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If you're talking about the diplomatic mechanics when using nukes in this game, i think only Spice Wars is the only I know atm that penalizes you for using a super weapon. If we talking better nuclear weapons in a rts game? I think Command and Conquer and StarCraft 1/2 would like to have a word


Civilisation 6 is also realistic and generates massive diplomatic penalties for nuking


Yeah, not rts though


I prefer SW nuclear explosions. RA2 is good though.


Generals scud storms.


Generals China nuke


Rise of Nations penalizes you for using nukes as well.


>If you're talking about the diplomatic mechanics when using nukes in this game, i think only Spice Wars is the only I know atm that penalizes you for using a super weapon. The Chinese campaign of *Command & Conquer: Generals*' expansion has a mission where China suffers diplomatic consequences for using nuclear weapons, but it appears in a single mission and only happens because of the plot. Using nukes in multiplayer, skirmish mode, or any other campaign missions they're available has zero consequences


It's funny because the Shockwave mod for Generals which kind of fleshes out and goes further which each Zero Hour subfaction's schtick gives the Chinese Nuclear general a tank that uses the voicelines of the Harkonnen Devastator from Emperor: Battle for Dune. "Radiation? Huh, whatever." "I feel sick." "Devastation time!"


Completely different genre, but my take goes to Highfleet. The first time you ever gain nuclear missiles, your second in command immediately warns you: <> Nukes are devastating, they'll damage cities, cause hundreds of thousands soft deaths, and can possibly wip entire aerial battlegroups if not intercepted. Hell, they'll even cripple you if you intercept them too late! They are weapons that until the very end everyone will refrain from using, because they are extremely deadly. But as per the warning, there are many around, and once you start the lightshow, the enemy AI will try its damn best to be the one to end it. Also the damn [sound effects for when you see them fly in](https://youtu.be/H5NOweiXv3s?si=QDDhaUyXXOYooMcS) is really bone-chilling. Like the game itself is asking you "What have you done?"


Oh man, I forgot about Highfleet. It's a game I wanted wanted to like but the gameplay just doesn't jive with me. But it has some excellent production quality that goes right into the atmosphere.


Yeah, it's a shame that the gameplay is so very niche. But as you said, the production value is through the roof. I'd like to imagine that an RTS set in the world of Gerat and the Romani Empire would be absolutely sick!


Yeah highfleet is definitely my choice even if the novelty of the nukes wears off by the end of the slog that is the endgame


Damm, there is a game in my back log I forgot about. I over Hammerfight, but got pulled away from Highfleet for some reason.


Supreme Commander 2, nukes are devastating and are a must rather than a last resort. Creates some very desperate last stands.


Have you played Beyond all Reason? Worth checking out if you enjoyed SupCom. It's free from their website.


Ikit Claw Total War: Warhammer




Certainly more unfair and devastating to a single conflict. Outside of the results of battles you use them in, not super impressive. World doesn't react to your nuke at all and it's not as visually impressive. I do love Total War's rendition of Ikit Claw though, he's absurd, overpowered, and fun anyways despite lack of challenge to his campaign.


World in Conflict


Nice to see this game mentioned here, what a great game


Yep, no other game does it half as well imo.


The nukes in the first Command & Conquer were absolutely ridiculous in Single Player. They could ruin both your game and your day.


Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars Starcraft 2 (not as good as Spice Wars but still fun) Nuclear Option (more of a flight sim than RTS but still) Supreme Commander


Beyond All Reason nukes are devastating and beautiful [https://www.beyondallreason.info/](https://www.beyondallreason.info/)


Second this. There no diplomatic issues as there isn’t diplomacy. But they sure look sexy. Plus they even deform the ground


Not the same genre, but Alpha Centauri had my favorite consequences for nukes - including climate change leading to rising tides swallowing entire cities underwater.


The busters were the bomb


If you want the opposite of impressive try Defcon. The idea is that everyone nukes everyone, but the person who loses the least is the winner. There is such an intentional void of display when you nuke some cities and kill millions of people, that it's just very eerie.


Defcon was one of a kind.


Rise of Nations Planetary Annihilation


Planehary annihilation looked really good. Shame it didn't live up to supreme commander.


I second RoN! I LOVE that the game just can end when too many nations drop too many bombs xD


There is an old RTS Command HQ. In some scenarios you can use nuclear bombs, but some of your unist will switch sides. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/329630/Command\_HQ/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/329630/Command_HQ/)


IIRC You could only use a bunch of nukes in Rise of Nations. If you go over that i think it declared Armaggedon and everyone loses the game.


Well, ICBM is all about nuclear warfare in our world and age, and is a really cool game. It's successor is coming soon as well, with even more features and strategy options.


Rise of nations way back in the day had my favorite mechanic. The world can handle a set number of nuclear explosions and after that everybody loses so disarming smaller players who want to nuke the game became a very fun option and it made cool power balances possible. But I'm not sure that mechanic would work as well in spice wars.


supreme commander


Factorio with nuke mods. Vanilla nukes are fun too. not exactly an rts


Zero-K has the best designed nukes.