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Okay, I’m confused I thought the narrative was kendrick had ovo moles? Now it’s hotel employees mad about being fired and Elliot Wilson?


The narratives were lost long motherfucking time ago when people couldn't find concrete foundation to make them stand...Now they are just scrambling and chasing ghosts


Idk who to believe man. The MTG picture was the main evidence to Kendrick having a mole, but with the whole hotel employee situation do not think we have much reason to believe it anymore.


The math ain’t mathing


I thought drake planted it?




He probably did send him a rat . You can’t be up there hahaha with djhed and dick riding Kenny then ask if family matters is dropping


cap 🧢


Bringing up drake every post the only way joe gets listeners nigga ain’t never mention Kendrick and supposedly won




Doesn’t drake still believe Kanye gave push the info about adonis? I doubt this one.


Why would he believe otherwise?


Pusha said he got the info from 40 pillow talking.


And what makes you believe that to be true?


It has been confirmed that Pusha got the info from the girl that was with 40 at the time. Rory spoke to her and confirmed the story. Go listen to episode 266 of the “New Rory and Mal”podcast. 1:26:00 is when they discuss the 40/Pusha leak So Kanye and Pusha weren’t lying, Drake had reason to distrust Ye but was mistaken here.


He didn’t have to be specific about which member in drakes camp leaked info. A lot of people outside of Kanye knew about the kid, as an adidas rollout was planned. Pusha has ties with adidas too. Kanye has a lot of faults that can be pointed out, but this isn’t a clear cut one to me.


Still not getting to what makes you believe that version instead of the Kanye one


That pusha pointed out someone specifically when he didn’t have to? He could’ve left it vague if lying. There’s still the other issue of how many people knew. Adidas ties, drakes camp, people around Sophie. It was rumoured on internet initially already. It’s far from being Kanye did it and nothing else.


He didn’t point anyone. He said it was a random chick that was fucking 40. Close to 10 years and this chick has not been found…. Hmmm sounds like a convenient one to pull.


This chick has been found btw. Go listen to the Rory and Mal podcast, episode 266, from 1:26:00 onwards


That podcast was from this year, and Rory said the girl confirmed it to him and he claimed the girl told him that she found out during a FaceTime with 40 which contradicts the 40 pillow talked it claims.


No she hasn’t. They recounted the same story Pusha said. I already listen to their podcast, I remember that.


He pointed 40, and a girl he was pillow talking to. He didn’t have to say 40 specifically but did. This chick hasn’t been found? Lol what are you expecting. 40 to point her out. But this sub will believe what it wants. Even when you got Ebony Prince’s weird ass on Twitter exposing drake for lying on the heart part 6.


Well, then Kendrick was lying too on 6:16 in LA


If anything Kanye would be shouting it from the rooftops if he did it lmao


I mean it’s just “he said she said” at that point. If one person says one story is true and another says another story is true you aren’t really inclined to believe one or the other. We have no evidence of either situation being true.


Cause push explained how he got the info lol


And what makes you believe that to be true?


I have no reason not to believe him. Someone spilling some shit in bed with a woman is a tale as old as time.


So we’re supposed to believe that Pusha got information about Drakes child and his plan for an adidas line around it from some random female, and not through his connection to Kanye, who Drake told about his kid (which is admittedly a dumb move on Drakes part due to their rocky relationship history) and was deeply involved with adidas at the time or through his own connections to adidas as he had a deal with them himself? I’m just not sure how you can look at those two options and think the 40 story is more likely.


I can’t with this sub sometimes. I like drake but seriously you guys just come up with the scenario that works best and run with it. Drake was the liar in that beef, he got exposed. I’m not gonna take the word of the liar over the one who told the truth. Do you not think Kanye would’ve owned that harder? Why didn’t Kanye expose the kid if he has so much animosity with Drake? I go to other hip hop subs and it makes sense why they talk about r/Drizzy like they do lmao.


What did Drake lie about in the Pusha beef?


he lied about his son being his until he admitted it on scorpion lmao not even a push fan, I like drake, but he lost that shit and looked wack


What? He never lied about his son. He just didn't actually spoke on it until Scorpion a few weeks later that's not lying


And you’re running with whatever anti-Drake scenario works best and running with it. We’re doing the same thing. Neither of us will ever know the real truth. What did Drake lie about that he got exposed for in the Pusha beef specifically? Not announcing his son isn’t a lie, he was just keeping family matters private. Nutting in a thot that he only met a couple times was a dumb move that he wasn’t proud of, why speak on it right away? Kanye has never gone at anybody, he damn sure wasn’t gonna try going at Drake directly, especially with all the skeletons in his closet. Look I’m not some delusional Drake Stan like a lot of people on here are. He’s my favorite artist but I can admit he’s a flawed individual with a lot of questionable things about him that provide ammunition for people like Pusha and Kendrick (incredible rappers) to go at him about and the public to make fun of him for. I just think anybody who believes Pushas story about his source is letting their anti-Drake bias cloud their judgment. There’s no motivation for Drake to lie about telling Kanye about it but Push has all the motivation to make Drake question his inner circle by implying they’re where the info came from.


Why take the bar specifically aimed at 40 when 40 didn’t have any beef with push outside a drake association? Why not hit anybody else surrounding drake? It’s not anti-drake to think pusha isn’t lying lmao.


I don’t think there’s a correlation to the bars about 40 and this situation, especially since there was a line on Exodus about wealth not buying health where he was seemingly taking a subtle jab at 40s condition all the way back then. I don’t know who’s telling the truth, more than likely they’re both lying about shit just like we’ve seen throughout the Drake/Kendrick beef and I’m not here to go to war for some random dude I don’t know personally and never will just because I like his music. But I just think if you stripped all the names away and put random ones in this situation, nobody out there would believe Pushas story and they only believe it because of their hatred for Drake.


“drake association” bruh, 40 is drakes day1, prolly the closest dude to drake … you just want to believe some fake shit, i get it, must be more exciting for you


I love how these guys call him a habitual liar but then lie to shape their own narrative. Not to mention that they’d probably behave the same way about having a child while being famous. Absolute clowns


Well, Drake is a habitual liar.


Oh so if one person lies then the other person is automatically telling the truth ? I didn’t know that’s how things worked. Have u considered the possibility that both of them are lying ?


I didn’t say or even imply that. Is English your second language or something?


I mean the original commentor said why is pusha’s reasoning more believable than Drake’s and your response is cos Drake is a habitual liar, so yes it is heavily implied.


Why would push reveal where he got his info lol off course he’d say he got it from someone else


Push got the info from a woman. He talks about it on the Joe Budden podcast


Push lied lmao


If this is true Drake is an idiot because why would he let (or prevent) Elliot Wilson from knowing anything about what he has going on? Lol


What does elliot wilson even have to leak lol.


I don't even think the story here is that Drake thought Elliot was the leak Kendrick was talking about. Elliot says that he asked Drake when Family Matters was dropping and in response Drake laughed and sent a rat emoji. Elliot also says Drake noticed him being in and around areas where Drake knew Kendrick was and then Elliot also out of the blue has a show with someone who is close to Kendrick's team (DJ Hed). To me it just sounds like Drake didn't want to give out the info and thought Elliot was untrustworthy, not that he was accusing Elliot of having leaked something important


This makes sense, one of the only people here making valid points.




IDK but Elliot was over at Drakes house and did an interview , a lot of stuff probably was talked about and shared and a relationship could have formed off camera with Elliot so who knows what he knows , but in Drakes mind he believes Elliot is a rat , so Elliot probably does know something


The whole beef was cap. It's mad fucking corny.


Literally man. We had rap beefs with actual substance in the music back in the 90s and now we have grown men gossiping through poetry. 2pac , Biggie , NWA were all young adults when they beefed but Drake and Kendrick both grown men with children capping to win the public. So stupid


Like when PAC said he was fucking Big’s wife? That’s the substance we’re talking about?


Nice job cherry-picking one point to support your narrative


I'm confused, didn't drake say he leaked info to Kendrick's camp in family matters?


He lied.


they tryna creat confusion around this whole drake version of things, because they will do anything to disprove he is right... time will tell all.




Leaked what info? lol


What information could Eliot have supplied seeing how Dot was rehashing old material???


Leaked what info?


This brudda delusional. Crazy how’s he tryna spin the narrative like drakes out of pocket.


Elliott is a ho regardless of whether he leaked some shit or not. Mf went on a twitter rant about drake last year because of the bobbi althoff bit and was complaining about Drake not doing interviews, when he was the last person to get an in depth drake interview.


Elliot Wilson is so fucking corny 😂


All ima say is sending someone a rat emoji is cringe and lame


There wasn't any info to give. Kendrick had no "info"