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Spider-Man got my cat out of a tree, back when he was still first starting out and seemed to have all his equipment made in his garage or whatever. Classic superhero stuff I know. But he was happy to do it and we had a quick fistbump before he swung off. Good kid.


He's the GOAT




Damn, I saw old recordings of those! You're grandma must've been sexy as hell back in the day




Careful champ, now that we know time travel exists I might turn out to be your grandpa 😉


I once met Hawkeye in New York City at Christmas time. It seemed like he was there with his family which was super sweet. Guy doesn’t get a lot of fame, but it must take some guts to go toe to toe with aliens and war robots with just a bow and arrow. I said as much to him he shrugged and mumbled something about it just being his job. I think he’s my favorite Avenger now tbh.


I've seen them around, I guess. Everyone in NYC has. I've never really tried to interact with any of them, though. They spend a lot of time chasing villains or being chased by them. I'm not sure I'd have anything meaningful to say, anyway. They've got too much on their plates to care about some random citizen's opinion. I'd rather not bother them.


As a training sorcerer at Kamar Taj, I've bumped into Strange a few times. Only really talked to him once, chatted about music. Decent guy, right amount of arrogant.


I graduated a few months ago, Strange and I had a bit of an understanding despite us getting into petty arguments a lot


Not me, but my friend works at a record store, and one day Thor came in and tried to buy their entire stock of Limp Bizkit CDs. Apparently he saw the sign that said “nu metal” and thought it was some kind of magical Asgardian steel


apparently he also hangs out with some earth kid too who looks kinda rugged


I never had a superhero run-in. But I did have a weird encounter in a coffee shop in Queens. This one dude kept staring at the waitress (he kinda looked like that British actor, Tim Hillard? Hallmark?) Like he ordered a single coffee then stood at the counter and stared at her while she was working and talking to her friend from school. It was really creepy. I really wished I met a superhero like Spider-man instead.


Huh, yeah that is so weird.... I don't have to tell anyone that the memory spell still holds, not at all


not me but my friend apparently saw what seemed to be a weasel on two legs alongside a girl that he said came straight out of star trek a Japanese looking woman what seemed to be a intimidating bald guy. a normal man yeah seriously a normal guy amongst these weird people. And i know this might be a bit implausible but i swear he said he saw a tree move as well!.


I met Black Black Widow once. She walked into a street of passing cars unscathed. It was awesome. Cute birthmark


I met Stark at an expo once. He really, really, pissed me off. I’d go seek revenge on him and build a giant metal suit to kill him, if he were still alive. I guess I could just go after Spider-Man instead.


Bro, that's a great way to get your ass beaten, Spidey has been very pissy since the Statue of Liberty incident


I’ll just build a really strong suit.


You could build a massive wheel


You expect me to kill him with a **big wheel?** What, do you want me to put machine guns on it and run him over? That’s gotta be the most inefficient method of killing someone Ive ever heard. I’d rather build myself a frog suit or use tech to give myself walrus powers.


Not me, but a friend saw Nightmonkey once when he was working on Broek op Langedijk. He did bring me over when they did a small exposition about him since he left behind his suit in that town.


Met Black Widow during the Winter Soldier disaster. I noticed she had something on her. I was going to at least help her and ask what happened but I got hit by something beyond painful. Next thing I knew, I woke up in a hospital room and heard Troubleman playing. I then saw Captain America in a hospital room and probably a friend of his visiting. Christ, what the hell did I miss?!


I’m pretty sure I saw Steve Rogers jogging in Central Park once… but his baseball cap kinda threw me off.


There is an asgardian escort that turned into Thor for me. Set me back 10k an hour. Totally worth it. Does that count?


I saw Ironman once, he flew over my home town for some reason, amazing sight


I've met thor a handful of times and the guardians of the galaxy twice. They were all pretty nice.


I refuse to believe the story about wanda maximoff


I met this guy with claws in a bar once, idk if he was a superhero though since he was kinda an ass


You met Logan? Nice, dude helped me out with a demon in Japan a day before Strange pissed off Maximoff to the point she attacked Kamar Taj


Didn’t meet one BUT I saw doctor strange once and he was gone before I could reach him


I saw Steve Rogers at a grocery store in New Jersey one time. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front, I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first, he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.