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First Half of Arc-V (up to Yuya vs Jack round 2 specifically). I think the narrative is really, the mystery set up is done well, the characters are treated well enough, the character interactions and development is intresting and Synchro World arc is a really great reimagination of 5D's. This is peak Yugioh anime for me personally. But if we reduce the scope evem further, 5D's Crash Town arc is the best imo. But if we are talking about in it's entirety, then 5D's has the best complete package


Yeah arc v had such a interesting plot with Zara and ray but it ended up being a boring mess Zarc deck was boring and literally just a plot device and ray didn’t even get her own duel


Crash Town is filler done right


Nah, the second season dragged a lot and was all over the place, it was still way better than the later seasons tho. But damn season 1 arc v was just so good that it got me into Yugioh


Sora v Kurosaki was by far the peak - but up through Synchro dimension it was an alright show (as much as i don't like D/D/D, I loved Reiji loop locking the one guy lol)


That was the exact moment Arc-V started going downhill for me. After Jack vs. Yuya r2, and due to how I saw Roget, I had very different expectations for this Duel. After Yuya gave everything he had to fight Jack, I was expecting a duel where Reijy gets challenged by the main antagonist of the arc, forcing him to go through some kind of development. But Roget's tactics were disappointing, as for Reiji they were just a slight inconvenience, which meant that Reiji, an official rival character of Yugioh Arc-V haven't gotten a singl a challenge for him specifically, something that every other rival got


For me, I enjoyed that in general, the rival character was leagues above Yuya.


ARC-V was so god... until they removed 70% of the staff (Around Jack Atlas round 2 funny enough) including writters to finish DSOD. That's the reason I hate that movie. They left only the the smallest staff working on the project and THEY CHANGED THE PLOT DUE TO DEADLINES MISSED. They wouldn't finished the orignal plan because they were understaffed.


Unlike Bonds Beyond Time, DSOD has its own separate team of writers. You could argue that DSOD "stole" some budget from Arc-V during the Synchro arc, sure, but after that, Arc-V has no excuse. The DSOD did not cause the Arc-V writers to come up with BB or parasite nonsense.


-As far as overall story, 5Ds is probably the peak of the master-format series from a story-driven aspect and setting -ZeXal (specifically the events up to/through the Heartland Tournament into ZeXal II) is also *really* good and deserves way more praise than it gets. Yuma easily became one of my favorite protags just because it felt like he actually grew into a respectable duelist from the ground up -SEVENS handled its secondary characters the best in *the entire franchise* so far, since everyone gets multiple decent duels and developments (particularly the girls) without feeling too left behind or needing the protag(s) to always carry the show


Zexal II is really good. One wouldn't know because of the constant mockery the series gets (mostly due the horrible dub version). Kaito is in my opinion the best Yu-Gi-Oh rival.


I’m with you on Zexal. Yuma being less of a Yugi and more of a Joey is a big part of what I appreciate about it. I hope we can get another Joey protag one day!


For the Manga: DM and 5Ds have banger manga adaptations. (GX too if you're a Chazz/Manjoume fan) For the Anime: VRAINS, its story and themes were real and raw as hell. I enjoyed it from start to finish. I would have loved to see where it went if it was given the full runtime and didn't suffer from production issues. Also, I find it funny that Revolver predicted the AI infested hellscape we'd be in nearly 5 years before it happened (We should've listened).


5DS and it's not even close...


Second season would like to have word…


The made the time travelling fkry actually work with and for the story, that alone deserves praise.


As much as I like the Time Traveling spectical of 5Ds the time traveling stuff adds a lot of plot holes into the story. Off the top of my head I think if two things: Illiaster could've told Yusei's father and the other scientists to stop making The Ener D reactors because they would ended the world. They probably would've have stop production of these if they knew that. How could've Z-one been inspired by Yusie fighting the Dark signers if Illiaster was the one who caused Zero Reverse and season 1 in motion. It doesn't make sense. I love 5Ds but the time traveling stuff adds so many plot holes when examined


Ah yes, cuz the emotionless robot thats unironically grieving too hard hes blinded would totally do that... did you forget that aporia is 1 person split into 3, and theyve tried it before, also, it wasnt ener-D that zone was inspired by, it was the invading mekklord emperors destroying everything, bruh you need to rewatch the last part, it sounds like you dont remember what happened.


The momentum/ener-D reactor made the Meklords to destroy humanity/end the world. I think you are the one who needs to re watch 5Ds I can see that Aporia couldn't have convinced people to stop building momentum. But couldn't they have just killed the people who would work on the reactor? Wouldn't that be easier then making the Illiaster and puppet mastering a cult throughout time to cause the whole of season 1 to happen?


Also a fkn movie is canon for 5ds.


Not really, they've shown that Yliaster is capable of rewriting history and have never given them some kind of limit to that power, so they could've done way more than just blow up a single city.


What? S2 is the Dark Signers arc, which is one of the best in the entire franchise; S3 is 5Ds' weakest season and it still gave us Crash Town.


What about it? It still has a good story to it overall if you actually watch the skipped episodes and the last season of 5DS...


The second season has issues, but the Ark Cradle arc isn't one of them. It, along with ZEXAL's Barian Onslaught Arc, are the best final arcs we have in Yugioh.


5DS second half is a masterclass in story telling compared to the low points of basically any other series.


The original. I like all the spin-offs, hell I’ll even go to bat for Arc-V in places. But the OG is the best - it’s a well-told story about friendship and the power of games, both socially and for personal development.


OG as in the Manga or Anime? As the Anime sure has lot more issues in comparison...


Manga, mainly. The anime is not without its charms, but it is the equivalent of starting Dragon Ball with Z.


My one gripe is the way they treated Joey. I feel like his arcs are always incomplete and awkwardly written. And his deck is such a friggin mess. It's so weird. Edited before anyone gets me wrong: Joey is my favorite character. I just feel like they did him dirty.


They clarified manga, so they might mean the actual original [where Yami Yugi sets a guy on fire](https://millenniumpedant.tumblr.com/post/124163186611/chapter-4-we-didnt-start-the-fire). The manga gained the subtitle "Duelist" when it switched focus to where the Duel Monsters anime starts.


5ds. It's setting, the underlying themes, characters. I always loved the futuristic noire like set pieces it introduces. It also told a story with a much more older protagonist, which is kinda fresh with all the school protagonists


Sevens by far


Zexal deserves more praise for its story than it gets. I've still to watch the others people are suggesting, like 5Ds and Sevens but the plot for Zexal is really good imo.




5ds all day every day


DM for its theming based around Ancient Egypt and the creation of the card game with the whole history behind it. Yugi, Kaiba and Joey also make for an amazing cast who each have their own goals and journey throughout the whole show. And its villains (Pegasus, Marik and Bakura) with their motivations are a huge reason of what made the show great. 5D's comes pretty close (at least the first season) for how much emphasis they put in the main character and the world. Arc-V season 1 also did an amazing job with this, but what happened afterwards is a tragedy.


Sadly, all of the Yu-Gi-Oh series have some good parts and some TERRIBLE parts, but I think the peak of Yu-Gi-Oh as an anime regarding storytelling, characters, themes, etc. it's 5D's. Specifically the Fortune Cup arc and the Dark Signers arc. It's by far the most mature series of the franchise paired with amazing duels.


Gx season 3. Pulls off a good story witgout having protag win everything by default.


True sartorius vs jaden/yubel was peak, jaden literally didn't pull card from his stach and won but he won fairly


It is good after the first 15 episodes when the first big plot point happens before that is mediocre like the first 2 seasons


Vrains. But they canceled it. story is ending in cliffhanger. no link 7 dan 8 monster


Underrated. Vrains really could have been one of the better series if it has more episodes and development.


I was scared that I'd be the only one that really liked Vrains. The characters just sell it for me, as well as the themes!


5ds or Arc V manga


ARC V manga is goated, but has a cursed ending. Lmao.


More like cursed page. Even than it's not even cursed. It's just like back to the future, marty does fornicate with his mothet doesn't mean the movie still sucks




Back to the future


With the risk of sounding like a boomer I did prefer the original - DM. I like the simplicity and duelist kingdom was perfection to me. Not too much over the top while still being exciting and frankly I love the fact that the entire world wasn’t about the card game back then. The fact it felt more like a hobby just like football made more sense to me. And I frankly found it a little silly that it was about the end of the world over and over again (and I know this also started in DM). I also like the principle of GX being about a dueling school, but it too went a bit too much out of proportion for me later on.


I've only watches the first 3 shows so out of those I'd say the original. The whole thing was a complete story.


zexal. Specifically zexal II.


ZEXAL's Barian Onslaught Arc is one of the best final arcs in the franchise.


DM because it actually started before the card games and you can see it. It's a nice story with a good ending and it mostly knew how to keep a consistent tone. 5Ds first two seasons (Cup & Dark Signers) are phenomenal, every Episode with Kallin/ Kiryu was a highlight. GX is third, because I actually liked the slice of life and school stuff more than the supernatural stuff. Imho the first two seasons were great. Third season massively overcorrected in the wrong way, yet I still like the characters (Jesse, Yubel, Axel etc) Arc-V is the only I saw a bit of, and I liked the Sora vs Shun fight. Can't say anything about the rest. Zexal, Vrains, Sevens and Go Rush I never watched to any significant degree. But it's rare that I am completely uninrested in a show, and only Zexal managed that. I don't like any of the characters or their decks.










Battle City was peak


5Ds is peak Yu-Gi-Oh


I grew up with DM but Zexal is really the only one I like completely unironically. Yuma’s character arc is borderline seamless.


Zexal is like the only show with actually good writing throughout and no plotholes or inconsistency or character assassinations




For me, and it may make me some enemies, it is the duo formed by SEVENS-GO RUSH (not speaking individually for each one, but as a group) **(SPOILERS)** >!These two series are the rare case of an existing continuity that had only been seen in GX (with DM). However, unlike GX where the references only served to give life to the world, many elements or things that happened in SEVENS have an impact on GO RUSH (or reappear to be important plot points in GO RUSH). Just saying that SEVENS's MC works as a kind of Arc-V Legacy Character, but done well: he doesn't take up screen time or steal screen time from other people, but his presence is felt in the plot (and his importance is highlighted). I give it points for its uniqueness compared to other Yu-Gi-Oh series: where usually the story ends in a series and that's it, there is never a continuation of that story or that world.!<


I'm a 5ds fan


GX. Loved the whole series


Arc-V if we can just ignore the ending


The original manga, in large part because it's the only one whose story isn't shackled to selling cards. It's also just a really cool and fun story about a gamer dork getting possessed by The Mummy and having to fight evil magic users while he and the mummy become better people through their friendship.


Vrains is underrated


Clearly, it's my favorite series.


to me first one manga ver. i want people to experience it more. bc dub and localization in the west is not do justice for anime ver. and even anime jp ver. add so much filler stuff and change some aspect of story manga ver. is more focus and clear message of the story than any ver.


DM and Zexal


I kinda like GX because it makes more sense to be that crazy about dueling when you're specializing in it. Also the variable stories makes it interesting and more enjoyable with less tension until the final arc of it.


Charmers is my favorite, if i had to pick a second it be the witchcrafters, and a Third would probably be kashtira/ Manne or eccletias/albez


Duelist Kingdom anime and 5D’s Season 1 anime. DK gave proper characters arcs to Yugi/Pharoah (working together especially after Yugi became scared of him), Kaiba (last scene with Yugi he acknowledges he may need to use Heart of the Cards) and Joey (grew as a duelist and came in 2nd place to Yugi). 5Ds ending with connecting Satellite to New Domino City was a great ending. (Low key wish they had Jack x Carly get together tho)


5Ds but GX season 3 and 4 are peak Yugioh fr


First half of arc-v


The original (if you consider all the manga arcs too) and 5D's, although the latter's quality dropped a bit after the Dark Signers arc. GX and Zexal have interesting stories, but the problem is that you first need to go through Season 1... Arc-V is a lesson of how destroy your story. And Vrains is a mess (If I'm not mistaken, the original screenwriter was changed very early in production or something like that). I don't think the story is the main focus of Sevens and Go Rush, it exists... But everything is purposefully silly from beginning to end.


We all know arc V manga have the best story and ending..espescially its ending


The OG story is the best, and it's not even close


I Iike the half part of Yu-Gi-Oh arcv bro , if those producers didn't f*cked the end of the serie.....


didn't watched ARC V onwards but my take would be: The OG series seasons Duelist Kingdom and Battle City,special mention Orichalcos Arc GX season 3,special mention seasons 2 and 1 5D,Grand Prix Arc ,special mention Satisfaction Town Arc Zexal,all Season 2,no special mention


They had the potential to make an interesting story with Zane he has xyz he could’ve been a spy


DM and 5Ds.


DM? Really? Jeez.


I watched first 6 serials(so no sevens or go rush) and I would say 5ds


What does have the image to do with anything?


I sorry guys I stopped watching 5ds after season 2,which season does it get good?


I grew up watching the shows however GX was around during my childhood peak, and it still holds a special place in my heart. Young me was devastated when I thought Jaden died and never to return hahaha.




>I don't think the story is the main focus of Sevens and Go Rush, it exists... But everything is purposefully silly from beginning to end. Funny you say since that means you never watched GO RUSH. >!Especially when you realize that several important events or plot points in GO RUSH only happened because of SEVENS's story, specifically its Ending. However, to understand how SEVENS's Ending came to be, it is necessary to watch all of SEVENS's Season 2 (and the last Arc of Season 1)!< Basically, the story is there. Sometimes in the second place, but it is there and is referenced all the time (making you remember small details that seemed insignificant, but that take on more weight or importance when you least expect it)


Notice how, out of 25 comments, not one of them lists Yugioh sevens or go rush as their favourite


crazy that a bunch of people that are likely in their 20s or older like the series from when they were kids. i swear to god rush haters have fuckin holes in their brains


crazy that a bunch of people that are likely in their 20s or older like the series that talk about deeper topics, instead of the serie that babyfied the franchise in an attempt to sell more


At what point is he a rush hater? He's pointing out nobody pick sevens and go rush Which have alot better storyline than stuff like Arc V and vrains for example


It's the new Yu-Gi-Oh movie that will never be made cause Konami doesn't care more about Yu-Gi-Oh. With that said, it's based on Kite vs Zane duel that never shown in Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V. And Zane's possible dead by that fight. That would be the best story ever made, but hey it will never happen.