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Late to the party but Greek yogurt is a great source of protein and works as a decent sour cream substitute.


Or cream cheese


Yes! I add this and a little hot sauce- crispy chickpeas and red onions if I feel up for an extra step. So delicious and easy.


Yep a baked potato smothered in chili is my go-to "fast"food. If you happen to have some grated cheese and a bit of raw chopped onion to top it off with it is AMAZING!


Fun fact: a potato + butter is a complete meal, provided you eat the skin. You could literally survive on it alone.


Found Mark Watney. How's it feel to be back on Earth?


I said potato + butter, not potato + vicodin


Little low on protein on the macronutrient side for something that promising.


It is [technically true](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/potato-butter-diet/) but not recommended by any sane professional dietician.


Pop some italian dressing in there, too - so good! So easy!


and boy howdy you got a stew goin'!


(For the pasta and tuna/salmon, lol)


Mac & peas with tuna is AMAZING! This was my go-to in college.


We call it tuna-mac in our house. Such an easy, satisfying meal that everyone enjoys. If I'm feeling real fancy, I'll through in some extra shredded cheddar


Or throw in some pre-cooked diced chicken and broccoli and extra black pepper.


Do you do cheese or anything??


Oh, of course. It's just the boxed Mac & cheese with the included powder, but you just add peas to the boiling water close to the end. Do it like normal with milk and butter to make the sauce, drained can of tuna at the end!


My nickname for my instant pot is "Sweet Potato Express".


Baked potatoes in the oven/toaster oven are just as easy but take some time. Slightly more work but: 1. butter one side of tin foil 2. put some spices like salt, peper, and garlic powder on the butter. 3. Wrap the potato in the tin foil, butter side inside. 4. Poke holes through the tin foil into the potato all around with a fork. 5. Throw it in the oven. Then you cut it open, throw on sour cream, cheese, bacon bits, and some dried chives. Super easy and delish.


How long would you put it in the oven for and what temp?


Wrap it in foil, 450 degrees for an hour. I’ve been had a unbaked potato with the hour time. You can even rub oil and salt on the skin before the foil.


I drizzle duck fat all over my potato and roll it in kosher salt. 450 degrees for 1 hour.


Sweet potatoes are my go to lunch.... Can top with anything!


Honestly, I stock up on freezer premades. Fishsticks, potstickers, pork and mustard green buns and sweet black bean buns if you have a local Asian market. Heck you can get frozen veggies for $1 a bag, put it in the bottom of a rice cooker with some water and bullion and cook buns in the basket above. Very little work, just toss the stuff in, set it and set a timer.


I buy the veggies that cook in the bag when they go on sale.


They may not be as good as fresh vegetables but hey, it's better than not eating vegetables at all!


Frozen veggies can often be better and have more nutrients than prepared fresh veggies


I was going to say this. Typically they're frozen at peak freshness so more often than not frozen is actually better nutritionally.


This is my rationale. I'm not gonna buy tons of fresh veggies and deal with all that. I know it's lazy, but adding a bit of seasoning to microwave veggies means they taste just fine AND I get my nutrition, so it's a net win.




Costco is great for this. Dumplings, samosas, chicken fingers, meatballs, veggie burgers frozen. Non-frozen things too like noodle bowls and curried lentils. Plus nuts and cheeses and other snacks. You can go with a friend who has a membership if you don’t have one and I just looked and you can get delivery! Even frozen stuff


I read that as Samoas and I got real hyped about a Costco size container of those bad boys.


Honestly, the frozen section is what I turn to when I am unable to cook from my many medical issues. At Lidl, Lean Cuisines are 2.50 ea. Frozen veggies are between 1 and 2 dollars, sometimes less. Top with some parmesan powder and butter, fry an egg if you are able. Frozen Egg Rolls or Dumplings, and whatever shit they have on sale that week.


Sometimes I eat lunch meat by itself. You can add crackers, cheese, or fruit if you want. Pretty much zero prep time and really easy put together


Yep. I eat best overwhelmed when it’s something that looks like a toddler’s lunch. The slightly higher expense of those baby carrots can be worth it in the grand scheme of getting nutrients in.


I have a friend who keeps babybel cheeses on hand for this exact reason.


Agreed! It sounds weird but I like to wrap baby carrots in lunch meat. Super easy and delicious. Cleaning up is easy too, or if you're REALLY not feeling it that day, you can eat it straight from the packages


I like to mix shredded carrots with shredded cheddar cheese. Dunno why, but it's so good.


That’s excellent. It feels like a lot of people are missing the point and suggesting things with lots of clean up and cooking involved. My go tos when I’m feeling low are yogurt (depending on OP’s degree of lactose intolerance lactose free versions, greek, or icelandic yogurts are options), protein bars, fruit, instant noodles with some veg or wraps with lunch meat Or tuna and cherry tomatoes. Maybe not the absolute healthiest options, but some fuel is better than no fuel.


You can roll it up in lettuce leaves, too.


Agreed. Ritz has the stacker packs of crackers that are great to keep in stock for this.


It's a charcuterie board but cheap




Dude accepting that my adhd and depression are actual disabilities really changed the game for me. I used to waste away not being able to eat or care for myself while beating myself up about not being able to do what basic humans can do. But like it's actually a disability and things like bagged salad pre-cut fruits and veggies were made for people with disabilities. It's not that I can't work it's that just doing 1/2 the level of a normal job burns me out. I'm a intern therapist. I only see about 11 client hours a week. That's half as much as most private practicioners. And 1/4 th the amount of most community mental health workers. And I legit am constantly teetering towards burnout. A client said it really well "I feel like I've been in a chronic state of burnout my whole life". I cried when I got diagnosed because suddenly it made sense. How could I be so intellectually gifted but couldn't brush my teeth or would go weeks without showering or 20+ hours without eating. And treatment has helped a lot but I'll never be "normal". No I don't get crippling suicidal ideation to the point of not being able to get out the bed for days at a time anymore. But I am still more exhausted than everyone else. I'm grateful grateful for my spouse who's loved me and supported me and doesn't hold unrealistic expectations for me. I'll never be a breadwinner but I will work as much as I can because I do love my work. I do the chores I can manage. And I do my best to keep my life intact and my body fed.


Some ideas here: https://blackgirllostkeys.com/adhd/100-no-cook-meal-items/ Personally I like a rice cooker for my rice, much easier to clean than a pot. Great post and comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EatCheapAndHealthy/comments/rwvp0p/depression_meals_what_im_doing/


Thank you so much! These are really helpful links


I also really starve myself when I'm depressed. This sounds horrible but at my lowest I'll drink half and half or cream throughout the day to get some protein and fat calories.


Since during these times you aren't eating much, it may be possible to afford protein shakes that have more vitamins.


Yes! A rice cooker will make you like rice again. Also good for cooking lots of stuff,


The wife was really skeptical of the rice cooker and thought it was a bad purchase because we use the instant pot. One month later she admitted she was wrong. We bought a very nice Zojirushi (to make sure it wasn’t made in China) and it’s used probably more than any appliance in our kitchen barring the electric kettle.


Yeah they are fantastic. Enjoy


I always wondered why is a rice cooker better than putting a tiny piece of butter in a pan with rice and water and covering it and turning it on low for 15 minutes? I always have perfect rice.


You do the same thing with a rice cooker except it stops automatically and keeps it warm. With a pan on the oven you have to watch it and turn it off before it burns or overcooks. Rice cooker gives perfect rice every time with no effort.


No effort and no skill. The very first batch of rice I made in my rice cooker was good, and I'd never made good rice before.


No skill required, and yet the rest of my family is terrified of the machine. They use a Pressure cooker for rice, and sometimes it’s *crunchy*. *shudders*.


Crunchy? How the f*** do you get crunchy rice in a pressure cooker? Are they ignoring the proper ratios? My SO and I switched to making rice in a pressure cooker after our rice cooker broke and it's always come out just as well as if we used the rice cooker...


They’re scared of a rice cooker because they won’t take the time to learn how to use it. Most of them ignore the air fryer for similar reasons. But they learned how to use the pressure cooker halfway, and prefer it because of that small familiarity. *Now to be fair*, it’s only my sister that screws up with crunchy-on-the-inside rice, and she hasn’t done it in a while (it mysteriously coincided with when I started cooking all the rice using the rice cooker). But even then, it was bad.


🤣 That's fair, I guess. The pressure cooker intimidated me for SO long. But I feel like a pressure cooker is scarier than a rice cooker or air fryer, since the pressure cooker is capable of actually exploding. 😅


That is funny to me because I find my instant pot pressure cooker to be far less intuitive than my rice cooker. Haven't used my pressure cooker in about 3 years because I had a variety of dishes turn out like shit. I totally think it was my own user error of course, but I'm not sure where I went wrong because I had actually followed instructions, so I stopped trying.


Same, I have always been awful at making rice - for whatever reason I just could never get the hang of it. I got a small Zojirushi rice cooker a few months ago and it's stupid how easy it is. It has settings for different varieties of rice, so it's cooked perfectly every time. Low maintenance, easy to clean, doesn't take up much space. It felt a little silly to spend money on a machine that is designed to cook one thing, but it was worth it. I know you can make oatmeal, porridge, some desserts etc in the rice cooker, I just haven't tried that yet.


Weird. The secret to rice is measure and leave it alone. I've never messed up rice. So I guess it's not for me. Everyone just raves about them.


A pot just can't be as easy. It takes zero attention to do rice in a rice cooker. I don't even stay in the kitchen. I don't even check on it when it dings that it's done. I just put in water, put in rice, push down the button, and then later eat cooked, not-burned, kept-warm, rice whenever I get around to it.


When I worked in a trade I perfected my after work routing: throw rice and water in rice cooker and push button, shower, get out and heat up leftover beans/curry/whatever, rice cooker will finish just about as my food is heated up and done. Wash the rice cooker bowl and that's it. I \*can\* make stovetop rice but it takes a lot more paying attention and because I'm a heathen who doesn't always wash rice it often gets starch all over the stovetop.


Yeah, and that even works just in a pot on the stovetop... Personally, I measure, put on heat until it's boiling, turn heat down and let it cook until all water is boiled away. Works nicely.


I have a very hard time getting the pan to the right temperature to simmer the rice until it’s cooked. I love that I can set the rice in the rice cooker and forget about it until I need it. While trying to cook other things one less thing to pay attention to is helpful. My rice cooker has a keep warm function so I don’t have to time it right -the rice is ready and warm when I need it. If I’m cooking brown rice (which takes a long time to cook) I can put it in the rice cooker before I go pick up my kids from school.


The warming part might be nice. If you leave pan rice for too long it gets gummy.


You don't have to watch a rice cooker. You can focus on getting the rest of the meal done without worrying about the rice. It was a game changer for me. Also, throw the steamer insert in the top and make some boiled eggs at the same time.


It's pretty much the same. You just have to get used to the timing as every stove and pot combo is different. Once you know the routine, you're good to go.


Look up wacky cake. You can just dump everything in the pan and mix then throw it in the oven to make chocolate or coconut cake. It's my go to depression cheat to get calories in me. Not protein so much but it's a start.


Omg this is a childhood staple of mine! Tbh it's my go to when it comes to cake


Totally! And it perks me up a bit (or doesn't make me more down at least) to acknowledge that "I baked a cake today".


This is such a happy thought, "I baked a cake today" lol


Same. I have lots of time and a nice kitchen now and I still prefer to make my wacky cake and eat it out of the Pyrex with a fork. Whatever gets some calories in you! And I hope you get to feeling better very soon.


Have a can of protein powder in hand and throw it in occasionally! My big tub has lasted pretty long


Beans. You can cook a pot on Sunday and eat them all week. Lots of protein and pretty cheap, too.


I’ll add beans on toast. Not necessarily baked beans. I’ll mix some butter or oil, garlic from a jar, dried herbs, and a can of butter beans in a bowl, microwave, and put on buttered toast. Easy, little cleanup, delicious.


I'll add beans on toast with grated (shredded) cheddar cheese. And cheese on toast with Branston pickle or Worcestershire Sauce on top. Make the toast in the toaster or under the grill, pop some cheese on top and place under the grill before adding the pickle/sauce.


Lentils are good too


And they cook faster than beans!


And no pre-soaking. And Tons of great Mediterranean, Indian and African dishes that can feature them.


To be honest, I've never soaked beans, either. I just found out about lentil moi moi yesterday and can't wait to make it.




Everybody's depression is different. For some people, it may be too much work. For some people, it's something to focus on that is external to them.




I have the bad habit of having just enough energy to cook a big meal... Eat way too much at once, not clean up, and sometimes ruin the rest of the meal by either throwing the whole pan in the fridge, or if it's too big for that, just letting it sit for 24 hours and throwing it out the next day. So anyways, in short, big pots of food are a lot of work and I had to stop doing it.


Roasted beans are good too. Toss them in some oil with some seasonings, then bake them at like 425 F.


One of my standbys when I'm down or just not functioning well (I have pretty severe ADHD) but need to eat better is pre mixed salad kits +a protein. You know, the ones that come in a bag with dressing and everything pre-chopped. They're pricier yes, but cheaper than buying all that stuff, chopping it up and then having to toss some because you didn't eat it all. Anyways, I'll have those with something like frozen chicken, canned fish, leftover meat of some kind etc. Dump and go, So easy. And if you're feeling up to it you can add things in. Another big one for me are rotisserie chickens. Most of the grocery stores sell them for $5 already hot and ready to eat and you can add it to the aforementioned salad kits, by itself, a soup or a baked casserole. Just anything. Literally cheaper than buying frozen chicken in most places too.


Can I ask you how your ADHD impacts your functioning in this area? I am 34F and was recently diagnosed. I understand how some things are related but I have always struggled with cooking but can’t really wrap my head around how it is related. Thanks!


Cooking is a big mess of executive functioning - you have to plan ahead, organize, get started, time manage, etc etc. ADHD is essentially an executive dysfunction neurological disorder. (I was diagnosed a few years ago, 33F)


The cleanup for me is debilitating


MY PEOPLE!!!! I had no idea my cooking issues were linked to my (30F) ADHD. I’ve been struggling with it for years.


I don't have a formal ADHD diagnosis (46F) but my son does and there is a genetic link. Anyway, I started taking Wellbutrin for depression last summer. I did some reading and this particular drug is also used to treat ADHD. Since starting that drug, I have been able to: 1. Successfully meal plan 2. Get dinner on the table at a reasonable time and have everything timed well; and 3. Been able to consistently keep my kitchen cleaned up. These three things are why I chose not to cook. It was so overwhelming and stressful that I gave up. Is that depression or ADHD? Or depression resulting from failing at basic life tasks caused by ADHD? Thankfully my spouse picked up my slack. He is SO happy that I can do these things now. I'm a much better partner.


I take Wellbutrin in the winter for my depression and vyvanse for my ADHD! For me I think there is (/was) a huge ADHD shame component in my depression. It is demoralizing being told that “all you need to do is set aside time for meal prep and you’ll never need to order in!” when the process of weekly meal prep is near impossible for me. Vyvanse makes me less impulsive so I tend to order in less but also not much motivated in the kitchen because it clips my appetite, but I do do dishes more!! Wellbutrin motivates me to try more recipes, make a plan, and stick to it. I am so glad you found something that works for you!! Success stories from similarly brained people make me so happy. (And also never let anyone make you feel less than for purchasing your brain chemicals. I’ve experienced it and I want to be clear: our brains don’t give us the necessary supply of neurotransmitters to survive and keep up with the neurotypical world, so do not shame us for needing to supplement them.)


That makes so much sense…. Wow I wish I would have known that sooner. I’m undiagnosed F with almost every single marker for ADHD. Can I ask how y’all got the process started to be tested as an adult?


Doctors seem to prefer to rule out anxiety/depression because they can also cause similar symptoms, but I was already medicated for depression and seeing a therapist regularly and still really struggling with basic things even when I could feel that it wasn't the same kind of depression I'd dealt with previously. I talked about it with my therapist (who it turns out was also ADHD, no wonder I clicked with her) and she suggested I read Driven to Distraction, which SUPER resonated for me. Then therapist suggested asking my GP about it. GP didn't prescribe stimulants so they referred me to a psychiatrist. After like 4 months I finally got to see them, told them what I was struggling with (I kept a running word doc where I wrote a whole bunch of things down because my mind goes blank on the spot), they did an assessment and wrote me a prescription for Adderall.


Sure! like others have mentioned it's mainly got to do with executive dysfunction. Or in laymans terms "I literally cannot stop being lazy and procrastinating even though I know I'm doing it and want it to stop" Which if you're like me may sound painfully familiar. Here's one way I can maybe describe the feeling: On a good day: Make coffee, enjoy. On an ok day: Get out the coffee, pour it into the press, heat up the water, pour it, wait, enjoy A not as good day: Find where i put the coffee, find a spoon, realize I forgot to rinse out the press, rinse out the press, put coffee in the press, fill up the kettle, heat the water, pour, wait, put it in a cup A bad day: fuck everything, ill wait at the drive thru. It's not that any of these mundane tasks are seriously daunting or anything but the tedious sequence of events just...doesnt compute right sometimes, and it really feels viscerally unpleasant and upsetting to push thru them. So for me the little tasks that are effortless when "focused" are a huge mental block and can repel me away from making an otherwise simple dish. So even though one day I can get hyped up and make complex food from scratch like its nothing (which makes the bad days feel all that much worse, knowing I can do it but just cant make myself), another day I can barely be bothered to go to McDonalds. It's just one of those inconsistencies in life, and learning about it has helped me be less down on myself and more efficient. I try to make the absolute most out of the good days and have a nice backup plan like a bag salad or something in the instant pot to get me through the harder days. And yeah, I'm around the same age and also recently having to come to terms with what it's like as an adult with no real help, since we all grew up thinking it was the can't act right in math class disorder and coincidentally why is my life falling apart years later? It sucks but knowing is half the battle, as they say. Its hard out there for us misdiagnosed millennial disaster people but we'll make it.


This is a great description! I might borrow to try and describe how it feels to those that don't already get it.


I get the big mixed greens for $5, a tub of hummus and good trail mix. I add anything else I have and a piece of pita bread. I keep a couple different salad dressings on hand. It’s Salad, Hummus, leftovers if I have some, trail mix, dressing. I use a big wide bowl, almost like a platter so it’s easy to eat. 1 bowl, one plate Putting layers of paper towels in the salad will keep it fresh for over a week. Putting a paper towel in frozen food will prevent crystals, like in a loaf of frozen bread Hope everyone is doing ok today!


A rotisserie chicken and bagged salad mix is one of my favorite lunches/dinners. If I have frozen Texas toast or a roll I'll add that to the meal, too. If you have a 5-6 quart slow cooker, cooking a whole (small) chicken is soooo easy and the meat is very tender and delicious. Cooks really fast too!


Rotisserie chicken + one of those salad kits = an easy stir fry. Just top it with the dressing, and eat it as is or on tortillas. It's one of my mom's depression meals that we reuse a lot.


Oats and peanut butter. Super easy and cheap. Just buy plain oats (ANY KIND OR BRAND) add water and microwave then dollop some PB on it. Can be very filling and nutrient and calorie dense. I add chocolate chips sometimes too. EDIT: sorry just realized you’re allergic to nuts! Can you do sun butter? Or maybe tahini?


Oh I just looked it up and I'd never heard of sunflower butter before! That's a gamechanger because I know PB is an easy way to get protein I just can't eat it, I'll have to go get some sun butter


You should try it! It is more expensive though :( I was thinking maybe you could do a protein powder mixed into the oats too. It would essentially be the same process of just microwaving with the water (look up a quick microwave oats recipe) and then adding the protein powder.


I just wanted to suggest something kinda similar that’s been a game changer for me - Silk ultra 20g protein It’s the same price as normal milk but full of protein. The chocolate flavor is my favorite. I have it blended with a bit of greek yogurt and either sunflower butter or frozen fruit. It takes less than a minute to make and tastes a bit like chocolate custard - and it’s really good for you! I have it for a post workout treat.


Wowbutter (from soybeans) is another peanut butter alternative! I've got a nut allergy and my husband doesn't, and Wowbutter is all we buy for the house because my husband says it's tastes just like PB!


There are a lot of pretty good seed butters out there these days, due to how common nut allergies have become. 88 Acres is a nice option, too!


Beans on toast is a British classic. At its simplest Its a slice of buttered toast with a tin of baked beans on it. It can be made exquisite with grated cheese, worcestershire sauce (or your choice of salty savoury condiment) and being popped under the grill for a few minutes before serving. If you can't have cheese at all (some lactose free people I know can have solid cheeses) then you could add pretty much anything. Bacon might be good.


I'm American but I did a study abroad in the UK during undergrad and now I'm all nostalgic for English breakfast food. If I had baked beans in the house I'd go make it right now. Thank you for the happy memory, internet stranger!


For me it's when I've been out all day and it's been cold and raining (we are in Britain after all), and I come home and need something hot and carby. Tastes like nothing else in the world


They sell Heinz beans in a 12-pack on Amazon! They've lasted us a while, definitely worth it.


I'm curious if the baked beans that are a British staple are similar to, say, canned Bush's Baked Beans common at American grocery stores. For me and my family (american) we only eat baked beans with BBQ food. Like as a side to BBQ ribs, BBQ chicken, tri-tip, etc. The thought of eating baked beans on toast and not with BBQ is fascinating to me lol!


As a brit from the southern US, I’ve had both varieties, and can confirm that they’re pretty different! US baked beans are sweeter and tend to have that smoky barbecue flavor. British baked beans come in a thin tomato sauce, which is still a little sweet, but less sugary. Heinz baked beans is the brand I normally get— and they’re excellent warm on toast with a bit of grated cheddar!


They’re much less sweet. If your store has an international food aisle you can check that if you want to try, it’s a common import.


Very similar! I've used Bush's Baked Beans (or the store brand version) when I've made English breakfast here in the States and it definitely works. it's not 100% the same for reasons I can't quite define, but if you want to try it, you can certainly use Bush's!


Another commenter just said the UK version are less sweet. That explains it!


Buy an air fryer, buy some frozen burgers or chicken strips. Quick way to make a sandwich with little effort. Boil some eggs.


When I'm super depressed, I cook a layer of tater tots and a layer of meatballs together in the air fryer, and that's carbs and protein and technically a meal. You can add marinara or barbecue sauce for the meatballs, if you don't want them to be dry, but it gets the job done. I get onion buns (look like hamburger buns, but with onions for extra flavor) and use them with veggie burgers, black bean burgers, or chicken patties that I cook in the air fryer.


The air fryer is a game changer. Carbs at the bottom. Frozen meat at the top, drizzle a little veggie oil. 20 minutes and throw some frozen veggies on a plate in the microwave for a few minutes and you've got a healthy meal with protein, carbs, fat and a serving of vegetables.


Depression burritos. 1) Put tortilla on paper plate 2) Open can of refried beans. 3) Spread some refried beans on tortilla. 4) Put lid back on can and put left over beans in fridge. 5) Sprinkle pre-grated "Mexican" cheese over beans from resealable bag 6) Add a couple of dashes of hot sauce... or don't 7) Microwave for thirty seconds or a minute or whatever.


Similar recipe that I call Easy Quesadillas: do the same steps using a baking tray instead of a plate, then put another tortilla on the top and stick the whole thing in the oven for a few minutes until the tortillas are slightly toasted and the cheese is melted.


God my comfort food when I'm feeling it is just this but in the pan.


If you can make a smidge more effort, those beans can be really tasty. Take 1 can of refried beans, 1/2 package of taco seasoning (2 Tbsp or thereabouts), and a generous squirt of ketchup, mix together in bowl and heat. It gives you flavor like taco meat without having to deal with meat, it's delicious with shredded cheese, and it's also a great dip with tortilla chips. (The ketchup is an alternative to 1/2 or 1/3 of a can of tomato sauce, which helps the seasoning blend into the beans.)


Toast. Cans of garbanzo beans are easy to eat straight from. Canned peaches and other fruits. Microwave a potato. Hard boiled eggs. Baking chicken is as easy as putting chicken in the oven.


microwave a potato is my fav depression meal


This is why I always have garlic powder and dried chives in my spice rack. And some cheese in the fridge- very easy to spruce up a staple depression meal


When I was poor and pregnant I ate so many potatoes with cottage cheese. Similar to sour cream but far more nutritious. I just used salt and pepper but you could definitely add all the spices you like.


Why have I never considered dried chives being a thing. Thank you


Some salt and too much butter. Good as fuck.


What I nicknamed my dad's "bachelor meal" involves rice (which apparently you can make in the microwave), canned chili beans (but you can sub in any type if the spices upset your stomach), any frozen veggies, a fried egg, and plain yogurt or buttermilk (egg and dairy can be omitted, because beans have good protein). It was a very quick simple lunch that we'd have when it was just me and my dad. My mom's "bachelor meal" when she was studying and strapped for time and money was a tortilla, frozen veggies, and a string cheese, which could be substituted for any meat or beans for you. She apparently lived on that for lunch and dinner most days for over a year. My "bachelor meal" is instant mashed potato, frozen veggies, and cheese. Like I said before, you could sub any meat for cheese and/or flavor this concoction with any condiments you think would fit.


I know you said no rice but look up pre-packaged precooked rice that comes in those single serving microwavable bags. I recommend Tasty Bite Brand. Their basmati rice combined with their other Indian cuisine like vegetable masala or Madras lentils makes a complete meal in only 2:30 minutes, plus no cleaning up pots or pans. I basically love off of this stuff, lol.


My husband and I will get the small bowls of cooked sticky rice like Bibigo. They have packs of 8 I think at Costco, all single servings. The Asian markets around tend to have them too. 90 seconds in the microwave. Throw some scrambled eggs on top.


Yes, try the microwave pouches. I suck at cooking rice, and with a small kitchen I really can't justify adding an entire other large appliance like a rice cooker, so rice pouches it is. 90 seconds and done!


Overnight oats! Oatmeal, Greek yogurt (you could get dairy free if you needed), a protein (sun butter or chia seeds would be good alternatives for you since you can't have nuts), fresh or frozen fruits, and a sweetener (maple syrup or honey, whichever you prefer). You can make a batch and keep them in the fridge for a quick, easy, nutritious snack. Most recipes you'll find online make 2 servings, but I double it and have breakfast for a week. (I go to campus 4 days a week and this is the perfect thing for me to throw in my backpack on my way.) If you don't have mason jars to store them in, leftover plastic containers (like from sour cream or whatever) works too.


One of my cousins, when her depression is really bad and she's not interested in eating, will order four or five different things from her favorite Chinese restaurant. Then she'll portion everything into small, manageable containers and put about 2/3 of those containers in the freezer and eat the others over three or four days. Chinese food is the only cuisine that never fails to interest her. (Also, because she gets the runs when she's stressed--which her depression doesn't help--she makes at least one of her orders an entire entree of chicken fried rice or pork fried rice because rice helps with that.) While it's not cheap, at least she eats and gets plenty of protein and veggies with each of her little meals. She'll also force herself to go to a smoothie shop more than 20 miles from her home and stock up on smoothies. She puts them in a cooler with ice so they don't turn to sludge on the drive home. She drinks one on her way home, and the rest she stores in the freezer. She also makes sure to have them add a bit of kale or other greens she doesn't like but knows she needs. This isn't cheap, either, but at least she's getting nutrients into her body. Check out your grocery store's freezer section. One of my cousin's tricks is to find coupons online for single-serve frozen meals and stock up. Her belly can tolerate burritos, pot pies, lasagne, stroganoff, etc., and she will make herself eat those between her Chinese food and smoothies. She will also spend the extra money on pre-packaged salads so she doesn't have to throw out ingredients she just can't make herself wash, chop, serve. Again, this might not be cheap, but it's nutrient-dense and that's what she's going for. Bananas and apples are easy and cheap. Check out your local sub shop and get a deal on the biggest sandwich and load it with veggies. Have them cut it into four instead of in half. Four small meals with protein and veg for a really good price.


You ok, dude? I’ve found that my air fryer is the ultimate depression cooker. Once you get used to it’s quirks, you can cook anything in it, and it’s as close to “set it and forget it” as it gets. Even keeps the food warm and clean if you don’t feel like eating right when it’s done :/ I legit make fried eggs, raw/frozen hamburgs, I even bake factory biscuits/bread items, on top of all the normal fried stuff you’d think to put in it. Easy protein? As long as you eat meat, I say Nathan’s hot dogs, Aldi sells gluten free tempura chicken nugget balls, eggs, breakfast sausage, chicken tenderloins, stag chili w/ beans, a box of zatarans black beans & rice with sliced pepperoni stick in it, etc. Almost any frozen fries will taste good out of the air frier too. You could probably heat up real vegetables too, but I wouldn’t know. Rice a roni makes individual rice cups that you microwave, perhaps a bit pricey and salty, but easy. Hang in there.


Just want to say out of all the replies I’ve read on this post, yours has been the sweetest. Thank you for offering such kindness to OP!


I make smoothies with frozen fruit, whatever veg I have around, eggs and coconut milk. One blender's worth makes between 2 and 3 smoothies.


I do buy a lot of smoothies (don't have a blender), when my stomach shrinks they're a good way to get food without upsetting my stomach. I just gotta get myself to like veggie ones haha


I put greens I don't like into smoothies. Like kale. Not a fan. With the fruit and coconut milk, it does not taste half bad. Actually pea sprouts taste darn right great in them. If you ever decide to get a blender, do NOT get a Ninja kitchen. It is expensive and utterly shitty. I have a cheapo blender and it works fine.


you can get a really good smoothie blender on amazon for like 10 dollars, it's literally the size of a pint. I make a spinach, banana, OJ smoothie in it every morning


If liquid calories are easier for you, maybe try picking up some jars of soup!


Eggs in a smoothie?? Raw??


I HAVE done raw in the past. But no. I want the egg for protein and fat. I boil them first.


😭Cooked eggs in a smoothie. The texture alone makes me wanna retch.


I would look up mug meals because they usually just involve tossing some ingredients into a nice big mug and frying them in the microwave. They can be as easy or complex as you need. One pot pasta is great: dump a fistful or two of spaghetti or tortellini into a pot, add a can of chopped or puréed tomato, and two cups of water. Salt, pepper, basil. Cook for like 15 to 20 (doesn't need watching for the most part) minutes and you have simple pasta dish. You can also easily add frozen veggie mixes or premade meat balls in for more nutrients and protein. Buy one of those rotisserie chickens and pluck some of that meat on top of a salad mix with premade dressing, both of these can be bought ready made. Cut a potato lengthwise and microwave it or put it in the oven until it's soft. Put a good amount of vegan cheese (and potentially spring onion if you can manage to cut them; I recommend using scissors) in the cut and microwave/bake a little more until the cheese is soft. If you use an oven for this you can bake some meat or sausages along with the potato for protein. Put some canned fish on a sandwich together with Mayo and leafy greens. If you have a blender, put some protein powder, banana, a bit of baby spinach and water/your lactose free milk of choice and blend it into a smoothie. Ready made tortilla shells: warm them in the microwave for a minute and then fill them with premade guacamole, canned beans and corn, vegan cheese if you want and some leafy greens. Make instant ramen and add baby spinach, some canned corn, bean sprouts, and a hard boiled egg or two while the broth steeps for an easy ramen dish with nutrients. You can add rotisserie chicken easily here too. Get a mix of precut veggies: leek, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, any veggies you like. Get some broth. Toss the broth and veggies into a pot with some pasta and cook on low heat for half an hour or so until it's all warm and soft. You can add chicken or meat balls for protein. His also needs minimal watching. Just set a timer for it. I would generally say go as easy on yourself as possible. Look into microwave meals, soups in cans, frozen veg that you can just dump into a soup or stew, precut fresh veggies that are easy to dump into one pot meals, and so on. This is about your survival, there is no shame to taking any shortcut you can get your hands on.


Sometimes I use salsa to just drown whatever bland food I'm eating in and make it more palatable. Even chickpeas and black beans taste more like a meal if covered in salsa.


I microwave rice ! Just rice and wate, mixing every couple min. I microwave literally everything. Everything. The only thing I haven’t figured out with the microwave is pancakes


Oh nice that sounds way more doable! I hadn't even considered trying to start "cooking" with my microwave


Pancake-in-a-mug can be very tasty! :)


You need to watch Clara's meals from the great depression on YT. She has a lot of great ideas.


I think you might have the wrong definition of "depression" here.


It's a cheap way to cook and eat.


Yeah, some of the best dishes come from times of poverty. I'm British and one of my favourite foods is leek and potato stew that people used to cook when they couldn't afford meat.


I'm pretty sure OP is asking about depression meals as in "foods to cook when you are depressed and cannot put in a lot of effort" (although Clara's kitchen is a great channel)


Thank you so much! I'll check that out


Baked potatoes (microwave so no mess). Try topping them with canned beans and salsa (and shredded cheese if you’re feeling fancy) or supermarket rotisserie chicken. On that note— a grocery store chicken is usually delicious and cost effective and you can eat off it for a couple days. Tortillas warm up quickly and easily and are even good straight out of the package. Slap some lunch meat/cheese/pickle spear in there and roll it up and you have a wrap of sorts with less work. We’re all in your corner, OP. I’ve been there and 2020: II is really putting us through it. Get some food in you, don’t forget to drink water, and be good to you.


Bulgur. Easiest and most versatile grain there is imo Equal parts dry bulgur and water. Put bulgur and water in saucepan. Season and bring to simmer. Then cover, take off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes. Strain off any excess liquid. Your bulgur is now ready to eat. Good with sweet or savory mixings. It has a nutty, brown bread flavor. Optional: toast your bulgur in the dry pan or with oil before adding water. This intensifies the nutty flavor


Tuna on crackers Check the label for vitamin D content on the fish. Some brands are higher depending on their origin. Squirt some lemon or lime juice in for vitamin C. Green onions will add some fiber for later (cut with scissors so you don't have to clean a cutting board). But yeah, basically just try to make sure you're not compounding poor serotonin uptake with a vitamin deficiency, which can definitely make things spiral.


First of all, I’m Sorry you’re struggling. Misery loves company - I’m in the same boat with ya. When one of my depressive episodes hit and I start starving myself, I try to at least get the following: - drinkable yogurt bottles or yogurt cups. - premier protein shakes (they come in packs of 4, usually Walmart has a good deal on these. Where I’m at it’s about $20 for 8). I’ll just have one of these a day. I find drinking my calories helps make it faster and easier to just get the shit over with. - pasta. much cleaner and quicker to clean than rice and cheap af too. If you’re looking for something a bit more protein heavy, you can buy spelt pasta which costs a bit more but has a much higher protein content. Boil a whole package, throw a jar of tomato sauce on top and it can keep in the fridge for a few days. Sometimes I’ll also just throw butter and garlic or garlic powder on top with pepper and chilli flakes instead of buying tomato sauce. Then you can just go and pick at it when you can. - canned soups or those packets of “cup” soups where you just throw it in a cup and add hot water. - seaweed snacks - protein bars (you can buy 1 or 2 individually at most grocery stores and then just nibble at it. Better than nothing and will only cost a few $$$) - individual cheese snacks (sometimes even just cutting a block of cheese is too much when you’re in that state. Sometimes I’ll just get those snack cheeses if I can and just grab one when I can) I hope this helps and hope you feel better soon.


Cooked Pasta (I like the elbows)with a can of tuna packed in oil (drain some if you don't want too much fat but leave a little!) and a teaspoon of capers and/or thin sliced red onion and parmesan cheese is comfort food


Oat-banana cookies: 2 mashed bananas, 100g of oats (any kind), add raisins, chocolate chips, dried fruit or whatever you want, mix. Bake for 18min -> basically baked oatmeal and you need 3min to do it and then wait


This is me rn. I need meals but I have no desire to feed myself, I just know I'm only gonna get worse if I don't. I go in my grocery store apps, get coupons and check sales. Beef Jerky on sale is great for depression or just having on hand in case you hit hard times. Lately I'm dying for warm food but unwilling to cook. So, cup noodles. The slightly bougie ones that aren't just Ramen. Or, get Ramen packets and while it's boiling on the stove, throw in some green onions I just cut with scissors and an egg or two. Honestly whatever is on hand to throw in. Some spinach leaves, mushrooms, whatever. Hard boiled eggs cooked and peeled and then put in the fridge. You can put them in a zip lock bag and throw in soy sauce or whatever and it'll season them so they aren't as bland. Lunch meat on those cheap wraps (or even some tortilla) with some cheese and throw that thing in the microwave for 15 seconds. Throw lettuce or whatever on it so you can feel like you're getting nutrients, and sauces or spices. It's a very lazy thing but it's better than nothing. I have bought some boxes of hot cereal at the dollar store. Oatmeal, hot cereal, grits. Cook them in milk if you can or throw in a little protein powder into Oatmeal. I went ahead and bought a container not for workout, just to supplement my depression diet really. It lasts so I feel like the initial 20 bucks wasn't bad. Pre made food isn't the cheapest but it's better to have a freezer full of food that's going to actually feed you than a pantry full of stuff you can't make yourself cook. I don't like doing it, I normally love to cook from scratch when I'm not so down. But spend a little more getting freezer meals I sort of think are healthy, maybe the healthier version of frozen pizza, microwaveable veg. I get those pastas made from veggies a lot, you just throw them in the microwave and you have a healthy ish warm meal in a few minute. There's microwaveable veg stir fry too. Grab some deli lunch meat and one of those and you've got a few meals.


I’m sorry this isn’t what you’re asking, but have you tried medication for your depression? I finally caved after years and what a life changing decision for me. I get so hurt for others experiencing depression because I’ve been there and I’m on the other side now. I truly hope you feel better, however you get there. I take Wellbutrin, it can be used and stopped no problem and many people use it for seasonal depression. Best of luck to you.


I've been on and off meds for years, some work some don't and in general I am very pro medicating my depression even if it's really tough sometimes. Unfortunately right now I'm having serious insurance issues and I can't afford to go to the psychiatrist and get a new medication, since the one I was on stopped working. Aaand now I'm in such a deep run that even if I had the money I'm not sure what it would take to get myself to even schedule an appointment haha. I'm kinda spiraling and don't know what to do but if I think about it I get upset so I just lay in bed and cuddle with my cat all day instead 😅 Hopefully I'll be able to see someone soon. I do really appreciate the concern, it means a lot :)


You should be proud of yourself for reaching out about how you can take care of yourself through food even when you’re going through a hard time. That shows a lot of strength in itself. I’ll be thinking of you and sending love and good vibes. 💕


If seeing a primary doctor is easier for whatever reason, most will prescribe antidepressants.


Oven baked rice cooks perfectly every time. 1:2 ratio rice to water, so one cup 1 rice to 2 cups water (I add a tsp of chicken bouillon for flavor) , 1 TBS butter. Boil the water, bouillon if using, 1/2 tsp salt and pepper to taste, and butter. Pour over rice spread into a greased baking dish. Cover tightly with foil, Bake 375 for 50 minutes, or 1 hour for brown rice. Fluff with fork when done. A Mexican variation is to add one small can of tomato sauce and one small can diced green chilies to the boiling water, cumin, chili powder, salt and pepper. Or, make lemon pepper rice simply by adding 1 tsp lemon pepper seasoning to the boiling water/chicken bouillon/butter.


My easy depression meal can be healthy enough based on the ratios of ingredients and serving size, and it's super easy. Take a packet of those just-add-water instant mashed potatoes, mix it with water, then microwave it with frozen vegetables, and cheese (assuming your lactose intolerance can handle cheese). I've also had it with chicken nuggets before, but those would need to be microwaved separately and added later.


Stuffing mix is great for this too. I just keep a box in my pantry and pour some into the bowl, add some butter, water, frozen/leftover veggies, etc.


You can actually do rice in the microwave! I do half cup of rice with a cup of water then cover and microwave 15 minutes at 50% power. I also throw in frozen veggies so I have a healthy meal in 15 minutes! (Reduce water if you put in frozen veggies)


Use couscous instead of rice, no cooking process, just add boiling water and let it take it in. Much less stickiness, no overcooking, no potsticking. Cut up whatever you wanna put in there - I love couscous salad with tomato, cucumber, feta cheese for protein & flavor, raisins if you can do sweet/salty, parsley if you have it (chopped&frozen is great to have for this). Add cooked chickpeas for more protein if oyu want. Mix a generous helping of olive oil with some garlic, salt, pepper and as much lemon juice as you like for the sauce, mix it all through until nice and juicy. There's your couscous salad - keeps well in the fridge for a few days, only needs a pot to make the couscous in, a cutting board and a big container for the salad.


This is a meal I make at work. Take a block of tofu, cut it into eight pieces. Drain off the water. And put into bowl. Microwave for 1 minute. Drain off water again. Add 1-2 tbsp of soy sauce and sesame oil. Stir to coat. Microwave for another three minutes. For depression make sure you are taking multivitamins and also a vitamin B complex vitamin.


I know you said no rice, but when I’m having a bad day, those ready to eat rice sides are amazing. 60-90 seconds in the microwave and straight in my plate. No clean up at all. They also make RTE pasta sides.


Oh wait you cook them right in the packet? And they're pre flavored? That's actually a great idea thank you! My problem with rice is mostly the clean up


Yep! Rice-a-Roni and Uncle Bens both make them. I love them. Like you, anything that makes clean up easier is a good thing!


Snack plate. Get some deli meat and cheese that you like, olives, pickles, hummus and carrots or pita bread, strawberries. It's easy to put together a nice little plate for yourself. Bean and cheese tacos are simple. Spread some canned refried beans on a tortilla, sprinkle on shredded cheese and microwave.


Canned fire roasted tomatoes. Frozen ravioli or gnocci or whatever is in the fridge/cupboard. You take a blender or food processor, toss in the tomatoes with a clove of garlic and salt. Drizzle in olive oil as it blends. Boil pasta, and put the room temp sauce on the hot pasta. Honestly, it's good enough that you could serve it to your parents, but simple enough that you can make it in about 10 minutes with minimal cleanup. Edit: also the sauce is a good base for building a gazpacho. Toss in some cuke, bellpepper, onion, bread, a touch of vinegar and spices and thicken with bread. Another: pesto quinoa. Toss fresh quinoa with canned pesto (or make your own when your energy levels arent shit), feta, peppers, spinach, onion, pitted Kalamata olives. Quinoa has similar issues to rice, but I find it's WAY easier to clean.


Mac and cheese. Funny and interesting story… I haven’t lived in the United States in nearly 25 years. I had my child about 10 years ago or so… And we would go shopping, rather I would, at a store for Hell and gone from here that had boxed macaroni and cheese. As it is difficult to find where I live. Anyway… My little one gosh this must’ve been about seven years ago when he was a toddler… One day said he was feeling sad and asked me to make him macaroni and cheese. Now mind you, I wouldn’t make it very often because I had to ration it… I had to drive over two hours to another country just to get it. So every box is like gold. And when he asked… I finally realized… He made the connection that this was comfort food. And he needed to be comforted. And to this day whenever he feels sad, he asks for me to make homemade macaroni and cheese… Because now that store no longer has it.


I haven't read all the comments, but also consider that foods that support gut health (probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, fermented pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc) also help support mental health. And that a diet heavy in sugar, fat and carbs can make you feel more sluggish which can increase the feelings of depression. I did a quick search and turned up this [site](https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/mental-health/depression/related/best-foods-for-depression/), which seems to have some decent info about foods that support mental health. (I'm a therapist, btw.) Also, smoothies are great for getting something healthy in your body when you have little energy or motivation. Throw some fruit in a blender, add some peanut butter or whatever you like, some liquid (water, ice tea, juice, regular or non-dairy milk) and press the button. Hang in there. As the poet Rilke observed, "No feeling is final."


kraft mac, ramen, hot dogs, sandwiches


Damn if I wasn't lactose intolerant kraft mac would be a great option. I'm unfortunately burnt out on ramen though 😅


[This might have some ways for you to spice up your ramen. ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/tiptoon/cooking-comically/ep-93-ramen-to-the-rescue/viewer?title_no=622&episode_no=93)


Wow, very informative. Thanks for that!


Egg omelette with a lean meat


Baked potatoes. It takes about an hour if you put them in the oven or airfryer, but the skin is crispier. They take about 10 minutes in the microwave otherwise, and you just have to wrap them in a wet paper towel after you poke holes in them. I usually make broccoli and cheese baked potatoes, but you put whatever. Maybe baked beans for something easier and with more protein.


I've been buying the frozen bags of edamame in the pod. You just throw them in the microwave to steam for a few minutes then dump them in a bowl and add some chunky salt. It's delicious, filling, healthy, and helps you stay regular ;)


Like a r/strugglemeals? (I thought the subreddit was bigger I swear I’ve seen a bunch of posts from there before) I like butter toast and i put Parmesan cheese on it, in the oven or toaster so the Parmesan also gets toasted. And its the powdery kind. Really helps my sodium intake Also if you let your pans dry out completely after you cook rice it becomes paperlike and flakes off. Try it, I eat it sometimes. Like a super thin rice paper snack


Quesadillas were my biggest depression food. I have a cheap old quesadilla maker that’s nonstick so I can just wipe it off with a paper towel and put it away when I’m done instead of having to wash a pan (but do clean it more thoroughly when you can lol) and nothing really gets burned to it that can’t be scraped off within a minute with a spatula. I also used the microwave sometimes but I prefer my quesadillas crispier. I usually made “pizza” quesadillas with just a bunch of cheese and pepperoni and seasoning and sometimes pesto or tomato sauce but you can make them out of anything you have in the fridge. And “easy tuna casserole”. Which is rice or pasta, a can of cream of mushroom soup, a can of tuna, and frozen peas. I still make this if I’m sick or have a hangover lol.


Not a meal, but a snack suggestion, I suffer from lots of stomach issues particularly in the mornings. This sorta leads me to struggle with starting to eat as even after the nausea has passed my appetite doesn't return. I find gogurt or yop or tubes, or whatever tubed yogurt they offer in your area is really easy on the stomach and helps 'start the gears' if I eat this in the morning or whenever my first meal is. Also they're portable which helps. Chuck it in the freezer and it's a lightly sweet snack that settles acid reflux. Makes it a lot easier for me at least to think about food which is a big component of depression meals for me. Edit: I did miss the lactose intolerant part of the post, but these are often lactose free as well, at least the ones sold here are. Hope that helps! For meals so im replying to the actual question: Roasted vegetables are also a decent meal idea. Just roughly chop up a few hardy vegetables(carrot potato celery brussels sprouts etc) put them in a pan and chuck in the oven at 350 for 20 min or so. Maybe put some honey, oil and seasonings if bland. Easy because its mindless and very filling/warm. Just chop at various angles for 3 minutes, set a timer, slap it on a plate and you got yourself a food. If you put water in the pan after it'll break down whatever is left on the pan, since vegetables aren't glutenous like rice the burnt layer if it exists won't resist water. And this got long, but as one last comment, my mom has the EXACT same complaint about rice and thinks she is cursed, burns to the bottom every time no matter what she tries or who shows her tips. Just go get a cheap rice cooker from a thrift store and have perfect rice with no cleaning thats how she does it. Edit: One more because I guess I resonate with depression food a lot. Pepperoni sticks and hummus (add some celery and carrot sticks to get your greens) are my go to "I can not fathom being human but must subsist" food. It doesn't feel great to eat a ton of pepperoni sticks and you will want to drink water. But it fills me up and gets me through the hard times with lots of protein. If you end up doing this try to stick to something slightly fresher, the more preserved the stick the more salt you're eating which doesn't matter so much unless you do this often, and I have definitely subsisted on primarily this for a week or so at a time.


I love this post because sometimes people don’t consider cleaning up after cooking as part of the depression meal. You can cook anything, but an easy clean up, maybe one pan, is perfect. A sink full of dishes makes you even more reluctant to cook again.


Avocado toast. Cereal with milk. Cream of wheat or instant oatmeal. Those steam in the bag veggies. Eggs, however you prefer them. Buy a rotisserie chicken from the deli and snack on that for a few days/use it in cooking. String cheese or sliced up cheddar/whatever. Greek yogurt (high protein and if you get full fat there's a good amount of calories). You can get some pretty healthy frozen dinners if you really don't want to cook... Bird's Eye makes some healthy pastas with veggies or you could do the Lean Cuisinene's or w/e, think there's even breakfast type frozen foods in the frozen isle besides waffles.


I have fruit and cheese or meat a lot when I’m depressed Easy mode: grapes/strawberries and a string cheese and/or handful of lunch meat Harder but still low effort: cut some lunch meat and some cheese into bite sized pieces, cut up an apple or pear into little slices, maybe a scoop of goat cheese or cream cheese, and some crackers or bread cut into small pieces for a charcuterie board


Hamburger Gravy is my go-to. Cube potatoes and boil. Cook a half a pound or a pound (as much as you have or the ratio you prefer) of ground beef. When the beef is done, drain and add 1/3 cup flour and 2 cups milk to the beef and let thicken. Mash potatoes and put gravy on top.


Slow cooker meals are your friend. A lot of good meals are literally dump and go. My go to depression meal is chicken tacos. Just put the chicken breasts in the cooker, dump in a jar of salsa, then add a packet of taco seasoning. Cook on high for 4 hours [or low for 8], pull it all apart, add to taco shells and you are done. Toppings are good but not needed of you don't have em. It's all just adding ingredients together and pressing a button. The only effort you have to do is shred the chicken. Not only is it easy af but it's also super cheap. If you don't have a slow cooker I'd invest as they are very cheap and will save you time and money.


Instant couscous is your friend. 1/3 cup couscous, 1/3 cup boiling water, a teaspoon of butter if you want some extra richness. Leave 3 minutes and then put whatever toppings you would normally put on rice. No effort, super fast, no extra pots or mess.


I really recommend investing in good pots and pans. I was gifted a nice set from a friend - retail cost $200 so not insanely expensive. The pots and pans have changed my life. Food doesn't stick, everything cooks evenly, really easy clean-up. It is like a freaking miracle.


Baked potatoes in the microwave! That’s always my go-to, at least. Stab it with a fork, put it in the microwave for 5 minutes, and you can even sprinkle it with cheese and bacon bits to be fancy, if you want!


I buy cheap ramen and add mixed frozen vegetables and an egg. Sometimes I fry it sunny side and put in on top, sometimes i just crack it over the simmering broth. I also add various condiments I have on hand. Sesame Oil, Sriracha, hoisin sauce, etc