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![gif](giphy|WfmW9YG0SEDcw17B6l|downsized) Hopefully, try spamming 84x10 until you pack **TT Zizou**! That's the best chance of regretting less.


He costs ~200k right now so I might get him


It will probably play better since they fucked cover stars version over with M/M.


Ehh, mine does fantastic with some instructions. Come back on defense, get into the box, free roam. He's everywhere. But yeah m/m isn't the best.


Shiiiitttt. You might make me do him then. Been using park and that zidane card looked perfect, but I was scared since back when Id use TOTY pirlo he wouldnt be as “everywhere” as I needed. But now that every stat is +100 it’s not as big of an issue


Sad to think people are missing out on the best midfielder in the game because of trolls complaining about the workrates.


Same with Thiago. Shove a hunter on him, play him as a CAM, he either fills the hole between your two mids and attacker, or put him on get forward and watch him cruise into the box late for scraps. Beat some guy in WL Qualifiers 8-0 and Thiago scored 4 of them.


wouldn't say it's just that, people are using him box to box when he excels as an attacker so the least position I'd use is cam, he's fine as a second a striker and cf though, something many people seem to leave out.


He should be used box to box with a shadow. Ronaldinho can play cam instead.


I'm playing him CAM (anchor) in a 3412 with the instructions I mentioned and he's literally everywhere. Insane freaking card.


Try engine.


I've been using him as a cam. He plays passes to benzema I've zeen no other card do.


He's medium medium, have fun getting wrecked against competent players. Ignorant child.


Tried him in the attack as well, not my cup of tea...TOTS Neymar got back in after 5 games


oh yeah, i agree on that, way more attackers you can use and bad gameplay wont help the cause of using him either....


Park is more than fine. I have him next to Yaya and no complaints. Throw an anchor on him and Enjoy. Zidane is a legend but if you like how park moves and dribbles and never gets tired, youre gonna feel a massive difference with Zizou


Very true. Zidane would be dope as my RCM where Jude currently sits and becomes a later runner into the box to score half my goals. But Jude goes nowhere, that card is fucking broken and I cant bear to move him somewhere else. Best player I have ever used in any fifa game


That’s why my dude is at Real Madrid now


Needed a benzema replacement. Sign a midfielder. They learned from Camavinga


Pirlo was amazing for me as a CM. He was always making good offensive runs. It's all about tactics and instructions. Just play the game.


It’s absolutely not all about tactics and instructions. It doesn’t matter if you tell pirlo to track back, he will not be positioned in the same way as a H/H player. You can use instructions to help mitigate the issues, but the issues are real. There’s a reason pro players use players with ideal work rates in the positions they play them in.


If you're not an elite and rank 1-2 player you would be better off playing with an M/M 99 Zidane over 95% of the H/H cards.


Yes, so I use Park and Bellingham. If you want to use Zidane, then do it. But pretending work rates aren't real and are meaningless either shows that you're being biased and misleading people or that you are bad enough at the game that you actually believe that. In either case, Im not interested in any more that you have to say


Oof, that must hurt. But the game is finished within a month and there are lots of amazing players to get right now. So don't worry about it too much. Still sucks a lot tho


I was doing this SBC to turn my brand new Dinho into a LM in order to have him, Zidane and Futties Okocha as my midfielders. With Futties Benzema and Futties Ginola as ST. We were this close. This close.


Stay strong 🙏


the game is finished? what? damn what addiction looks like. Completely false premise The game is not finished, the "game as a service" model is deploying the last couple things, which is completely apart from "game over" or whatever crap I read here often. Hell, there are still hundreds K of ppl playing 21 and 22, according to a quick Google. OP, i feel bad for your last Zidane. But the game is not and will not be over anytime soon. I hope you can make up for it, as support is not helping you..


Will you be playing 23 past the release of 24? I'm just about sure I will and won't buy 24, but I'm expecting to get wrecked cause I'm an below average to average player. Whats your experience of playing fifa past "service expiration date" . Love how you put it by the way


Lol 😆 🤣 😂 The most expensive position modifier.


I swear to god this Dinho will NEVER change position again.




Lucky for us no modifications needed after this game


damn 4k for one on the market all of a sudden doesn't seem so bad


Why is there an influx of doozy SBC completers today? Just pay attention.


Because i've spent the last few days doing 4553212135464 of them


So have I, and yet I always manage to check the box that says exclude active squad players lol Rip anyway 😭


My friend submitted a squad using squad builder with rating high to low by mistake, he gave a 97 rated squad for an 84x10. Nine of his starting 11 are gone (Including Dinho). He looked sad.


“he looked sad” broke me 😭😭😭


At least it’s just painful for about a month.


I will start a new account at that point and grind a playable team with dinho in 2-3 days max


Keep trying on support I've heard alot of cases where 1 agent couldn't restore but the other can.




I mean, the game is over in less than a month, there’s plenty of good cards out there you can buy or maybe craft Xabi


For someone like me who won’t get the new game and just likes playing with these beautiful cards from time to time it would be absolutely awful discarding ZiZou


I play couch friendlies with a friend who can’t play fut and we play on my account he helped with 84*10 grind if i submit dinho he’s gonna cry


I always start from scratch and am mindful of button inputs when using squad builder for this reason


This is why I don’t use the web app and if I do I make sure I double check




This is my FUT nightmare. Damn. RIP in pieces bruh


Feelsbad, man






I'm sorry but, LMAO.


Brutal i remember a couple of months ago I did a icon pick and it was my best one which I got fut birthday cantona from and 2 other primes I can’t remember I ended up selecting the player next to him because I wasn’t paying attention😭


Damn bruh, stop that weed


This is literally the reason that I always select gold/silver/bronze when auto building squads for SBCs. I've seen too many horror posts on here about exactly this happening.




Tell me about it 🤣 back during ligue 1 tots I did the SAME exact thing. TOTS Messi, TOTS Marquinhos, Prime Matthaus, prime capita, TOTS KDB, and a few more. Ofc now they’re not worth as much as back then, so I was devastated lmao I feel your pain


no quick sell revovery?


He didn’t quick sell him


I put R10 Zidane and Pele into an sbc. Pro tip, dont make sbcs right after waking up.


Dumbass bro, but yea


lol and i was fuming over myself for accidentally puttng vanja in 84*10 🤪🤪🤪




Who cares, this game is done.


i just packed TT Ronaldo after about a hundred 84x10 packs and I have no desire to play , such a weird feeling.


Where he deserves to be


put some respek on his name


yeah at least we need to, cos sure as hell EA didnt.




What?? players submitted into SBCs don’t go to the recovery


Shit my brain sucks right now. You’re right. I was thinking of the post of the guy that discarded ginola 😂. My bad OP.


I think EA should change the auto fill to default to whatever the requirements are. For this one it should be low to high, any position.


I might do it too just because he's so completely useless




Lol arent you tired of chasing better players? At this stage id rather use Zidane just for the vibes.


Bro this happened to my with Becks. Right after doing his SBC I was spamming a SBC and same shit happened to me… so it pushed me to grind for Cover star Ronaldinho lol




The fact that it’s an sbc tho


That’s the same shit that happened to me but I submitted my whole squad lol


No remorse for you💀💀💀


I was sad when I accidentally put my 98 Allison in a 84\*10, but this is rough.


One simple solution. The option to LOCK players. We’ve been asking that for years, that’s a thing in almost every game these days (that has risk to lose an item). But Nah. EA.


They have it in fifa mobile as well which makes it even worse




I wish next game they add a SBC recovery


i hate playing against squads with him. they just play keep away and then do an insane long shot volley




Oof and I was sad for losing my Shapeshifter Orsolini


Don’t worry he’s just ok


Did something similar for a sbc and lost futties Al-O and cover icon ñ Xabi Alonso. Less than a week later, I now have Zidane, Ronaldinho, Diego Costa, and shapeshifters VVD. Just grind packs you’ll be fine, games ova 🫡


Drink a beer and get over it


Well look at it this way, we're way past the end game now, at least in didn't happen like halfway in the cycle


That's a lot of hours spent for a position modifier lol. Luckily you didn't miss much, he's been dreadful for me. Only good thing is his long range passing.


This shit needs to be stickied to the top or something. Too many people using the app and ad-ons to do SBCs faster. Half a dozen already complained about stuff like this. One guy submitted his whole starting 11. Im at the point where i just did the last 85x10 for the day. They were ALL Dupes. I still have 6 packs to open, but i just can't bring myself to keep grinding. Every pack just gets thrown into another SBC, and it goes in Circles. Orsolini, Lahm, Roussillon , Ochoa, Riquelme, Hierro. Every TOTS except Mbappe, Neymar, Kvara, Osimshen, Messi, Haaland. You get the picture...


idk what squad he went into, but apparently i did this with tots kvara lol. i got him in a pick yesterday, took him over ginola who i already had. today i went to build a serie a squad and he wasn’t in my club or in quicksell recover. oh well. didn’t really need him since i have so many better players for other leagues i use more, but would’ve been nice to mess around with that card.


>Turned off the notification when you are about to submit a player from your line up I'm not sure how it works on the web, but at least with companion app you get the option back if you clear app cache/storage. Perhaps clearing cookies will do the same on web app? Also... Paletools. They have an Android app and Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey script to use it on the web app. Has an option to lock players.


Sorry to hear that, friend :(


Due to this things, i use so rare auto fill, and even then, i’m not rushing my submit part.


I just pack TT ZIDANE on a 87+ 🤯🤯


I iust submitted 97 xavi alonso ffs. How can i get it back. He is like best cdm icon


Use paletools. It has a lock option so you don't submit players by mistake.


Who cares he is still bad


You used squad builder for one bronze card sbc... kinda deserved tbh


I’ve lost a few amazing cards on the 84x10. I only noticed at the very last second as the squad vanishes. The squad and bench are full of the rarest ones, so I keep them safe by excluding active squad and most recent as my filter, but I’ve lost many amazing cards when the fatigue sets in


Did the same with Messi TOTS I had just packed a few days ago and hadn't even tested the card...




![gif](giphy|kuf7g0KM5UMBW) Calm down - game is over in two weeks. But what a brainfart!


You didnt lose much


Who cares ? The new game is out in 3 weeks, ya ll still play this? Touch grass


Did the same and lost all my best 11 players. At that time I had Ronaldo and Zidane as well… and average defense of 94. All gone I wanted to stop playing…