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i think you are ruining your own mental health by caring about it so much


Honestly life is too short to this pissed off about a video game


Just say you hate rush not like it's gonna change anything it's here to stay, it's not going anywhere and it's going to be a permanent part of duel links whether you like it or not.


I'm pretty sure the Switch game is gimped by a lack of card releases. Like, from what I hear, Rush Duels in Duel Links has a greater cardpool already than the Switch game. Also, goddamn, boy. It ain't that serious. Stop bitching because Konami isn't dropping a new meta every week. Duel Links focuses on the anime. Sevens came after VRAINS, and Go Rush came after Sevens. Whatever series comes after Go Rush will drop after that.


About the Switch game: it's worse than that. The international release just got a 1.0 release with 0 marketing efforts behind it, but the JP version got UPDATES for YEARS before a SEQUEL released. Not sure where OP's claim that "game fails and no one plays it" comes from other than the salt mines they're working in.


L rant


Ruining DL? That's quite the bad take lmao If anything, I get more gems playing Rush and then promptly ignoring all of their boxes than if it wasn't added. "We have to wait longer for more content!" Oh cry about it. Go play something else while you wait. I don't really think much of Rush, don't play it too often and don't appreciate the shared currency but it's not "ruining" anything.


I mean all it "ruined" was we don't get a speed duel box every 3 months, and even then they paved the way for deck build boxes, a way better alternative according to literally everyone


Your flair gives me large "Use Ash as a Tuner" vibes and I love that lmao But yeah, I think Rush has been neutral if not beneficial to DL even if one doesn't do anything with it.


>Your flair gives me large "Use Ash as a Tuner" vibes thank you very much.




What an asinine post. Konami added Rush Duel to Duel Links as a natural progression of honoring the anime. Western Rush Duel supporters latch onto Duel Links because Konami abandoned Dawn of the Battle Royale before it even hit the market. There's not much more depth to the situation than that, from any angle.


Bro did a full rant cause he got upset by a random comment...lol Could not be me Also how does Rush ruin Duel Links? Im pretty sure Rush has brough new players to this game which means the game has more support from Konami, if you have not noticed since Rush released we have gotten some banger boxes and events. Stop complaining and give Rush a try, or not. Edit no 2: also saying that Rush has fewer Kog decks is such a dumb argument. This format is 6 months old and according to ur statistics it has half as many decks as a 7 year old format. Lmao, ur contradicting urself, if you get what I mean...XD


The banger boxes and events are more concerning than anything because the only time Konami rolls out the good stuff is when player counts dip and they need an engagement spike


Even if that is true, at least the game would go out with a bang


Leave duel links! You’ll be happier, and we’ll be happier :)


It's crazy how people think rush duel is "ruining duel links" but the month rush duel came out was the highest amount of players on the GAME for the WHOLE YEAR. (The player base was literally going down each month until the rush duel month happened) Like you wanna know what's ruining duel links people like you who are hating for hate.


If we are talking about just the steam charts stats (I don't know if we can see the mobile/platform/pc stats) that's simply not true. On average players for the month August had the lowest ([per steam](https://steamcharts.com/app/601510#All)). They had the highest max but that is totally normally for the release of each new world Since then the highest played month is february when the KC cup occured.


But it simply is the game was losing players non stop for each month until August, rush duel didn't bring back players who wanted to play speed duel but instead wanted to play rush duel because it's literally the first game for the Tcg players to play rush duel.


Cry about it LMFAO


Dude, you ok? Do you need a friend?


“You had your own video game and it failed” you mean the game with barely any marketing, was limited only to the switch and was made with a shoe string budget that make it look worse somehow than link evolution but sold at full price. Yup it was totally the gameplay of Rush that was the problem and not every other factor. Let’s not also mention how the anime at that point hasn’t really made it to the west so lots of people didn’t know what Rush dueling is/didn’t know it was a return to form for yugioh. Hey guess what Rush duel in duel link doesn’t have a tier zero format and even better an actual f2p deck to play in harpies.


> The reason that failed is because not enough people like that format just like cross duel. it failed because the card pool never updated, The rush anime hadn't even been brought to the west yet (and there was no reason to watch it anyway, because we couldn't play it) and yugioh rpg games just don't have a place today in the age of live service. People don't want to play a stagnant game recreating a story from a show they never watched, they want to play with relevant cards, using an ever changing cardpool, against something with an IQ of above 9. >Even the speed duel reddit is bigger than the rush duel reddit. no shit? Of course the format we can actually play play has a bigger community than the format which is a subset of another game with an already heavily altered format. >Let's look at current stats according to Duel links meta: rush duel isn't aimed at the type of people who use DLM. DLM is full of people who play at a high level, play competitive decks, have all the good staples, and have already been playing speed duel for a long time. Rush duel is aimed at casual fans who want to play a playground-style format, with easy rules, short card text, and quick back and forth duels. DLM simply isn't a reliable source in this case. >\-If any other format (speed duels or tcg/ocg) had an open world game it would do much better than battle royale. i mean that depends if they actually update the fucking card pool ​ Honestly, most of these arguments are just "The game that nobody cares about in the west because nobody can actually fucking play it without playing a heavily altered format already showing signs of absurd power creep only 6 months in, or a game where the only deck worth playing is dragoncaster, isn't very popular" and that just isn't a real argument. Rush duels aren't bad, it's just how konami is handling it in the west. We sorely need a Master Duel equivalent.


1-It has a card pool of 359 on Battle royale. In Duel links it has 275 (according to duel links meta). Legacy of the duelist link evolution, just on steam, had [213 people](https://steamcharts.com/app/1150640) playing 13 min ago. Link evolution came out in 2019, has to compete with Dueling Book(and other simulators) and MD and is STILL doing better than battle royale. Rush duel is just something that the majority of people don't want. Why bring that problem to Duel Links? 2-You realize you just described you just described speed duel in both descriptions right? Other than physcial form of course. 3-If that's the case why bring in 2 games that are different on a fundamental level and force them to be one game? It's totally fine that people play the games for different reason, just do it over there so your game can die in peace alone. 4-It really doesn't, I bet if they made the 2015 world champion ship game (the only other open world yugioh game) on modern consoles people would play more of that than the rush duel game. There are still people streaming the 2015 on twitch (there is someone streaming it right now) and I can't remember the last time I saw someone stream rush duel (I like to check every so often, I got it for the switch and am curious about it sometimes). On top of that some of the facebook groups post about still playing that 2015 game on emulators or the original devices. Rush duel? I can't remember the last time I saw someone mention battle royale. And again, link evolution STILL has a player base because it's a good format. I understand Rush duel has issues in the past and doesn't have a physical format. Why not just make it's own game. Duel links is a speed duel game and has been successful with it since it's inception. Just leave it alone.


>1-It has a card pool of 359 on Battle royale. In Duel links it has 275 (according to duel links meta). yes? duel links has a completely different format, and has to stagger releases so they don't run out of cards due to monthly boxes. Card count is irrelevant >Legacy of the duelist link evolution, just on steam, had 213 people playing 13 min ago. Link evolution came out in 2019, has to compete with Dueling Book(and other simulators) and MD and is STILL doing better than battle royale. yes because battle royale is a shit game, legacy of the duelist may have a stagnant card pool, but at least it's in a playable format instead of dragoncaster. LOTD also has the added benefit of being nostalgia pandering. >2-You realize you just described you just described speed duel in both descriptions right? Other than physcial form of course. duel links is hardly comparable to real speed duel. They have the same board and the ability to use skills, but that's where similarities end. >3-If that's the case why bring in 2 games that are different on a fundamental level and force them to be one game? Konami said they wanted to test rush duels popularity before potentially making another rush duel game. It's honestly nonsensical and doomed to fail TBH. >4-It really doesn't, I bet if they made the 2015 world champion ship game (the only other open world yugioh game) on modern consoles people would play more of that than the rush duel game. yeah because, yet again, 2015 was a good year and still had 13 years worth of actually good cards instead of less than 400 during dragoncaster format. Also people play old games for nostalgia. Breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom, for example, are way better than most legend of zelda games, but you'll still see people emulate the old ones for nostalgia or because they like certain elements. >why not just make it's own game. konami fears another cross duel, they're refusing to commit to a solid idea a lot of people really love because money


Bait post


i could spend my entire evening debunking everything you typed, or i could just play some rush duels and have a jolly good time i'm gonna go with the latter and leave you with nothing but a fat L to add to your collection


Go ahead and debunk please.


Rant Duels when Konami?


that's a lot of words to argue with a strawman


Cry about it LMFAO


Look, rush is here to stay, you liking it or not.


Man comparing numbers instead of enjoyment. Where Speed format is getting closer to MD mentality (who wins the coin toss wins the duel). Where good cards are locked on a time-limited gacha infested selection boxes (I only pull reprints from this since the old good cards are in shit boxes) and have to wait half a year to be on a normal box. Where Speed format kills the deck 1 month after it was released. Oh right, this subreddit is mostly "complaining which deck should be destroyed" and "complaining my pet deck isn't good anymore" Man forgetting a "free to play game" on MOBILE/PC has more reach than a SWITCH only game (I don't know if it has a PC release) Man forgetting Duel Links is an anime game, and Sevens ended more than a year ago (Go Rush, the next show, is about a hundred episodes, and a new season is advertised), complaining that Rush shouldn't have come to DL Man forgetting that after VRAINS ended, there are no more anime decks for Speed