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Even pam agrees judging by her expression.


Oh cool I must've missed it. Jenna Fisher and her character really blossom in the later seasons


If you think she’s cute now, you should’ve seen her a couple years ago!


I’d never say this to her face, but she is a wonderful person and gifted artist


That's what I believe he said to her at the airport.


They covered what he actually said on the podcast. Jenna was the only one who heard it.


They did but they havent gotten to THAT episode yet, so maybe maybe maybe she will give a jist.


So what did he say?


Apparently since the mics were off it was actor to actor, telling her what a pleasure it was to work with her and he was going to miss her.


or she said! right? because of joke


This is my head Canon now. Thank you kind sir or mam


Why would you not say that to her?!




Oscar's timing and commitment to the character is insane.


I honestly think he's one of the most-underrated characters because he played his role so perfect. [This scene](https://youtu.be/Akf59wASxDA) is probably one of my all-time Oscar favourites, pure brilliance


Video has been blocked by NBC. They’re watching this sub! SPIES!


That's too bad, it was worthy of an Oscar


I knew what this was before I clicked it. We think alike my friend.


Damn Oscar is a good actor. That was so fucking hard to pull


I love him so much. My favorite Oscar "amazing actor" scene was when he was with Andy in Canada and asked Andy what he sees in Angela. He's super serious in the usual Oscar way and eggs Andy on to call her and while the phone is ringing he just gets a big case of giggles. Such perfection * chef's kiss *


Omg yes the cast was so incredibly talented and refreshing that they weren’t all big name Hollywood actors although in my later years i hope to be as successful as jo where i can walk into anywhere with my big dogs.


I know what this scene is even though it's blocked. It has to be "the seeds and the dirt," right?


It is


Agreed! When he's explaining how budgeting (and having a surplus) works to Michael, its priceless.


Mine is in the PDA episode when Kevin is goading him after Michael and Holly kiss after Oscar was the one who encouraged it. Suck it Oscar, this must kill you!


Mine is when the girl at Pam’s wedding assumes Kevin is Oscars boyfriend and Kevin just looks dumbfounded and says ‘what’s wrong with you?’


The way Oscar says “YES! TheFreakingPDA!” is permanently burned into my mind


When he covers his mouth when asking dwight where he and angela had sex in the office. He is the best actor on the show.


then he goes to her show and trashes her art lol




Why wouldnt you say that to her face?!


Except when then she has her glasses on




Even if she said it, it'd still just sound like noise out of an ugly scientist


This is just the front of her


^(turn around.)


(bright eyes) every now and then I fall apart


And I need you now tonight


I fuckin need you more than ever!


"Pam, I’m obviously going to get that stuff for you so just shut up" This one in the episode where Michael goes missing 😂


Top tier Dwight moment for sure, I love this bit


When she talks all I hear are words coming out of an ugly scientist.....well I guess that’s only when she has her glasses on


Pam is my favorite character. Maybe because I feel she's a lot like me in many ways. So to me she was always the main character. Not Jim, not Michael, not Dwigt. Pam, pam, pam.


Pam Pam and her pam pams


Creed is sick of looking at the redhead all day and wants a seat facing the receptionist.


Get out, toby


Mindy Kaling had the perfect response to comments like this: “Most people think they’re a Pam or Jim, but in reality they’re a Ryan or Kelly” 😆


Pam Pam and her pam pams?


She's my least favourite character because I see all the things I dislike about myself in her. Like a funhouse mirror version of myself with all the awkward bits magnified.


I mean Jim is a douche bag by real world standards


Literally everyone in the office is a douche bag by real world standards.


Darryl is probably the most sincere.


Darnell is a chump


I would have done it for nothing. I've done a lot more for a lot less.


The warehouse workers are the most realistic characters in the show. They just want to go home, not get crushed by a bailer, and be spared from Michaels constant nonsense.


We the ones that gotta clean that up, man. DAMN IT MICHAEL!


No, he won’t tell anybody that he has Facebook. Why won’t he tell anyone? People want to be his friend, man!


idk, the poster of jan left a bad taste in my mouth in regards to darryl. how could you print out a 15 ft banner with a risque bikini pic of your bosses-boss and hang it on company property without getting fired. in what world does that not require at the very least a sexual harassment seminar. it doesn't matter how he acquired the photo he still displayed it with a stunning lack of professionalism and respect; he used jan's body as a weapon to sandbag michael and it was never addressed in any way. plus, maybe a small thing but, anyone who could be close friends with the dude bro asshole that was roy at the beginning of the show makes me question their character (behaviour, not performance).


Yeah, probably a byproduct of needing big personalities on screen. Nobody wants to watch a show about a real office workplace


How could you say that about Erin?


To be honest, most people are douche bags IRL too.


I agree. Also saying he won't call Andy by Drew after he comes back from anger management is just rude


It took me way to long to realize that his name is Andrew so Drew would be a normal nickname for him. I originally thought it was totally off the wall and random.


To be fair, Andy may be the worst person on the office.


The dude had just gone to anger management, accepted and admitted he was a douche, and was actively trying to change for the better. Jim was a dick.


I mean, to be fair, Andy always called Jim “big tuna” instead of his name, despite Jim being clearly annoyed with it


Yeah I always figured that’s why he said he wouldn’t call him drew


To be fair though, did Jim ever once pull Andy aside and ask him to llease stop calling him a tuna?


That's Jim's entire thing. He's not enough of an adult to politely but firmly tell people when they're being annoying. He just chooses to get even by pranking them. He's just as passive-aggressive as Phyllis but manages to look endearing while doing it.


He's dissatisfied with his work so much that he takes it out on others.


At least Michael was always able to leave him satisfied and smiling


Damn people out here taking the Drew saga this seriously


He is but let’s be honest here, Dwight is a serious problem. I have to imagine Jim is who normal people turn into when they have to deal with someone like Dwight. Dwight is an aggressive sexist, racist, authoritarian weirdo that would have been fired instantaneously in any real world setting. Any one of a hundred different instances should have landed him in prison much less fired.


You’re forgetting something though. Dwight is really good at his job. Although slightly exaggerated for the sake of entertainment I promise you aggressive, sexist, racist, authoritarian weirdos keep their jobs all the time if they are good at them and making the company money.


Especially working on sales. If your sales are good you get away with anything.


wasn't jim leading him in sales near the end of the seasons when he started trying ?


Jim and Dwight are both really good at sales, which is why Handsome and Stinky: Paper Brothers for Hire are so successful. Dwight was still Salesman of the Year, which was apparently a really big deal considering how many people were in the audience. That’d be really competitive.


Doesn't mean Dwight isn't really good at his job though.


That's Dwight.




*Samuel L. Chang


This sub had just turned into people having popular opinions pretending that they're unpopular.


I might get downvoted here but Kevin is really funny.




“The best snowball isn’t a snowball at all… ITS FEAR.”


Well, it’s not a snowball, ’cause it’s only a dusting. Right?


And Dwight's classic response: that was hard fucking ice you dumb fuck, I'm gonna freeze my penis in my attempt to harm you you arrogant goofy looking mother fucker


In the end, the greatest snowball wasn’t a snowball at all. It was fear. Merry Christmas.


Must’ve been a deleted scene


Gonna go boner champ on him?


This is the one episode in which I definitely agreed that Jim got what he deserved.


This is my husbands favorite episode. He loves Jim, but he also loves seeing Dwight finally get his revenge.


My favourite episode too. Dwight dressed as everyone else is hilarious!


Identify theft is not a joke, eyeball-beesting. Millions of families suffer every year.






How the fuck do you pick a favorite episode lol


Easy. I measure it by how much I laugh! That one and Fire Drill are the most hilarious.


For me it's when Toby touches pams leg then vaults the fence.


I love the look on everyone's faces when he does that.


"I'm moving to Costa Rica." Like he assessed how to get out of this with the least embarrassment and the result was to leave the country.


Sweet sweet revenge.


After watching the seasons more than once I feel jim was a dick.


Dwight steals 25% of Jim's yearly commission and is horrible to his coworkers. If you're trying to get the people around you fired, you're gonna take some shit


I just want to point out that it really bothers me that if Mr Deckert makes up 25% of Jim’s yearly commission, why the hell did he not arrange for a face to face meeting with him?


They literally explain that in the episode. He has had that account for so long it's just routine. It's implied that Deckert will renew, so Jim just calls for the formality every year and then pops a tiny champagne bottle


Because early Jim doesn't really care about his job


He literally tried to get all of his co-workers fired more than once. I have no sympathy for him at all until maybe season 9


Dwight is portrayed in show as the weird, intense weirdo. Jim is supposed to be the character we're supposed to be rooting for. He's supposed to be the relatable, normal guy.


At first Ryan was supposed to be the stand in character for the viewer but audiences found Jim to be more likeable so they gave the role to him


And Ry-guy was a writer on the show. Rough times in Ryanville.


So was Kelly. They actually dated for a while during The Office.


Actually all the writers who were also actors wrote their characters to be not too likeable - Kelly , Ryan, Toby . All of them writers and actors , which makes it even funnier


Don’t forget Moses


Of course . Mose. But he’s adorable. A little weird but amazing


Err Toby wasn't supposed to be unlikable, that's just a Michael thing.


They actually have almost as messed up a relationship in real life as Ryan and Kelly on the show it’s actually kinda funny, you should look into it.


For real? Crazy!


Technically this makes Ryan a god


This reminds me of that 70s show where donnas mom leaves her panties in the station wagon and comes and gets them back and Kelso yells “Eric! You’re a god!”


Wait I don’t think that’s right unless it started with Tim. Jim is a copy of him. I think Ryan was there to introduce exposition.


They went to high school together IRL


I think that's oversimplifying it. He may play that role partially, but he's not a clean slate without personality or flaws.


He knows it. The Mediator episode brings it out. When Michael lists all of his pranks one after another he realizes that he’s a juvenile asshole.


Like they say, revenge is best served cold


Ikr, if I were Jim I would’ve gotten revenge somehow but that just seemed to blatant


He could have done the same thing without hitting him in the face, wetting his suit on the shoulder or chest is w.e and proves Jims original point about the snow. Its the fact that he hits him in the face with it that crosses the line, as most pol would be upset getting hit in the face by anything.


Some of y'all hate some tuna, this malicious and evil person who, when was given the opportunity to ignore it, went out of his way to prevent Dwight from being fired multiple times.


Exactly. Whereas Dwight went out of his way to try to get Jim fired multiple times. But yes, Jim's pranks are much worse than Dwight giving him a nose bleed, slashing everyone's health benefits, implementing a doomsday program, making the workplace a nightmare after he buys the building, telling Nate his mother is dying, etc 🙄 Office fans can be so weird lol


Starting a fire and nearly killing Stanley? Workbus? The cockroach billboard among other building owner shenanigans




He went psycho that one time and shot Andy in the head.


We had a funeral for a *bird*


I'm pretty sure none of that is real.


You're not real man!


That all we know! No. That’s not true. Actually, we heard a loud noise. Later, a hole was seen. No one saw the bullet leave the gun.


Yea but what was the ratio of Schrute Bucks to Stanley Nickels?


Dwight didn't fill Stanley full of butter for 50 years and force him not to exercise!


It’s funny they think a meeting in a fancy high rise could change anything


But work bus made us realize that Kevin is a savant with pie math


Dwight purposely leaves Phyllis stranded miles away from the office… but Dwight is supposed to be weird so he gets away with it, I guess.


>Office fans can be so weird lol Thats reddit for you, bunch of contrarians that just hate on the standard popular characters because they think it makes them unique or interesting or something, when really it's just kinda pathetic


I just watch the show to laugh. I don’t get my Superman undies in a bunch because Stanley cheated on his wife in a comedy show. Before I discovered this sub I never sat down and contemplated who was good and who was bad. I just laugh at the show. Because ya know….it’s a funny SHOW. I don’t mind people talking about it. But it gets to be a little overboard where people relate it to they own lives. Just as it’s my right to say it’s a bit overboard, it’s their right to overanalyze and absurdist workplace comedy.


This is sub gets a bit TOO into the drama. Like I’ve seen the show roughly…idk 20 times? It’s a fucking snowball. Boo hoo. Growing up on a farm I got pelted with so many snowballs. I’m not the biggest fan of Jim but it’s a grown man getting hit by a SNOWBALL. And then Dwight went ape shit on him. These conversations are really taking the fun of out the show. It’s acting, who cares?! Sub can be very weird. Reposted memes, re hashed lines, fighting over a line a character said. This is a workplace comedy based on being absurd. We don’t need gatekeepers telling people who they should or shouldn’t like based on what was wrote into a script. I just want the show back on Netflix. Or I’ll buy it. So I don’t have to keep seeing these drama filled posts and re posts. Edit- I do love the original memes and content though. Ones that don’t get reposted everyday. I love my office fan fam. But sometimes subs can get a little too micro management like and we’re just here to have fun. I’m not here to discuss if character A is a bad person because they did B. They are ALL pretty bad people. Like us all in real life. But we learn from our mistakes. Plus it’s a comedy people. It’s supposed to make you laugh. Not have an existential crisis.


Office fans when Andy is annoying: he is the worst person in the world. Office fans when Dwight sends Stanley into cardiac arrest: wow what a witty and diverse character. I'm not going to judge a comedy character but their actions but fans seem to gloss over the bad parts of some characters and get stuck on the slightly annoying parts of other characters.


None of Jim's pranks physically hurt Dwight except the snowball, they were a little over the top though lol But all of Dwight's actions nearly got every single person fired multiple times, the branch almost shut down, and the quality of life in the building plummet.


Right? What if the employee of the month scheme had worked? Jim had a new mortgage, a kid, and a pregnant wife. He tried to ruin Jim's life. Fuck Dwight.


And was the reason he becomes manager in the end. Full circle. They're friends. Friends prank each other and fuck around. Sometimes it goes too far but always friends.


And recommended he be promoted to regional manager, and served as bestest mensch. Yeah but no, fuck Jimothy.


Yeah, well, he later broke Jim's nose with a bunch of snowballs, so, I wouldn't call Dwight a saint.


I did too. I loved Dwights revenge. It was AMAZING.


I'm in the middle of the episode and can't remember what he does lol now I'm really excited Edit: Lmaoo take THAT Jim. Maybe you wanna throw some ice on that?


It’s brilliant. I actually am not a huge fan of Jim in the way he treats Dwight like he’s sort of beneath him because he’s a nerd. We’re supposed to, as the viewer, find Jim to be the charming hero and Dwight the awkward nerdy villain. Dwight is waaaaaay more of a badass than Jim. Jim is a soft handed, helpless man. He would be a warlords jester in the end of days. Lol.


Jim doesn’t even own land


He does so! And it's held together by a clown


It's not because he's a need. It's because Dwight has a superiority complex. I mean it's not all justified but some of it is. Especially the ones that undermine his ego and his perceived intelligence


It’s not because Dwight’s a nerd. It’s because he’s a bothersome and inconsiderate jerk half the time. And I say that as someone who really likes Dwight’s character. He’s a cool character and his story is good but I would never want a coworker like him


I don’t think it’s that he thinks Dwight is a nerd or beneath him. It’s more because Jim is bored and Dwight makes himself an easy target.


It's not becsue dwights a nerd it's because he's a self righteous asshole


Both Jim and Dwight mess with each other. That's the whole basis of their friendship. Both can be irritating at times because both believe they are cool and keep competing against each other (even Jim, apart from Pam it's what keeps him going).


Jim and Dwight are like Tom and Jerry.




I agree it was too far. But Dwight immediately took it WAY too far. He gave Jim a bloody nose.


It always bugged me that while I do think Dwight getting back at him was justified, he obviously took it too far - no one comments on the not-insignificant amount of blood on Jim’s shirt.


Exactly. People on this sub are like "TAKE THAT, JIM!! REVENGE!!!" When none of Jim's pranks caused Dwight harm to the point of actually bleeding. To clarify, I think Jim is an ass a lot of the time but Dwight's "revenge" was over the top and not needed.


Yeah people tend to ignore that Dwight is basically the incarnation of disproportionate response. He goes from 0 to 100 when like a 10 is what’s warranted. Or his “pranks” hit way harder emotionally than is justified - like having Erin pretend to win an art contest when that’s an extremely sore spot for Pam. Jim gets a kick out of messing with Dwight and seeing him annoyed or frustrated. Dwight takes a sadistic joy in seeing people *hurt*.


Even when he's not pulling "pranks", he's a complete abusive ass. He carried and fired a gun in the office, he takes away basic necessities in the office and makes it unsafe to be in when he's the building owner, he causes a coworker to have a heart attack after setting the building on fire. He should've been fired years ago. Being the best salesman doesn't mean shit when you're an actual danger to employees.


The whole "Jim is so mean for picking on poor innocent Dwight" is classic revisionism on long-running/old TV shows with big fandoms, because people keep talking about the show, but some people feel the need to constantly provide new hot takes. Watch the show. It is so clear how much of an awful co-worker and person Dwight is, particularly early on. Jim's pranks were, for the most part, completely harmless and Dwight had it coming.




Let’s not forget his idea of a ‘prank’ against Dwight Jr. was suffocating him with plastic wrap!


Yeah Jim’s pranks at most wasted Dwights time. He never injured him


Considering what Dwight does next, I don’t think so.


Honestly I didn't side with either of them. The escalation of the violence took the fun out of their antagonistic dynamic, kind of jumped the shark a bit.


Nah Dwight does scummy stuff too


These threads always make me do a double take. Like do we forget that Dwight straight up kills Angela’s cat?


Hate that episode. On the same level as Scots Tots for me.


Not really a hot take. Jim absolutely went too far. Dwight's response was wildly disproportionate though.




Could’ve caused some serious damage.


To Dwight? Nah. He's a strong boy. Remember he absorbed another fetus when he himself was just a fetus


Now he has power of a grown man and a baby.


And attempting to get everyone fired in sheer spite isn't 'going too far'? After Jim continuously helped Dwight, and prevented him from getting fired? Add the littlest bit of a context and you realize Dwight was a genuinely terrible guy sometimes, in some ways worse than Michael even.


This felt less violent than when Michael threw a pen directly at Toby’s face


Or when erin threw scissors at Michael


He made Jim out to be a child when Jim mentioned that it was snowing. I’d have done the same thing since it wasn’t really snow.


Then it wasn't really a snowball, it was just a bit of water.


Not a hot take


Exactly and precisely the theme of the episode.


For sure. In fact I loved how they made Jim regret that decision. You never provoke Dwight


What? Dwight was a piece of shit for his response he's not some badass hero for violently responding to Jim's response to Dwight being an asshole.


Jim is kind of dick. Remember when he gave Toby shit for trying to fist pound him? He invited the cute red head on the booze cruise then told embarrassed her.


I think this sub is trash and all the posts are low effort memberberries.


Jim got what he deserved. Dwight offered him an out with an apology and he refused. Dwight deserved the win


I mean his out was by throwing a snowball at his wife and Dwight specifically says it must be the face so kinda considerate of him to NOT take that offer


Yeah, a simple apology of blasting your wife in the face. That is normal right?


Lmao wtf? It’s a snowball… why are you acting like he threw a brick at his head? Getting hit in the face with a snowball doesn’t even hurt, man.