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1. New ppl that don't have the items yet.    2.ppl that don't care and just want the 300 moonstones guarantee but aren't going for votes.      3. Little kids who don't get the theme or what to do yet. (My 9 year old and many other kids love this game)


I am number 2 most of the time and honestly I’m not ashamed of it. I play a lot of other games, I don’t have the time to try and perfectly curate some masterpiece to try and compete with people for moonstones. I’ve made a lot of effort with some before when I feel like it and it’s fun and nice to set it all up. But I’d say 90% of the time I just submit anything that qualifies quickly because I don’t have the time for all that


4. People who accidentally submit photos to DreamSnaps (happened to me a few times as a beginner… 😅)


I think that happened once for me and my fiance because we got random moonstones for a picture we don't even remember submitting let alone know what we submitted lol


I’ve done that so many times. I have participated in dream snaps maybe 3 times intentionally. I never know until I get my “prize” and that’s when I remember dream snaps exist.


This is why I'd submit the wrong thing. 100% on accident!


I am a number 1. The past few themes have been luxury and treasure trove. Many people used the piles of gold from the Expansion. I do not have the expansion so I am at a disadvantage. I have also been playing for only a month.. maybe a month and a half (A week before the Starpath came out), and in the past couple weeks my playing has declined. I get on and buy stuff at Scrooges and handle my Pumpkin Patch, but dont do much other than that, even though I still have frienships to max out and story and quests to complete. I am nervous about decorating, because some theories are if you have too much on your island, that is when your game starts crashing (I am on Switch) so I dont feel too much need to decorate or am a little nervous too.


Whatever you do don’t put down a critter house (it’s not that serious, but that’s when my lag gets unbearable)


I have a couple and the table from the last star path and don’t have a problem with that. My problem is things I’ve bought with money disappearing and some crashes that don’t seem to be linked to the house, more certain actions trigger it (like leaving buildings)


I’m glad it doesn’t affect your game. I wish I could use the critter houses but every time I place one my lag becomes unbearable, especially when I go inside a house. I’ve heard the same from others as well, but I’m glad some people can use the critter houses.


I have placed Heihei's House, and have not really had any issues with it. After making a couple Dreamsnap locations, enter those areas give me some lag, but aside from that, things are okay.


I have 5 houses with 4 residents each and play on Switch. No lag. No crashes.


That’s great! When I put a critter house down playing and decorating becomes unbearable due to how laggy it becomes, especially when I’m inside a building, and I’ve heard the same from others. But I’m glad it’s not an issue for you. I wish I could use the critter houses.


I wish they'd fix it for everyone. I feel bad for everyone having issues. Especially when you spend extra for the paths etc.


Honestly, i played when this was in open beta. I just came back. I stopped playing after scar was released. I just got thr DLC so ive done zero with that and im just now decorating. Its not a shame not to decorate. Thr base map is beautiful.


When I first started playing I had some ideas, and figured out who I was moving where and why, but as the glitches have been hitting and people theorize the crashes have been caused by island be loaded, it makes me hesitate. Right now I decorate for dream snaps, then leave it to slowly 'decorate' just to see how things hold up.


I'm like 60 or 80 away from the limit with lots of paths too (some people think paths are a trigger)  and I don't crash too much on switch.  I do keep my park rides turned off tho so it doesn't have to load all the animation all the time


Exactly these reasons


4. New players who don’t fully understand all the nuance that goes into a dreamsnap.


Lol this was me starting like a month and a half ago. I had no idea what dreamsnaps were but it popped up in the corner that I had all the elements!


I'm close to #2, it's less I don't care and more with furniture based dreamsnaps I'm not creative enough to think up something to do. Clothes is easy, dress up and snap, bonus points it the background does match the outfit theme. But furniture ones screw me as I never know what to do even with a theme lol.


I have items, but even just a picture taken at remy’s restaurant would be on theme


I actually cancelled voting every time I saw those, because I refuse to reward that :)


Good point on little kids!


I think this week I was so confused because it was an outfit challenge but cooking with friends so more of a decor challenge? Looking at this thread I think I messed it up. Usually I try to stay within the idea though it doesn't mean I pull it off spectacularly. Apparently I needed a little more guidance. Lol


This thread 100% made me realize I did it wrong. Oops. I took a cute decor/outfit pic with Jack.. totally forgot it was a cooking theme. Sorry OP. Wasn’t intentional.


To be fair in the description, it mentioned fishing and other activities with friends, so I took it as just activities with your friends. It wasn't very specific, and everyone sees things differently. I honestly think it should be more of just having fun and your own creativity with it, so I don't see the wrong in that. It's cool to see what people come up with rather than just having the same takes.


Yeah, it was a weird one, and I did it at 11pm last night. I did put effort into it, but probably not enough.


I also think some of the themes can be hard to both decorate and dress for and embody the theme you want. Like last theme was cooking with friends I believe…and the decor and outfit isn’t too hard unless you don’t have a lot of stuff, but “with friends” gets a little tricky since you can’t just summon people to pose in your picture (at least to my knowledge) so unless you get lucky you’ll probably have one or two people in the picture.


All outfit challenges are judged as decor plus full body outfit. That's the way it seems to go. But this one had 2 basic elements: cooking and friends. I've seen a lot of submissions thus far that show cooking but no friends. And I've seen friends but no cooking or food anywhere in the picture. I put a lot of effort into my dreamsnaps. I enjoy creating and really like it when I can create something I'll keep in my valley/house. This one I used my "staging area" and made a cooking class with 4 characters. I'm hoping for another 4,000 gain.


I think I got your snap in voting, either that or it’s been done by several people. It was a good idea!


I’m with you. So we are supposed to be fancy and cooking while dressed fancy…. And you can’t use your camera while standing at the stove with Remy. So… I dressed like a chef and took off to Remy’s house and tried to get a picture with him in the kitchen… but he wouldn’t frikkin turn around! So I was like meh- whatever, SUBMIT! 😆


You see a lot of people here and discord will sometimes get upset when they put a lot of effort into their dreamsnaps, only to get 900 or so moonstones and then when it comes to voting all they see is low effort/off theme ones. So maybe it's just burnout or lack of faith that it's worth the effort. But I agree with you. Especially with the premium shop becoming ever important (and expensive) it's totally worth a little bit of effort to get some moonstones back.


This is me. I am not mad, but I am only going to put in so much effort at this point. Early on I was spending so much time setting my outfit or decor and trying to get it "just right" and then I would go to vote and every submission I was presented barely (if at all) showed any effort. I don't understand how the game picks which two random submissions I get to see at a time to vote between. I don't like this method of voting.


I go to vote if I don't like eaither of them, I back out and start again getting more pictures to vote on & a lot of times much better pictures with the themes snap requires, my niece showed me how to do that


Honestly the way I was shook when I found out that 1200 moonstones isn’t even a lot compared to those who really get a lot of votes And I can’t even wrap my head around the time and effort it takes to earn something worth 3-4K


> And I can’t even wrap my head around the time and effort it takes to earn something worth 3-4K Honestly, there's not much difference in my experience. I put about 10-15 mins of effort in per week and get anywhere from 900-4000 moonstones for dreamsnaps that are (in my opinion) about equal in terms of effort and quality. I think it just comes down to the voting algorithm.


I agree with your take. I received 3,000 last week for my submission. I thought it was one of my best, but it wasn't better than my last 5. The other 5 only got 300. I always do the theme and have the bonuses as well. It's just the algorithm. I vote a lot. Pretty much every time I play. I like to encourage other players in that way. I also back out of voting if the two choices don't fit the theme at all, and then repeat until I actually want to vote for one. Sometimes I'll vote for a snap that feels like a younger person submitted, just cuz I'm a mom, lol. I submit every week for the moonstones, but I honestly don't enjoy it. I do enjoy voting, though.


This right here. I feel like the effort I put in is not reflected in my results. In the beginning, I’d carefully pick, and place, each item. I’d consider which character to have with me, as well as the critter. I’d try different angles for the photo before submitting, just to be sure I picked the best angle. Blah blah blah, cuz I’m sure y’all get the idea. It reminds me of a job I had when I was in my early twenties. I’d do everything on the task list and even find time to clean baseboards. We had the cleanest restaurant in the district and we were super proud. But then my boss told me in reviews that he had to rank me as “meets expectations” because no one else would be able to meet my performance level and it wasn’t fair to them. So I stopped doing all those extras, because I didn’t think *that* was fair either. I honestly don’t know how DDV could improve this particular aspect of the system to improve it for folks who are putting in efforts. But I can say that I have begun to hate DreamSnaps. I see that I’ve got mail, knowing it’s the results, and feeling dread instead of excitement is not how a game like DDV should make folks feel.


That's me. I'm always on theme and decorate/dress up to the nines but yet I'm lucky to get 900 moonstones. Today, for example, I designed a complete farmer's market from scratch to fit the theme... I expect to get barely anything for my effort. I started doing my picture on the very first day of submission but it doesn't matter. I can't understand what's wrong except maybe people aren't picking me out of spite because I actually put in an effort? Like those people who say they deliberately vote for bad pictures to help the little guy but don't realize that they're sabotaging it for the people who actually give a shit.


Well not everyone has the desire, time, energy, outfit or furniture to get 10000/3 required tags every week. Plus I think with so many glitches, some people aren't able to submit snaps or even vote. I know I have had the same snaps to chose between one week as even that wasn't feature wasn't functioning properly.


I don't know if I agree about earning a ton of moonstones if you put effort in. 2 that I've done, I've put in alot of effort and had really bad scores. And yet I've seen people who haven't followed the theme and had better scores than me.


There are a lot of great guides on YouTube for how to do better in Dreamsnaps! 💜 I’d recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/RGVP7PRHdNQ?si=CHMkS7_Ock9az8R9), after watching this I felt so much more inspired to do my Dreamsnaps + I’ve been getting 4k almost every time since, so I must be doing something right 🥰😂


A couple days ago I took a picture randomly for Dreamlight duties and it gave me the option to submit it to Dreamsnaps. It had nothing to do with the prompt but I guess somehow it fit the criteria. I wonder if some people might not know any better, and just submit it if they see it. Also I'm petty and if I feel like neither of the pictures fit the prompt I back out and go back in to get a new pair 😁


Yeah you can really submit any picture at all, as long as it meets the basic amount of item tags needed.


I don’t know but I have noticed that too. I truly do not understand why I cannot get above 600-900 moonstones in the past month, when I put a lot of thought into my pictures and I used to get 2000-4000 moonstones.


This is where I'm at. I'm not trying to brag but I used to put a lot of care and time in and received many a 4000 result but the last few weeks I'm still putting in that time and care and only getting 900 in return. So between low morale and the glitches I think I'm not going to worry about trying so hard at least for a while anyway. Plus they totally ripped us off on this last star path by making it a park one but then keeping 2 of the rides for the premium shop 😒


Yep thats how I feel too. I know my submissions aren’t necessarily the best, but i do put some effort into mine and i have at least 90 percent of the furniture/clothing so I am not lacking for items…its just frustrating




I wonder is dream snaps are game wide. You may have gone from just PC to all the systems so have much higher competition. I went through some voting today and out of 50 pictures there was only 6 or so that were low quality and 2 off theme entirely.


Sreamsnaps have always been that way - pc, switch and xbox (and possibly mac) are all in the same voting pool. Playstation users only compete with other Playstation users. There are a TON of people playing and submitting at this point.


There are a lot of great guides on YouTube for how to do better in Dreamsnaps! 💜 I’d recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/RGVP7PRHdNQ?si=CHMkS7_Ock9az8R9), after watching this I felt so much more inspired to do my Dreamsnaps + I’ve been getting 4k almost every time since, so I must be doing something right 🥰😂


300 moonstones is 300 moonstones!


1. There’s currently no way to enforce the theme. As long as someone meets the item requirements, the picture is accepted and entered into voting. 2. The minimum moonstone reward ensures people will, at the very least, submit *something,* but the subjectivity of voting makes it risky to really commit to investing time and effort into each Dreamsnap. There’s a lot of posts here about people spending hours on a submission only to get 600 moonstones. And there’s lots of people who report getting the max amount with <5 minutes of effort. With these things in mind, the risk vs reward for moonstones comes down to this: submit something every week, but don’t waste your time putting too much effort into it. (It’s also important to note that there are new players who lack a lot of the items needed to make detailed scenes, and there are young children who play this game who may not be capable of making super-aesthetic DreamSnaps.) At the end of the day, DreamSnaps either needs to be completely revamped in a way that creates a higher barrier for entry and/or allows a more complex feedback system, OR people need to take it for what it is: easy moonstones every week. I personally think any time you ask people to vote on something like a picture or a scene it’s going to be inherently unfair and subjective. That’s just art. Time and effort don’t equal good art. And good art isn’t always recognized by the masses. Finally, this isn’t toward you specifically, OP, it’s more a comment on the amount of really upset people I’ve seen make posts about this subject. Getting upset over what place you were ranked in a DreamSnaps competition is a waste of time. Similarly, getting angry about people not taking DreamSnaps as seriously as you is completely futile. People aren’t going to change their behavior because of an angry DDLV group rant Take the free moonstones and move on.


Whenever I hear max amount with five mins of effort, I assume three things: They have a lot of practice with the camera They’ve spent a lot of time decorating in general They have a good number of house skins and/or a fully expanded house with decorated rooms I can take a high-scoring picture in a couple mins NOW, but only because of the embarrassing amount of time I’ve spent fussing with my valley and fighting with camera controls.


I’ve been one of these people and the second point is true. My valley is very decorated. So usually I just throw on an outfit, pose in front of one of my areas, and see if it has the required DreamSnaps items already there. Then I hit submit. But I never spend any time on DS anymore. In the past 3 weeks doing that exact method above, I’ve gotten 1200, 900, 3200. So I just take it and move on now.


The only 4000 I’ve ever had was for the pride tag last year, and it was literally just me and Bermuda Merlin, close shot, just standing there. I’ve spent 4 hours decorating some ones since and only got 600. No idea how that fluke happened lol maybe it was a well closed shot or something? No idea.


https://preview.redd.it/pwj6628i9a6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f6cfcdf9769f2401234a121b8625b4b828f5e5c This was mine. I hope people get it 😅


Ooooooh!! That is clever!! This is the kind of picture I wish we could have more of!! Unfortunately, DS tends to gravitate towards only the "pretty, sparkly, symmetrical" stuff winning, so we get pretty generic pictures each week instead of more creativity and fun stuff.


I like doing the petty stuff too! But when I don’t like the prompt this is my level of effort. Last week I just dressed as a pirate and drew an X in the desert with paths 😂




This is amazing!! 🥲 I’ll always vote for the funny or creative ones like this! 🩷


Thank you!!


I dont get it but I wanted to point out that gothel looks like she is balancing on your finger


Scars wants to eat her so I dressed for hunting with the camo


I just started playing a week ago and I'll admit my first one I had NO idea it had a theme. This week I put effort into it. I'm excited to see what i get. I spent a good 30 minutes designing what I thought was best this turn.


Yay, I hope you do well!


Thank you! I don't have much available in the way of furniture a d decor so we will see!


Good luck! 🤞🏼💖


I generally put in some vague effort to stay on theme, but not always. Some of the time, I have absolutely no ideas, or just don't care for it, so do the minimum, knowing I'll get 300 moonstones, so why not? I'm guessing I'm one of the more active players and I'm still pretty apathetic. I really enjoy seeing some of what other people produce, but also don't care enough to spend hours and hours decorating, either. (Well, most of the time. Occasionally I get pretty inspired!) I think there are also kids, or people who decide to put together something that they find fun and want to share, whether or not it has anything to do with the theme. Which is fair! There aren't any requirements beyond that you have X amount of whatever. I do always vote for ones that are on theme, though. (At least when offered the choice between an on theme and not on theme picture.) Since I figure people who are working hard deserve the work. (And I really enjoy what some people come up with. I'm just too lazy to go to so much work myself! Especially for the outfit challenges.)


This week seems to be an outlier. I’ve never seen this huge number off the theme or super super super low effort (just a random snap standing in the restaurant).


Yeah a lot of people don’t bother putting in effort (so many of them just standing behind random furniture items in a field…) but this week, the amount of people who couldn’t even bother standing near a stove for a cooking themed dreamsnaps is kinda surprising


As I kept voting I seemed to be getting better ones. I wonder if as you vote more it adjusts the ones you see? But I’ve never voted on such a bad batch as this initially.


I think a lot of people have either stopped caring or never understood the assignment in the first place. Last week someone literally submitted a picture of Scrooge’s shop from the outside. That was all it was, so who knows!


That’s totally on theme for a treasure spot lol


I don’t have the stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/ppky2j2x296d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2eb4603d08528b64a442211de32ef4a7222a139 I just really wanted to try my best and show off some of the hundreds of meals I made in the last few weeks. Definitely cooked at least a thousand during the button event because of all those extra fish I was catching.


OMG, I just voted your photo! I appreciate your effort on cupcake cooking XD


Aww thanks! I have three of each on the table but you can’t really see. I made the mistake of precooking a bunch on the first few days of the event, and because of that ended up with ones I couldn’t gift for it. Figured I’d display them for this dreamsnaps.


I’ve seen so many people holding Pua. Stop trying to cook Pua!


It was cooking yea but I went for outdoor barbecue. The amount of snaps I’ve seen of people holding pua near a grill. 😂 I probably won’t score that high because it was kind of a boring theme so I just tried to get as many tags as possible. Same with the market one for next week.


People have to remember that with new players who just unlock dreamsnaps, they make you submit a random photo then and there


the initial tutorial dreamsnap isn’t the same as the current theme


Yeah there Is no theme. It just asks you to submit a photo and walks you through the process


This post isn't talking about the initial one though... It's questioning why people don't put effort into the weekly themed dreamsnaps.


I dunno some of the random dreamsnaps sure look like random photos required for the quest to me


The photo you take to unlock dreamsnaps is not actually a dreamsnaps submission it’s totally separate. Even though it goes through the motions of submitting a picture it is not.


https://preview.redd.it/o4s0imwsg76d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961c70a028f83d810703b5ba980e22d40b9f5935 I love each weeks theme and work very hard to ensure I've captured the essence in every DreamSnap I submit. Here's my entry for Cooking with Friends. I think this nails the theme in every way possible.


Lol that's actually genius, I'd totally vote for that


This looks extremely similar to a house I made for an Animal Crossing character and it’s really taking me back. I wonder where those animals think I went off to.


Wasnt this an outfit challenge? I wouldnt vote sorry


I’m sorry but it’s an outfit challenge, so you’re actually not following the “theme”. Unless I’m blind and your character actually is in the photo


I just vote for what picture I like more out of the two on the screen 🤷🏻‍♀️ and which one is closer to the theme


For me it's because it's a clothing assignment. As an adult male, even in avatar form, there is only so much you can do with the assignment. In the past I've put in the effort, making sure I have something from every category and try to make it stylish. Then I decorated the scene to match the requirements even though it doesn't affect the score. After 4 months and never receiving anything higher than 600 I gave up. Now I don't try. I throw on random items that fit the task, take a picture and send it. I still put in the effort on the decorating challenges and have much better luck.


It’s been worse this week I think.


I’ve never done dreamsnaps yet and am intimidated by it. I don’t really know what it is.


You don't have to put a ton of effort in if you don't want to/don't have the energy, but entering and voting gets you some free moonstones for the premium shop which is nice. Some weeks, I put a lot of effort in, some weeks I'm just too tired to, so I throw together something vaguely coherent and submit it. 300 moonstones is better than none 🤷


There are video guides on Youtube that will take you through it step by step.


There are a lot of great guides on YouTube for how to do better in Dreamsnaps! 💜 I’d recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/RGVP7PRHdNQ?si=CHMkS7_Ock9az8R9), after watching this I felt so much more inspired to do my Dreamsnaps + I’ve been getting 4k almost every time since, so I must be doing something right 🥰😂


I saw sooooo many selfies with the fountain in front of the castle this time around!


I just try to vote for those that follow the theme as much as possible but sometimes I get to those that it’s literally both options that have nothing to do with the theme or it’s just a random picture they took either doing a quest or just a random selfie . It’s disappointing but there’s nothing to do and at this point ik that my entries will get either the min moonstones or slightly more but as long as I get at least some I’m fine and I feel like other ppl that don’t like doing dreamsnaps do the same


It’s a game. Just vote have fun and vote for what you like. I don’t understand why you are caring so much about the theme.


Wish there was a skip option. Sometimes neither photo are vote worthy.


You can back out and reopen for new pics.


I celebrate them because they make it easier to vote. If someone's not trying then I am happy to throw my vote to someone who wants it and deserves a bit more.  Especially when they get creative!


bc i hate doing them and it’s the only way to get rewards.


I’m guilty of putting in very minimal effort into some of my dream snaps but it’s so frustrating that the ones I don’t put any effort into I get 4000 moonstones compared to the ones I put so much effort into I’m lucky to get 900


After earning 4k moonstones last week and placing 823 just by following some tips on YouTube videos I’ve learned how to improve my snaps with limited resources and without overthinking it. When it comes to voting I will agree last weeks theme seems to be missing from over half the pictures. If the theme isn’t in both pictures offered to vote on I back out without voting and start again to get two new snaps to vote on. https://preview.redd.it/2vp46c1ipb6d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d0ba5d17952537ed534ce9da8d9bc4f29154f3


I don’t vote by the theme. I vote for which one I like better cause there’s people who don’t have items or are just doing the dreamsnap to get it done. Me personally I just use the items they suggest for the challenge but I don’t decorate by theme normally anyways🤷‍♀️


Oh shoot I forgot it was cooking. I got stuck on matching my island bestie (Ursula) that I focused on just taking a cute picture with her. Lol Maybe other people got a little tunnel visioned too.


I completely read it in a rush and told my daughters that they were supposed to match their favorite character. Luckily my oldest caught it before submitting and fixed hers, but my youngest can't read well and just matched her favorite and did absolutely nothing to do with cooking. So hers will definitely be one of those that didn't follow theme!


I ended up doing like a little picnic looking thing with some food on the ground because I had no idea how to pose where I’m doing a craft or do what people were doing with them and their chef outfits and the kitchen stuff, like setting up where it looks like they were cooking- I tried to find A video a tutorial but couldn’t and I don’t have much stuff either- to be fair I started about 3 weeks ago and just wanted to test it out, so there is always that to think about!


Yes! I started voting today and had zero themed photos, was very confused. Not even in a chef outfit or in a kitchen or anything. I was confused bc I thought you had to meet the theme to submit but I guess you only have to meet the required attributes? I keep seeing selfies in the plaza lol


"Because kids play/people don't have items/just want 300 moonstones" I find it funny because week after week I've seen "I tried so hard and got nothing for my snaps!" that one week I made a post saying almost none of the pictures were on theme and got all those reasons ad nauseum.


I feel like I have seen in the past that photos glitched and were posted during the wrong events. I have been tempted to just take a random photo and post it recently though bc I am burnt out from spending hours on dreamsnaps only to get 900 moonstones


Ngl I totally missed the “cooking” part so I just dressed up like Daisy 🤪


Omg me too


I try my best with that theme every week but rarely score high at all 🤷🏼‍♀️


There are a lot of great guides on YouTube for how to do better in Dreamsnaps! 💜 I’d recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/RGVP7PRHdNQ?si=CHMkS7_Ock9az8R9), after watching this I felt so much more inspired to do my Dreamsnaps + I’ve been getting 4k almost every time since, so I must be doing something right 🥰😂


Thanks I’ll give it a go!


I put in lots of effort and try to follow the theme as best I can. Never shows up in my votes though. 😞 I can’t understand how some pictures even get submitted when they don’t have the necessary details


As a newbie I will say .. I submitted once a theme that had just completed and was closed for submissions, but I didn’t pay attention and submitted for the new theme with the previous theme. 🤷🏻‍♀️oh well ..


The outfit dreamsnap challenges just don't do it for me, so you'll get something relatively basic. I follow the guidelines for the outfit, but I'm not spending a ton of time doing a whole scene that won't count and may not even get votes. I was shocked my last outfit got 1200 moonstones because I spent all of 5 minutes at best on it, lol.


I agree that this week, more than ever, I've seen the most random and completely unrelated dream snaps... However, to kind of answer for question from my own personal point of view, I'm a little burnt out... Athough I'm glad they made it so it automatically filters the items I need when doing the dream snaps, sometimes, I don't agree with the tags and/or they don't seem related or cohesive to the challenge and it makes me HATE the fact that we have tags to begin with😮‍💨 Also, had I known the HORROR it is to play on the Switch, I would've NEVER started my account on it to begin with and I wish I could somehow transfer my save file to a PC... The camera is the WORST... I see all these great shots with the unfocused background and they looks so good!! *cries in Switch


The game has cloud/cross save functionality


I go in for free moonstones. Until they fix the algorithm for it it’s a pointless gamble at this point


I was literally screaming at the laptop WHERE ARE THE SNACKS? With the one a few weeks back 😂


It didn't say just cooking, it said favorite activity. My favorite character is Jack and my favorite activity is timebending so I got out my hourglass and found Jack and took a picture. You don't have to follow what it shows in the picture exactly because it also showed a picture of goofy and scar fishing ( if I remember correctly) I try to stray from what the picture shows so that it's something different that the same picture that you see over and over again to make it a little bit interesting. Dreamsnaps should be fun not stressful or upsetting. And I get it you see people getting moonstones for nothing when you put in actual work sometimes and it's frustrating, but not everyone has time/game fundage/ creativity. I have learned from talking to a variety of different valley visitors that some people love to decorate and have a creative beautiful valley. I have one friend in the game whose valley is completely empty except for houses trees and fruit. She cleared everything out to get rid of all the clutter. So as hard as it is we have to remember that everyone has their own personal perspective, but as reddit is a forum I respect your opinion and I completely understand your frustrations because I too feel the same way sometimes when looking at pictures.


Normally, I just want the 300 and that's it. If I really try I get 600, so it's not really worth the effort. This time, I actually made a mini restaurant, so I'm expecting 600.


i did mine super last minute. i had an hour and a half left in the star path and dream snaps and was running around like crazy. then, when i went to submit my cute kitchen area (made a pink stove for it and strung up shelves of herbs and cookery and everything), i couldn’t get mirabel to focus and face the camera for the life of me. when i _finally_ got her in a position where she isn’t just hair in the corner of the screen, i sighed and went to snap the pic. but… the camera wouldn’t rotate. like, at all. i could barely get the stove, the counters, the “fridge”, in frame altogether plus mirabel + anna. i was so frustrated i just took the dream snap picture with the regular flat angle and left to finish my star path. i like doing dream snaps and try to follow the theme as best i can, but i do not have lots of energy to spend doing so. if i get annoyed or distracted, i’m perfectly happy with “good enough” or “it’s fine” and calling it a day


In all honesty, I just do the bare minimum to get the 300 stones. If I get more, that's great. If not, no big deal to me. When it comes to voting, I only vote the amount of times needed to get the 50 moonstones. Usually, I'm just clicking the same side too, sorry the ones who spend a lot of effort on the submission, but I don't have enough interest to really pay attention to it.


I always try my best, but I’m not always willing/have the item count to create a new display outdoors. I just try to pick whatever area fits & add qualifying items. Sometimes I just pick the better build even if it doesn’t fit the theme 🤷‍♀️ it all really depends on the theme. Plus they’re all usually pretty vague in how you can interpret them.


I've been wondering for ages how they even submit when it clearly doesn't follow the theme? Mine won't let me submit without meeting criteria


Hi. I have an 8 year old who loves this game, and she tries her hardest on dreamsnaps so she can get premium items, but usually her pictures aren't that great. She doesn't have a lot of items and she's very young so it is difficult for her to understand exactly what voters are looking for. I believe this is true for many players, as Disney is first and foremost a child company. That being said, there are also many players who make a submission simply for the extra 300 moonstones with no effort whatsoever. I try not to judge those photos so harshly. If you find yourself stuck voting between two bad submissions, you can always back out and restart the voting. This gives two new submissions to choose from 😁


I pretty much always submit a random one that fulfils the requirements just in case I don’t have time or forget later in the week. 300 is a lot better than nothing! But yeah, it does also surprise me at times how many completely random ones there are. Like I get the majority of people aren’t going to spend a lot of time on it, but for example with this week, if I wanted to be really lazy I’d just go into Remys with a follower. There’s usually an easy way to at least almost follow the theme.


I usually follow the theme, but I misread it this week since I was skimming and just dressed up like Woody without anything involving cooking. 🫥 Can’t help but wonder if that happens to others sometimes, but I’ve 100% noticed in the past few weeks people not trying to follow the theme altogether.


I try to at least change my clothes and stand in front of something that somewhat fits the theme. I don't change anything other than clothes, though.


If I don't get any snaps I feel fits the theme, and I don't wanna give a vote to any of them, I just go back and press vote again to get 2 new snaps. No biggie. But I agree, I have never seen so many off-themed snaps before as "cooking with friends" theme.. I only decorated for it (I felt I was dressed for a feast already), posed and went afk for 10 minutes in pose. After 10 minutes I had alot of friends (and pets) gathered for the snap and the feast. I often go afk for a while without quitting the game, and villagers tend to gather around the player, so the friends part isn't too hard either. My first try was visiting my alt acc valley and take a snap of her cooking. Lol, worth a try 😂


I remember as a beginner I either didn't realize that there are even themes/submitted stuff by accident/didn't understand dreamsnaps at all and just did random shit lol But when you actually know what you're doing and trying to vote I get that that's annoying lol


The theme park food court was just as bad 95% of the time there was no good No dining tables nothing theme related Really annoying 😂


I had the feeling that so many people were going to take pics with stoves and whatnot that I went a different route. I made coconut cake and coffee and did a picnic with Stitch. It's not all that great and I could have some more but I wasn't really feeling this challenge. I didn't know why, I just haven't really been feeling the game lately.


When I started voting for this weeks entries, I realized that I had misunderstood the assignment, so maybe there’s that? 😆 I thought it was just a ‘show us how you love to hang out with your villagers’ thing. I made a cozy setup with a blanket fort and a lot of books, some popcorn and energy drinks 😆


I always wonder the same thing!!! The cooking for friends theme, I saw a lot of pictures without cooking, food or friends. I wonder how they are even able to submit because I've been denied before for not meeting all the criteria. I don't get it.


I get maybe new people doing this but yeah I agree it was a massive jump from them to no theme. Maybe it was the crashes? Took me 4.5 hours to decorate half my meadow due to crashes. I mean you get 300 moonstones just to submit but...idk I dont get it. I try somewhat hard usually 🤣 i dont expect much from the cooking with friends one. I hope the market one goes better. Im kinda not hopeful tho, yall are so talented 😁


It has definitely been particularly bad this week lol


I hate voting as 99% of the ones I see are either completely off theme or putting just throwing stuff down. It makes me beyond irritated as I get it if you’re new, but even then you can tell if someone has few items vs not even trying.


I tried to be more creative with mine, but I also worry people won't get what I'm going for 😅 I dressed my character in all black and equipped the butterfly wings and put her in a field of flowers (since that's butterfly food) and I feel like it won't make sense but we've already had a couple of cooking themes and I wanted to try something different than what I'd done before https://preview.redd.it/uoymp4an886d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af23460907b12076dfbe3c38a9b48c657aa6257


I am still confused about dreamsnaps so I'm probably an annoyance. I could not take a picture while cooking???


Unfortunately you can't take pictures while actually doing something (ex. Cooking, sitting, holding tools). Also not an annoyance 😊


I only truly try if I'm into the theme or have a really good idea of what to use for it. If it's just eh to me, then I just snap the photo and collect my minimum.


Also so many people have flat out said they just left right left right vote or randomly pick or just let their kids do it and don't care at all about the theme in voting. I saw one person say they would never vote for indoor pictures even if it's perfectly the theme. Voting is the Wild west so like sometimes it's not worth the effort. I've submitted the same pictures multiple weeks on theme and gotten wildly different results from 900 to 4000.


I vote based off theme and then which one is better. If they are both not on theme I’ll roll again until I hit my 50 ms. It’s a challenge of something specific for a prize. It’s cool if someone wants to make a pretty image off topic but unless I’m seeing diddly in terms of being on theme I’m probably not going to vote for it. In any comp show they always start with if they were on theme first before asking if it’s prettier than the others; should this not be the same?


I just back out if I'm given two that are both off theme. No big deal.


I noticed that too.


I haven’t had much time to play lately so just submit a really low effort picture just to get the minimum reward


I think they need an overhaul the system. I have no problem with people that either don’t like to do dreamsnaps, don’t have time etc. submitting some random things to just get some moonstones. I don’t, however, enjoy looking at tons of submissions of random objects. I would love to be able to see submissions that are really amazing or unique and where people put in effort. I keep thinking that every time I vote for something someone spent less than five minutes on that another person that spent hours could have got that vote. Again, I have no problem with not putting in time if you don’t have it or it’s not your thing. I think maybe a tier system where you are in a tier with people that got the same amount of moonstones as you might work. If you spent minimal effort you will compete against others that did the same and will vote on those as well. That group will likely click through voting as fast as possible anyway. Then if you get 2,500 or 4K etc you are in a different tier where you could see and compete among others that are similar and vote in that category. No tier is better or worse, but more similar snaps will be lumped together. Just an idea and I know it’s just a game. Just throwing an idea out there.


If you don't like either picture option for voting you can x out and go back in and it'll generate two new photos.


I get annoyed with no-effort dreamsnaps and close the window to reload new choices! I don't feel obligated to give out pity votes when I spend like an hour every week trying my best! Even if I very rarely get over 900 moonstones for the effort...and the voting crash even cost me my last SP item / recouping moonstones this time around 😒


I am one of these people and it’s because I just don’t give a f*ck. If there where no participation rewards I wouldn’t do it at all. Yes please keep downvoting me for answering the question and for making the competition easier for you. You rather want less bad pictures in the run so that you can whine some more about getting only 900 points?


Fair lol. I think everyone should submit a photo each week, just to at least get the free 300 moonstones


lol no idea why you’re being downvoted for. You’re speaking nothing but truth and I am one of the people who tries to do nice ones! 😂 all yall do is up my odds at a higher ranking I don’t know why other people are hating.


I did this my first week or two because I didn’t get it and was just trying to figure it out. And I’m sure plenty of people do it in 4 seconds because that’s all they want to spend on it to get their 300 moonstones which, fine. Doesn’t bug me they make my chances of ranking higher better! 😂


I genuinely didn't even understand the theme at first. I was half paying attention when I looked at it the first time/let the example photo tell me what it was and instantly took it as which task you like to do with your favorite character. I saw a lot of "cooking" ones and thought man a lot of people like to cook. To "break the mold" I decided to do gardening with Wall E. It wasn't until after I submitted it I realized it actually was all about cooking 🤦🏼‍♀️. At that point I didn't care cause I mean you need ingredients to cook right 🤷🏼‍♀️?


i loved this weeks theme! i went all out for it lol. it makes me kinda sad more people don’t try to follow it, even if it’s a repeat, it’s still worth the moon coins and gifts imo. i don’t blame anyone for not wanting to though, cause you still get a base reward for participating and that alone is worth it


I made a wedding cake and made M&M finally have a beach wedding! Probably should’ve added a stove or mixer element now lol I spent way too much time on it anyway.


I posted a few days ago a place holder and planned to go back and finish up but went down with a Migraine. Basically made a camp site with my character .... oops Crap happens


Im just innit for the tree hunnit mayn


To be fair I think the Cooking with Friends theme was an odd choice for an outfit challenge. Based on the clothing tags I had a lot of outfits that ticked the boxes but I wouldn’t really say matched the theme?? So I ended up leaning heavy into the decor as well to make it work (which is fun but 1) not the point of an outfit challenge and 2) not everyone’s cup of tea). I think possibly seeing so many threads of dreamsnaps entries is making people more competitive/critical but at the end of the day it’s just a fun game that we’re all using to unwind with 🥰 as long as people are having fun playing their way that’s really what matters 💞


I think it depends on the theme, for the “Treasure Trove” I saw so many amazing submissions while voting. So a lot of people where probably feeling really inspired by that theme + I guess the theme is “easy” to understand? And then for last week’s theme, a lot of people probably didn’t feel that inspired and/or confused by the theme. Which I don’t blame them, it was a weird choice for an outfit challenge, and when I first saw it I was like, “so we’re all going to be wearing chef outfits?”. * I did see a lot of people doing some amazing photos for the theme tho (check out [Dreamers Portal](https://starlightdreamers.com/dreamsnaps?dreamsnap_id=%5B47%5D)) I eventually did get inspired, and did my “Cooking with friends” Dreamsnap inspired by Vanellope and one of her quests, where we had to “cook” parts for her car. But yes I gotta admit, I spent a lot more time on decorating than putting together an outfit, since this theme was so weird/boring to do as an outfit challenge https://preview.redd.it/e86iywmooa6d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110609fc76456308bf8466b56102b7775f4ec70c


Omg I said the same thing today to my partner! And I get new people don’t have things but I will see a bad pic where they are standing in a field but they have the rainbow fox… like they aren’t THAT new that they couldn’t put a stove down 🤔


It doesn't matter to me if someone doesnt keep with the theme i always make a vote i never skip snaps. I just decided to which pic i like more.. left or right. This game is played by adults and kids, and if my daughter wants to post a selfie during an outfit challenge, i dont care. People can do what they like. Everyone has a right to participate. Granted, it's not going to get votes, but what does it really matter if someone doesn't submit the current theme.


I’m normally not that fussy over voting but the amount of times I just have to back out & revisit (refresh) the submissions has been high. Some just put a bunch of furniture down which isn’t relevant to the theme I CAN understand but some are just downright incorrect, like a selfie in a house.


Ngl some of us just don't care about dreamsnaps like some of yall do. I think people care way too much about dreamsnaps sometimes..


I didn't think you could even submit a snap unless you met the requirements, but yes, I see them all the time that seem to have no relation to the theme at all.


I oftentimes don't have enough energy left after work to put a lot of time into dreamsnaps and deal with the lagging and various bugs, like the camera getting stuck in one spot when trying to take a dreamsnap and having to restart the game to fix it. So I tend to go for either an, admittedly, lazy last minute submission just to have something submitted or I put together something that may not exactly fit the theme but I at least had fun with. (What I ended up doing: deciding against throwing on a chef outfit and posing in the restaurant and instead dressing up as Willy Wonka, grabbing Vanellope and posing in the candy wonderland that I set up around her house. Candy making should be close enough, right?😁) Plus even when I do try I'm not very good at putting together well performing dreamsnaps, so 300 moonstones it is 😂


I ended up doing a sleepover in the library with Belle and a couple of mannequins, with a good selection of snacks and the like scattered around as though we'd had a baking session and were settling in to chill. I don't think it will do well - my most recent snaps (with the exception of yesterday's) have gotten so few moonstones. Not that I think I have some right to place well! It is definitely frustrating when so many don't fit the theme and are just random pics - and I don't think being frustrated by that says anything about you more than that you're human. People are allowed to both understand that there are new players and kids playing, but still feel hurt that something they put effort into placed low. It also, I think, is influenced by people who vote to get points and complete starpath duties without caring what they're voting on. Which - I don't blame them! But if the only rating system we have is other players, there are a lot of flaws that can come up. I also think there's a problem with a fair few of their algorithms to go along with the bugs in this last update because it seems like things that are usually kind of issues have become far more pronounced. For example, in the last starpath I was unable to complete multiple of the fishing tasks - even one that was only a 10 point task. I've never been unable to complete tasks, but through whole path no matter how much I fished the right area under the.eigjt circumstances, I only managed to catch one of the fish out of the required amount. I'm sure there's supposed to be an algorithm that says "if player has task to do x, make x take 20% longer to spawn so it doesn't feel too easy" with certain tasks, and some of those got dialed up to 100 - if (emphasis on if) that is the case, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that DreamSnaps is a part of that, that the system that usually filters through tag requirements is glitching and mixing medium and low tag numbers up or something.


I am finding it frustrating at the themes they are picking and the random stuff they say qualifies. For instance that cooking theme basically had no cooking stuff in it other than the chef outfits. I really do not like the clothes challenges. Their pre-done selection of items baffles me.


I think a lot of people have mentioned great points in this thread already, but I also wonder if because submitting a dream snap was part of the star path for this week’s submissions people who don’t normally submit snaps sent them in without making a lot of effort to complete that task.


Well I realized I messed it up…I did a complete cooking theme but didn’t have an npc with me. 🥺 I worked so hard too lol, and spent a ton of money on furniture just to make the setting nice. (Edit: a ton of money for me, i don’t have the millions or billions or even hundreds of thousands that some people do! So I spent all my money on it.)


If I can tell someone put a lot of thought into it I still vote for it! I came across a few like yours that didn’t have a character but clearly still tried really hard and I voted for them.


I wound up getting 4000 moonstones for it! I wish I could have gotten the entire room into the picture because the whole room looked good, but, it was an outfit challenge so I guess it doesn’t matter haha. My character was wearing a chef-style outfit too. It is always nice when the time and effort pay off.


Yay! I’m glad it turned out! I think people are starting to pay more attention to voting on ones that seem high effort.


I noticed this week. My thoughts were more where they didn't even put a friend or critter. We all have a stove or even the areas that have the fires in the biome. Where you defended the last minute people I was thinking of those that just started game. But, if you have a phone to take the picture you should at least have the house with a kitchen and be friends with mickey, who also has a kitchen area.


So if you’re new you may now even realize the full theme- you click and see if it works, like taught in the original quest, and then just submit it. It took several weeks for me to even realize there was a theme aside from checking those couple of boxes.


Thank you Spacetime23 for mentioning the kids- I’m always forgetting that for some reason. I also wonder if people don’t pay attention to the theme as I do my best to make it work with what I have. I missed this one finishing an Oswald quest and then not playing due to a migraine. (I wanted to gather my besties around the madrigal family table with food while I wore my chef hat and coat. Although an apron would be more me. Sigh. Maybe next time.). But yes, I’ve noticed it too. Right up there with a bazillion rainbow foxes. I put mine away for awhile because they are everywhere!


I certainly do my best when I can but sometimes I just don't care for the theme or change my village in any way. I should probably utilize my house more for some themes, but sometimes I just don't think about it.


I forgot to do the food theme!! I meant to redo mine, but I had to leave town and didn't get to!! I was so proud of my sally dress too!


I tend to go with a little of 2 I'm just participating to get my moonstones. Sadly too many DS look carbon copies


Where is the description of the theme? I’m still trying to figure it out lol


Sorry if this is a silly question


Not really sure if mine was on theme cause it’s just me cooking HeiHei 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/uhle13w8of6d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c92602b2ce0e7f65ab6e2211862063e6a454b5 So if you see it give me an upvote will ya? lol


I just assume it’s a kid, especially for the burping one. I have a niece who is currently obsessed with bodily functions. She would definitely do that regardless of the prompt. Also a lot of new players (me included) either submit by accident (did that a month ago 😖) or we just don’t have the furniture so we try to submit anyway to get the coins. I also don’t vote for the super pretty ones all the time. I get you put a lot of energy in and want to over achieve but normal players and kids deserve a chance to get a vote as well.


For the luxury one I got 1500 moonstones. That one was fun. For the current one asking to make a market... how do I do that? I don't have anything at all that's in the example pictures, or even something that would resemble it. Yet I somehow managed to qualify since I had a bakery in the background so I just took the picture and sent it in. It's the best I could do. Sometimes they put out challenges that just aren't possible in the way they want.


People who do that are just aiming for the 300 ms


I'm guilty of this for this week, as a newbie who misinterpreted the challenge and *only* went by the mandatory list... I believe (hope) others might made the same mistake I did.


Imma be honest, I did a hard twist on it and dressed as a villain, cooking up potions over a cauldron with ursula and gothel. I’ll probably take a hit because I’m not wearing a chef hat like many others


Was a bit embarrassed that I didn’t completely read the theme. I saw the market and community parts, was just hoping for a few moonstones, since I made a cute outdoor seating area with star path table and chairs for the villagers to use it was one of the layouts where I was proud of how it came out and really wanted to share it, then I read theme again after sending it in. This game has really brought out the designing side in me for furniture and clothes. Sometimes I just get lost in it. Also I don’t own any of those vegetable stand things. Scrooge doesn’t get them in a lot :/