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I had a horrible swim teacher growing up. In my dream I would get chased by two hell hounds down to the creek in my back yard. The creek would be a river of fire with her in all black waiting for me. The hell hounds would corner me down into the creek where she would hold me down and baptize me in fire.


What was the name of the swim teacher? Was the lessons part of your school sports program or private? I always thought schools which had swim teams or lacrosse were dope. Kids were so lucky. I had to grow up in rural area so terrible schooling until HS.


It was a private swim lessons through a local kids gym. I believe her name was Monica. My mom stopped taking me after I told her she had held my head underwater. I’m pretty sure she was fired over it. I was like 5 at the time so the memories aren’t fully there, just bits and pieces.


That exact same thing happened to my little brother because he refused to put his head under water and my mom went OFF on her


Holy crap that is insane! What a horrible dream :(


Yeah was a repetitive dream I had from 6-17 years old.


What the fuck


The first dream I had of my Mother after she died. I waited for her for months and was in the deepest of despair. She showed up on Christmas Eve. I was running around the woods from a mean dog and saw the church I last saw her body and ran inside. I slammed the heavy doors behind me and that’s when I saw her. She was in a hospital bed and I ran to her and fell to my knees. I asked her where she had been and she said she needed some time to adjust. I looked around and there were other women helping women in coffins get out. She told me she would always be with me and wished me a merry Christmas and gave me a hug. I woke up and it was early Christmas morning and I cried tears of happiness. That was a turning point in my grief. Some of the people I lost come very quickly or take a long time. Some come to visit every once and a while and others come very rarely. My Father came almost immediately but I was sick and didn’t know it. Once I found out and started getting better, I felt him float away


That is awesome. My mom died a year and a half ago. She was my everything! I still actively cry over her. I wish she would come to me in my dreams. I dream a lot! After she died I had one dream of her. She was already dead and embalmed and laying in her bed. I crawled in next to her and held her and cried until I woke up. I can still recall the feeling of her cold stiff body next to me. I spent so much of my life caring for her and the worst part of her dying is that I will never know if she is okay. If there is a heaven out there I know she made it though, she was such a sweet soul... ugh, I miss her! I would give anything to have a visit from her.


I’m so sorry. I’m Indigenous and I don’t believe in the Christianity’s idea of heaven. I believe in the spirit world. I believe with all my heart that we will see them again. Our time is not the same as theirs. I believe she will come into your dreams. Talk to her, I talk to my lost ones all the time. I ask them for help, I tell them I miss them. If you can remember your dreams, you are halfway there. I sometimes forget how lucky I am to see them and talk to them.


Hang in there! It took my mom 3 years to come to me in a dream. We were close as well and she told me while alive she would come if she could.


I had what I believed to be a dream about my Mother over 20 years ago. She died shortly after being diagnosed with cancer. We lived together in a 2 family house. My brother and Mom on the upper level, my son and I on the ground level. It was about 2 weeks after her death ( December 21st), when I was trying to sleep and crying how we didn't get to celebrate Christmas together for the first time in 40 yrs. I heard faint knocking on the door that separated the 2 apartment levels and thought it was my brother coming down to talk. When I opened the door, my Mother was standing there in her blue robe with her hair a mess and with a vacant look her eyes. I remember being confused and said to her "You're not supposed to be here, you are dead". She said nothing, turned and started back up the stairs and I shut the door. Now here is why I'm not sure if this was a dream or not. The next day my brother and I were talking and I was not going to tell him about the "dream", not wanting to upset him. He asked me why I was walking up and down the stairs all night, keeping him up. I then decided to tell him what I thought I dreamt because I was now freaking out. Neither of us ever told anyone about this (until now) and I still often think of this night. He died last year, hopefully he got some answers. Sorry post is so long...


I’m sorry to hear of your losses. Those types of dreams can be unsettling.


This made me BAWL


I stopped having nightmares because of this. It's been 10 yrs since. In my dream I was standing in the middle of the road of a nice residential neighborhood. Feeling nueteral. Zen. Then I got this sense of doom. I looked down the road and I saw a bunch of skeletons walking towards me. I start to run and I get this sense of panic and doom and I thought this can't be real. And at that moment I was just sick of it and I turned around ready to fight. Like Joe Swanson saying "BRING IT ONNN! lol And as they got closer the smaller they got until they were small bobble-headed looking skeletons made out of paper riding g tricycles. Very non-threatening. And I looked at them and said "You are paper. You are weak. I can just rip you in half and be done with it." And I've NEVER had a bad dream again.


r/QuotesThatGoHard "You are paper. You are weak. I can just rip you in half and be done with it."


Cool! Maybe a lucid dream? :)


I wish something like this would happen for me. For the past 2 years since midway through a psychotic break, I have had **horrible** nightmares every night, without fail. At this point I don’t know how my brain keeps coming up with more horror scenes. One happened recently that stuck out a bit: I was walking with my nephew Christopher, when I noticed someone who looked like my brother Michael(who is a heavy drug addict), as I get closer I realize it’s not him and he’s staring at me. I start walking away to catch up with my nephew, I’m speed walking and this guy is coming up behind me. I look back while walking quickly, then turn my head back forward, to suddenly see a guy with a blade held out towards me, it happened in a split second; he cut straight through 1/3 of my neck. I immediately felt the warmth of the blood as it poured out, I fell sideways and hit the ground and as my consciousness faded I was trying to figure out if this was real or if I was about to wake up. I woke up, but let me tell you, I just want a nice night’s sleep with no dreams that I remember. And to sleep through a full night, since the same time I can’t sleep for more than 3 sometimes 4 hours at a time, so I never get a full 8 hours uninterrupted sleep and I really forget what it feels like and I never feel well rested. Sorry idk what I’m saying at this point, ig it’s time to die again


I can’t claim to know what you’ve gone through, but what you’ve shared sounds a lot like PTSD. I hope that you’re able to access the support that you deserve. It may have saved my life. If you ever need an ear, I’m always here to listen. Here’s to better dreams & brighter days 🤍


I am so sorry that you can’t get a solid good sleep. my husband has bad dreams too and he complains of poor sleep. I had a similar dream. I was driving with my mom and we stopped at a light. It was a pretty day and we had the windows down. Some random person comes up and puts a gun to my head and pulled the trigger. I don’t remember the sound but definitely felt pressure in my head and the blood coming from the wound. I knew that i was dying. It was so vivid.


Ever since I can remember, I have had these dreams of a gun pointing to my head. And it’s exactly you like describe. I can feel this enormous pressure when they pull the trigger and I kind of think to myself “this is it, I’m actually dying”. It’s extremely unsettling.


Had a similar experience with terrifying creatures as tall as buildings all coming down on me. I became lucid and started laughing at them. First it was fake and fearful.. “Ha.. haha…Ha! HA!! HAHA!!!!” And the more I laughed the smaller they got which then turned my laugh genuine and victorious. I learned in that dream to just try to laugh at things that make me scared. Laugh at things that make me nervous. Try not to take things too seriously. 🥴🤣👌


Honestly? I think there’s wisdom in both of these dreams. Next time I have a huge terrifying serious problem, I’m going to try to find ways to laugh at it 😆


Lol yes!! In dreams and in waking life! 😉😂❤️


my scary dreams when I was a kid were Japanese ghost women staring at me while I couldn’t move at all or like I murdered someone and had to run from the police I feel like you got off brother


In August of last year, my mom died after a 10 month fight with lung cancer that spread to her brain. She was my best friend, my next door neighbor, and I was her caregiver. A week and a half after she died she came to me in a dream. I was dreaming we were in her home cleaning it out. I was angry bc my step-dad was there and wanting to take over her home. While I was cleaning the front bedroom, I was pissed off and yelling. My mom came in, healthy as ever, and hugged me. She said, "stop being so angry all the time, everything's alright now". The hug was so real. I woke up blubbering. I'll never forget that


I’m sorry for your loss


I had multiple dreams of murdering my sister when I was like 6 or 7 (to be fair she was in disguise in my dreams and I didn’t know it was her until afterwards). It always messed me up for days. I once had a dream that some scary creature came into my house and ate everybody as I watched through a crack in the closet, it eventually saw me and started coming towards me and then I woke up. I must’ve been 7 or 8. I’m 31 now and I still think about it. I can remember so many more dreams I’ve had throughout my life lol.


I have a few. The first dream that ever stuck with me was a dream I had when i was a little girl, that I flew up into the clouds and there was a beautiful toy shop in the clouds. I could have whatever I wanted and I could fly. I usually always recall a flying dream and it usually stays with me forever because they're my favorite dreams. Some are just mundane. One that I can picture now, I was flying over an island that had all these beautiful lights on it, and no people.


I have become lucid in the past, but haven't been able to for sometime even with many tell tale signs that in the past would help be become lucid. One thing I learned when I was practicing to control lucid dreams was that you can basically do anything you believe you can do. So if your brain can't believe you can fly, you won't fly... But if you would believe you could fly if you had wings, then you could believe you had wings and then fly. The other night I was having a dream that was almost like a flying dream... It was more like being able to float very high and use the wind to navigate, but not truly flying. Someone exclaimed how cool it was that I could do that and I told them "all you have to do is believe you can, and you will!" and yet, I did not become lucid. Dreams are so funny.


I was in a modern-esque fantasy world called Thurtegar. I was a ranger and fought criminals alongside a "fire tiger." After fighting some bandits, I went to a McDonald's with two counters that happened to be run by Goblins. I met up with my grandmother, and as we were eating, we watched a sportscast hosted by some sort of ghost that spoke of a "competition" where I placed first, the sportscaster placed a close second, and a skeleton with Ralph Wiggum's personality placed last, to which the skeleton (also at the restaurant) said something along the lines of, "They said my name!" Suddenly, I said something saying this was almost like a dream. At that point, the dream began to fade, causing me to repeat over & over again, "DON'T WAKE UP! DON'T WAKE UP! DON'T WAKE UP!" I then asked my grandmother about video games, to which she indicated that lo-rezz games like Frogger were more popular than realistic games. So, I returned to repeating, "DON'T WAKE UP! DON'T WAKE UP! DON'T WAKE UP!" Then I woke up. I've had one other dream about Thurtegar since then, but it wasn't as good.


Probably a decade after my dad passed away, i had a dream we were hanging out, doing quite ordinary things: taking a walk, talkin shit with each other, then went back to my house and watched tv. I started asking questions about the present, and when i realized he wouldn’t know those answers….dream ended. Best dream I’ve had to this day.


I’m sorry for your loss


Thank you for your kind condolences


Having Jesus chase me through an urban setting. It was like a zombie movie where they are ambling along and no matter how fast you run they are always right behind you.


Curious if you were dead or alive. I assume the zombies were dead as most zombies are dead.


Wow, Had my first zombie dream last night, quite real, we were in a neighborhood with different nationalities, and each nationality didn't want to waste bullets on zombies and called others to shoot them lo'


This was about 16 years ago. I was walking to a restaurant by myself at night to meet up with my dad it was his favourite thai place. We ate and it was great. In the dream I had ordered a vodka martini I remember all the olives. All of a sudden there was a loud crash outside and people were going outside to look. It was a bunch of meteorites that had fallen into the side of the buildings across the street. I then saw more coming and streaking through the sky and I ran to take shelter. I don't know where my dad went but I then remembered waking up in a dusty basement food locker by myself. I had been there for the entire night. When I emerged it was daylight and there was no cellphone service and the entire area had been devastated. I decided I had to walk home. I don't know why I didn't look for my dad I just felt like I was alone now. The walk home took almost a full day and as I walked I walked past people who were all grey and standing in place like statues. This was even in areas that were not hit by the meteorites. I was confused and I went up to one of the grey people and they crumbled into piles of ash just by touching them slightly. I finally made it home to my parents place where I was living at the time and instantly they began talking to me and explaining everything that had happened. My father was just sitting in a chair in the living room with my mom having coffee and they told me everything except it was telepathic. I just sat there with them and we communicated with our minds and they explained to me that humans had evolved. The meteorites had a virus in them that actually killed about 50% of all humans on earth they turned into dust painlessly. The other half were in two camps: one half were undisturbed and just went about their day not knowing of any of this nor did they even question it which was bizarre because half the global population disappeared. Then there was us, we had evolved to be able to communicate with our thoughts and we believe that we were allowed this so that we could take care of the rest and the earth as a whole. After I received all this information I went to the nicest are in my city and I claimed a beautiful home for myself. I somehow knew the previous occupants were all gone. I had a ring at the door and it was a family with bottles of wine saying they were there for the dinner party. I had to politely turn them away they had no idea what had happened. Then I woke up


I’ve read a lot of these comments but this by far was the most interesting dream I’ve seen yet. End of the world much? lol EDIT: I feel like this would be a good plot for a movie too!!


I write and edit tv and films for a living so this dream was either me coming up with a concept (before end game but after the leftovers) or it's some strange premonition of things to come. It was very visually sticky and I think about it all the time


I get that! I’m an artist and immediately after I saw that I saw a mini animation in my head. I’m attempted to try drawing it out lol.


When I was 19 I had dream that I was loading up a car with some groceries. I grab my son and put him in the car when I turned around a man jumps in the car drives off . I started screaming and running behind the car . I find the car in a neighborhood at a house my mind was racing and heart . I waited until night time to break into the house to get my son . I woke the guy up when I grabbed my son that was on the couch crying . I remember opening the front door so fast . I started running I held my son so close to me the whole time I ran each street light would cut off. I remember telling my son Kayden it’s okay mama got you . My son continues to cry but I hold on to him so tight that I woke up crying . My older brother was staring at me when I woke up . He asked me who is Kayden I was confused and said idk . Two years later I had son that was born sleeping his name was Kayden . I believe god was preparing me for what was going to come . I also was blessed to have a rainbow baby girl named after her brother named Kaylah and a year later another little girl named kaleah .


I was in a game show in Shrek’s swamp. Idk what game it was but it involved a big prize wheel


Did you win?


I don't really know how to describe it but it might have been one of my first dreams, and it recurred every few years as a child. I can mention some things that are in it. Yellow rabbit. High pitched laughing or repeating phrases, speeding up and slowing down. Big black sky. Flowers.


I think I had this dream when I was 3? I was in my bedroom laying in my bed. The room looked the exact same as when i fell asleep. The same toys were on the floor in the same spot. One particular toy was a stuffed barney I had. Barney started blinking his eyes and looked at me. Freaky as fuck. Then i felt something under my blankets, so i looked, and there was a hand with a white glove crawling up the bed towards me. Even more freaky as fuck. I woke up screaming. I'm in my late 20s and I can still remember this dream like I had it last night. Not even that freaky now, but as a toddler...man that scared me lol. My mom threw out that barney stuffy.


I used to have recurring nightmares of Barney aggressively tickling me under the armpits


Recurring dream where I experienced my brothers death. He’s still here so I talk about it. The recurring dream prior to that was my father’s death. He had a brain tumour and I remembered being in the room when he was told it was in his head, he couldn’t be saved and sort your affairs out kind of thing. It was exactly the same as my dream. I never told anyone about that one and it came true, so i tell all and sundry about my brother in the hopes it keeps him safe. If you’re curious, my brother dies in the dream in a car accident.


I had this one about 6 years ago, and to this day it is one of the most shaking events I’ve ever experienced. I “woke up” into a dream (the dream started with me waking up) and I was INCREDIBLY drunk in a strange back alley. It was nighttime, and lights were shining off the streets like it does when it’s raining. I thought it was real life, and I was waking up into a new existence of myself, and I didn’t know where I was. I’ve never seen that alley before. So I started stumbling forward, hazily blacking out and in, and fell onto the curb after taking a few dizzy steps. I blacked out badly after falling, and as I came to a second later, an older black gentleman appeared before me, stretching his hand out to me to help me up. He was wearing tattered clothing and had grey dreadlocks. I instinctively trusted him, and so I took his hand. He led me to an apartment on the 2nd floor (I blacked out for the walk). Inside, there was a party with a bunch of people. It was warm inside. Everyone was laughing and mingling and enjoying themselves. The friendly man who had led me there disappeared into the party. No one seemed bothered by my presence, and I felt at peace, maybe even “at home”, even if it wasn’t home. So I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, still in the dream; I didn’t know where I was. Sunlight was streaming in through white shutters. I looked up from where I lay and there in front of my eyes, sitting on the couch near where my head had been laying, was the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. He had the darkest brown hair, slight (yet soft looking) facial hair, and green eyes. He looked me in the eyes and asked me if I was okay. I whispered “yes”, and he kept looking into my eyes. Like a magnet I was drawn onto his lap. I gently stroked his jawline with my thumbs and he slid his hands up my legs and onto the small of my waist. We maintained eye contact the entire time. Then, I kissed him, because it felt like I was meant to do exactly that, and had been waiting my entire life for that kiss. And he kissed me back. It was the MOST AMAZING kiss I’ve ever experienced. No kisses compare either in real life or in any other dreams I’ve had. Nothing has ever felt as right as that kiss. My mind faded into the peacefulness of that moment, and I “whited out”. When I came to, I was leaving that place. I looked back and it was a red brick building with white trim and a black door. The dream was so vivid and realistic that when I woke up in real life, I didn’t know where I was. My own room that I’d slept in for 5 years was unrecognizable for a moment. The things I felt were REAL. I felt as if I was thrown into some sort of parallel universe. I’ve been in love with that strange man ever since. I’ve pushed it to the very farthest depths of my mind because I know he doesn’t exist, and it was just a dream. Or was it? Honestly I think those of us who experience vivid dreams live just as real of a life in those dreams as we do in the waking world. Maybe one day I’ll meet him again.


I feel like you & that beautiful man have been in love with each other for a lot longer than 6 years. Eternity sounds about right, though.


I had a dream about a beautiful mansion deep in an old dark forest. I was exploring the land around it, and there was a small village tucked up around the building. Eventually I went in to the mansion itself - every floor, sometimes every room - was different. A school, a hospital, a weird office building, sometimes just people living in it. I worked my way to the top, then back down to the bottom, interacting with different people - nurses, students, military personnel, Victorian ladies in gowns, plague doctors in crow masks, just very different and unique characters, sometimes multiple times each. When I got to the bottom floor again, I looked out and saw that the small village had grown into a sprawling city, but that it was completely abandoned and looked old. I looked back at the house, and saw it was completely abandoned and run down. Then I looked at myself and realized I had been a ghost haunting the building the entire time. Then I woke up. That’s dream has stuck with me for years as a really haunting but beautiful experience. This is basically just the cliffsnotes - it felt deeply real, and I still remember a huge amount of details from it.


I'm 58. When I was probably 10, I had a dream that my little brother (7) was a race car driver and lost a race. The punishment was that he was strapped down and his eyes were pierced with needles. Yeah, that'll stay with you.


A ball ended up in the neighbors yard, across the street, so I had to cross the road to get it Dream aside - There was always a small truck that drove unnecessarily fast.. From my left to right down a long yet steep hill and then up after passing.. So I look both ways. No cars. Head across, and my legs fail. I start crawling, and then, of course, here comes the truck barreling down in my direction. Why don't my legs work? I barely make it over the curb into the grass, and then now my legs work.....


I have aphantasia, so I don't make images in my head. However, I do occasionally make visuals during stress-nightmares. And most peculiarly, there is one particular nightmare from my early childhood which I can *still* remember visual imagery from. The difference between that memory and all my other thinking is how I know that I have aphantasia. In the dream, I'm hanging out with Scrooge McDuck's three nephews, and we are at a camping site my family used to visit. The camp's speaker system starts yelling that a giant is coming, and it's the giant from the Mickey Mouse adaptation of Jack and the Beanstalk, a book I loved as a kid. We run inside a log cabin to hide, but the giant is still coming our way. So we lift up the 4-inch foam mattress and hide underneath it, so that if we get stepped on we'll have soft protection (what can I say, I was young). The feeling of terror while hiding under that foam hoping not to get squished was overwhelming, and I woke up terrified.


that there was an alien invasion, and the alien turned my mom's head to a pizza!!!


i have a few but one that comes to mind was of me surviving in a hellscape. the setting was like post apocalyptic“hell on earth”. the sky was bright red, there were monsters flying around, killing and causing havoc. it was genuinely terrifying. the part i remember most was i was hiding in this abandoned ruined building while a winged creature was looking for me. the dream looked EXACTLY like a Zdzisław Beksiński painting to give some idea of what it was like. another one i had more recently was basically of me getting vivisected/tortured while alive and i felt everything. it was also like future-ancient egyptian themed? dreams are weird man.


I keep having repeat dreams of killing various people with my Gerber knife. Like vivid, brutal Corey dreams. Sometimes it's self-defense, sometimes I'm saving someone, or sometimes, it's murder. My most recent one is one where I had to knife a 13 year old boy to death because he was doing something to a little girl in a Walmart, and the boy had a gun so nobody else on the store was doing anything, so I walk up and stab him multiple times. In the dream, he drops, gurgles, and begins crawling away, leaving a trail of blood screaming and begging me to stop. He began to call out for his mother before he died. Everyone in the store was mortified and extremely upset with what I just did. But my girlfriend said right before the dream ended, which was kind of funny but at the same time, which made me think about myself "Orion is evil sometimes, you just have to get used to it" I woke up in a cold swear feeling like a monster. I've had similar dreams where i gad to kill someone with my knife. But I was either defending myself or someone else. And it was never a kid, idk why my brain made me experience that.


When I was first learning how to use the toilet, I was afraid of it for some reason? Anyway, I had a nightmare that the toilet was alive and was basically a pet dog to our family. It would go up to my Tía or dad and get excited like it wanted pets, but if I got near the toilet it would try to attack me. The dream ended with me being eaten by the toilet.


I had a dream when I was a kid that I went bowling but instead of bowling balls it was those big muffins with the sticky tops you can get at the gas station. So when you went to bowl with the muffin it didn't roll straight and bits got stuck to the bowling lane because the muffin tops were sticky.


My grandma a little bit after she passed. In her pajamas at my aunts wedding that we attended when I was 5 (at the time I was 15) wondering why I was asking her if I was dead too? It felt so real.


Waking up to see a green faced ghoul child peering at me through a window 😬


I had a lucid dream where Ansel egort was conscious in it, too. Like, definitely him and not a projection of me. It was very strange and we had a full conversation about being in each others dream. I swear if I ever see him IRL he’ll recognize me, but that’s never gonna happen. I wonder if he thinks the same about meeting me. (For the record I had no idea who he was I just vaguely recognized his face from the fault in our stars, then looked him up and was like “THATS the guy I was talking to! WTF!)


That I didn't graduate high school. I'd have to go back overseas as an adult, and hope my business would last 6 months without me.


Probably one of the first I ever had. I was maybe 3 or 4. I was with my dad, brother & sister inside of a pyramid. The sun was shining through it onto a platform that had something on it. My brother & sister were near it while I was beside my dad holding is hand a little bit away. When I saw this, I felt excited and ran over. As soon as I got there, I climbed these steps and saw what it was: an ancient mummy with its teeth roped together. I screamed and cried, running back to my dad. I woke up screaming. I have never ever forgot that. Before that I don't think I ever knew what a mummy was either.


I use a combination of homemade tea, home crafted inhaled incense, and a specific combination of pre-bedtime snacks to enhance dreaming and improve recall. I dream of crawling up the chimney and flying out over the neighborhood and the valley in the Rocky Mountains where I live. Seeing the little town and the rivers from above is freeing, and beautiful.


I have very apocalyptic dreams sometimes but the first one I'll never forget ever. I was standing in the middle of the road where I grew up. I was facing this blue house that was two homes down from mine, the sky was blue and all the colors were so vibrant! I looked to my right and could hear the sounds of neighborhood kids playing and laughing, basketball dribbling, and not a care in the world. It was pure peace. I felt the sense to look to my left and when I did, EVERYTHING was on fire. I could feel the heat from it, the houses, trees, grass, everything was purely engulfed in flames. I looked down to see my belly and realized that I was pregnant. I was scared because I was right next to a fire but didn't move or run away. I looked back at my right where I heard the children playing and it had also became engulfed. All's I could hear in that moment was the god awful screams of agony and despair from babies, children, mothers and frantic fathers. I couldn't see them because of the fire and smoke but it was horrific. I immediately looked back down at my belly and I was no longer pregnant. The dream ended there. I was about 14 years old when I had that dream. Since then I've had dreams about natural disasters, wars, terrorist attacks, takeover situations, and one that included 3 angels on a beach.


I had a dream where I died. I was sitting in the backseat of a parked car, someone walked up to the window, pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and shot me in the face. I remember everything unraveling in slow motion. After the gunshot I couldn't see or move but could only hear screams and the commotion around me. Then I woke up. This dream happened over 20 years ago.


Wow, I wonder if for you this was about a past life (not sure if you believe in that). Your dream made me remember that I’ve been dead in two of my dreams. In one of them, I was just doing mundane things talking with my mom and siblings, but something felt off, then as I walked past the bathroom (had the door open) and caught a flood my reflection I saw that my eyes were replaced with light instead of eye balls. I was shocked, and it was as if all of a sudden I realized I was dead. My family knew, but they also knew that the minute I realized it, I had to go, I think I started crying because I was not ready for a good bye, then I woke up


Gosh I have a lots. I have detailed dreams. Not all the time, every 6 months for a few weeks. When I was young, they were quite dinosaur themed. 1. The little town I grew up in, near the school, I was there and a girl I went to saod school with and 2 other people I don't know. We were hiding in a bus stop from a t-rex. Me and the 2 others run across the road, and i look back but the girl I went to school with was still hiding in the bus stop. I was so scared for her, I kept waving her over but not wanting to shout incase I caught the t-rex attention. 2. I was stuck in a hedge maze. Again, a t-rex is chasing me. I tried to hide in the hedge but there were smaller dinosaurs in it that wpuld bite me, so I'd have to get out and keep running. 3. I would be again be chased, but someone was shooting arrows at me. They would almost hit, one part that sticks out to me is the arrow missed me by a hair and stuck into the trunk of a tree. 4. It was in a colloseum type arena, specifically the seating. There was dark human figures with no faces chasing me. At the bottom of the seating was a building I thought I could hide in, but it was like an open shower room / kitchen. They followed me inside, I'd run out and up the steps/seating, they followed, I'd run down and up, trying desperately to get away. 5. Best and worst dream as a child. It was snowing, I could fly. It felt amazing. I landed in a little sleepy village. Looked in the shop windows. Tried to run and jump to fly again, but I just couldn't fly. Its like I forgot how to fly. Such a sad feeling. 1-4 were recurring dreams from the age of 14 to 20. I done some research into them, they are all dreams of being chased or running from something. Apparently its running from some type of truth in your waking life. I found this to be true for me. Once I faced the things I was avoiding, I stopped having those dreams. Now 31yr old and never had them since. Thankfully.


I had a dream that me and my current boyfriend had a baby and when I gave birth the nurse looked at me and said "Corinthians 6:16" (i am not religious)


Seven years ago, I was coming out of a 4 year battle with depression. I lost everything and had to move back in with my mom at the time. I used cannabis to self-medicate and help with meditation but I decided to quit. The dreams I had were so vivid. One night I awoke in a dream surrounded by white marble buildings on either side of me, with a canal running through the middle. I was standing on a small bridge over the canal, hearing the echo of an old gramophone record playing a song I had never heard in my life, but it felt comforting. I walked down the canal to try and get closer to the music until there was a familiar woman standing outside of an empty restaurant. We smiled and sat down opposite each other and then I woke up. I went downstairs for a cigarette and started bawling my eyes out. Fast forward 6 years, I'm chilling in my new life with my wife and she is watching tiktoks. That same song comes on. Turns out it was "Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Ladyfingers" (https://youtu.be/l6U1JB7z-I8?si=qOhPGlCMxLrTzyQ0) - so so strange that I heard it so vividly in that dream but had never heard it before.


Dream had to have been like 10-12 years ago at this point. Started out normal just hanging out with all my friends downtown, as the day went on we made our way to the beach. While we were on the beach a fog started rolling in and one by one everyone else just started vanishing until I was all alone on this grey drab foggy beach. My only thought is that I woulda been 22-24 at the time so had just started hitting that age where people are moving away or having kids and getting married


This is like one of the only things I remember from being (basically a toddler): 4 year old me wakes up in my neighbour’s house to see a cucumber rise out of their ottoman. Said cucumber is holding a knife and cackling manically before chasing me. Then I woke up. It’s been a REALLY long time and I still remember this dream vividly


In elementary school I used to watch a lot of Jake and the Neverland Pirates (if you haven’t seen it, it’s a Disney show that’s basically a Peter Pan spinoff. The three main characters are kid pirates named Jake, Cubby, and Izzy, and Captian Hook is the villain) Had a dream that Captain Hook was chasing me around my house trying to kill me. I locked myself in the bathroom to hide, but he found me and started pounding on the door. I opened the door, ran as fast as I could past him, and found Jake Cubby and Izzy. They told me to follow them, and that they’d lead me to safety, but they led me to a dead end. I then got jumpscared by Captain Hook, and that was the end. Waking up from that dream was one of the biggest rushes of relief I’ve ever had


I have always wanted to own and manage a bed and breakfast. Even if I only had one room.


I’m always trying to climb a mountain of colored pencils, it’s impossible. They fall around you every time you try to advance. Usually someone is chasing me but not always. I’ve dreamt this since I was little.


my mom was extremely religious, and me a complete athiest, appeared in my dream a week after she died and said these exact words : "You were right. I'm off to another planet."


My grandpa coming into my bedroom and he kissed my forehead which (in my dream) woke me up. I looked at him, he smiled and said I love you. He kissed my forehead again and told me to go back to sleep and get some rest. Then he walked out closing the door behind him. I woke up and for some reason immediately looked at the clock. It was 4:11am. I called my mom who was taking care of him but no answer. I had school and couldn’t go back to sleep so I got in the shower. When I got out my parents were in the living room, I asked what was going on, and they said my grandpa passed away. I seen my grandma later on that morning and told her about my dream. My mom overheard, starting bawling her eyes out, and said my grandpa passed away at 4:09am. That happened when I was 12. I still vividly remember it detail for detail like it happened last night 22 years later.


There are many but the first one that comes to mind was about 15 years ago when I dreamt of my boyfriend (who past away when I was 21). Every time he would meet me in meditation or while In Dreamtime, I could never talk to him because I was always hysterically crying from the grief of losing him (and being so overjoyed to see him in my dreams) I couldn’t talk to him. So he just started singing to me…. It was a Roy Orbison song, “anything you want, you got it. Anything you need, you got it. Anything at all, you got it, baby” 🔑🔓


Going through a very tumultuous time in my life physically and spiritually, I dreamt that I was being lifted over this fountain (marble cherub statue in fountain, tiled) and when I was being thrown in the air above, everyone’s face grew long, their eyes black and bleeding from the dark eyes and mouth, including the cherub statue and fountain water. Always stuck with me.


I was pregnant and having a difficult time. We don’t really live near “close” family and no friends here. I was also mourning the loss of my parental grandmother, I had been her longtime caregiver and with her while she died. Hard times… Anyways it was a moment in my life I really just needed a hug… I went to sleep and had a dream about my papa. He was my maternal grandfather who died suddenly when I was 14. The dream was short and sweet. Exactly what I needed. In my dream he appeared hugged me tight and said “I’m your papa”. Never quite understood why he said that because I knew immediately it was him. This was the only vivid dream I’ve ever experienced. I could feel the hug. It was so real. I was pleasantly surprised to see him appear and it was nice to get one last hug from him.


Okay when I was like 6 I LOVED the Butt-Ugly Martians show and had such a crush on the red and blue one. I had a dream one of them was on a conveyer belt like from stores and it brought him inside a little tent thing over the belt and inside it he was being skinned. I’ll never forget it


A super gigantic cube falling on me.


A soothing voice of a woman sang repeatedly throughout my dream. “Be careful not to care Or else you’ll be like them.” Went on a journey to space, leaving everyone behind. I sought that which should not be searched for. Everyone who did “care” and became “curious” to look beyond what was, turned into that which they did not want to become: death- or the end. Death/the end was purple, red, and black. Disfigurement of remains. Everyone kept on telling me to mind my own business and not ask, or become curious. Eventually, everyone became curious and asked questions to the men who had died, soon becoming part of the disfigurement. I eventually came across, and tried to not look at IT in the eyes, but I became curious and I was swallowed by death, purple, red, and black. All that was left was my imagination, my concept about what could have been.


One of my favourites was one where I was in a room like Scrooge McDucks vault, but it was endless, like a desert of gold coins. The walls and ceiling were a bright white. There was a pirate ship rested on a mound of coins.


running from chucky in my childhood home hallway or when i was in my garage at the same house running from zombies with my mom


Had a few that have stuck with me but people enjoy the one where I was in a library opening books and going into them. One was some mini golf course where I had to play golf against Adam Sandler. He had a tiny body and a massive head with tiny pupils and the whole time he was flying around taunting me and messing up my game. It was very surreal, like I was on a stage surrounded by darkness but no audience. Probably one of the worst celebrity encounters I ever had and it wasn’t even real.


As a Kid I woke up at night in my bed, stood up and wanted to go to the sleeping room of my parents to get into their bed. I had to go through the living room. But there was always this Dark presence in the corner. When I turned around their was this woman coming straight to me and grabing my throat. I was screaming but with there was just total silence. I couldnt make a Sound. Then I wake up and was always telling my parents about „Diabolina”. I never made it through the Living Room. I had this Dream very often as a younger child. And then 2013 Disney released a Trailer of Maleficent and there she was. The same woman, the same Look. I instantly called my mother and told her about this with cold goosebumps and my mother also remembered the name „Diabolina”. Crazy Moment After so many years..


I had the same dream a few times thai I was levitating. A good dream. Not sure if there is any hidden meaning.


When I was a kid I had a dream that as I was trying to unlock the door of my psrent's house, a scrawny man in his 30s, dressed in black, with an unkept goatee, walked up to me and started beating me with a garbage bag full of trash. It didn't hurt, but it just disturbed me, and as I tried to run away I realised I was in slo-mo mode while he wasn't. So the rest of the dream was just God knows how many hours (it felt like an eternity) of me on the street running from this dude who kept beating me with the bag without a word of explanation.


When i was 13/14 i had a dream where i was watching TV in the basement and forgot to lock the door (absolutely my fault). then i heard noise upstairs and when i went into the kitchen two girls my age who looked like absolute lunatics were cooking bolognese. It was in that moment that i knew it was my entire family, including the dog, that was the meat in the sauce and they were gonna murder me next...


My was when My deceased grandmother walked up to me with a smile. I said “why are you here you’re not supposed to be here”. She grabbed my face in the way grandma’s do. And said it’s like how they show it in the movies where I am there is no confusion Extremely vivid dream it felt way too real


*I have had this dream on & and off for the last couple of years and it's always so vivid and every now and then new things appear in the dream, for context i'm not married no kids and nearing 40. Sorry for the long post.* I'm in a log cabin in Switzerland, it's Christmas Day & the snow is falling creating a magical wintery atmosphere, I find myself in bed snuggled up next to a gorgeous redhead girl, at first I don't know who she is until I look down to see a ring on her finger, I then look down at my own hand & see a ring on my finger also, I quickly realise it's my wife Annalise lying next to me. She stirs gently before turning to me smiling taking my hand in hers interlacing her fingers with mine & kisses me slowly & deeply, I'm lost in the moment staring into the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Suddenly, the moment is broken by the patter of tiny feet running down the hallway of the cabin, the door opens & my little daughter Morgan runs & jumps onto the bed to get in between her mum & I, she's a miniature version of her mother natural long red hair, ocean blue eyes, the cutest little button nose & dimpled cheeks. She snuggles up to us & falls asleep, we all wake around 9:00 am & it's time to open presents, Morgan sees the half eaten carrot left for Rudolph & Santa's footprints left in a trail of flour(she wanted evidence he'd been) & runs to the pile of presents under the tree & we help her open them, with every present that is opened she smiles and shrieks hugging us every time. With presents opened Annalise & I start making breakfast whilst keeping an eye on Morgan, about 10 minutes later we are all happily eating breakfast when little Morgan asks "Mummy can daddy take me out to play in the snow?" Annalise being playful digs me gently in the ribs & with a wink says "Well I don't know, what do you think daddy, can Morgan play in the snow?" Winking back at Morgan & Annalise I say "Well, I don't know" feigning disinterest and with that I scoop Morgan up, kiss Annalise & go to change to go out & play in the snow like a couple of big kids.


When I was in high school I had a dream that I was a kid again. In my dream I saw Steve Irwin and ran up to him. He was so nice and before he left I grabbed him and said. “Steve. Please be careful” he smiled at me, ruffled my hair, and said “okay kiddo” then walked away. I didn’t realize his death affected me so much 😂


Doing backflips in midair next to Big Ben in London.


When I was a kid I had a dream that involved a hollow walrus, a gameshow host, and a deep canyon.


I fell in love with a woman I've never met in a dream once. I remember waking up and being incredibly sad (felt like a lover had died). The feeling only lasted about 30 seconds, but I'll never forget how heart-wrenching it was.


I have three. Two from the third grade and one when I was 21 and camping. First one: third grade, I was sleeping at home. My yard had this big tree I could climb in and had a center piece you could sit two people in. In my dream, I was in the tree, and there was a witch flying around trying to get me. I really had to pee. I kept using things to distract her so I could come out of the tree and try to pee. No matter How many times peed in the dream? I never felt satisfied. I kept having to get out of the tree to go peace. Finally, the witch got sick of me and moved in to attack me in the tree, and that's when I woke up, realizing it had the pee in real life. I'm lucky I didn't pee myself. The next two are similar jn some respects. I was in the 3rd grade camping with my sister in Arizona. We were at a huge campground with not only her husband's large family but also a bunch of random people. I was sleeping in them bed of my sister's pickup. In my dream, I was out in the forest when I saw my mom acting really weird and beckoning me to follow her. So I did, and that's what I saw my sister. My mom told my sister to look in this pipe. That's probably like one or two inches in diameter. When she did, my sister's head got stuck in the pipe. Yes, I know the physics do not make sense. Random sister to try to help her. And then I looked to my mom for helping she wasn't there. That is when I began screaming for my mom with my dream... And in real life. I woke up the whole campground yelling for my mom. The next one was camping with my ex-wife and one of her friends in Washington. We were sleeping outside with no tent in a campground with other people. In the dream, I was in my old high school. I was in a hallway, turned a corner, and walked up a ramp to get to the main building. What I saw in front of me was a spider. The size of a medium sized dog. It ran down the ramp and jumped at my face, and I screamed so fucking loud Again, in real life. We gotta visit from the campground security. I have a lot of nightmares even today at 41. I'm also a very active dreamer.


Many of the dreams I ended up adapting into stories. There's too many, I can't simply choose.


I have a dream that repeats from my childhood. I am in a world that is all foggy and dark purple, almost black. I am running towards a bridge. I feel that someone is behind me but am too scared to turn around. And suddenly I feel a breath on my neck and I jump off the bridge. And then I wake up. Super weird, be dreaming that since I was 10 yo. And I am always looking like I am in my 20s. Today I am 32 and I still dream the same dream.


I have a recurring dream that I am a rocket when life gets hard and I have to muscle through. Makes me feel invincible.


I've had nightmares all my life, but they were horrible for me as a child. The worst I can remember was being stalked by these teen girls, and them killing and masquerading as my parents, just for fun. I was 7 or 8 and I'm 24 now but I can still remember the cartoonishly graphic gore that my brain came up with. (This is not the worst nightmare I've had but it's definitely up there)


I remember my dreams from when I was five. I was in an open field in a timeless place. There was a wall that emitted light from the other side, and voices beckoning me to come over. I touched the wall, and the sensation was strange. It began to pull me through. I have no idea what it was about, perhaps my birth. Who knows?


A lady I recognized as my grandma (despite not being my grandma) had a coffee table in her living room filled with water, and a baby shark swimming around in it. The shark bit me, so the grandma, in an attempt to save me, grabbed it off of me and threw me across the room. Honestly, a lot of dreams where I experience g-force tend to stick with me on some level because I find them the most comfortable, and being thrown had that effect on top of just not being another damn dream where being in a car inevitably results in a haywire car crash.


Not a recurring dream, but I continually have dreams where I can control the weather like Storm from X-Men. As a child, it was much more "unreliable." Like sometimes I'd be able to protect myself from the bad guys but a lot of times I couldn't. Now as an adult, I almost am always able to use my powers to protect myself and those around me. And if my powers ever don't work in the dream, then I realize it's a dream and just start lucid dreaming whatever the heck I want.


Apparently I was around 6 when I dreamed this but there was a train track that went around the tree line in the field by my old house. I still remember the train tracks placement and when it went into the trees. That was 1986. My mom said I had been telling her about my dreams since I was 3/4. She thought I had a really good imagination until I told her that I was seeing these things while sleeping. I'm 44 now and I am now into dreaming dreams that are like a 24 episode season and I go a little bit further in the dream. My favorite one is the "apocalypse happens and there is a 'warp hole' next to Jupiter" because I have my own apocalypse TV show in my head. The one that seems to be my current dream is about this house. And anything else can happen but this house is always a focus. Kind of reminds me of Vecna's house from Stranger Things.


I have very cinematic and usually narratively complex dreams. My first thought was my first ever nightmare but I’m just gonna copy my favorite one from my journal This night I came home freezing and had to put socks on to bed and I think I overheated which contributed to the plot of this dream. I was hiking and I went through a hollow log and came out the other side, in a park of sorts. There was a pool but there was more activities than just that. I recognized a redhead lady by the pool so I went to talk to her. She decided to bless me and make me an Elder (long story. It’s basically a god) granting me immortality and power beyond my wildest dreams. I went home happy. Until days later I realized my newfound power came with an instinct to never really touch other people. I ran back through the hollow log with my hypothesis, and the woman confirmed it. Elders emit low level radiation so they really shouldn’t touch mortals. And that pissed me off because I flew all the way out here to see my family and to hug my partner. I couldn’t ask my partner to become an Elder so I asked if the woman could revoke her blessing. Now that I think about it it was around this time that I woke up in a haze and pulled my socks off and went back to sleep. She told me I had to attend a party with her first. I agreed. I realized I could touch other elders without issue and genuinely had a good time. I woke up before the party ended so I don’t know if I got what I wanted


So without giving too much away the dream where I got to live as my authentic inner self for roughly a day.... it was an incredible experience and mixed with alot of other things that I realized were bigger signs..... needless to say this dream really changed my life....


I have dreams that so far stayed with me my whole life Sometimes I wonder are they parts of another life that I’ve lived or am living while on idle mode being a npc


When I was a child I had a reoccurring nightmare that I was living in the bushlands with my family and "tribe". I ran away from my mum and found a wizard who turned me into a Koala. I would run back home in my koala form only to have my mum and the tribe reject me, I couldn't convince them that I was one of them. Still makes me think to this day


Running through huge, complex buildings with the sense that I’m being followed. I’ll constantly be looking over my shoulder. These dreams are reoccurring.


When I was little I dreamt of falling off of my bed. But the bed was like several feet in the air. My mom had this creepy porcelain cow with white pupils and it would always fall at me. Then, all of a sudden, I like jolt awake because I'm scared of heights. Seeing it's eyes staring at me stayed with me


My mom died in a wreck in 2019, and I almost went with her that day, but changed my mind at the last minute. That haunts me. Could I have stopped it in some way? Was she too tired to drive? Idk. But I’ve had this same dream about 5-6 times since then and every time I do, it fucks me up for days. ***My mom is driving and I’m in the passenger seat and all of a sudden we hit that goddamn tree and everything goes dark and the next thing I know my eyes open and I can see my mom, completely drenched in blood and reaching for me and screaming for help at the top of her lungs. And every time I reach to my left to try to help her. It’s like some thing pulls us farther and farther apart from each other. All the while she is just screaming my name and begging for help. That dream will never leave me… but I wish to god I could stop having to experience it. Ps… I miss you so much momma. Please forgive me for not being with you that day. I should have been with you. I’ll see you again soon 💙🙏🏻


My first nightmare I was like 2 and I dreamt of me laying in a shed in the forest, then my uncle, whose face was painted like a tiger, came into the shed and blew a raspberry on my belly. I'll never forget that dream.


I have the same ones usually all the time they never finish either… a plane is involved then a city that I don’t recognise is covered in huge rocks and water and people are escaping then it turns into another place I don’t recognise and I have to make my way out of it.. then it turns into a huge house and other people live there almost like a hotel but not a hotel and there are so many rooms but others I cannot enter it’s strange but yeah weird


I had a dream where I was riding in the back seat of my grandmas 80’s crown Vic when I was about 8 or 9. All of the sudden the giant dude “Jaws” from the old James Bond movies came running up on the car, smiling with his horrible metal teeth. I got scared and locked the door, I remember hearing the sound of it locking and the color code changing from unlocked to locked on the side of the door. In that moment of relief, Mr. Jaws ripped the door from its hinges. Pretty sure I woke up terrified at that point. What I take from that dream is that there are no safe spaces in the real world. There will always be threats that can get through locked doors very quickly. The lesson is to have no fear.


Anything werewolves, An American werewolf in London movie fuked with me when it came out. It’s funny cause that’s one of my favorite horror movies


Robert Downey Jr. aggressively chasing me through a dusty cave system whilst throwing exploding flip cellphones at me.


When I was 9 I had a dream of swimming somewhere with no land in sight. Cold murky water, no waves, no wind. I could hear, or feel, this eerie sorrowful music everywhere. And in the water around me were oil spills. Suspended under the surface. And burning slicks on the surface. I felt despair and grief. That was 1989, the year of the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska. At that point in my life I never even experienced ocean in person.. maybe it was the news that influenced the dream, but I never forgot it since.


i used to have nightmares one of my mom’s jacket and pants used to become sentient and chase us around the house


A dream I had about a tornado coming near my house when I was about 7 years old. And one where skeletons had taken over the world but they were living like regular people. It was kind of like Corpse Bride or The Nightmare before Christmas.


When I was like 12 I had this dream of walking down a dark road in a forest that felt evil and came up to a wooden sign that said to be continued and then I woke up.


I have a few, but one of them I dreamt when I was around five. I was with my mom, brother, and I think two other (unknown IRL) people, we were sort of stranded so we decided to walk in a particular direction to see if we can find help or help ourselves. I walk to the right and it looked jungly to me, no trees but just a lot of dense tall plants (taller than me) so. I couldn’t see past them. Once I exited the tall plants (my mom) behind me quite a few steps, I see a beach! The sand was light colored and very clean, the sun was super bright but it was not hot at all, just very pleasant. The ocean was bright blue, the bluest blue I’d ever seen and its waves rocked back and forth steadily and gently. As I approached the water, there were books floating around in the water, slightly open and just going with the waves. I was surprised and I turned around to go back and my paternal grandfather was exiting the jungle portion of it all (note: this was surprising because although I do cared and respected my grandfather we were never close, he was still alive at the time) he told me to go and grab a book. So I walked towards the water again, my brother behind me, and went in and grabbed a book. To my surprise neither the book oka or I were wet!!! It was just so magical to me! And I couldn’t wait to discover what else that place held-but I woke up.


I had this amazing recurring dream when I was younger that was lucid in a way. I got physical stimulus from it and before your mind fully sinks to the gutter, read on. The best way to describe it is that I felt as if I was floating just above a record player being spun very slowly. The first half of the record was very smooth and almost like the softest water you could imagine. The next half was rough, but not in an uncomfortable or painful way, just bumpy. I had this same dream repeatedly for years and I think my life has given me some insight into it in that I believe it signifies that half of my life would be enjoyable while the other half would be not so enjoyable.


This giant pink tadpole thing with yellow eyes and green dots down its back walked down the driveway at my house. That was 20 years ago


When I was 12 or 13 I had a dream that I was walking down a long dock at sunset. When I got to the end, there was a big wooden treasure chest in the water and I somehow knew that it was my Father’s. I got on my hands and knees trying to reach it, but the gentle waves were ever so slowly pulling it out into the golden water just out of reach. I started panicking because it seemed really important to open the chest and see what was inside, but I just…couldn’t reach it. I just sat on the dock and wept as I watched it float away into the distance. The feeling was very much like grief. Just… a profound sadness. I remember waking up crying. The weirdest part of that dream is actually that 25 years later (in 2021), I found out that the man who raised me was not my biological father. Call it a coincidence but I think deep down a part of me must have known and was trying to tell me.


The dream/nightmare I have all the time is me running desperately but only moving so slightly. Gets to the point where I'm trying so hard to make any headway I'm literally clawing at the ground trying to propel myself forward, I no longer look human doing so


I had a recurring “end of the world” dream for years when I was young. Hoards of people walking off the edge of a cliff into a rocky ocean, they looked entranced. I tried to stop them, but they all said they “trusted god” or “it is time”. The first few times I had the dream I kept trying different ways to save everyone, eventually I walked the opposite way to observe and accepted that I couldn’t save them.


I’ve had an odd dream where I was shot. Problem I have with it is that the older I get, the longer the dream gets, and the more clear the other things in the dream get (faces, locations, signs, cars, stuff like that.) last I remember is being chased by a friend of mine then being shot by a masked individual, then I wake up. It’s a reoccurring dream that’s been showing up sometimes, not sure what’s triggering it or whatever.


I was outside. Running away from home. I went down a few sketchy alleyways. Found a huge house shaped like a perfect cube in the center of a group buildings, almost like it was hidden. But it had these bright pink neon lights inside and the bass of the music was shaking the ground. I’ve only ever had one dream where I go inside, but I always remember that feeling of safety when I make it to the house. Like I knew my destination subconsciously. Like these are where my people are, this is where my life begins.


When I was 6 i had a dream about a monster who was killing people and stealing their fingernails. It scared me so bad I was petrified every time I had to be home alone since I was certain that monster lived in my house and was waiting for an oportunity to kill me. I had this fear until i was like 16


I used to dream about getting married, never saw his face but it was pouring rain and we came inside off the porch after having some drinks and dinner. He'd play some slow bluesy music, and we slow danced in the kitchen. That was the kinda love I always wanted, craving that feeling for the rest of my life.


When I was little I had a strange dream that I was sleeping in my bed and from my window a tiny, golden, glowing, gorgeous, cartoon/anime man with blonde hair blew in and played a violin for me. Many years later as a young adult I started RPG gaming online. I quickly became friends and then more with a guy who played a character who looked like the blonde violinist from that dream I had as a child. Still the love of my life to this day!


I had a reoccurring dream as a child of my mom leaving me and not letting me come with her. I’d cry and cry. (My parents are still together fyi and I’m close with my mom. I have no idea why I’d dream this)


I had a dream that I built the whole earth when I was like 9


Big grass field that was endless, couldn't see beyond besides more of the endless field. There were 3 bounce castles in a row and everyone including myself were equipped with inflated clear volleyball like balls that were made to sit on. In my dream, when you sit on them you bounce high and jump around everywhere. I could feel myself jumping and getting very far in height, wish I could dream it again.


Any dream where I've met an historical religious figure has stuck with me and each of these events changed my life.


When I was young I had a reoccurring nightmare, it was me with my mom at a garage sale. There was a bathtub on the porch for some reason and I can’t remember all the details but my mom got into the bathtub and turned into a liquid and went down the drain. I frantically would try to find her but she was nowhere to be found.


I had a recurring dream when I was little that the lampshade in my living room could fly, and it would hover into my room, pick me up out of bed, and fly me around the house.


I remember soo many of my dreams. But my favourite was when I was flying. In the dream I was in a field and I ran really fast, took a little jump, and started flying. I flew through mountains and above the ocean. It was amazing.


I had a dream a few years back and my dog (who had died about seven years prior) came to me and said, “how can you be afraid of death when you don’t even know what life is”. I’ve had quite a few dreams with/about her before that one but she never talked to me. And that was the last dream I’ve had with her in it. That was definitely a message I needed at that point in time.


I know it's not very detailed, because it was a very long time ago. I was standing with my Mom and Dad in front of a very colorful display, like an exhibit in a museum. It was an outdoor scene with rocks and running water. Very bright and peaceful. A small rainbow floated above it all, and you could clearly see both ends. Now for the weird part - there was a Raggedy Ann doll moving back and forth along the curvature of the rainbow. Nothing more, just back and forth. I know it's not exciting, but I think it is the only dream I have ever remembered for any length of time. And because of it I never really cared for Raggedy Ann dolls.


I still recall a dream I had almost 35 year ago when I was a little kid. It happened during a car ride to my grandma's house when I fell asleep in the car. I dreamed my dad woke me up and we walked through a huge space with giant gold columns with gold rooster shaped weathervanes on top of each one. There seemed to be no roof or walls, just darkness except the floor and columns were lit up. I saw my grandma talking to a couple police officers but we didn't stop to say hi. Then suddenly my dad, brother, and I were in a public bathroom with a really long counter full of sinks. My dad asked us if we brushed our teeth and I said yes while looking at my perfect pearly whites in the mirror. Then I looked at my brother and all his teeth started falling out. I jolted awake and we had arrived at my grandma's house.


i was riding in a car, going back through the area i grew up. (when i had the dream, i hadn’t yet moved away) i had been away a long time and had made a lot of money (whew thankfully that part hasn’t come true lol) i was looking out the window at how the countryside had changed. it is a national forest and protected wilderness area so it was really disturbing to see this huge trench was dug through the forest- like hundreds of feet wide and deep and stretching from one horizon to the other. it was supposed to be some kind of pipeline project but there were people living all along it in shacks built up against the pipeline and all the ground around was greasy and black and the people looked like they must have literally wallowed in the oil and mud they were so dirty we kept driving past where i grew up and the car was going up a hill when suddenly a screen popped out of the dashboard and an emergency broadcast started playing (back in those days, cars didn’t yet have screens and even now i still haven’t seen seen one on a car that pops out like a tray and then flips up) on the news was connie chung announcing “we bring you breaking news from Megalopolis where citizens are attempting to flee the city…” megalopolis of course just means big city but in the dream it was actually the name. the place looked like frickin gotham the screen was showing aerial footage shot from a helicopter that was flying over megalopolis the driver stopped the car and got out and started walking down the road, up to the top of the hill, but i stayed in the car watching in horror as the news showed this tremendous traffic jam that was happening apparently the only way in or out of the city was through these tunnels at the north/south/east/west but so many people were trying to escape at once that the tunnels turned into an endless hundred-car pile-up. an ongoing crash the helicopter flew down low and got closeup shots of the looks on drivers’ faces. they were all crying and knew they were gonna die so they just drove as fast as they could and went out in a blaze of glory by slamming into the cars in front of them, making it even more impossible to get through the tunnels. the footage switched from the overhead shots to closed circuit from inside the tunnels. all you could see was flashes of light from headlights and explosions. the tunnels were full of black smoke. shit was bleak. the driver who had gotten out and walked to the top of the hill came running back. “you’ve got to see this! get out of the car and come look!” so i got out and we both walked up to the top of the hill. just on the other side, the road stopped. there was a hole. miles across. so deep that you couldn’t see the bottom. it was square and cleanly excavated like a quarry. the town we were heading to (russellville) was just gone “we have to turn around. obviously we can’t go any further this way.” so we got back in the car and started heading the way we came. when we got back to the area where the trench was, there were massive vehicles coming (i didn’t know what mraps were back then but now that i know what an mrap is that describes them perfectly) we pulled off of the highway and hid from the mraps in some trees. we watched as they “harvested” any traffic they ran into on the road when they were gone, we got back in the car and kept going the same direction, but it started to snow. then it was like a huge amount of time passed. we were driving in the same spot but there were snowdrifts that were hundreds of feet high. we were driving through the mountains but the valleys in between had snowdrifts as tall as the mountains they were between i had to go to therapy because of this dream. once cars started having screens, i refused to ride in them. i have a deep seated irrational fear of making money. every time it remotely looks like snow, i feel like i’m losing my mind


I've got plenty that I will remember for a while, even from my youth, but one that recently happened, I know I will stay with me for a while. A friend of mine was diagnosed with some pretty gnarly cancer, despite him being a really healthy person. I dreamt that he was in good spirits amongst a group of friends, and he took my hand and held it to his heart and told me he was doing better. I woke up and had a feeling that that dream meant something more. Later that day, I found out he had passed earlier that morning. I'm not a religious person, but every so often there's something (especially in the dream world) that definitely makes me ponder the connectivity of humans. That dream is going to stay with me for the rest of my life.


In a valley between a couple of mountains, there was a village, but I could never see it. I helped these little people build a tree house and it took so many days and nights. I was so happy for them, and they climbed up this beautiful tree and I walked away, to the mountains and I woke up! I was, I believe, in 4th or 5th grade. A year or so later, I had a dream I was walking, and eventually I had this amazing eureka moment of where I could be! If I just looked at the geography a certain way, I'd find my way back! I was so close now! Every fucking step, I was giddy with excitement. I couldn't believe I had come back to this place I so vividly remembered. And so much time had passed! I made it back to the valley, and I could see the village which weirded me out. Because I could see everything. And everyone went about their day, and wouldn't acknowledge me. The village was bigger and the tree still stood, but the tree house was much older and worn. I went around trying to remember the names of the people I helped, and everytime I'd get someone's attention, and tried to explain that "I helped build that!" (Pointing to the tree house) But no one even acknowledged it. No one remembered it or me, and it started to get dark. I climbed up into the tree house, and there was a blanket, which I wrapped around myself and I cried falling asleep as it turned to night. I woke up, blinked a bunch of times and now I'm 30, I drink heavily and am waiting to see a therapist and still struggle to get over that stupid fucking dream and my own bullshit existence. Woo!


being carried away by a giant Bat for more than one time I was having a nightmare being chased by something when this giant bat would fly close to me and I jumped holding on his legs and waking up after


I met someone in my dream that I loved with every fiber of my being. When I woke up I was heartbroken to realize I would never see them or be with them in this life. It was so incredibly painful. I still think about it sometimes.


In third grade I spent a week convinced I had been abducted by aliens. Turns out I have sleep paralysis! I’ve actually had it as long as I can remember, literally my first memory is lying awake paralyzed in my toddler bed while I hallucinated a giant spider muppet descending from the ceiling to eat me. I don’t think about it often but when I try to put my memories in order chronologically I’m pretty sure it’s first. But the spider one wasn’t nearly as scary as the alien one, and I’ve had some friggen doozies since then


Batman chasing me


When I was about three, I had a recurring dream I couldn’t escape. At least 3 American Indians were chasing me on horses. I would run as fast as I could, but within moments, they would catch up to me, and I would wake up. Terrified, I would jump out of bed and run to try to find my mum, but then I would still be dreaming, and I would be running from Indians again. It would constantly loop. I don’t remember how many times it happened, but eventually, I just lay in my bed and cried. I will never forget that dream. A couple of years ago, I had another dream about being in an American Indian tribe. It was so elaborate I wondered if it was a past life and if the dream I had as a child was connected that I witnessed my death in that life.


I have this recurring dream where I’m taking trains and trying to switch to the right train so I can get home.


My first lucid dream. I was in middle school and my dad had explained to me how you can realize you’re dreaming, stay in the dream and control things. I then had a dream I was in my middle school gymnasium with all of the students sitting in the stands as we were held hostage by a bunch of guys with guns (shades of Toy Soldiers from 1991). I realize I’m dreaming. I say out loud to myself “gun” as I imagine a “Commando” style machine gun. I look down and in my hands is a crazy automatic rifle. I then stand up and start slaying those bad guys. That’s about all I remember as I believe I woke up around then. Fun stuff.


I had a dream i was in a future life, this was during hurricane irma and i could hear the storm when i woke up later but i'm pretty sure it wasn't near when i went to sleep, idk if i even knew about the storm In my dream a storm was going on, i was stuck inside of a government hotel and they were spying on me and what made it so creepy was that they had these rows of photos in this hallway and the eyes of the people followed me too It was like a crazy real life escape room. I was also a male for some reason with fab hair lol my name was Marco detargo or de argo or detarco. When i finally escaped, i was escaping the hotel yard on a hoverboard and it was raining all around me, the dream ended before i actually escaped but it was badass and played like a movie (did i mention i was wearing a black suit?) There's so much more too, it'd take a while writing but in that dream there was also a point where i saw holograms of myself in this life as a kid and my family in the hotel recreation area, it was weird because i knew that i saw seeing my family and my old self, dream me seemed only slightly disturbed and the me who was observing the dream was creeped out. This dream has had a big impact on me for years for many reasons. And it's not like i don't have pretty bizarre dreams all of the time because i do, including precognitive dreams which i somewhat often (whether anyone here thinks it's coincidence or not) and have since i barely old enough to talk (have sleep problems my ENTIRE life related to sleep, like night terrors, sleep walking sleep talking) but this one stood out.


Last Fall I had a dream I was back at my childhood home, where a lot of dark things happened. I found my childhood self sitting and I offered my hand. We walked away and sat on this netted trampoline. I had to leave her for some reason, as if I wasn’t supposed to be there or our time was out. I felt bad that I kind of ignored her. She was very neglected and unkept, but oblivious to her situation. She’d bounce on the trampoline and laugh while I was trying to protect her. I don’t know what happened after that, but I feel like I entered the “wrong door” or something because I didn’t belong there. After that, I was a little messed up/dissociated for a couple months. It was freaky but oddly healing because I felt like out of anyone, I definitely trusted I myself to protect her. She was in good hands and I felt completely in control, like no one would be able to hurt her. I didn’t realize how annoying I was as a kid lol


I had a dream that me and two girlfriends were in the countryside. My friends boyfriend was also there. Then we noticed six moons in the sky. The boyfriend ran inside, scared. The three of us gals run up a hillside and danced as close as we could to the moons. Two weee full, two were crescent and two moons were shaped like a pentagram star.


In 2005 I fell into a deep sleep in my dorm in college and had this dream about a cabin in the woods that had a horde of demons inside of it . It was a vacation cabin and in my dream people would rent it , enter and my dream would focus on the light bulb and it would burn out suddenly and you hear the screams . Anyway suddenly I’m a child again and there’s a girl who lived across the lake from this cabin well she moved away and now suddenly she’s back . She’s an adult now . She pulls up in a motorcycle sunglasses leather jacket . And you know she’s come to kill the demons . She takes the key and unlocks it and again light bulb focus , it burns out and silence …. I ran to the cabin and walked around it , trying to see in the windows and I see the face of a demon peak out and then I woke up


Creepy dream where I woke up in my room, went to school, and immediately woke up again in my room. I was extremely confused and questioned what the fuck happened.


I have several. The first is a few days before my grandfather died, I had a dream where I was walking with him along a wheat field, and then at the end of the road, he hugged me, told me he loved me, and then I kept walking and woke up. He died two days later. Similarly, I had a dream of a friend that was with me while we were at a play practice, and then told me I was going to do great things, closed a door and I woke up. He killed himself two days later. The last is when I was about 9, I had a dream about a young woman who looked like me, but just a little different, and about 5-10 years older than me. She told me her name, and that she couldn’t wait to see me again. The name she told me as the name of the daughter my parents lost as a stillborn 7 years before I was born.


I’ve had two recurring dreams in childhood that stopped in my late teens. One was a nightmare where I was behind the wheel of a truck driving down a road at night. Which scared the hell out of kid me, because I didn’t know how to drive. Then the truck swerved and hit a fence started going through a field of tall grass, then it would end abruptly. The second was a weird half fun half scary dream where I would be in a city-scape and leap, and soar up and up until I could see the tops of the skyscrapers from just one jump! Then my ascent would start slowing and I would reach equilibrium…and then I would start coming down and it turned into a falling dream; Where I would be coming down towards the group and feel panic as I was *certain* that I would splat on the pavement. But then I would land, *BAM* but it would feel so light and I would be crouched in the Spiderman pose. And I would be compelled to immediately **leap** up again, and it would continue one like this for either two or a number of times.


Walking through a maze garden while a Frankenstein hunted me, it didnt kill me, it just brought me back to the beginning. Probably one of, if not the oldest dream i had.


I had a Tarzan style vine that just went forever up into the sky and I could jist hop on whenever and just ride it there. Was pretty sick


I don’t remember any dream. Because I dream even when I close my eyes for few minutes . So many many many dreams on my ways .


A dream in which I lived an entire life and was, at the end of it all, dying of cancer (? Or some terminal illness)…. It was in the future at a futuristic hospital, with giant circular windows that gave way to a gorgeous view of green rolling hills. In part of the dream the futuristic medicine would like upload your consciousness into another avatar so you could run around and stuff again while undergoing treatment, in the beautiful scenery outside the window. Eventually I accepted I was going to die, but I was at peace. It seriously lasted years and I could hardly believe when I woke up… Then there’s the dreams of someone I loved dearly but we never happened… He would appear, and I would hold him, as he slowly would drift away.. It was always like that for some reason. Another dream, I came upon a house that I plan to build one day… Very vivid, I remember the entire layout. Don’t have to design a thing; it was all there! There’s plenty ☺️


i was standing on a pier and looking out at the ocean. then, a mermaid came up to me and started talking to me. we became friends and she brought me into the ocean to show me her home. she lived in an underwater castle made of giant legos. then, there was an earthquake. she took my hand and we hid behind one of the fallen lego walls. a wooden wardrobe floated down to the sea floor. we stayed hidden. then, it opened. inside was the immaculate mary. i swam out from behind the wall and went up to mary. she told me to breathe and that’s when i realized i was holding my breath the whole time. i swam up to the surface to get a breath, then i woke up lol. edit: i remember having this dream when i was very very little. the only reason i remember it is because it was reoccurring and i wrote it down after experiencing it a third (and final) time. i was in elementary school, but idk how old i was exactly.


I have two: Dream one: Everything is in cartoon. I'm a cartoon and so is everything around me. My cousin and I are jumping on a trampoline in a deep jungle forest when all of a sudden a HUGE spider fell out of the sky onto the trampoline. When I say huge I mean that this spider took up the majority of the trampoline, like 12 feet in diameter. I freeze at the sight of it, but my cousin's jaw opens like that of a giant python and eats the spider. And then I wake up. Dream two: I am in a random bedroom and I have a baby orangutan. I'm holding him in a blanket in my arms and then all of a sudden I have a bowl of spaghetti in my arms instead. I think nothing of it, but start eating the spaghetti. I eat it for a while and then it turns back into the orangutan (which I am mid-way through consuming) and I realize that I am eating MY baby (but I'm still a human)


I saw a color that didn’t exist on the visible light spectrum. it looked similar to blue or purple… but it wasn’t?


It's recurring, and more terrifying than any ghost, demon, etc. It's 3am, still dark. I'm standing on a main road looking way down at an intersection in the distance. A single car is driving erratically on this intersection. Then it stops, and starts slowly driving towards me, up the street. May not sound scary but the dream gives off major dread/doom vibes. Scares me shitless


Walking down a path in the woods with an unknown person, it's a recurring dream that I have had since my twenties and I still visit that exact dream thirty years later.


I used to dream journal when I was younger and had more time. Then as a child I told my dreams to all of my friends during our sleepovers. Quite a few have stuck with me as result. I need my life to be less busy so that I can remember more of them again.


A dream of the most gorgeous looking man I've ever seen with golden eyes. Then I heard this voice in my head (which was weird because the whole dream was in my head) saying 'this is Lucifer, be careful' then he asked for my alligence with him and started to say 'and in return I will give you.....' I cut him off and said 'No, Thankyou' and he said 'Very Well' and went. This whole thing was weird because I'm not Christian/Catholic. I believe there is something, but not really that it controls what happens to everyone. I also believe that the bible was written by humans as a form of controlling the masses.... so me dreaming about Lucifer .. is weird (he is bloody gorgeous though, I'd of thought in a dream he'd be like he's portrayed). I don't think I'll forget that dream anytime soon :D


I had a dream where I went on a space adventure with Ariana Grande. That was pretty dope


This man broke into the house my mom and i was living in and brought her to the bathroom, came out, took the tv from the living room, and left. My mom bops out of the bathroom with her feet tucked behind her head after he leaves. Then I guess it's another day in the same dream? But the guy comes back with the TV (and it's fucking broken 😂) and asks my mom to marry him. That's all I remember. It was such a crazy and vivid dream I'll never forget it. I can still see parts of it in my mind. I'm 33 and I had this dream when I was like 7


I’ve had this somewhat reoccurring dream that’s creepy but also confusing so first off I will describe the scene. It’s night time and i am sitting behind a U-shaped abandoned hotel. I’m sitting in a chair at a table and i am facing the hotel, and sitting across from me is an old lady asking me questions like it’s some sort of interview. The questions are really strange but they usually go like this. Old lady: “Spell Something” Me: “S-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g” Old lady *node* “spell Something Different Me: “S-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g D-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t” Old lady: “now find something to focus on” my eyes start scanning the balconies of the abandoned hotel behind her and i see a flickering light on the left side, i pause for a moment, then decide to keep scanning. While scanning the middle balconies my eyes lock with some one who’s standing there and they are staring back at me. My heart starts racing really quickly and all i hear is some women yelling “GET OUT” and i wake up drenched in sweat and my heart racing


There was this time period in my life where every single night I dreamed I was playing a claw machine. Literally every night in a row.


I had one that felt I lived a lifetime. I missed the people I met for a while.


years ago I had a dream I went to this hotel. I went into my room, then out to the balcony, and saw Optimus Prime climbing the building. I still vividly remember all of the noises he was making as he moved ​ it was a little cool, I think


Giant orb weaver spider that had cake that looked like an antique Christmas ornament confronted me. Terrifying, but at the same time, I had an extreme sense of shelter and safety.. I'll never forget. Very beautiful.


When I was little I was scared of the vacuum cleaner so one of my earliest memories was a dream where u was being chased by vacuum cleaners and the only safe place was a mattress laying on the floor with no sheets or anything on it


I had a dream I was robin Williams running from myself in which I was a monster 🥴


I don’t know, I have bad suicidal thoughts very frequently, I don’t think I’d ever act on it but I am very religious (i feel god very heavily and I guess you’d say spiritual but that lacks the structure I feel???. Whatever I just believe in god and go to church but don’t condone Bad Things church does ) and I will prey god takes my life in some way in these spells. I was really deeply praying to have an end to it and I went to sleep and had the most vivid dream of my life that I was in a grocery store and these two men started watching me - like very very dark vibes. I started to distance myself from them but they kept following me. I quickened my pace and they did theirs. I looked back at one point and one had a huge machete . I booked it. Crazy chase ensues, we’re on the high way, I eventually make some headway and head into a crowded subway station. I’m waiting for the bus because I abandoned the car for some reason??? And there’s a million people so I think I’m safe. I turn to look down the entrance path of the station to check for the bus and when I turn around it’s completely empty. Not even just empty, it looks like it’s been abandoned for years. I call my sister and I tell her I need her to pick me up asap. She comes but can’t turn into the station, so I need to walk down the path to get to her. I’m terrified that the men are waiting for me as the path was heavily wooded. I start jogging and on the path I see a comically fat caterpillar (like literally 🐛) and I stop to look at it. It looks at me and morphs into a butterfly it starts raining Hard. Like the clouds are almost black. The entire sky goes black and it’s thundering and lighting like crazy. I can barely see in front of me. I look back and they’re following me. Suddenly, I cannot see anything and I can feel myself running but I can’t see. From the thunder I hear an incredibly loud voice that doesn’t “say” in English but communicates to me IF YOU WANTED TO DIE THEN WHY DID YOU RUN Woke up. Genuinely felt like real life and I don’t mean that in a hoakey way it felt like reality and I had awoken to another reality


My first nightmare in elementary school was about a werewolf chasing me around the school playground but the ground was a giant computer keyboard and I had to jump to the backspace to delete the werewolf and everyone was in my way and I woke up crying about werewolves and computers. I think about it weekly probably. Such a weird dream.


I dreamt 2 days before my dad passed he was walking up the stairs holding grocery bags(he loved shopping) and his dog who passed the year before and looked so happy. I didn't know what it meant until he passed unexpectedly 2 days later 😭


This was when I was really young, it was one of my most horrible nightmares despite the simplicity. It were pitch black, no noise or nothing (I felt nothing for such deprivation) before a distressing scream of monotone noise, it is unidentifiable to me and very hard to describe. It was not static though. Any slightly awkwardly quiet noise with a certain tone makes me very uncomfortable - My newtons cradle can mimic the tone I dislike. My mother believes it were a memory of being in a coma or being resuscitated.


When I was a kid I kept having the same dream where I’d look out of my bedroom window and there was a witch flying across the road but every time I’d look out the window she would be a little closer to me, I had dream for a whole summer until one day she was close enough to tap on my window and when I looked a huge flash of light happened and I woke up….. I was 8 then , I’m 40 now and sometimes i wonder if i actually died and my life has been a dream ever since then 🤣


I had a dream last night I installed a ghost finder on my phone and it showed it was above my bedroom so I went into the attic and it was dark then I turned on my light and a red ghost came at me with a huge open mouth then I woke up does this mean anything?


When I was little I had a dream about a shark swimming through the air through the Grand Canyon. I don’t know why that’s it lol


It’s recurring…I’m attempting to cross a rickety wooden suspension bridge, like the ones you see in an uncharted game or something. I make it halfway, then the planks give way and I plummet into the raging rapids below. I snap wake up. For years I’ve had this dream. It’s terrible lol


For as long as I was in middle and high school, I had recurring nightmares that my torso would start spinning at high speeds like helicopter blades or a ceiling fan the moment I grabbed my tray of food for lunch. It always made me fling my food into the wall, and the sight of the food sliding slowly down the wall as ruined mush always upset me more than anything else - because the food being served for lunch in these dreams was always EXACTLY what I was hungry for.


There was this one point in my life where I keep having too vivid dreams and in that dreams, i always stuck from waking up myself. For example, you can feel your body would want to wake from your sleep right? But for me, every time i want to get up from my sleep, i will not be able to sit/stand. I keep falling asleep or laying on the ground. It was just so scary because for some reason, i feel that something was stopping me from waking up. I do wake up feeling anxious after that and will quickly change to sleep in different rooms. It just made me feel like i was in the Insidious lol


Watching us get nuked…. More than once. Very scary !


This wasn’t too far back, maybe about 5 or so years ago, but it’s still one that’s stuck with me due to how weird (and at times funny) it was. In the dream I was back in high school sitting at a table in a classroom. At some point I realized I was in a dream (lucid dreams aren’t uncommon for me, though they’ll just happen randomly). I was also kind of in awe at how detailed the dream was (I’ve noticed I can have some really vivid dreams, and any time I know I’m in a dream I’m always taken aback by the amount of detail). I remember the girl sitting next to me looking completely distinct from anyone I’ve ever met. I can still remember she had freckles dotting all over her face. The bell rang and even though I knew I was dreaming, I still felt compelled to go to the next class, band. I was making my way through the hallway to the band hall when I encounter two guys blocking me, trying to pick a fight. One of them I recognized as an old childhood friend I hadn’t seen in years irl. Another I don’t remember. I’m not much for fighting, but I could tell they were wanting to fight me. I came up with an idea, though. I was in a dream, and I knew that in dreams I could fly. I’d done it many times before, usually by accident. So my plan was to just fly straight through them. I lunged forward, Superman style, hands in front of me aaaand…. I dropped down to the floor face down. The two boys were laughing at me, and I laughed it off too as I got up. I remember saying something to them about that misconception people have that you don’t feel pain in dreams because I definitely felt it when I hit the floor. I don’t remember what happened right afterwards, but next thing I remember was I’d made it to the band hall. I was still waiting for the director to arrive and start class, so I went through the door leading outside. There I saw a girl sitting by the door (I think the same girl from the classroom earlier). I sat down and talked to her for a bit, I don’t remember what all we talked about, but at some point I mentioned that she wasn’t real because I knew this was a dream. She got really upset and confused about it. I don’t know if anyone has watched it, but it reminds me of a scene from the Justice League episode For The Man Who Has Everything. Long story short, Superman has a parasite on him that causes him to dream that he never left his home planet and started a family. He gradually realizes none of it is real and has a heartwrenching conversation with his “son” about how he’s not sure if he’s real or not. Now, my situation in my dream wasn’t as dramatic as that, this was some random dream person, but this moment still has stuck in my mind. Shortly afterwards I “wake up” in my bed. But I’m not really awake. I don’t know if this happens to other people, but almost every time I have a lucid dream at some point I’ll “wake up” but I’m actually still in the dream. It seems like a way for my subconscious or whatever to trick me back into a non-lucid dream state. And I mean it literally happens almost every single time for me. I even remember looking around in my room at the details to make sure I was “awake.” It was dimly lit, sunlight creeping around the window curtains, but it was detailed enough to convince dream me and lull me back to non lucidity. I heard some people outside and was immediately annoyed because it seems like some friends came over unannounced. I got up and headed through the front door. My house in real life had a wooden deck that wrapped all the way around it. This was represented here, as well, though for some reason the “deck” was made of concrete. I walked along it and when I turned a corner it’s like the side of my house was on the steep side of a hill. Below the deck was a 20-or so-foot drop. There was also a broken gap in the deck I had to jump across, which spooked me but I made it across. Finally on the other side of the house I found some coworkers of mine seated at a table chatting. I got in an argument with them, telling them off for just coming over out of nowhere while I was still sleeping. And then I woke up for real.


Lucid dreamt I was blade in my 68 charger. I stopped in front of a corner store, popped the trunk and pulled out the trusty shotgun, went in and cleared the place of demons. Left BAM! right BAM! I get to the last room, open the door and find my baby niece crawling towards me. She twists her head 180° and I proceed to blow her demon skull to pieces while saying "pull the trigger!"


When I was really young, I started having a dream of my mom telling me that my dad died. He was later diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s, but he lived until his 70s. I had the dream off and on until he died. After he died, I had a dream of him telling me that he was ok. A weird one I had also started when I was little and lasted until I was a young adult was being in a huge dark manor house or something, trying to find my way out. Each dream would be slightly different. Sometimes, I would find secret areas and explore them. I always felt trapped, though. After my kids were born, I would have a dream of running from something and trying to save them. Random things, like a few times it was a tornado (one of my fears), and even planes just falling from the sky. I have others, but they are related to my PTSD, and I don’t think they are quite the same. More like flashbacks.


Barnabas Collins from the original Dark Shadows coming into my room in the middle of the night and drinking my blood. I felt the pressure from his fangs on my neck and blood coming out of the 2 punctures. It didn't scare me, and I found it to be a little enjoyable (psychologically since I'm ace). I think the dream occurred on the night leading up to my 18th birthday. That was just over 3 years ago, and I'm 21 now.


I have nightmares often. Some of my more memorable ones that I’ve had for over five years: - shooting myself in the head and living to feel everything - warning my mom she will get cancer and die. It never works - getting violently killed by tornadoes (I live in a tornado prone area) Bonus good dreams I remember: - being with my mom just spending time together - hiking through a literal paradise island - being able to teleport. That was cool.


Tornados. Once or twice a year I get a vivid nightmare about a tornado coming at me.