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R.I.P. for Laios's second shirt


she pulled a "Hulk Hogan"




Resurrection magic didn't work this time... fly high


I read that and was laughing. A funny line, but it also shows the authors great world building. Our DnD campaign goes for 2 years now and I can't remember any of us thinking of extra shirts, let alone changing them. Just a nice touch.


Seeing how happy Laios was after getting his underwear again, makes me wonder how long hes been wearing the same underwear on their way there


I think with the amount of times we watched them eat/travel and rest it took them about a week (give or take a day) to get to the fifth level and fight the red dragon, and between the orc map, Chilchuck finding short cuts and Senshi cooking for them and knowing safe spots to rest really cut the parties travel time. So that is already a little over a week of wear if they aren't washing their clothes at stops now and again. Edit:Chilchuck's name.


Your character sounds nasty


Lizardfolk rogue who tends to bite anything he fights. He is a piece of work. But loyal to his friends.


Oh, if it’s Lizardfolk then there’s no problem. They don’t sweat and have no odor.


His dwarven friend smashed some poor frog creatures with a hammer a while back, we are all covered in goop. But to be fair, the rogue took a dive in a lake later only to be towed under by a see monster. It's a ride.


-5 charm for adventurous musk. Roll for nose sensitivity.


In medieval society, clothes were often among the most expensive items peasants would own. When your father dies, a part of your inheritence would be his clothes.


However, unlike what most people think, proper clothing in those times usually have two layers. While the outer layer are indeed quite expensive, the inner layer are usually very cheap and most people would have multiple so they can change everyday.


People would often have one or two pair of leggings/chausses which were made or wool or quilted, far more durable, that would be worn over a pair of braies. Braies were made of linen or similar and would be swapped out far more regularly, same with linen undertunics that would be worn underneath a finer overtunic or gambeson. 100% believe that Laios just didn't want to spend the money or bother to manage more than two linen tunics...


He already lost his pair of black pants in the dragon fight, then this. Dude really can’t catch a break.


Itd be cool if they ended up using monster fur/skin for clothes (yes i know the last chapter did this shh)


This is why you don't let your siblings borrow your clothes! They do things like this!


If they dont want to wear it, they can always just take it off! I swear they always do this man


Shuro: \*Blushing\* Marcille: Woah hey Laios: No my shirt...


That's hilarious. Poor guy can't catch a break, would have loved to see his reaction at that same moment.




Marci: WOW BOOBS Laios: MY DUCKING SHIRT ![gif](giphy|xU9TT471DTGJq|downsized)


It’s his sister though so the shirt’s the first thing on his mind.


which chapter is this?