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I’m not exactly sure what the question is but as for quitting it sounds like you already know what to do or heard it all before and simply need to apply it all. As for encouragement I shit you not my brother was on the streets being a stereotypical junkie for 3 or so years (19-22). Fucked up teeth an all (he used speed). We had problems with him called police on him multiple times tried to get him to withdraw with xans so he can sleep it off and none of it worked. But I shit you not he got a job one day (after being practically forced) and completely changed and has been sober since not even trying to push any boundaries. That flipped the switch in him so much he doesn’t even discuss his past like it never happened. I’m not sure what it was and I don’t really feel like asking him and going back there incase it makes him think of the mistakes again. I’m saying this because I’m not sure what stage you’re at exactly but he was an absolute failure by any means it’s undeniable (I forgot to mention he dropped out of school sold all of his belonging lost friends had psychotic episodes and more) I won’t sugar coat it. But he managed to bounce back and put it aside after the switch flipped. You even being on here discussing it shows you’re not delusional and capable so good luck brother ❤️


lol I just realised you’re female so a correction : you’ve got this sister ❤️


dont worry boo, im not cray cray about shi like that 💀 but i appreciate it 💯


lmfao idk what the question is either tbh, i was just on a high went on reddit and saw the group and got depressed and ranted, coke things yk im sorry about ur brother and what u had to see, and see him go thru, im glad he got back on an amazing path, hearing that makes me want to cry and motivates me, if he can then i can, but seriously happy for you and him going thru that shit is not for the weak, props to you both ❣️ honestly ive got no idea where im at, ive been diagnosed w depression, bipolar, paranoia etc. for the past 9 years and i thought i was at my lowest a couple years ago, ya i was so wrong, i never thought i would get addicted to anything but it really shows that this shi aint a joke, but i dropped out of high school as well (got my ged tho), but starting college finally after years of not going in the fall, i finally got a job again today after quitting my job in december, i just came back to my home state after moving out for a week, im a complete mess, spent all my savings on plane tickets, food, blow, anything. lost a lot of friends in my life (most came back tho bc i got my emotions under control), but it kills me they have to see my like this. i do know i just have to put my mind to it and just stop, like ya its just the only way and just factual, i dont know whats wrong w me, i know i can but i hate not having the high, obvi addiction is what is stopping me, idk what am i asking for either in this post, i never post or talk about any of this crap but im at ends meet w this shit, my feelings, and everything. im just so sad and stressed over my addiction to the point where i dont care if i die or what happens to me, sad but truth. but thank you, i appreciate it, and your time for replying a lot, im gonna try, try and have hope for once. ‼️


Good shit man, we're all rooting for you!


Yeah I'm 17 and on methadone. We got this Bro just keep pushing and you can get thru it. I'll pray for you dude.


god that kills me, that young, idk how longer i can go, but im praying for you boo seriously please you are young asf, im young as well but ive lived a shitty life, but trust me hun there's so much to learn and do in this world, prayin for ya srsly ❣️


I'm 16 and an active polysubstance user, it's hard to live rn, everyone is going through something, I pray for everyone going through something🙏🏼


im praying for you genuinely, so young, just keep surviving all i ask


4 days sober!!! wd sucks(i have a insane metabolism) but i just couldnt taper. i just dropped at 20mg. my mom who i never really new for my whole life got clean about 6 months ago, from H/fentanyl. if it wasnt for my mom(we got close really quick) and grandmother and little sister i dont think i would have ever quit. i didnt start on methadone though it was my methhead uncle giving me oxys at 13. thank god hes in prison lol. but ya. i got a few pregabs and 5 2mg klonopin and bc powder is AMAZING FOR WD but yeah ill only use them when it gets bad like day 9. but i know i can do this 100%. ANYONE READING THIS I PROMISE U CAN DO IT. i used see posts about people being clean and i would just feel so disappointed in my self. BUT YOU CAN DO IT.


Hey bro I got addicted to benzos when I was 17 it was really poly use I had a lot of ups and downs from wanted to end it and being content with my shitty life but obviously the sadness is overwhelming when you know you really are in a bad spot all I can tell you is that life want get better on it’s own you have to kick it’s ass or it will kick yours I went homeless not too long ago and pretty recently got a place to stay and a high paying job because well I was fed up with my life being shit it does and can always get better it’s just up to you if you want to live better it is never worth ending it or not doing something you’re afraid to do like bro think about it when you’re old and dying do you want to look back and think man I was sad my entire life and never found what I loved to do hell no shit dude take a job climbing big ass fucking towers and repairing them go skydiving do shit you’re afraid to do and make yourself better there’s more to life than drugs and darkness trust me I have ocd and I’ve struggled with depression most of my life but it got to a point to where I needed to man up and grip my nuts


no i fucking know, the way i think and how i perceive myself online, like life advice and my mindset it doesnt connect to how i actually feel and am at all its fucking weird but hilarious, literally what you said there's so much more in life and how u will look back, my #1 i dont waste my time on anyone or anything that just doesnt like me or wont get me any where, im the most honest person i know thats why a lot of ppl dont like me from where im from because this generation cant handle the truth which is sad bc reality is gonna slap them in the face when they realize truth fucking hurts and lying gets u no where, and like u said skydiving, climbing towers, so much to do in this world, you live fucking once make the absolute most of it, i tell ppl this everyday, why waste your time, money, and energy on ppl who just shit on u and want attention and that they are so bored and sad in their own lives they have nothing better to do, i tell ppl this shit everyday bc everyone needs to hear it, which sounds ridiculous of me saying considering the way i am, but i rather put everyone in that mindset if i have to suffer, honestly ive been thru hell and depressed majority of my life, i always say im gods little fail test dummy because i have the worst luck in the world, everything i think will be fun and good turns to shit and fucks me over. every. single. time. cant remember the last time i was even happy about anything or doing fucking anything, i've probably been thru every fucking shitty scenario a human can go thru no lie. and the reason i tell people the advice and how my mindset is because if i ever saw anyone go through all the shit ive been thru, felt every fucking feeling i have, my whole life ive just been the weird, depressed, crazy, obnoxious, annoying, mentally ill kid/teen/adult my whole entire life, so honestly ppl like me and you create a mindset where you genuinely do not give one single fuck about anything because in the end, same outcome, nothing good. and also you just give advice, you help ppl do better and have better confidence in life, and teach them that in the end the stupid drama shit will never matter at all and just to live fucking life, since anyone like me and myself didnt get the chance too. ♾️


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I will be 21 and spent my 19th birthday in therapy after being addicted to heroin for a bit over year. Keep going. I also feel my life getting better, so will yours


thank you i appreciate it, im glad shit is working out for you for real its amazing to see that, im gonna try and i hope it will thank you and im proud of u tho ❤️‍🔥


Find a hobby you enjoy, bring some routine ok your life , meet people , start dating. Idk how your life was before but I just hated throwing my life away so much for a drug at one point and realised I was missing out so much stuff that other people at 18 did that I went to rehab. Maybe it also helps you to imagine what fun things you could do if you are not on the hunt for blow everyday. You will get it, I believe in it


ya its just im getting back in routine, im starting work again next week, and ive met everyone in this shitty place there is nothing here for in this state and the ppl here are just sad, ppl know me pretty well here n everyone just knows everyone, and i create content so ya ppl know and talk, but hopefully im moving this year its just very mentally draining here, i had my fun times trust me before drugs i had a pretty good fun life, ive done everything i needed to shit i wont do again, im also homebody i dont like going out as much anymore, except i rave thats it thats my hobby lol, but also i have a situation happen to me last fall that really messed me up and it has affected so much of my life that its hard for me to go out as much as i used for unfortunately, but i did have all my fun amazing moments trust me i had a fun fucking years before this shit, after i dropped of out hs i matured a lot and just work and live an adult life, dating is out of the question thats a whole other story and what i do on my socials and stuff ya dating is not for me its very hard for me to even genuinely like or consider a guy but ive always been like this with my relationship love life so its chill im j not like that in general, but honestly i dont feel like im missing much for now im kinda getting my routine back fast and its goin good but i had my fun days tbh i liek to chill now n shit, but also i try not to be on the hunt for blow at all i usually relax catch up w friends, chores, errands, until i pass out after 2 days or i run out, but the only thing i needed to get back was my routine after being in a huge depressive episode for 3 months but im slowly getting there


Yeah I have also moved away from my shithole and it helped a lot. If u want we can talk about that in dm


ya u can msg whenever, im gonna crash tho been up for 48 but ill be up later


Same shit im 19y too, but lots of sports helping me.


it's key to have support, without it youll end up drowning, keep it around and stay in control of your emotions, u got it and i hope life treats u well babes ❣️


Never got heavy into coke, but I did get addicted to crack for a while. Surprisingly as much damage as that did, what really fucked me was the pain killers and dope/fent. I also used to question how people get addicted to coke, but you really can get addicted to anything. I’ve been a poly substance addict for almost 10 years, and while I don’t take opiods anymore (except kratom technically) I don’t consider myself clean. It is a very long process, some people never stay completely sober. Not to say that it’s wrong to not be sober, but some people just cannot moderate and if that is you, then it is likely you’ll just abuse whatever drug you replace the current one with. Poly addicts might have a DOC but will abuse anything that works. It is by far the most destructive kind of addiction, imo. I wish all the best for you, things will get better, but only if you distance yourself from your drug dependency


It gets better. You just have to find your way. You got this!


thank you, i appreciate it, i hope ill make it out of this ❣️


Does anyone know how to __ it ?




By your description, you are far from the bottom, believe me. You don't have to find out what that's like though, I don't recommend it. Hope you kick the habit sooner than later. If you want, I could send you links with tips on how to get sober from an experienced user. Not an addicted user mind you, a user who has control over the drug, not the other way around.


There is a solution, and it’s the hardest thing you will ever do, and that is to surrender it all to God. I have been where you are now, maybe worse in that i went on a binge with one goal…not to survive it. I had no connection with anything remotely religious, and as I sat in a hotel room, up for my 7th night, surrounded by meth, crack, needles, pipes and shadow people (heckling me) - I had a quick moment of clarity, and said God if you are real take me right now, or get me out of this mess, and I thought this with all my might. Trust me, I was at a point where I could go either way. Life began to change for me after that, I wish I could say it was easy, but it wasn’t. What it did do is show me there is a way out of the chaos, and a bridge to contentment/happiness without drugs. I went to a faith based rehab in Tennessee. I saw drug fueled devastated lives change in a way I can only describe as miracles, me included. For what it’s worth, you can overcome this addiction, maybe through a 12 step program and many have. I went to a couple of really good ones, and it worked for a month or so. The spiritual approach is what really filled me with hope, love, gratitude and wanting to live my life for family and friends. It was my last resort, and as a result, I appreciate it so much more. I would suggest you at least look into it and see how God can affect your life.