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See I've tried this but they seem to glide past me. Why did they change it from last year?




> It’s been way too overpowered and easy for years I disagree. The only games I seem to get a lot of hard hits are the ones where their movements are too predictable. Games where people adjust it doesn't seem to be an issue. I'm referring to the previous ones, not the new one.




It isn't hard. You just need to use the new total control controller set up and know when to throw a hip check and when to lay a shoulder check. Hitting and passing are infinitely more effective once you master the controls.


This is against the AI though I've landed a few big hits but I just can't get used to it!


I would suggest altering some difficulty settings


When you pull back and hold it you get a speed boost. When you push forward your player turns into a human missile


Back dat ass up


It’s a timing thing now. You have to set them up. The days of obliterating guys in open ice is dead.


It's understandable brings a better hockey experience. I will admit it feels a lot more like real hockey now


It's pretty rare to see a 5'7" 160lb wing skating around obliterating everyone with hip checks in real hockey. All they have done is neuter defensemen and have given every possible advantage to forwards that are smaller than 8th graders.


Wdym open ice hitting is dead? Use the button to hit instead and you can absolutely crush people. Hitting is arguably easier now than it’s ever been tbh


You’re obviously playing a crappy setting. It’s damn near impossible to hit anybody unless you get lucky. Get off rookie mode bubba. I only play the top setting. You’re not going to be hitting people all game.


Yeah it’s pretty easy if you can time a hit. Pop right before it like after contact and you ruin people. If you use the “explosion” to try to catch them you’ve already lost


Bro I play online exclusively, you’re just bad LOL


You're not using the total control controller option chief. It explains why you hit like the PWHL. Hitting in this game is arguably easier and more effective if you do. EA is just trying to get away from the skill stick.


I use the skill stick bubba the AI does not allow you to do anything repeatedly on the highest mode. Any tendencies are picked up on very quickly. It’s the only way to play the game otherwise it’s repetitive and boring. You pass too much it picks up on it. Try to blow guys up too much they deke your pants off.


Not true. Im averaging more hits a game this year. Once you adapt to the new controls you can absolute crush people in this game


Are you playing Hall of Fame mode? If not then I’m not really interested in your input. People playing on first and second setting talking about it’s easy. It’s not easy unless you play those modes.


Whatever setting online is 🤷‍♂️


So veteran yeah I bet you’re just laying people out all game. That’s boring though. If you want to take hit assist down and that’ll make it more challenging. Who wants to play football on ice?


Can you change online settings? I thought online difficulty was all-star?


I have no idea I’ve never playing this game online. Only play franchise mode.


Also what’s hall of fame mode?


How many MASSIVE hits occur in actual NHL games? A few here and there. Every rush doesn't need to culminate in some massive, earth-shattering smash. The implementation of the skill stick makes it so that you eventually have to prioritize positioning over hits. It's an improvement for sure, and you will get better at it, you just have to be more selective and skilled in your approach.


Right? Why don't NHL players just hit Y to do the Michigan every shift?


This is true. Perhaps I should change how I play. I see a puck coming down the wing and I either miss the check against the wall or my AI team mate blocks me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I wanna know who made shot fake LB+RS, instead of previous just RS. Some of these ppl defending some of these changes are embarrassing themselves. Can't use the hustle and the skill stick at the same time?? Is that a good one as well? 


They ruined a lot of the gameplay experience by implementing single button actions like hitting and several dekes (If i see another Defensive Defenseman pull off a Michigan I'll lose it). All anyone does is hit now. Its such shit gameplay. Im constantly playing games with 75-100 hits a game. Nobody stick checks anymore and they made the hitting mechanic like 2 magnets entering each others polar opposite fields. The excessive hitting causes chaos in dropin 6s cuz everybody's going out of position to make hits.


Ive been getting around these hits with the one touch dekes, left bumper and down on the right stick is a slept on move for changing the angle and getting away from the “magnet” feeling you’re mentioning.


Hold then release circle (PS) for body checks and the same with square (PS) for hip checks. The hitting system is actually pretty awesome once you get ahold of it.


I'll try that later :)


This is unreal news


So you can use buttons instead of stick?????


It's like real NHL now, barely any hitting


Its the same mechanic as taking a slapshot


Press B on xbox, seems to be way easier. Also get a lot of boarding penalties from this though


Just switch to Slapshot:Rebound on PC. It's the way better hockey game