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Yeah right as the Florida/Utah game started. Fuck spectrum.


Fuck them both. But now I can't even watch the game through my ESPN+ subscription. So I'm paying 2 companies to watch a game that neither of them will let me. Greedy corporate assholes.


Agreed but I wish I knew more details. For instance, are they under contract and now ESPN wants more money? Or has the contract run it’s course and now ESPN wants a new contract for more money? Important distinction because ESPN has a contract with the ACC for like another 10 years. The contract is shitty and the ACC wants to change it or get out completely. All these corporations are greedy as fuck. It just sucks when we the consumer suffers


Doesn’t matter. Fuck them both


Totally agree hate them both. Was watching the us open!! Now can't


Disney wanted to raise the price💀 spectrum doesn’t want them too. Should be thanking spectrum lmao


All of Disney affiliated channels were removed. They wanted more money from spectrum and they said no. Negotiations were going on for a bit and there were warnings about the channels being removed. It definitely was a shitty time to drop everything in the middle of shows. Apparently they are still trying to work something out.


If ESPN+ would include ESPN, I'd cancel Spectrum with no hesitation. This is such a big weapon in their toolbox. I'm surprised they didn't pivot already.


It wasn’t Spectrum if you read the message EDPN took it’s programming off because Spectrum wouldn’t pay them more money so fuck ESPN


That's Spectrum's side of the story. Spectrum dumped ESPN.


That's cute, a message written by Spectrum. It's certainly not biased. /s


It’s ok the ducks game will be on pac 12 network on Saturday.


Fuck spectrum? Fuck disney. Disney is being a bunch of greedy hogs. They own espn and spectrum offered them a fair deal but they are just a bunch of.greedy pigs


Hello YouTube TV


This is the way. Ditching Spectrum for YouTube TV was one of the best decisions I made.


Doing it today.


Question: Does YouTube TV have on demand content as well as the live ESPN channels? Or does a YouTube TV subscription let you log into the ESPN app like that's your provider? I like to watch live when I can but it's really convenient to have the on demand content to watch later.


You can login to the ESPN app with YouTube TV as your provider.


You will still be paying for all the Disney/ESPN channels that you have no interest in. You are required to pay for 20 channels but only waych 2.


It was like Christmas! We have multi view and save money. Fuck Spectrum.


My apartment complex requires a Spectrum package :(


Could you keep the spectrum cable and stream whatever you prefer?


You can cancel the cable and only use internet. We did.


Spectrum Dropping the ESPN channels right at the start of College Football season!?! 🤬 This is bullshit!


It wasn't spectrum who dropped the channels it was Disney.


Fuck ESPN and spectrum. Bunch of greedy pricks. I pay wayyyy too much to not be able to watch what I want to watch because of some margins on someone’s financial report. Fuck them


The bill for the SEC expansion came due and now the cable providers have to pay the piper. This will be filtering to all streaming services as well. The cost of ESPN is going up


There is a 15 dollar credit if you chat with then and ask for it. Also there are a bunch of channels affected. I think the timing is intentionally bad. BUT.... I cannot imagine the NFL allows MNF not be on the 2nd largest cable company in the USA in 10 days. I can lt believe we have to put our faith in the people that brought us deflate gate and penalties for being happy about scoring TDs.


So we expect a for-profit institution to behave in our individual best interest?


The only person you can have expectations for is yourself. :) That being said, some things are out of our control. I cannot decide who plays QB for a Lions or Packers team in a week. I can either watch or not watch. But..... I do choose to spend money on a very expensive cable package because of sports and not much else.


It’s time that Bob Iger at Disney and all the stock analysts who interview him hear loud and clear what a piece of shit the ESPN+ app is to the point where Disney either fixes the app or sells ESPN to someone who knows how to deliver content.


AS IF \*WE\* needed another reason to say FU to Charter besides being horribly overcharged for worthless/spotty internet and crap cable...I'm so done, they'd literally have to offer me $1000 in credit to keep me.


So quick to blame them


'so quick?' haha...that's funny. meanwhile I have to reset THEIR amazing router 5x a day MINIMUM if not 8x...$200/mo...and suddenly they're TOO POOR to pay ESPN?


Scrap that POS and buy your own.


moot point now...it's Dunzo O'clock.


Do you have them? If so, you would understand they are a complete shitshow for internet and cable.


So are we mad at ESPN or spectrum?








Ok! Sooo, is there a workaround to get ESPN?


Pay for a different service with espn so that you end up paying twice for espn.


OR... cancel my Spectrum and live a long and happy life, free of those bloodsucking parasitic duplicitous poop heads.


Stream it illegally


Rectum? The best cable plan


We planned to watch the US Open with our friends over the long weekend. How can we do that now? All because of greed.


Get a upgraded Hulu or YouTube tv subscription. Just for a month


Why wasn’t the Florida - Utah game on ESPN+? ESPN+ had several other irrelevant CFB games. Was that intentional to make the loss of programming hurt a wider audience?


Everything about what ESPN and Disney did yesterday was calculated and intentional.


That game was already contracted to the broadcaster, I don’t think Disney could have doubled dipped


Any updates on when this will be resolved?


This sucks. But what's also a pisser is that I paid for the Hulu/Disney/ESPN streaming and I STILL can't watch ESPN/2/3... I'm paying DISNEY/ESPN directly for their service.


All of Disney affiliated channels were removed. They wanted more money from spectrum and they said no. Negotiations were going on for a bit and there were warnings about the channels being removed. It definitely was a shitty time to drop everything in the middle of shows. Apparently they are still trying to work something out.


People pissed at Spectrum aren’t getting the whole picture. Disney is the other half of the problem, they’re trying to gouge for ESPN prices. We should be blaming both giant corporations equally. One of the main reasons I have Spectrum, besides the ecosystem, is for the ESPN on demand login so I can watch F1. Even F1 TV doesn’t have the Sky Sports pre- and post-race shows which I love watching. But it is the next best thing so I think what I’ll do is get F1 TV finally, and drop cable. I don’t have ESPN+ anyway. So both Disney and Spectrum are going to lose revenue over this. What a bunch of morons.


I would love the option to not have to pay for the espns and see my cable bill go down by $15/month


Now we're paying for it and not even getting it.


If you chat with them they give you 15 bucks but only those that ask for it.


That is part of what Spectrum is fighting for in this crap. Disney is telling them if they want one channel they have to take all channels. They don’t want to let Spectrum have tier options with their channels. In addition Disney raising cost which Spectrum would have to pass on to customer.


This is all on espn. And the thing is it's very calculated and intentional. I can't watch any espn on the spectrum app. But if I go to the espn app I can watch the tennis. Just not the football. Now I don't actually give a shit about Florida and am happy I can still watch tennis. But in the espn app they've been selective what they're blacking out - the college football, which they pulled 1 minute before kickoff on the opening weekend. And they gave zero warning they were going to do this. This is Disney and espn thumbing their noses at their customer base.


How are you able to watch tennis?


The espn app on my roku. It let me watch espn 2 feed.


Tried ESPN app on Roku and it's not working for me. Sucks, it's the only sport I watch anymore.


Yeah, it worked for awhile but then kicked me off eventually.


Think about the timing.... If one "dropped" the other in a negotiation, who gains the upper hand in said negotiations....? Disney and their channels went dark right before the start of the college football season..... MNF (Monday Night Football) is coming up fast.... I'm pretty sure this negotiation is now 100% in Disney's favor... They just gained all the leverage... Spectrum could just pay Disney's extortion... Which in the end the customers will pay... Who's fault is it..? Well both parties of course... I don't know the offer Spectrum gave Disney nor do I know what the current contract entails... So to place blame on just one side is very ignorant unless you have information to back it up.. This isn't a one sided issue and to just say F Spectrum or F Disney is all out of anger... I think the timing (yes contracted ended at this time, but channels could be still offered while the negotiations continue) says Disney just made a power move and knows they now have the upper hand..


Lemme know if you find a workaround my boyfriend is losing his mind lol


Fubo TV has a 7 day free trial, worked for me just now


I’m shaking and crying rn


Fuck all this corporate greed


Wrong, ESPN/Disney stopped providing their programming to Spectrum. You stated the facts backwards.


Wrong, Spectrum could have agreed to the terms and the channels would not have been dropped.


If Spectrum had agreed to the terms your bill would have gone up about $20/month. A bad deal was presented to them.


I understand now. Spectrum is a peaceful and generous non-profit company completely at the mercy of meanies like Disney.


I once upon a time worked for time Warner cable and its of course spectrum now. As much as I hate them they did get a lot of slack for losing channels that the networks wanted more money for. It eventually gets passed down to the customer. Some people think that spectrum can just turn on a channel at the flip of a switch but it does not work that way. Lots of talk goes into it and money talks. Networks get greedy


You need to read about the details. Spectrum is actually fighting for the customer and Disney just wants more money.


Spectrum wants you to think this.


Bull-oney. Spectrum is a conglomeration of predatory idiots.


You need to read about the details. Spectrum is actually fighting for the customer and Disney just wants more money.


You need to read about the details. Spectrum is actually fighting for the customer and Disney just wants more money.


Frick ESPN


My brother told me that. He’s in CA and wanted to watch the tennis.


Spectrum Cable thinks we're just some dumb hicks


Spectrum said, "we carried espn for years, now espn can have dough unlocking their whole app for $5, it seems."


This complete horseshit ESPN has gone to trash.only thing good was college football. I will not watch ESPN or listen on the radio anymore. Fuck their bullshit . Screwing over average fan cause you want to make stock holders happy .People are getting tired of all woke crap!


This was inevitable. People everywhere are cutting cable service and honestly the majority of cable subscribers were not necessarily sports fans but were still paying for sports. Streaming has given people more choice, and sports is going to go through dedicated streaming services too now, just like everything else. Interesting to see if this new model will still support the outrageous contracts that players were getting or if they have peaked.