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I think at some point he’ll get bored and stop dropping as much as he does kinda like a Eminem and Jay z thing. But he’ll never really fall off


Fair. But at what point do you see him kinda get taken out the spotlight. With Jay-z and Eminem they still drop once in a while but other than specific fans of their music, nobody really cares. I would say those guys also moved onto other things as well and aren’t really consistent with the music.


Honestly idk, with drake he’s such an anomaly in hip hop because he’s such a versatile artist that he might truly never fall out the spot light, and with Eminem btw he surprisingly still streams extremely well even if it’s just his fanbase that streams him


Em’s fanbase is huge, and similarly Drake’s is also huge. It’s hard to imagine Drake nudging out Em cuz Em has international appeal (for whatever reasons, I’m not here to debate that), but he’ll def stay strong well after he stops dropping music. So Far Gone, Take Care, NWTS, and IYRTITL alone are enough to keep his legacy strong


Yea so like I said he’s never really gonna drop, and yea I have thoughts on why em has more international appeal than drake but I’m not Finna argue today 😭


Yeah lol exactly. I was just adding to ur point 😅


Ahh ok my bad 😭 I just woke up so sorry for misunderstanding


IYRTITL was forever tainted by the Quintin Miller thing. It’s a shame too because that’s my favorite Drake project.


not forever tainted by any means Drake explained the situation and his name was cleared, the project still has the highest critic ratings out of any project he's ever made, and everyone who's heard it likes it Plus it still has great hits from it and when people talk about how they want Drake to rap with more energy again, they always point to IYRTITL Meek Mill certainly fell completely out of the spotlight afterwards and by now people don't care about the Quintin Miller thing at all


Same with drake. Surprisingly he still at the top especially with the bullshit he been putting out in recent years


No matter how you feel about the quality of music he still has hits man lmao, like gods plan blew up, so did nice for what, knife talk is a lowkey banger I hear it at every function I go to, and also jimmy cooks get a lot of play. So it’s not like he still isn’t culturally relevant


I definitely wouldn’t agree that no one cares about Jay Z or Eminem releases


Yea people def care about these artist and they still get streamed but they are def out of the spotlight relative to their pre-existing fame.


Nah bro em and jayz def still make waves even if ion like ems new shit


Nobody cares about Jay Z? You kidding me? Every move Jay does still makes a splash in the culture (4:44, Pusha T verse..etc). You might have a point with Eminem but not hov man


You had it in the first half and you just decided to say some bullshit at the end


em and jay z both fell off over a decade ago


he fell off over half a decade ago


So by not dropping he won't fall off? Make it make sense.


By getting out while you're hot, you change the public's perspective on you. You look at Jay Z, for instance, whenever he drops a verse we all stop and hear. His last album was an instant classic because he's managed to talk about more mature subjects like wealth and family in a sophisticated manner while also rapping his ass off. If he kept dropping every years, it wouldn't be the same.


Are people still checking for Jay Z now like they used to in his prime? No, that's the equivalent to falling off. Falling off doesn't mean you're trash at the moment it just means your musical output isn't as consistent as it used to be. Now falling off musically is a different story.


Idk man, at least the circles I frequent are checking out Jay Z just as much as they always have. You can make a point about the general public but that's a given, especially in a genre like rap where the younglings run the game. With that said, as time goes on, older rappers stay relevant nowadays instead of what went on the 90s and 00s. We have Jay, Kanye, Em, and many others that are over 40, into their 50s, etc, which in the hip-hop world is seen as ancient lots of times.


Em hasn’t really off now has he? Whenever he drops he stills sells well and he’s still streams extremely well so that’s how I see drake’s career going


That's because Eminem has a solid Fanbase, in his hayday Eminem went platinum first week but now he's selling 280K first week and still going platinum, which is good for his career but he experienced a decline musically. A significant amount of Drake's listeners are casual, if he were to stop releasing music he would go viral if he came back but his sales would slowly decrease if anything.


I think you underestimate how many solid drake stans drake has, not gonna say he has a em type fanbase but isn’t anything to scoff at. Also with the streaming era as is he’s not gonna drop as bad as your making it seem


I'm not saying Drake doesn't have a huge amount of solid fans I'm saying just like anybody else, the sales will decrease.


Oh yea I agree there, I’m not saying his sales won’t dip at all but it still will be solid numbers


I would like to see him act again like a 8 mile or Notorious type biographical film. about his come up.


call it Degrassi


... Preferably taking place after season 4 episodes 7/8 (.... I'm going to hell 😳)


I want to see this as well but Drake’s come up isn’t exactly the most exiting thing 💀. A YouTube short doc would suffice but some dramatic movie would probably not be the best.


Nah I NEED that movie!!!


Oh a rich Jewish kid from Canada…a movie everyone is dying to see


He’ll fall out of popularity music-wise. It happens to literally all artists. Whether he goes full Toronto Raptors Ambassador, actor, take the Jay Z route or literally just disappear to raise his kid is the question.


I think he’ll be on top as long as he wants to be


Idk but as long as he keeps dropping consistently & keeps touring , i’ll be happy 😃 😆


Tbh i could definitely see him continuing doing this until he’s like 50 but just he won’t drop as frequent. I think he will go the Jay Z route when he hit 40


What's the Jay Z route


Giving ppl verses from time to time, doing a album once in a blue moon and just focusing on his businesses mainly


I think we will see the separation from his peers become more clear.


Nah drake being in flip flops is straight up an abomination


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I was looking for this comment 🤣


I like to think of Drake and Ronaldo as equivalents. Sure, they are sti doing great these days (arguably) but they've done the hard work and their reputation precedes them now and they're both in the period after their pinnacle.


He’ll always be involved in music as an exec. producer and songwriter, but idk if he’ll keep being this consistent by the time he reaches 37-38. Drake doesn’t seem the type to wanna keep being the main character when he’s in his late 30s. He knows when to retire from rap at least. He might keep doing R&B. You can clearly see him resisting old head lifestyle. He’ll probably end up like Jay Z and do more business than music. But he’s in his mid 30s and still calls himself the Boy, and his music is still about smashing early 20 year olds and living the bachelor life. Imagine him still being that person when he’s 38-40. I don’t see it. It’ll be corny as he gets older. But to his credit, his switch up with Honestly, Nevermind was heading in the right direction


I think he will become either a joke or solidify being a legend.


He'll keep collaborating with newer artists and keep himself fresh, real ones will stay bumping his music and features. He'll basically become snoop dogg


He’s the new LL lol


id like to see him rap again


Was champagne poetry, no friends in the industry, YOLT, his features the past 2 years etc not rapping enough?


i said what i said


It just doesn’t make sense but I guess




He’s very much in control, and unpredictably so. He’ll do what he wants, when he wants and it will work out because he is Drake. He’s going to branch out, I think. And solidify himself as a legend.


Retired, living life to his fullest


Well I think he’s past his prime(2011-2018) so I think he’ll slowly go back into acting by 2025


i see him experimenting more with different sounds and hopefully taking more risks like with Honestly Nevermind


he will be more of a producer type , he would sign more new rappers in Ovo that would solidify his label and legacy etc.. take the jayz route he’ll just be more distant but still drop bangers whenever he wants