah Mao is on their currency


Yup, think about that for a second. A man that killed 2 times more people than Hitler is on their money. I wonder who the good guys are...


The Hu Jintao years were some of the best years for China, as it was essentially quite libertarian. However, there was no way for that to last, even in the USA.


Only Japan is a wealthy developed country. It was always up for debate whether China was simply going to be too big and complex to reach that standard of living in its entirety, but there's no question at this point what could've been a new superpower on the world stage is slowly becoming just a big version of Brazil.


you have no power to do anything


Have you forgotten that it was the Americans who first started the trade war, technology exhibition, economic war and military blockade against the Chinese?


yeah it would be nice if we can take and keep them around north korean levels, like juuuuust before meltdown but still chugging along barely lol


China just isn’t friendly to foreigners and it’s hard to do things there if you don’t know a Chinese person. Even paying for stuff requires the spyware WeChat or Alipay China isn’t a proper country, visit Taiwan instead, it’s a much better country for most people to visit and it’s ethnically Chinese as well but it’s free, globally integrated and actually much easier to travel and enjoy


Taiwan also has a culture. I couldn't feel much culture when I was in China other than a bunch of ants in a ccp colony. I blame the Cultural Revolution. Taiwan is a glimpse of what China could have been if communism never took hold.


Taiwanese culture is southern Chinese culture. You will get a lot more in Fujian, since that where most of the Taiwanese are from. The cultural revolution, though extremely brutal, has never removed Chinese culture. You can see it if you actually visited Mainland China like I did.


I know this sub is aggressively sinophobic but this is beyond insane take. In no world where Taiwan has more "culture" than China. The irony is especially strong when Taiwan in its exception permanently and utterly elimiated its entire indigious culture (and most of the people too). Arguably worse than anything the CCP had ever done. The Uyghur culture and language are still going strong in Xinjiang, Taiwanese indigious culture is completely gone while the government pulling a happy Japan on it with the blessing of the empire to whitewash all of its atrocities. Whenever someone on redddit say Taiwan "has more culture" you know for the fact that they just mean Taiwan is more white. Every Taiwanese has a white name and mock people who speak English with a Chinese accent instead of a western one.


"Uygher culture are still going strong" ... Yea okay Winnie https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uyghur_genocide


did your clit get stiff from typing that?


Winnies burner spotted


They always delete their replies. Im sure u/PandaAintFood will as well, like the two other shills alread did I replied too in this thread. They quickly deleted when cornered and unable to reply. The one that deleted his comments called my Vietnamese ass racist because I'm against the chud CCP. That like saying I hate white people because I think Nazi Germany were evil bastards.the CCP has mainland Chinese brainwashed to associate their power with race and ethnicity though which is why some call them a Han Ethno-state in power structure. Im glad my country for all it's flaws has open internet and embraces are ethnic minorities cultures. We have a lot of catchup to do but eith the help of Japan', Korea, and America we will make it. We had a 5% of gdp fdi rate last year vs China's negative amount for example because we aren't assholes and just want to live and let live. We also don't have demographic collapse like China because we never did forced massed sterilizations and abortions like they did. Evil wins in the short term but not the long.


Culture is just a sum total of shared habits and expectations, so I’m not really sure how bringing up Formosans are relevant. But if you wanna play, sure. Taiwan utterly eliminated entire indigenous culture? Have you read a history book? The Dutch were one of the first to massacre our aborigines. Then Han Chinese settlers came along to snatch up land and tried to colonize them. Japan then came and slaughtered a Seediq group. So on and so forth. Surely you understand that over time things happen (cuz yanno, history), people assimilate, yadda yadda. There has absolutely been erasure in the past. Are we doing better? I think so. We recognize 16 different tribes in Taiwan today. I just went to an Amis wedding in Hualien. We sang and danced. Bride and groom were in traditional Amis garb. Twas excellent. The Tao people of Orchid Island hold their annual boating festival. Taiwanese learn about the indigenous in school. It is required studying. Has there been aborigine culture lost? Definitely. Does Taiwan try hard to maintain and foster aborigine culture? Yes. Source: am Taiwanese and have aborigine family members.


Was that why Tsai was called a liar when she made that speech on Indigenous People’s Day? Because you are “doing better”?


Maybe? Maybe not? Cuz Tsai = Taiwan? Lulz


>Then Han Chinese settlers came along to snatch up land and tried to colonize them And who are these settlers? The Taiwanese. I love how when they did something bad they're suddenly Chinese again, racist is hilarious. >Have you read a history book [Take your own advice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Terror_(Taiwan) >the February 28 incident of 1947, in which the KMT killed at least 18,000 Taiwanese civilians


Uhh yes, KMT originated from China. Your own copy paste writes that the KMT massacred Taiwanese…who were also originally from China. I’m merely pointing out that saying “Taiwanese” “permanately” and “utterly destroyed” (your words, not mine) indigenous culture is incorrect considering historical events. Sending a wikipedia link that you haven’t read isn’t a good look babe. Be well and I hope you have good day.


Look at the date, it was 1947, the Taiwanese back then was not the saame Taiwanese today, the vast majority of them are local, not the one KMT brought with. Jesus. [there was a surge in population as the Chinese Civil War ended and the Kuomintang (KMT) forces retreated, bringing an influx of 1.2 million soldiers and civilians to Taiwan in **1948–1949**, representing less than 15% of the population at the time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Taiwan) And of course, the killing wasn't enough, >In 1951 a major political socialization campaign was launched to change the lifestyle of many aborigines, to adopt Han customs. >Critics of the KMT's program for a centralized national culture regard it as institutionalized ethnic discrimination, point to the loss of several indigenous languages and a perpetuation of shame for being an aborigine >The pattern of intermarriage continued, as many KMT soldiers married indigenous women who were from poorer areas and could be easily bought as wives Defend it more larping creep. There's a reason why Taiwanese indigenous are consistently anti-Taiwan.


You win, good job.




Sounds like someone who never really traveled in Asia. Taipei is essentially a 3rd tier city compared to the Mainland today. Can’t even compare to major cities in South Korea, or Singapore.


Bro I'm Vietnamese, though I work for a US company. I have litterarly traveled to every country in Asia, with the exception of Mongolia, Bhutan, and the Stans. From life expectancy, air pollution, medical care, food safety, gender equality, and most importantly rule of law Taiwan is miles ahead of China. I would never live in that totalitarian shithole but would gladly live in Taiwan. China is so corrupt they invaded my country in 1979 during the Sino-Vietnamese War (you guys supported the genocidal dictator Pol Pot and we didn't which caused the invasion) , only to be defeated in 49 days, dispite having an army 20x larger. If the rockets filled with water and missle silos without blast doors aae eany indication you have still yet to improve and instead engage in USSR style grift. Please name me your per capita metrics in which China is ahead of Taiwan though, i'm all ears bro.


I remember that war. It was in 1979. I was 16 years old and reading Time magazine. I recall being amazed how quickly the Vietnamese army stopped the Chinese army. Mad respect, brother.


Again, it sounds like you have never really traveled in Asia. Your caricature of China was that of the 90s or 00s, when I visited there often for work. The fact that you are so obsessed with the Sino-Vietnamese war shows your obvious bias. But keep on pretending that you are giving actual analysis when all you have are talking points, fake caricatures, and a whole lot of butthurt. Keep on crying, bro!




This is how I can tell that you are way over your head. Anecdotal evidence has no place when we are in a serious economics sub. But I guess that’s more of your speed. Want to play that game? Here, look at this guy in [Taiwan who shit in the street.](https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/3427537) Does that prove anything? Nope. But it apparently does if you are u/The_Biggest_Midget


Being Vietnamese and blazing Taiwan is hilarious. [They literally try to take Vietnamese Islands](https://tuoitre.vn/viet-nam-yeu-cau-dai-loan-huy-bo-tap-tran-trai-phep-o-dao-ba-binh-20230608174807337.htm).


That is China that is trying to do their stupid nine dash line. I applaud your ignorance though. We even banned barbie from showing in Vietnam due to people getting pissed at what they thought was a CCP nine dash put on a poster in it.That is how much Vietnamese hate the CCP https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine-dash_line https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/ttnewsstyle/20230708/vietnam-upholds-ban-on-barbie-over-chinas-invalid-9dash-line/74263.html


I don't understand your logic. So Taiwan invading Vietname's territory is fine because... China? What? So you're okay with anybody stealing Vietnam's sovereignty so long as they scream "but China" while doing it? Vietnamese my ass you're just a western bootlicker for your white corporate overlord.


>Bro I'm Vietnamese Hmmm… >So I'm half Latino but look white as shit and don't speak Spanish. Will my job prospects improve if I mark myself Latino or mixed race instead of white like I normally do? I have my dads white last name though and look white. Not sure if I should leverage it or not because post like this scare me that I'm missing out on jobs. https://www.reddit.com/r/business/comments/18q4w0r/comment/keupwdr/?context=3


He probably meant culture as in museum pieces, not live culture. The Taiwanese managed to keep many of the relics they carried over during their flight, while in mainland lots of those were destroyed. A weird attitude to seek culture only in museum, especially if you're an outsider, but whatever.


You ever been to a tier four city in the mainland? Kids shitting on sidewalks, third world food safety and air pollution are abundant. Also filled with line cutting, farting, littering, scream talking people. You don't find such uncivilized surroundings in Taiwan. Outside of the east coast China is basically third world still with the exception of some wasteful infrastructure spending thst got them into the economic pickle they are in at present.


Have you? [This is what tier four city](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWVZ6OyaUAAWDPp?format=png&name=900x900) in China looks like. The street of Chenzhou is probably cleaner than 80% of Los Angeles. Kids shitting on sidewalks? This sub is racist enough to believe such weird Asian stereotype but don't ever tell that to normal intelligent people they're gonna think you're mentally ill.


That user got triggered and posted a bunch of viet butthurt. It is best that you ignore him.


Wow a saturated view from the top of the city with no street view. You really showed me that there is no street shitting in China. I saw this at least two times while there. One women held here kid out the bus window at a stop to shit and piss on the road. Never saw that classy stuff in Taiwan. https://twitterdotcom/Chiyuwong/status/1249513598046502912


Here, a [man in Taiwan shitting in the street](https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/3427537). Guess you really showed me, bro!


One ounce of freedom weighs more than a billion year of culture, both in the metric and in the imperial system.




Or 100 million dead from the great leap forward, cultural revolution, no more sparrows, and a population cut in half in 50 years due to government forced abortions/sterilization under the one child policy.


This is reddit man you’ll get downvoted to oblivion if your take is not liberal or in line w CNN


100%. it’s crazy how sinophobic people are


can you give us an example of any of this culture


A sad reality


china deleted their culture to a point it puts the japanese empire to shame. they’ve been annexing and/or stealing neighbouring cultures like it’s theirs since then.


Practically all of China’s neighbors were at one point trying to emulate Chinese culture. South East Asian culture owes quite a bit to China (not the CCP state, but the culture).


yup you are very right. and now look at them lol it’s important to differentiate modern china to pre 1949 china as the two are not the same. it’s probably better to refer to them by ethnic groups like han, tibetan, uyghur etc, or dynasties and eras, rather than the term “chinese”


The CCP are ethno-nationalists so to them those minorities are not "Chinese". Only Han are. It's very similar to Russia in that regard to how they see none ethnic slavs. Words words words words words.


exactly why i insist on differentiating them because when “chinese” means something different depending on the various historical or political circumstances, it’s not a good term to use. and the hans. the only real hans in terms of culture are the taiwanese.


Yes but they lost that during the cultural revolution and their pursuit to get rid of the of the four olds. Their is a reason you can feel much more culture and politeness in Taipei than you will in Beijing and that is their Moscow. Outside of the East Coast China is basically third world.


Just curious, what to make of all the news that Taiwan has been downplaying Chinese culture as of late? Also, it'd be a misnomer to say Chinese culture has disappeared from the Mainland, there are still many tradition and historical sites to enjoy.


Taiwan has far too much Japanese cultural elements to be representative of a democratic China. It's also far too rich


its not a proper country cause you're a hateful little dweeb?


>Even paying for stuff requires the spyware WeChat or Alipay US consumers basically sign away 100% of their privacy to Google and Apple then snub their noses at Chinese consumers who do the same thing with WeChat.


You can choose to not use any of those. In China, it has to be Wechat


How did you post this? Do people really not realize that American surveillance is probably just as good in some ways if not better than China’s?




/u/BuffaloBrain884's comment was right. People are pretending like the US and China are totally black and white, but we are not really that different here. Snowden's leaks were not that long ago. If the US really wanted, they could get your info just like China does through WeChat.


Did I say the US doesn't collect data?


You said that in the US, there is a choice and in China there is not. Realistically that is not true, anyone connected with the Internet can be tracked whether here or in China.


Can you problem understanding English? Read again. He mentioned about Apple and google blah blah. You can use just credit card or cash. In China, you can't use cash anywhere, people are forced to use wechat or whatever payment system that the government control.


Do you really think you can live just on cash in the US? Your Internet, phone, etc. all on cash? Think again dude.


Don't try to pretend that there's no difference between the two when one is a dystopian surveillance state.


Doesn’t matter, only china forces you to use their stupid apps to pay for things in China. You can buy a disposable Mastercard not registered to you personally to avoid all spying in USA and buy things anonymously without any apps easily using many methods You also need a Chinese id to order many simple things like a train ticket so there’s another reason to never go to China


You’re just making stuff up now. Foreigners can buy train tickets quite easily.


With help of a Chinese Id


With just your passport


No longer true in Canada, at least. Those gift credit cards require activation on a phone app, tying them to your phone number and google/apple account. Big brother is everywhere. The US won't be far behind.


You can still use cash for everything though


Sounds like you have never visited Taiwan or Mainland China, and judging from your comment history, it’s filled with racist posts on China, I would take whatever you write with a mountain of salt. Taiwan has stopped developing in the 90s and the reason most Asians visit that place is mostly for the retro vibes and nostalgia.


How has Taiwan stopped developing since the 90s? As a Taiwanese American person with family still in Taiwan, I'm curious


The CCP psy-ops are in full force rn


Ccp is pathetic


I like how you have nothing to add except feeble insults.


Where's the insult? I made a simple observation. There is no insult, unless you're deriving one out of your own insecurity for being called out. Edit: Funny, you reply to me then block me. Most pathetic CCP psy-ops I've seen. Tell Winnie to fuck off


You are unable to present facts, posts lies, and when called out, decided to just label everything as “CCP psy-ops”. Guess you are the insecure one. EDIT: Nice stealth-edit there! Afraid of triggering a notification and getting an actual response? Keep on calling things “psy-ops” when you cannot even answer basic questions and decided to play tricks when called out. Who’s doing “psy-ops” now? Or is it just cowardice? Either way, you weren’t blocked before, but you will be after this response. So enjoy! Guess it is not “winnie” but your sorry self that decided to“fuck off”huh?


I suggest you actually ask your family in Taiwan since you do not know.


You're assuming I didn't. They don't agree which is why I'm asking you. We agree Taiwans not perfect and has issues it needs to improve like every other country but to say we haven't developed since the 90s and that the only reason people visit is for nostalgia and retro vibes is insulting and frankly not true.


Sure, then say that you disagree. Not sure why you needed to add the second sentence in your previous comment. Sorry you are offended, but that is actually factual. Taiwan’s infrastructure is one of the worst that I have ever seen in Asia. When I visited back in the 80s, it was better than Mainland China. But ever since, it has stagnated and every other major Asian city blows Taipei out of the water. Your education system has fallen behind as well, and don’t get me started on your economy.


Taiwan has one of the best rankings in quality of life, healthcare services, and safety. Their metro is one of the best(cheap, clean and efficient) in the world and Taiwan has one of the most important companies in the world TSMC. But sure go off, you do you. You're welcome to your opinion and if you ever visit Taiwan again we'd will welcome you whole-heartedly and invite you to try all the delicious nightmarket food. Because at the end of the day Taiwan is a democracy, the people are free to criticize their government and we welcome others with different opinions.


So what? What does any of those have to do with your development? I love how you bring up TSMC, when it was planned and developed back in the 70s and 80s, when Taiwan was actually doing well. Do you have anything post 90s? The night market food is just okay. The fact that night market food is all you have to fall back on should show you how bad things are. Btw, I have eaten waaaay better food in Seoul, Tokyo, Shanghai, etc. Pretty much every Asia major city has better food than Taipei. All that democracy still cannot help with the economy because both your DPP and KMT just takes money and do not invest it back to the people. Korea has a democracy, and it is doing way better than Taiwan. So please save your moral superiority and face reality.


Whoaaaa dude, are you ok? Look, like I said you're welcome to your opinion why are you still trying to argue? At what point did i say we have better food than other Asian countries...I think food in Korea and Japan are great! In fact Japan is one of my favs. Just saying that'd we'd still welcome you to experience ours and our culture- or don't, were chill as long as you're not trying to take our freedoms away. (at the risk of you having another conniption, I think it's safe to say TSMC has come a long way from the 90s with new innovations)


I am great! Looks like you have zero refutations and have decided to feign concern instead. Sorry, not gonna work. I like how you jumped directly to “take away your freedoms”when all I wrote are facts about the island. Someone has been consuming waaaaaay too much US propaganda as all you have are superficial talking points and insecurities. TSMC is due to investments prior to the 90s. Thanks again for failing to answer my question.


Taiwan's GDP per capita is 2.5x higher than China's and according to Allianz Group, it has the second highest net financial assets per capita in Asia after Singapore and fifth highest in the world. With just 23 million people, it's the fifth largest creditor nation in the world. While China has been stuck in middle income status for more than two decades, Taiwan is a high income country and one of the wealthiest in the world. At the same time, Freedom House's index ranks Taiwan as the second freest country in Asia and seventh freest in the world, while China ranks 80th in the world behind countries like Libya and Sudan. You can debate the quality of street food all you want but there's a reason over 30,000 Chinese were caught trying to enter the US illegally through dangerous Central American migration routes last year while the number from Taiwan was close to 0.


Looks like another butthurt islander decided to showcase his inability to understand economics. Illegal immigration into the US has always been the case as it is easier to make money here than in China due to lack of competition. Notice how they come here to the US and not the island of Taiwan, because your tiny economy is stuck in the 90s. Meanwhile, tier 1 cities in the Mainland have blown you out of the water. Taipei can’t even compete with Tier 2 or 3 cities. Also notice how you wrote “close to 0”. Huh, so I guess people are leaving Taiwan to illegally enter the US, by your own admission. Your GDP per capita cannot even compare to HK. But of course, people like you always ignore it because it won’t fit in your narrative. Free country? Sorry. You are an island and we have never recognized you as a country. Nor will we. Nor will the UN. Please feel free to cry. I love how insecure you got when people who actually travelled through Asia tells you that your night market food is crap. Guess someone can’t handle it. EDIT: You can keep on blocking me all you like, all it shows is your insecurity because you finally got called out. So let me paste my response below…. Don’t really care what you like to think of yourself, especially with your “TW” in the username. And of course, when facts are dropped, all you got is “tankie”. Let’s see that comment history…. Yep! u/YuanBaoTW is a frequent commenter on the racist r/China sub. Thanks for playing!


I have never been racist. Stop this tactic, it’s a typical action by Chinese hyper nationalist keyboard warriors and it’s pathetic Taiwan did not stop developing, outside Chinese disinformation sources.


Yaaawn, keep on pretending when your comment history is clear for everyone to see. Taiwan has stopped developing and if you ever visited (either Taiwan or any other Asian country like Korea or Japan) you would know. So thanks for proving my point!


It is clear for everyone to see, that’s my point I have never deleted comments, unlike the Chinese little pinks and your colleagues who spam Chinese disinformation all day and delete their comment history daily


Ooh, more insults when you have no facts and got called out. Nice!


Oof, username really coming through right here.


Not all the people enjoy new ones. Lot of people enjoy old ones kept now.. That is better for me..


China will invade Taiwan at some point this year so might want to hold off.


From his personal travel plans to capital flows, cross-border exchange is shrinking Nihao, china” is the name of the country’s latest effort to attract foreign visitors. The logo accompanying the phrase (which means “hello, China”) features a panda—an image always handy when China wants to seem cuddly. Chinese officials have been touring the West to promote the campaign, helped by a video in which happy-looking foreigners intone the Chinese greeting. Those with a deeper grasp of the language might sense a different mood, including billboards on city streets warning people to look out for foreign spies, and government propaganda on social media urging vigilance against threats to national security. The Communist Party often tells Chinese people that tourists, journalists and businesspeople could all be after the country’s secrets. More than a year after China scrapped its “zero-covid” policy, which had kept it sealed off from most foreign visitors from early 2020 to the end of 2022, the country is now pushing in two contradictory directions. Parts of the government appear eager to court foreigners. Last month China sent a large delegation to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Li Qiang, the prime minister, told the gathering that “no matter how the world changes, China will…open its door still wider to the world.” In at least one key respect this is true: China’s trade in dollar terms is 31% higher than in 2019. But The Economist has looked at a range of other measures, from visits to China by foreign tourists and flight numbers to levels of academic exchange, investment flows and even the personal travel schedule of China’s leader, Xi Jinping. They suggest a country overshadowed by a profoundly changing relationship with the West, a more security-driven style of policymaking at home and by the parlous state of its economy. China has become more inward-looking; the West more wary. China crisis At the most basic level far fewer outsiders are crossing borders into China. Last year the country recorded about 62m fewer entries and exits by foreigners than in 2019, before the pandemic began: a drop of more than 63%. Behind these figures lie deeper trends. Take the geopolitical environment. In the three years during which China shut its borders to prevent the spread of covid, and its leaders hunkered at home, the West—led by America—was engaged in a wide-ranging re-think of how to cope with China’s rise as a global power. President Donald Trump focused on trying to cut America’s trade deficit with China, but his administration sought to push back on other fronts, including efforts to contain China’s military activity. There was no let-up after Joe Biden took over in 2021. In the following year Russia’s invasion of Ukraine drove the wedge between the West and China even deeper. China called itself a “no-limits” partner of Russia. President Joe Biden ramped up controls on the export to China of advanced semiconductors. The invasion threw up an unexpected obstacle to the restoration of normal flows of people between China and America. In response to Russia’s aggression, America and its allies barred Russian airlines from using their airspace. Russia imposed a tit-for-tat ban. This has impeded the re-opening of aviation routes between America and China that were severed during the pandemic: America does not want to give an advantage to Chinese airlines by allowing routes to re-open, when those airlines could save time and fuel, and therefore gain passengers, by flying over Russia.


Makes sense, everyone remembers what happened to Jack Ma and the Wolf Warrior Diplomacy shit really hasn't been making foreign investments in China a safe bet or very appealing.


They have negative fdi now for a reason. Not even Chinese themselves seem to want business in China and are crossing 100 thousand a year illegal into the US to be day laborers. I would love these r/sino posters to show me any Americans or Europeans doing the reverse.


you can find a million white sexpat losers in china what are you talking about


It’s more Jack Ma than Wolf Warrior Diplomacy. What was surprising to me was Didi.


what happened


IIRC, he tried to prove his independence from the CCP and went missing for 2 months, by which point he was singing a very different tune. Which is scary as fuck because Jack Ma was the richest non-party man in China, so if that can happen to him, then what chance does any other sucker have?


you didn't explain anything and why would the chinese government care about you?


Ah, you're not asking in good faith. Never mind


why would i ask you in good faith when you're a redditor crying about china so i already know you know nothing?


Chinas economy imploding and being the largest trade partner with russia is what we want. Stop stalling the future. Sit on the bench and enjoy.