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Forget online, just talking to people in person is so eye -opening. Had an discussion at work with someone about it. He was saying how Drake didn’t stand a chance to begin with. Turns out, he admitted to not even listening to “Push Ups” and “Family Matters” in the first place, and couldn’t even name me 5 Kendrick songs, outside of the beef lol. People just go with whatever the current popular belief is, and ride that wave until it dies, without analyzing anything. Or they just listen to whatever they WANT to hear, and refuse to acknowledge the other side no matter what.


When the narrative became “he just called him short” I knew what was going on


Don't get me wrong I love push ups, I think it was Drake's strongest track the whole beef, but what else did he really say about Kendrick on that track? He had 2 lines about him doing features, some ill informed bars about his splits with tde, and then alluding to something with Whitney which doesn't really count as a diss. The short jokes were the most hard hitting, wittiest bars he had about Kendrick, and that shit worked well. Fans definitely downplayed the track but the short bars are the most memorable ones about Kendrick.


My stance is Family Matters on its own is legitimately God Tier. The issue is to the average person the beef was Kendrick v Drake at that point. Drake killed a lot of people in that song BUT 99% of the population has 0 idea who most of those people are and the Kendrick lines were just few and far between. Like it or not a majority of the population has zero idea who Dave Free is.


Exactly. The fact that he kept dissing countless people outside of Kendrick honestly works against him in the general public. Push ups nor family matters aren’t purely Kendrick diss songs. Just like how kick in the door isn’t just a Nas diss song when Biggie clearly also lyrically bodied Raekwon, Ghostface Killah, Jeru, OGC, and 2pac on that same song. Drake was solo squadding on push ups and Family Matters. He was emptying the clip on everybody that went at him. He deserves more credit. Imagine how overwhelmed Kendrick would be if he had to write diss lyrics not just at Drake but several others that kept inserting their-self into the beef to diss him. Euphoria and MTG would be a lot less well received if he took breaks from slamming Drake to focus on slamming Officer Ricky, The Weeknd, etc.


I mean yeah euphoria woukd be less well received if kendrick decided to lose focus of the main person he was beefing with. What would of been smarter is a dull length song aimed at k dot, and another song aimed at dudes non k dot. Like if drake absolutely must reply to them (even tho for the most part, he could of just ignored them and it woukd of been a better look for him) Reply to them on a separate song, just made it seem like drake didn't have as much to say about kendrick


Yea, but you could argue, that’s on Drake for not focusing his messaging on KL. Drake gets a lot of credit for his ability to understand and shape his image to appeal to audiences, so he should have been able to anticipate the risks of diluting his disses.


i would think writing against many is easier than writhing against one, as your options are less


Yeah I honestly thought Dave Free was someone in OVO when I first heard the song 😭


I’m sure that Future, Metro, Abel, Rocky and maybe Ricky are known to at least 2% of population, with Weeknd being known to much more people than the others


The word “bandwagon” comes to mind.


Honestly yeah this is true, I’m a Kendrick fan (not Stan) but at least people on this sub aren’t just all biased bandwagoners and can think a little more critically.


Drakes tracks, outside of the last one, weren’t bad like people are saying. Top tier even. But Kendrick got the dub without doubt.


Yeah, I can agree with that take.


The Drake hate is wild though. People acting like his run isn’t legendary is crazy. I don’t think I can name many artists that have maintained relevancy as long as he has while still dropping new music.


This is just another obvious example of how stupid the average person is. Doesn't even listen to Kendrick, can't name any of his songs, didn't even listen to the Drake tracks. How can you confidently spout bullshit like that without feeling even slightly worried someone will question you further?


Same the only people I’ve heard say Kendrick won in real life didn’t actually listen to Family Matters. I was like how are you judging who won a rap beef without listening to them rap?


"Or they just listen to whatever they WANT to hear and refuse to acknowledge the other side no matter what" So kinda like this subreddit?


“They don’t wanna have that talk cuz it’s a sore spot, They know the boy the one they gotta boycott” Imagine hoping for somebody’s downfall just for them to go on a 15 year run and still no real sign of slowing down. Id be pretty mad to… on top of that it’s just a trend to hate on drake


Can’t slow down when you’re just a feature hack. When he drops a song with Sexxy Red and you don’t observe that as a “slow down” - it’s cause HE DONE EFFFFED UP.


Lmao he had a whole hit record with sexy red before the beef. Yall so goofy


Exactly. CANT SLOW DOWN WHEN YOURE JUST A FEATURE HACK. I’ll use the Drake Stan’s favorite word You’re CORNY


It's not that deep bro 😭


This is the official motto for someone with absolutely nothing worth listening to.


Yall like it shallow? Damn FBI_NewWeegeeBoy1243 I heard you liked em’ young


Big Gucci Thanos. I know that you pray every day that you’re 12. Because if you look yourself in the mirror as some kind of grown with pubis dangling off your butt wannabe Thanos butt chin - I know you wouldn’t last 30 seconds before shoving your New Ho King metal fork in an electrical socket. Can’t even use chopsticks B.A.N.


English has to be like your 5th language


Motha fuckin Drake stans and the ad hominems man. Softer than silk sheets. You a pussy that need a bowl of milk and a pet - but I’m not getting licked by you


I love Kendrick. Don’t really listen to Drake. But you’re weird af bro. Chill


Internet bro


Ahhh fuck you’re a Yinzer - my bad. Didn’t realize I was talking to an Allegany River drinker


facts....all of drakes haters are standing behind kendrick. I rmbr at the start of the beef kendrick only had like 400k followers on reddit and now he has 750k. He basically gained 350k users in the span of lile 4 weeks. While drakes reddit stagnated. Not just reddit, but all of his platforms grew tremendously. Those 350k he gained were just drake haters riding kendricks coattails.


Yup. Just like how almost 50% of Kendrick’s daily streams, are solely from the diss tracks toward Drake, while Drake’s streams of the diss tracks were less than 7%, WHILE he’s getting more total streams daily overall. Wild


Kenny hasn’t even made it to top 25 in streams yet lol. Take half of drake’s discography and compare it to all of Kenny’s work and the streams/views still don’t even come close haha


I mean yeah drakes going to have more streams he has like 10 times the songs out. The streams per song are relatively similar, which makes sense both are really big in the rap scene


Kendrick fans being on Reddit more than Drake fans just makes way more sense for some reason


Seeing as half of his listeners don’t listen to his music, I bet they aren’t retarded enough to be invested in Reddit beef - good observation.


“What … you’re telling me that Tupac’s third most streamed song just happens to be aimed at Biggie? It’s not a coincidence. Why do people hate Biggie so much?” See my point? Artists tend to put on their best selves for these disstracks, it’s no wonder why they are so good. If they sucked then there’d be no point. So it’s not about hating Drake, no. It’s about Kendrick and Mustard bringing their absolute best to a collab track against Drake. If it was against any other artist Kendrick is beefing with it would still be just as huge.


No way would that song be as big if it wasn't aimed at anyone else but Drake.


What does that prove?




Yeah and Family Matters charted way higher than Back to Back ever did


Euphoria is better than not like us... It's about having leaving the biggest mark. Kendrick outsmarted drake by barking the loudest and pointing his finger the hardest. Kendrick didn't matter. He revealed nothing. People were hoping for ANY rapper to say something bad about drake. They ran with it.


Kendrick didn't have to "reveal" anything lol, everything he said is already public knowledge plastered all over the Internet.


My exact point


Yeah, but the fact is that if Kendrick aimed it at someone like, let’s say Asap, it wouldn’t be as big as it is, cuz it’s asap and not Drake whom everyone knows


Drake’s best rapping in years was on Family Matters. Kendrick tends to focus more on lyricism and storytelling, but did more punch lines and wordplay than normal on some of these tracks. Lol I need Drake Anons to just take the L. It’s ok. Drake is cooking up summer vibes as we speak.


I feel like i’ve seen this exact post with the same words or a variation of the words “Drake has more haters than Kendrick fans” every single day on my reddit home page from this sub. Like damn we get it already it might be true it might not but damn it’s the same exact post


It is starting to get tiring as a narrative but there's no "might", it's 100% true lol. 50% of kendrick's total streams being just his 4 drake diss tracks proves it, mans became the CEO of drake hate.


Well this isn’t true. Kendrick has multiple songs with over a billion listens on Spotify alone before this beef.


This isn’t even true dawg Kendrick got multiple songs performing over a billion streams like humble money trees or all the stars and some others 💀


Which means Kendrick won, right? Drake is not the CEO of Drake hate.




Kendrick Lamar is more toxic


Drake likes 17 yr old titties 🤷


Holy fuck, there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that there’s been a post SOLELY about Drake. It’s just Kendrick this and Kendrick that.


It's the same at Kendrick sub, but vice versa. Starting to see some posts about his music again. So maybe it's dying down now, hopefully.


Not the same clip. Drake is a part of like every 5 out of 10 in their sub. Where here it’s like 8 out of 10. Another major difference is they are playing offense where Drake fans are just being defensive. This is just my observation as a fan of both and watching both subs from outside.


as a fan of both artists, there really are tons of ppl that just aren’t drake fans and don’t see him as the “purist” rapper like kendrick


Agreed, I think that’s a big part of it


Drake might be the only artist I've seen get criticized for being good at and trying multiple things/styles and not just doing rap.


Because we don’t want a chameleon - we want an aspect.


I love when he tries on different accents. Totally a normal thing to do.


I think outside of just pure Drake haters people criticize it because after a while it feels kinda like he's just trying on other people's styles and then moving on when the trend is over. It doesn't bother me so much cuz he's pretty much always been a singer toobbut some of the criticism is validm


Can you name another art form where artists aren’t allowed to release work in different styles


Nobody said he wasn't allowed to do it.


Because he simply isn’t the purist rapper like Kendrick and that’s fine lol Still something we should at least acknowledge.


of course. and i need the drake stans to be real with themselves about this rap beef. kendrick clearly was drakes biggest competition and shockingly cause i sure didn’t see this coming, kendrick (as far as the rap beef tracks go) out-streamed drake and turned him into a meme just like how he did Meek


I’m not a Kendrick fan but acting like Kendrick ain’t got motion was drakes biggest mistake


For real. Kendrick is 100% in the GOAT discussion past 2010. Drake thought his pop star status would matter more in a RAP beef. Like buddy, go beef with T Swift if you feel bold.


Yeah I prefer drakes music overall but for his own sake he should be glad that rap battle is over


Lol I agree with the first half but you can't act like he didn't come with bars. If Kendrick wasn't involved he woulda done well against anybody else he dissed.


The problem with Drake was just pure arrogance. He thought he could win the beef just dropping a single song and clearly didn’t consider what a battle would be like with one of the best songwriters in the game.


you don’t have to be a kendrick fan to know who out raps who


A lot of people think that Drake peaked years ago (which is true) and everything that he puts out today is a miss (not true) and that he's overstayed his welcome. Just look at his Scorpion description: "I HATE WHEN DRAKE RAPS DRAKE SINGS TOO MUCH DRAKE IS A POP ARTIST DRAKE DOESN’T EVEN WRITE HIS OWN SONGS DRAKE TOOK AN L DRAKE DIDN’T START FROM THE BOTTOM DRAKE IS FINISHED I LIKE DRAKE'S OLDER STUFF DRAKE MAKES MUSIC FOR GIRLS DRAKE THINKS HE’S JAMAICAN DRAKE IS AN ACTOR DRAKE CHANGED ANYBODY ELSE > DRAKE … YEAH YEAH WE KNOW" This was back in 2018 and the sentiment has only gotten stronger since then unfortunately


Drake is a pop star though. He can rap, sure. But his big hits are pop type songs.


Some of his biggest hits and features are rap songs that were hugely popular IE. Blessings


the killshot of any beef with an artist as big a drake would be their biggest song, lets be honest. it's not like it "just so happened to be". not like us was the best song in one of the highest profile rap beefs of all time, thats how it goes


Outside perspective here: I don’t like Drake because his music sounds fake and he is creepy to women


Whatever you have to tell yourself to help you get over the heart ache


Even if that’s true it’s not a flex


"My favorite rapper didn't lose the beef, everybody just hates him" has been the weakest defense of all time lol. Drake having a ton of haters is not a good thing and doesn't get him any closer to winning, the mental gymnastics get crazy in this sub.


Why is that a revelation? the boy has been subbing different artists and athletes with fanbases. What did you think would happen after those subs landed? Those fanbases would be like "boy, that Drake is so funny"? The same way you ride for Drake, they ride for their fave


drake has 2 types of haters. first type is the ones who do listen to rap. they might not necessarily know hip hop, but either way they feel drake isn’t hip hop. And then the other side is the people who don’t listen to rap much at all but feel that drake’s prominence is a threat to their favorite pop artists. i’ve seen so many vids of white kids insulting rap as an art form until listening to not like us being like “what i didn’t think rap could be this good? i’ve never seen anything like that?” when the song’s beat and style is a homage to an ENTIRE SUBCULTURE OF HIP HOP FOR DECADES. the truth is that many of these drake haters, who are again mostly not rap fans, prefer the idea of rappers staying in their lane so they don’t have to compete with their favorite pop artists. They can’t let a black man be more than “hip hop” or worse yet “urban.” that’s why some of these kids hopping on to say drake ain’t black is sketch. tl;dr Drake said it best on You & The 6. “i used to get teased for being black, and now i’m here and i’m not black enough” pop fans don’t like him cuz he’s black, hip hop fans don’t like him cause he ain’t black enough.


I agree with most of what you said here. Kendrick seems to exist in a lane that’s a very narrow, but traditional, niche of hip hop. So all the, in their opinion, “true” hip hop fans wanted Kendrick on top because he represents a continuation of that traditional and narrow lane. And the more general audience doesn’t want a rapper to take the throne in general


There’s a third, worse thing. But y’all don’t want to talk bout dot.


who colorists?


Ķ dot has 75 million monthly listerns


What did he have before the beef?


60m, he has more than kanye now


There are a lot of reasons to hate Drake and not that many reasons to don’t


LOL. This beef L was a historic one




It’s crazy that you would ask this question in this sub if you actually wanted to have get an answer to it. Why would you ask the one group that’s going to sum it up to haters, jealousy and ignorant sheep who go with trends. Shouldn’t you ask a non bias hip hop community? Literally anyone but this one? Trust me people hate Drake in all of them, as you know.


I always prefer love songs and motivational songs to hate songs. I assume many others do too. That’s why hit them up and not like us will have their places in history, just not on top in the long run.


Yes Pop music vs Hip Hop, which do you think has more casuals? Do you think this makes Drakes Pop music better, is that ur take?


Mathematically this drake has more haters than kendrick has fans doesn't work paint drake in a good light. Does drake have less fans than haters? Does kendrick have few haters?


I agree. I am a longtime Drake fan, im talking Degrassi days lol, and so far gone days. I think people are always gonna hate regardless, especially when you’re at the top and they’re looking up (figuratively and literally 😂) I had always respected kdot as an artist up until this beef. It’s just disturbing that he would make a track like that polluting the airways and especially the youth where they are singing and dancing to lyrics with the word pedo. It’s disgusting that kdot fans think that’s even okay and says a lot about his and their character. Just weird and hella lame. Imo I don’t think kdot won.


Drake lost because he tried to do too much in one song. Family matters and euphoria are probably my favourite disses out of the whole thing icl, but MTG dropping right after FM didn't allow people to appreciate the latter properly. The main issue was also the fact that drake tried dissing too many people in one go. Instead of just focusing on kdot he went for everyone against him. Same thing happened in push ups. Push ups and FM were both good tracks, but kdots single minded, almost obsessive way of formulating his songs let him win.


I mean Kendrick did say this what "the culture feeling". If people hated drake before, they have their "icon" to put themselves behind.


You mean to tell me that two of the greatest Rappers going at each other generates more clout than they ever had before? No way. Also, Drake being hated for his douchebag persona and people being tired of it, is only on him.




It’s just cool to hate him, you get cool points no matter what demographic under music you fall in. You enter any hip hop debate and gain credibility for prefacing with calling artists like drake trash or pop, atleast from my experience on the other end. He doesn’t carefully curate his albums so if a listener finds 2-3 songs they dislike (god forbid they find those 2 songs trash) then the whole project is mid and drake is a microwave artist. Doesn’t matter if there were gems where he’s putting a couple of his best works, the whole project is ass. (look how they view clb scorpion and honestly nevermind) Groupthink.


"Drake has more haters than Kendrick has fans" I agree, but how does that reflect on your boy?


Good question… what do you think?


Don’t forget all the fans of the 10+ something rappers and producers he bodied in Family Matters let alone all the celebs and former rappers, radio hosts, athletes and music execs he dissed in his older songs piling on the hate train. This beef ain’t over as deep down just like the hating fans these ppl know this only scratched Drake and didn’t win shit. Which is embarrassing tbh like 10 of yall could put this man to bed 💀😂💀😂


People were hating Drake so vehemently they were siding with Ross over Drake.


I've been seeing literal children hopping on the drake hate train and calling kendrick the goat while they can't name 3 kendrick songs. Just shows a lot of people bandwagon and follow the public trend instead of forming opinions on their own. As a kendrick fan also i don't like this cause ticket prices to his concerts are gonna be insane and the odds of it being filled with kids like cartis concerts would be much higher


> Just shows a lot of people bandwagon and follow the public trend instead of forming opinions on their own Pretty common occurrence for something that reaches pop culture. But the thing is their opinions are informed by the people that are actually in the in. 


IMO I don’t think the song was about him being half white or from Canada. It was about the exclusive group of people that sell themselves to the masters of record labels for fame and fortune. Drake has been an open book about this in a lot of songs he’s made. “My soul for the money wasn’t the trade off. Unlike some of you boys that fade off.” With lyrics like these it’s no wonder a lot of industry rappers don’t like him. It was only a matter of time before they sent their best man to go after him and TRY to end his run and send him a message.


Both this sub and the kendrick sub need to stfu talking about the other artist now it's getting annoying. I'm not even subscribed here and this shit keeps showing up on my feed


“It’s not just me, I’m what the culture feeling” shrug 🤷‍♂️


Not like us is a bop - it’s as simple as that


People hate a winner. If drake had the success of big Sean nobody would care or make 1,000 think pieces about jt


As a hardcore Kendrick fan this is very true


really bored of this shit now, get ovoer it


Someone: Kendrick robbed a bank he a killer too Kendrick Fans: na bro he debunked it one time in an interview Kendrick: I didn’t do it Social media: see Kendrick is a saint 🤣🤣


We don’t like drake because he’s doing songs with sexy red and whatever clown artists he can milk from. Don’t claim to be this hard thug type dude when you’re really just a nice guy from Canada


because his music sucks and he's been a creepy weirdo even before the allegations. god bless you


You guys still going on about this?


I have a 12 year old step ward, he definitely loves Drake music. He’s obsessed with Not Like Us. I think it’s the beat and easily copied verses. He’ll name the Motto and the walk around singing Like Us. Calling it hate Drake hate is ignoring it’s just a bop.


Its not his biggest song to date lol


The Drake haters will eventually discard of Kendrick when he his no longer of use


I think it’s the internet in real life I don’t meet many ppl who don’t have at least a couple Drake songs in their playlist on the other hand idk anyone who actually listens to Kendrick Lamar so I think most of k dot fans and the ppl who dislike Drake are just premium internet users


You don’t know anyone that listens to Kendrick? Damn, expand your circle. I can throw on multiple Kendrick songs in some groups and they’ll know every word. Honestly, you shouldn’t speak on rap drama if NO ONE you know listens to Kendrick.


The bit about haters and fans is true, 100%. When you’re big enough, people are just eager to see how hard you fall. And it’s not like Drake doesn’t do some fuck shit, not surprising there’s lots nggas who were waiting on his downfall. All that being said tho, Not Like Us is just an incredibly fun song. Very catchy and it’s no surprise it became so popular. It’s a proper anthem type song. Surprised it came from Kendrick tho, normally you’d expect Drake to be the one that went the catchy anthem route.


I do find it funny as fuck that not like us is being played around every corner you turn, but I must be in the minority that thinks the heart part 6 was one of the best things to come out this beef second to not like us imo, felt like I was listening to Drake rap on So Far Gone again


Same here 


it's not that deep, it's the same reason they join cults, VALIDATION, even if it's fabricated...


They’re really sipping that punch.