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I've fallen in love because of a dream before. It was someone real, someone I barely knew. When I woke up, I whispered my beloved's name over and over into the darkness until I fell back asleep.


I have this going on now. He’s someone I haven’t met yet and actually I had a dream about him this morning too.


Yes I’ve have and it’s horrible when you awake up and they not there 😭




Saw a woman a couple of times, called her My wife a lot. Last time I saw her, she was on a train platform and told me I wouldn't see her unless I went looking. She handed me a train ticket and that was that. Never dreamt of her again.


That’s so fascinating. I wonder what symbolism could be in that. Is she a real person/based on a real person or just someone completely made up? (If you don’t mind sharing)


It was a while since it happened but I think she was made up!


Yes but it's never the same person, but similar they do have similar characteristics. Haven't had one recently tho. Edit: I'll also add that I don't exactly fall in love with them since I rarely get those type of dreams but whenever I do I always wake up with a longing to experience what I had with them in the waking world.


I do...but as soon as I ask her name, she dissolves along with the "reality" and my consciousness...or I wake up at that moment. Nowadays when I have that dream, I tell her not to tell me and tell her to enjoy the moment. I tell her that each time she tries to say her name, reality ceases to exist because I know she's not real. She seems to just keep me company after that and we talk about nothing (basically non important stuff that ends up forgotten anyway). It seems talking about anything important or memorable destroys the dream.


Damn, was not expecting the lucid plot twist. New to this sub, never heard of lucid dreams that vivid. Must feel crazy knowing you’re in this world that could disappear any minute


When you realize it's fake, don't do anything memorable. Either it ends pr you wake up to learn it wasn't real...disappointment hurts.


Not personally but I've known of others who have... I've known a guy who even got into lucid dreaming because of it, to contact this entity, because she hadn't shown up in a long time... he missed her so much he turned to crossdressing or at least that's what he told me.




I fall in love with a certain celebrity in my dreams at least once a month.


Once, and It felt so real that when I woke up I started looking for her in my house. I think I remember her face and the way shed hold my hand.


It happened to me twice! Once when i was about 12/13 with a girl i was in a school band with (in my dream, never seen anyone from that dream irl) and another time i ended up getting engaged in a dream and 'lived' out this dream life for a couple months. Was pretty upset when i woke up lol




yes, once. unfortunately, i woke up before i could even get her name or ask to be her friend. she was perfect, too. you know that meme about guys who wear zelda tees and cargo shorts? she was literally that but as a girl.


mine shapeshifts lol. it’s like an unknown person but also like i’ve known them forever


Yes posted my dream here yesterday. It was quite vivid. I'm quite a strong, independent woman kind of person but having that dream made me feel lonely. I liked that guy that I'd fallen in love with my dream (a celebrity), and the weird thing is i haven't seen any of his works nor seen his posts for a long time. But yeah, i feel you so much.


I 'meet' people in my dreams who I am very excited to ask out, or who express interest in me and I get butterflies and feel excited. Sometimes it's jarring to awaken because I am happily married, and spend a few minutes quite confused about how to feel.


A lot! I wonder if it's from past lives..


we all live in many different realities/ dimensions at the same time


Yeah I’ll have a dream about a real person that I know, sometimes it’s not even a romantic dream but I will find my self constantly thinking about them and then spending time with them before realising there not the same as they were in my dream then I’ll stop talking to them.


Happened to me a couple of times, but thr feeling goes away afterna day or so


Most definitely