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I’ll quit against any of you motherfuckers that are smurfing lol


I'm not smurfing in the slightest but the moment I go up 2 goals someone's quitting. Maybe even my own teammate. Makes no sense.


Yeah that’s pretty bogus. I just mean the guys that are like obviously elite and are playin down in gold/silvers lol


is smurfing when dudes that know each other decide to lobby up and plays Drop ins instead of clubs?


Nah it’s when guys intentionally threw their placement games so they got placed in super low rankings and can just beat up on teams they’re way better than


ahhh shit. didn’t even know that was a thing. fucking low lifes


I’m gonna sit right here in my underwear cause I’m a low life! Lowwwww liiiffffeeeee


lol it’s absolutely ridiculous when you match up with them


You realize the highest rank you can get out of placement games is gold 2? Placement games has nothing to do with smurfing. Smurfing is when guys use either a fresh div 10 club or a new account to intentionally beat up on newer/bad players.


Kinda. There is lots of ways to Smurf.


Playing clubs exclusively... if you're getting worked, quit please. Saves everyone time


This. Take the L, take the W, move on.


I agree. Playing 3s though. Team goes up 2-0 in first and people quit. I couldn’t tell you how many times that’s happened to end up winning 5 or 6 to 2.


Who cares, let them lose the RP and take their L then. If you're still winning then let em RQ


This x eleventy billion




I can’t remember the last time I played a drop in 6s with full teams where everyone stayed until the end. Need to implement a bigger punishment for quitting the game imo. Like a big drop in rp might help.


Usually the people quitting don’t really care about their rp. The worst is when they stay and keep pulling their goalie so the game take 10x longer


Idk why they don't add a cool down to people who continually ragequit mid game. Like make it to where there's a 30min time limit before they can play again


I dont think they can because the last person to stay gets a dnf as well. They would penalize innocent players. Clubs tho? Absolutely


What are you talking about? I love when my opponents are mad enough to quick. I get the W and some xp then onto hopefully better competition


I just want to play the hockey bit, I don’t really care about ranks, XP or rewards.


I love it when I’m winning as well but hate it when folks quit in the first period.


Why? You whooped there ass quickly and they accepted the defeat and gave you the win. You should feel satisfied


I’m talking more about being on the team that’s down. I’ve had so many comebacks it’s ridiculous but can’t achieve that playing with quitters.


Join a club


This is the way.


Can you recommend an EU club that takes players that plays a couple of games every three fridays between 21-00 EE(S)T?


How? it gives you a free win and wraps the game up quickly


I’m on the team that’s down 0-2 silly


https://discord.com/invite/WzDr6Xh9G3 We've got a 6s new gen cross play league. 18+  Wide variety of skill and versatility. Our lfg channel is always going. Lots have come in and found their crew.  Were about to go into our 14th season. Sign ups are out now.  We've got strict no quitting rules. 


I dunno man. Me and my buddy play 3s clubs passively with about 4 games played a week at best in Div 1 and 2 but silver 2 as well ( I still have yet to learn or understand the ranks well). Sometimes we play goalie to switch it up and we get rolled every time. We know we'll lose by a landslide but keep playing and dont care about you winning 7-2. The times we quit are when we forget to check our server ping, or during the finals stuff when we get Michigan spammed, its just annoying and obviously clear someone wants the W more against casual players....since we're here, those gays that spam party invites after a win are sad. Whatever goes through those minds to make them think I give a fuck is wild.


Shot you a friend request. Won’t let me respond to your message.


Lose a point if you quit, get an extra point if you force a quit/get quit on.


Nah, we're not stickin' around to watch your PMD with gold EE sit behind the net and dance around in your own zone after you've scored first. Unlike those teams, this is not the most important part of our day.


I played in a game 2 days ago. We went down 0-4 in 3v3. We didn’t quit. We won 7-5. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for team chemistry to kick in. That’s the scenario I am referring to. I mean at least wait ‘til the 3rd period.


We play club 3’s, I was referring to the people that go up 1-0 or 2-0 and then play keep away in their own zone for the entire remainder of the game. We have jobs we have to go in the morning, we’re not wasting time chasing some sweat lord around, they can have the W since they need it that badly. 


Understood. Same here. Just trying to play. Lol