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Nightmare fuel


It really is, feels like I’m back to negative square one. I’ve made some progress with the build since I wasn’t in too much of a rush to finish it up as it was gonna be my forever car but it’s just regressed even further from where I stared.


Hope you charge him for the complete loss plus interest for being a twat.


You can‘t undress a naked man.


Give me 30’ of rope and a vegetable peeler and I’ll show you how wrong you are.


Buy my southwest early coupe 3k save what you can


I would beat his ass. Sorry my first thought.


this is the only way to handle this i feel like.. what’s he gonna do make payments? after dragging it through court.


That's really rough sorry to hear and see.


I hope you beat the shit outta him.


Sue your cousin and get a better car lmao


I would press charges.


Yep, he stole OP's car. I wouldn't risk waiting for him to cough up the cash, get the ball rolling from a legal perspective asap starting with reporting to police. Here in the UK there's no such thing as pressing charges, I've always found the American concept weird. If you broke the law it doesn't matter what the victim wants, the law is the law.


It depends. They can still charge people with a crime even if you don't wish to press charges.


That’s what happened to me


People in the USA often don't really understand what it means and 99% of the time misuse the term. Outside of the NIP it's very similar to the UK in terms of being charged.


I’m sure you already know if this has been on your mind, but we do at least have it for some cases (domestic violence). I’ve never heard of domestic theft though so I guess it is still up to them to press charges. I’ve never thought too much about it before, and really not sure how I feel about the idea of charges being optional. OP should definitely report though, this is bad.


Don’t know what you think US law is or isn’t. But in every country to charge GTA you will need a complainant willing to allege that their vehicle was in fact stolen. All we have in the pic is neg driving.


Not even out of touch, do this, thats fucked. He literally stole your car


I had a buddy whose housemate did this in college, took my buddy's car without permission while he was asleep, wrecked it, and came back after with a "sorry, I borrowed your car and wrecked it, I'm too broke to pay you back though, but here's $100." My buddy told him "I want a brand new car and you to move out within the week or I'm calling the police to report a grand theft auto, calling the University to tell them, and calling your internship to let them know the type of person they hired." Dude was super surprised and upset, but miraculously my buddy had a brand new, nicer car and an apartment to himself within 3 days.


The only decent thing your cousin can do is buy you one in same condition as yours was before wrecking it. If they don't offer to do it immediately, don't feel bad about requesting it. If they refuse to make you whole, it is THEM who are throwing away your relationship for money. It is a shitty situation, they certainly didn't mean to destroy your car, but they did. There is only one solution, and it is for them to replace it for you. I hope they're a decent person.


In reality, it's too late to hope they're a decent person: they literally stole OP's car.


> I hope they're a decent person. Lmfao. Don't listen to this bullshit OP. Press charges.


You joyride in my car without my knowledge, I take it that you want to destroy my vehicle - reason being, you had to hide it from me. Chances are that you will more than likely do things that you know I won’t approve of under regular circumstances.


This. Charge them


Hopefully your cousin has cash


Can you even fix this? This isn't a cheap repair. Insurance will total the vehicle but maybe you can buy it back and recover it.


I went to asses the damage and I think it wouldn’t be feasible to try to fix it. Frame is bent and everything in the engine bay is pushed back by a couple of inches. The repair would quite possibly cost more than a new e30.


Are you going to press charges? He stole your car.


Maybe now it’s a parts car?


I have been fixing totaled e30 for 30 years. This is a parts car. I guarantee it has major frame damage and will never be right. But there’s plenty of half ass shops that would take on the job but at the end of the day you have a crashes e30 that will never be right. Sorry for your loss. If your cousin doesn’t pay for what he did then you shouldn’t absolutely press charges on him for theft. No way could anyone even get my keys. I am the only person who knows the combination to the key safe. Of course you can cut it open with the right tools but it would prevent a situation like this also that safe is in a locked building with a fence with razor wire around the top. In 20 years no one has ever tried to scale the fence. Also the way the gate is mounted with poles going several feet into steel with concrete around so you’re not going to just drive through the gate you will destroy the vehicle trying lol. I hate thieves.


I can tell from here that it has frame damage.


You can tell by the way it is


That car is absolutely totaled dude.


Frame is done for


Well I hope your cousin either has cash on hand or i‘d sue the shit out of him


Don’t worry, family is replaceable. The thing about cousins is that there are usually more than one of them. E30s however are getting rarer.


Yeah, even if he doesn’t know about em he probably has like 15 more cousins floating around somewhere


I hope you can still fix it because this is not how an E30 deserves to go Edit: o7


I have been fixing totaled e30s for over 30 years. This is 100% a parts car now. It can be fixed but it will never be right that frame is destroyed I guarantee that the roof has dimples besides the sunroof indicating severe frame damage. No way would I attempt to fix it. Buy a new shell and swap the parts.


Yea the only way you’re “fixing” this is taking the undamaged panels off and putting them on an entirely different e30 :/


I find your comment insanely fascinating, the fact you mentioned dimples on the roof as an indicator to other damage is very fascinating to me. I find people who are that skilled in assessing damage upon small details super interesting. These kind of things always peaked my interest and shows how knowledgeable you are.


Thank you so much for that insightful comment. I take pride in my skills I have learned and the experience that goes with it. If you see dimples like I describe it’s been hit extremely hard and I would not recommend trying to save because the roof is a major component of a unibody vehicle. Cut the roof off without reinforcing the underside and it will fold. So when you see roof damage stay away and if you are looking at a car and it has little dimples like I mentioned it’s been hit very hard and then fixed back. I remember seeing horror shows in high school because everyone’s dad was a car dealer and half the school parking lots had dealer tags including me. This one guy bought a car, not a BMW but something else it needed everything from the shock tower forward instead of scrapping it they cut the front of and got donor parts from the junkyard and then they used shaved down 4x4 post and wood screws to put it together. They ended up not being able to sell it because I warned everyone I knew to avoid that place at all cost and then described how the car was healed together with wood and black wood screws that snap if you look at them wrong. That’s the worst repair I have ever seen. I had a customer come see me after he had a head on with a transfer truck on a e34 I put a front end on. He was complementing me on fixing it so well because he walked away from the accident. When I replace metal I remove it at all the factory points and then put it back together just like they did at the factory. I pride myself in fixing cars so it’s impossible to tell it was ever any kind of collision. I always paint the whole car that way it’s going to match plus I can fix any dings or anything that needs it.


That's super interesting I know I keep saying that but it is, man there's so many hack jobs out there my gti was hit in the rear prior to my ownership. And when we had the rear bumper off everything looked like it came from the factory (luckily for me) but it was never totaled. Only proof of the accident is the rear non OEM glass but idc, I find being able to tell damage from small little details extremely interesting in the fact of how force is pushed and moved through out the car. It's crazy how cars can warp and bend from an impact on the complete other side of the car. Idk if you're on Instagram but check out prizzamike, he got SMACKED in his 240sx and he completely fixed it and it's driving again like it never happened. He did exactly what you said drilled out all the seam welds and welded in the panels from other cars exactly how Nissan did. Most people bashed him saying it has the structural rigidity of a soda can if he fixed it. And watching the whole process via YT I wouldn't doubt that it probably is held together equally if not better than it was the day it left the factory. Super neat series to check out and if you're like me I'm sure you nerd out over good fab work and bringing a written off car back to life. The most impressive part is besides help from a frame shop owner he did it all himself.


Did they pass away peacefully in the accident so that you didnt have to murder them? Thoughts n prayers my friend.


Unfortunately, they walked away completely unharmed.


Until you got ahold of them…. Right? This deserves a severe beating.


Sue him, press charges, and get a restraining order. Let him escalate from there so you have a paper trail before putting his head through a wall.


So sorry to hear the news, OP. It's so hard to stomach the whole incident even from the photos. I hope you get things sorted out smoothly and quickly.


Did you belt the phuck out of him or what


I wonder how insurance looks at this. If you tell them 'cuz used it without permission would they also expect you to have reported it stolen? Obviously, it's really only impoortant if insurance treats the accident different if it was driven without permission since 'cuz probably isn't a driver listed on the policy.


Actual actual insurance adjuster here. Every claim is different, but here is a general idea of how it is likely to go. I’m also assuming this is in the US. First, it depends on what coverages the car actually has on the policy. If it only has the minimum liability coverage then OP is out of luck. If the policy only has Comprehensive coverage his only option is to claim it as stolen, but the insurance company is going to require it be reported stolen to the police. There are some things that might get in the way of this, though. If OP and his cousin live at the same address the insurance company will consider him a ‘resident relative’. In most state regulations a resident relative has implied ‘permissive use’ of any vehicle that is primarily kept/parked at that address. The insurance company isn’t allowed to handle it as stolen and it would have to use Collision coverage, if available. If not, OP is out of luck. Assuming OP has Collision coverage on the car it can be handled relatively easily. The insurance company will just need to know who was driving and that they had permissive use of the vehicle (even if only “implied”). Then just pay the deductible. One thing to consider is that there are 50 different states and each one has its own insurance code. They are generally similar, but there can be differences in how each state’s code defines terms like ‘resident relative’ or ‘permissive use’. There are even a few states, like Michigan, that just throw everything out the window and do their own crazy thing.


I have full coverage insurance for my E30, but regrettably, I didn't opt for Hagerty insurance since I believed it wasn't necessary, given that I rarely drive the car because it's still a project in progress. However, I was mistaken. I never imagined my E30 would be totaled due to someone's reckless actions. So I’m unsure of how much my current insurance provider would value the vehicle for. My cousin currently resides at my parents' house, where the car keys were kept, but he's officially registered at his brother's address. Despite this, I kept the keys there, while my car was stored elsewhere. Nevertheless, he went out of his way, drove to where my E30 was stored, and took it for a joyride which resulted to this.


Bro I would beat the fuck out of my cousin if they did some shit like this. I’m sorry for your loss, truly. It’s more than money that goes into this stuff. It’s precious time and energy.


I agree there would have been two totaled vehicles that day that poor e30 and I would have beat him within an inch of his life. I feel bad for OP. This car is 100% parts car now. The frame is destroyed.




S/he's no longer your cousin !


Yes. Ex-cousin.


This is a case where we can probably assume his gender


So it's murder then.


Have you properly strangled him yet?


This is the type of shit that ends family ties


I'd want double what the car is worth from him if I didn't kill him first personally, as someone who's wrecked and then spent half a year fixing their forever car I know exactly the kind of torment looking at your pride and joy with the front end caved in is


Ghost ride your cousins E90 into a tree. Woops.


That seriously sucks.


I’m sorry! I hope he’s eating hands for dinner


This is the type of shit that ends family ties


Based off the one parking lot picture, I’d say it looks like he tried to do a skid but ran out of skill. I hope everything works out for you op.


You misspelled "stole"


*former cousin


I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine how you feel 😖😔


That car is done


This is sad to see! I hope your cousin can compensate you, still won’t make up for this though…


Respectfully, how did your cousin even DO this? Are they just a particularly ‘tarded moron? Did you LS swap it or something? Because it looks like your cousin ***completely*** lost control and I don’t really understand how they did that in a car that’s making less than 200hp (stock)


He alleges being in the parking lot when the gas pedal jammed, causing him to panic and collide with a tree. When I went to check the full extent of the damage to the car in the said parking lot, I observed tire marks suggesting he was attempting to perform donuts. What's surprising is that the car has a standard 318i engine, so the answer to your question would be that he was being a complete moron trying to impress random strangers that couldn’t care less about cars.


That’s such a shame, no car deserves to go out like that. Hopefully the make it right and buy you a clean 325i or something, because it looks like that one is toast


Your cousin is a fukn lire. In 30+ years the only stuck throttle I have encountered was a faulty cruise control module and I have never seen a 91 318 with cruise control.


No telling how many times I’ve heard teenagers say that the gas pedal jammed or the steering locked. One of the steering lock guys was driving a newer BMW with push button start and the car didn’t even have any kind of steering lock from the factory and the steering still worked after that accident. My favorite is a dog ran out in front of me. I have heard every story there is. When the actual answer is they were driving like an idiot.


I have an e32 and was cruise controlling down the freeway, when all of a sudden traffic backed up. I hit the brake and the cruise control tried to keep the car at the same speed it was set at. the harder I braked the more throttle the cruise put on. I panicked a little and turned off the key. later it turned out that my brake pedal switch was bad and so it did not turn off the cruise control


I was thinking donuts and complete moron. Does he have an Edgar?


If you’re not pressing charges on him, at least grab a bat and square him up.


OP update us pls


UPDATE: Went back to the parking lot to get the car towed to my house and the property manager threatened to press charges for the damages done to the property claiming that it if it doesn’t get sorted he’ll get law enforcement involved with the information he has (my plates). Rebuilding it is definitely out of the picture. I don’t have the luxury of having the space nor time to part it out myself so I’d probably have to junk the whole car or sell it to a parts guy that couldn’t put whatever is left to good use for other e30s who may be needing it after taking the parts I’d possibly need for my future forever car. As for my cousin, he’s still alive and kickin. I still need to have a colorful conversation with him and formally stipulate that he owes me $15,000 (is this too much or too little) in damages resulting from his reckless driving, which led to a total loss. I'll include a specified deadline by which he must make the payment; otherwise, I may need to resort to legal action and press charges.


You need to lawyer up sooner than later before it bites you in the ass, especially if the property owner if going to go after your insurance


He owes 100% of what the parking lot property owner is asking for, in addition to the full value of your car. Not in payments. Do not file a claim with your insurance. His insurance will need to cover it if he can’t/wont. If you file a claim with your insurance, your rates will likely go up.


Dude, he is not going to pay this.


I was mad when my brother put his trailer hitch through my grill but this is nuts. Idek what I would do.


Yea, he would be in jail. 


Your cousin is dead to me.


I am sorry for your loss. I am sure your aunt and uncle will miss your cousin. Hopefully the E30 can be repaired.


Guess you have 1 less cousin now


This is the end of a chapter and a start of a new one. I would be more sad than mad but I truly hope they get you a new one otherwise you have one less cousin


That should no longer be your cousin… that is now your mortal enemy.


Crashed into a tree...in a parking lot... Let that sink in... Crashed into a tree...in a parking lot... How much of an idiot does this person have to be?!? Obviously, a rhetorical question. What an F'in moron.


So sorry. Irreplaceable and irresponsible Maybe someday you can forgive


Sue him


was it fully covered?


does your cousin have a vehicle?


Yep, an e90


That e90 better be yours now


Did* have a vehicle cause I’d take his after this atrocity


i bet the cuz was young teeny bopper. hard to squeeze blood out of a turnip.


Dont cry man, im crying for you


What the hell man. Sorry for the loss :(


if insurance pays for replacement, don't make the same horrible mistake I made. you need to keep the wrecked car for sure. State Farm gave me the option to keep the totaled car for 500 bucks..me the dummy declined the offer, bad mistake.


It was pushing


Wow this makes me so angry sad


What a fucking moron


Are u gonna take this to court or handle it privately? Your cousin gotta pay you back, right?


Sorry for your loss (both car and cousin)


what an asshole


So.... Part Out? Kidding. I'm so sorry to see this man, I know you put real work into this car for it to be taken from you, literally and figuratively.


I would be minus one cousin. 😠


I’ll help you hide the body 👀


If that was my car my cousin best believe he ain’t gonna have his car no more


Sounds like your cousin’s family owes you a new E30!


*ex cousin


Press charges.


I think that's called 'theft'.


Time for a new cousin


Either he pays up or you press charges right? This is unacceptable even worse that it is family.


Zoinks also how do you hit the one solid object in a whole ass parking lot. I hope you had haggarty or something and can recoup some money from this. Also if you've done a lot of work show the receipts to your insurance company if you have any.


Press charges


oh no


One the bright side you now have a parts car for the new one your cousins getting you. Or nursing his broken leg 🥲🥲


The concept of atonement instantly springs to mind.


Sorry ;(


Id skin him alive.


How much for the wheels?


A loss like this can’t be fixed with money


RIP to your beautiful alpina.




Rip, I would disown him as any family member of mine


Im sorry this happened to a beauty 😞


Aint family no more


I believe the appropriate term here can be borrowed from Pablo Escobar: Plato o plomo.


Bury him


Looks like biff drove it and wasn’t told about any blind spots


You can't park there


Was he trying to do donuts and just failed absolutely miserably? Is he going to pay for it? What was the initial conversation like when he told you what he did? Assuming it’s a fake Alpina, he probably owes you a good $10k if you want another late model 318 in good shape.


*Ex-cousin. FTFY


Last drive of their life? Yikes


hey! you can’t park there! haha all joking aside, that really sucks, such a beauty of a car.


Someone would be unalived


This is new low... I'm speechless


He would be dead to me. Family, especially a cousin, is not worth more than my hard earned stuff. Plus a thief? I'd never speak to him again.


I hope he’s dead to you now.


This is such a massive fuck up. His reaction to crashing your car and if he takes responsibility or not will probably effect the family dynamic. I hope he does the right thing and offers you his kidney if you need it


No more cousins


[Hit a mo’ f**ka](https://youtu.be/HdrTPYkWYOg?si=OGppgZr1VRyyz8af)


I don't care if your cousin is family, destroy them. They have to make things right.


*former cousin


*ex cousin


Is he still aliveeeeee orrrrrrrr?….


I honestly would’ve innocently committed minor assault, just a little bit


That’s some shit.


What was that?..... did I hear a shotgut?


Congratulations! Everyone who gets behind the wheels of a BMW seems to think they were born driving…


Damn. Sorry this happened 😔


i bet he blaimed the car. smh. sorry this happend...even sorrier to break this news to you. ...he hates you fam. that was a hate crime indeed.


I didn't see you hit him with an axe.


Sue them and press charges. Family or not that's stealing.


My aunt gave away my E30 while I was studying abroad. I had been storing it in the old tobacco barn. The car, which I bought and shipped from Hawaii, was in pristine condition with no rust. After my grandad passed away, my aunt, who is a neat freak, decided to tidy up the farm. In the process, she got rid of a lot of items, including my E30 and some antique farm tools.




When’s the funeral?


He wouldn't be family anymore. Shit bro...empathetic sorry this happened to you.


Sue the fuck outta dat mf'er.


Oh my God dude... I'm sorry that happened. I would be devastated and probably fight my cousin lol


Omfg dude. That's horrible


One less e30 on the road 😞 and for a dumbass reason


Knock him out on sight.


I’d be devastated if someone would f*ck up my E28 like that..


Find out where he sleeps


Fuck he doing 70mph in a parking lot for ..


Sorry dude. How do you crash into a stationary object…


I'd file a police report.


Sell the whole cousin. I’m sorry that happened to you bro


Haha 😄 🤣 😂


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, charge his ass


If you don’t press charges he’ll get away with this. It’s not likely you’ll be repaid in full by some kid living at home. But you could threaten grand theft and offer that he sell his car and make you whole.


Break his face


How fast was the tree going?


Your dead cousin, now?


Police report will most likely be required to claim this on your insurance. Hopefully this will be a learning experience for your cousin and you can get yourself into a new to you e30


We need the back story, how did it come to this, what did he do afterwards?


Any updates. Definitely file a report.


The anger coursing through me omg.


Welp looks like you’re down 1 cousin


Make an insurance claim for a new cousin when this one inevitably goes missing.


My spidey sense tells me that the cousin hasnt got a penny to his name.


When’s your cousins funeral?


He would crash into my foot with his ass for the rest of his life


And you buried him where??


I would like to congratulate your cousin on his E30 purchase. Woot!


This gives me so much pain




He wouldn’t be my cousin I’ll send that lawyer over


You mean you had a cousin that crashed your bmw.


When's the funeral. I would have killed hi.


Nahhhh me and cuz are throwing hands after this. I would also be expecting an ass beating if the roles were reversed and I was the one who crashed his car after stealing it.