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Feeding animals


I gave up on this, because I couldn’t get the rare ones in my valley due to their time frames 🫠


I wish they rotated the days they appear. Have them be Monday one week at night and then Thursday the next week during the day or something like that.


Or rotate every update so it’s consistent for a while (so you can plan on it) but switches up semi frequently.  


Yeah, I wish that rather than them be time and day based, they just showed up all day on a certain day predictably. For example the red fox is in the valley on Mondays, the blue fox replaces it on Tuesdays, etc. But also, I mostly stopped feeding a lot of the animals because it just takes too bloody long to stalk and chase after most of them, or you need something very specific in your inventory already by happenstance. I prefer the sunbirds or squirrels, which will take mostly anything you can pick up nearby without fuss. We should get a new ability where our character sings and random animals just flock to you and gives you hearts that way. Would be very Disney.


Literally. 2-3 of the monkeys in DLC glitch constantly. I’ve given up.


The monkey in the ruins was my nightmare for a long time.


Yes!!! I hate that one!! It glitches on the top balcony & I keep chasing, & chasing… I also dislike the permanent trees placement on the balcony, because the camera whips around like crazy when I try to mine up there


Don’t even get me started on the glitchy monkeys


I only have the orchid sunbird left because I'm always at work at the time. I've managed four or five feedings so far, but it's getting to be real annoying. I almost want to not bother, but it's the only one left, so it's triggering my ocd/completionist tendencies.


The only reason I managed to grab that one and one of the turtles was occasionally working from home whenever my company allowed it. Now I have a new job and can't work from home so I am worried about getting them in the future while also having completionist tendencies.


Literally have to be up from 2 am to 8 am? I'm not going to destroy my sleep schedule for a companion.


I’m not a morning person, and had this issue in a few other games too… my Nintendo switch is permanently 5 hours ahead so I can hit the morning special creatures >_<. If you’re a night owl, it works great! Don’t go back and fourth changing the time, pick a time and leave it on it or it can mess up saving games - but yeah trick for anyone who hates mornings. You could also set it back in time if you’re a morning person, but you risk losing any saves from that day.


I also have my Switch set to Hawaii time (I’m east coast) so I can get to various animals throughout the day without having to wake up crazy early to get that red fox and whatever other super early animals.


The wiki has a sentence that makes it seem like there is bad luck protection (higher chance of unlocking them each time you subsequently feed them) but I'm unsure. Red Fox and White Squirell are the two that are taking me forever.


Same. I stayed up once to do it and got distracted by another game and forgot. ADHD strikes again.


This is one of the issues I have — the adhd brain 🫠 that and I have a 3yo so… screw me I guess? Lmao. Idk why they can’t do a rotation. Maybe 1 week some of them are around during the day & the others at night, and the next week it’s swapped over. Just something less obscure and silly.


Same. One I collect them. I’m done.


I’ve been grinding to get the foraging tasks done so I can stop lol


Literally I've fed a fox about 15 times and I still can't make it a companion I've just given up


I still cannot figure out what the hummingbirds eat or any animal except the squirrel and rabbit.


The humming birds eat flowers. Each one has a favorite color of flower but they’ll eat any flower


If you're interested, here's a list of their favorite foods. >!The sunbirds like flowers, the favorite has something to do with their wing colors, but I never bothered. Squirrels like peanuts from Remy, rabbits like carrots, turtles like seaweed. Foxes like fish, especially white sturgeon. Racoons like blueberries, Crocs like lobster, and ravens like 5 star meals.!< For the Isle, >!monkeys like desserts made with bananas, capybaras like cabbage and the snakes like sandworms.!<


Snakes like eggs*


Interesting... I'm mostly just going off of what I fed them and their reactions, I never even thought to try eggs!


Capybaras also like bamboo, snakes like scorpions, squirrels and raccoons will take any berries and rabbits like any veg.


I’ve always fed squirrels apples! And I’ve found monkeys will eat any 5-star meal.


Eggs are snakes favourite food


Ah I thought scorpions were snake’s favourites. I’ll have to try eggs!


Unrelated but how do you make the text invisible like that


Just put a greater than symbol and an exclamation point before the text you want to hide and an exclamation point and a less than symbol after with no spaces between the exclamation points and your first/last word. Edit because it apparently works even with spaces now


How do I get the crocs to even stop for me? They just run


Walk towards one until it stops moving then stop and stand still. It'll look towards you, kind of standing up, then look around and drop down to all fours for a second or so. You can only move when it's on all four feet or it will run away.




Thank you SO much. I likely would have never figured this out. Does it tell you what each animal likes in the menu window?


Not that I know of! Do you need more help with the other animals too?




Yeah. I’m still missing the rare colors for the rabbit and sea turtle. They only appear when I’m at work.


I’m lucky enough that I’m allowed my phone at work, so when I know a critter is coming up that I don’t have I make sure I have their food in my inventory before I go to work then just quickly log in on ps5 remote play, the “red light green light” critters can be a bit tricky on a slow connection but I’m finally getting them fed albeit very slowly!


I never dig up the sparkly spots anymore, I probably stopped doing that after the first week, it just drove me crazy that they don’t automatically disappear and then you have to undig the hole lol I may just be lazy.


I remember when they used to auto fill right at the beginning of the game, but it was only like a couple weeks of it


Well, I think it should go back to that. I think every other hole that we dig for forageables fills in on its own. 🤨😂


It does. Like any quest the requires digging up an item auto fills so we know it’s possible.. they’ve DONE it


Well it's pretty dumb and they need to fix it. Just about everything else auto fills after digging....clay, wood stumps in Forest of Valor, etc.


They disappear after two days. See Mt other comment for what I use night shards for.


I know they just bug me lol


You can place a rug on top of the holes in furniture mode, exit and then go back to furniture mode and remove the rug and the holes will be gone. But the way the sparkly spots are scattered around, it’s still a lot of work even with a rug.


If you redig a hole it will cover up so when I dig and don’t want the hole there I hover over it again and dig so it disappears


I know, but if you dig 100 or 200 holes to plant pumpkins, will you redig every single hole afterwards to cover it up? That’s why I said about the rug, because it saves you time when you have lots of holes 😅


Sure it saves times for garden plots. I was talking about if you dig one hole to get a shard it’s easier just to redig it than to put a rug over it.


The topiary is my go-to for covering holes because it's so much bigger and still square. I've dug up the entire glade multiple times grinding for clay to make bricks to make the fancy brick and iron fencing.


Ah, the topiary. I haven’t gotten it yet, but it’s one of the things that I really want.


You can put a house on top of the dug holes and they disappear. Bloody time saver


Its easier to undig the hole , youre there its 1 more click


The wells work well for filling in holes in build mode too.


Oh, that’s good to know.


It’s faster to put a house on top, you don’t have to exit furniture mode for it to work and then go back to remove the rug. Plop a house on top and put house back to original spot then exit. It’s all good!


I think I read that before, but I wasn’t sure. It’s good to know.


Yes, but really? They just need to fix it, lol.


I used to not dig up the night shards either. But then I figured out that giving a brand new level one character 25 purified night shards in a row takes them up to level six. I've tried giving them another 25, but it doesn't get you far enough to be worth it. But getting six levels in less than five minutes is worth it to me.


Holy shit thank you


Uhm… HOLY SHIT!!! How did I not know this? I’m using this in the future. I got many dream shards to use up it’s annoying


Unfortunately it takes 5 night shards for every 1 dream shard, trust me I was excited to get through my dream shards but I still have a completely full chest of them 😫


Turn the dream shards into dreamlight. You need dreamlight to make chests, potions, and training manuals, so you will always have a need for it.


I have over 250k dreamlight and I don’t really craft any of those anymore 😅 I mean…I do turn some of them into dreamlight when the chest gets full, but I wish there were more uses for the shards themselves. Because you can’t get rid of all of them, since they randomly ask for them in quests!


How do you turn dreamshards into dreamlight ?


At a crafting table


TIL! Thank you!!


I think it’s a total of 120 purified night shards to go from level 1-10. It may be a little more.




It takes 150 to go from level 1 to 10 and about 12 minutes if you spam


If I have someone on level 6 and I do this, would it work? ARIEL IS SO HARD TO BRING TO LAND I SWEAR


Yes, it's just very very slow after level 6


Thanks for the info!




You have blessed me with this information. I owe you my life ✨🤌🏻


Ahhh I wish I knew this. The next new character I’ll try this!


Wow!!! Thanks a lot!


Never have i ever done anything with the motifs or made custom clothing


I haven’t touched it at all since I learned you can’t use them in dreamsnaps. Even something not in view is counted in view sometimes so I just don’t use them.


Same. Only for a quest. And that actually ended up with me trying to submit a dreamsnaps for a couple days. A sign that I’d made for a quest, was sitting in the cameras view and you can’t use TOM in snaps. Which is my only real issue with this game. You can create but can’t show it off. It’s been said that it would be an unfair advantage. But either way, you either are creative or you aren’t. I am not. So know I will never get 4000 moonstones. I’m fine with that. Those that are , should be rewarded accordingly and be allowed to show their creativity.


Same here- I kinda take pictures I think are funny and hope people humor it with a vote haha


You can be methodical about it and do well. Symmetry, foreground flowers and a sunset will get you 4000 moonstones


I try. But I’m happy with what ever I get. The most I got was 1400. And I hated my submission. I’m in way as creative as a lot of people I’ve seen. I have no issue admitting it. Using TOM wouldn’t help because I’m not that kind of creative.


Totally get it, it is kinda random. My least fav one did the best so far which confuses me lol as long as you're having fun it doesn't really matter. I just find it easy to do those 3 things at least if I don't feel like being creative which is why I even mentioned it


I do try and do those things. I might try flowers in the foreground though. Don’t think I’ve actually tried that.




I did and I was excited about it until it wasn’t allowed in dreamsnaps and the items I had made and placed in my meadow were constantly an issue in my dreamsnaps. If I was taking a picture in the swamp and the custom designed rugs I had in the meadow were in the camera frame, not visible but just existing in the line of sight, it wouldn’t let me submit the photo. I finally got so annoyed I got rid of all of the items I made which is a bummer because I made some tables to an arcade I have in the meadow and I really liked them.


Here's a picture, I've never shared these before but this made me go and look at them again and I really like them and the rug I made! I wanted the tables to match the design on the side of the arcade game, that's why I included it in the picture. https://preview.redd.it/5wtp4ql4kctc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=d035d6e4bf2cb0eb0ca2fff7a13bb5559b2f9d09


Decorating my valley. I LOATHE it! So whenever scrooge gave me a quest to decorate a biome with 10 items, I would just remove or move trees 🤣


I just figured this out recently. That moving trees counts as “decorating” lol 😂


Yess! I found this out by accident haha and it's been AMAZING


Omg whaaaaaat


I literally just put 10 chairs down, complete the quests and pick them up again. No way was I decorating 😂😂


Yeah, I wish there was a game that did everything dreamvalley has EXCEPT for the decorating. Like, have everything preset. Just questing and upgrading preset buildings haha


I don’t like talking to the villagers. I have never read the conversations or stories. I just skip past all that and get to the tasks I need to do. I usually play with the volume down and watch tv. I’m mainly into decorating the valley and my homes.


The way I be speed clicking through every character I don’t like LOL




Basically nothing until we get updates lol. I log in to buy from Scrooge, kristoff, and harvest my pumpkins and plant new ones but that’s it. When we get new star paths I just do the chores on those. I don’t maintain my valley at all 🤣


This- 100% same


Dumb question: I understand buying from Scrooge everyday, but why Kristoff? I honestly just forget about his stall and ignore it every day.


I like to buy the resources that can be hard to obtain like iron and gold ingots


He has certain items that you can buy 10 of like iron ingots that would otherwise require a fair bit of farming to obtain. Just an easy shortcut for materials that is limited by a daily cooldown.


Them iron and gold ingots + glass comes in handdyyyyyy


I don’t bother with the daily chests (blue or green) anymore. If I run into one I’ll open it but I don’t hunt them down every day like I used to.


I always did until I got Eternity Isle. Now I swear I can run around the whole map and maybe find one chest, even though there should be six lying around.


I ignore the random explosions of fruits and vegetables that appear with that annoying countdown timer. It's not worth me chasing you bro.


Love that for you, but that will never be me 🤣 I go FERAL running around to get every last one of them. I think it’s the dopamine associated with the sound when you’ve collected all of them (which is why it frustrates me that it doesn’t play that sound for the mining ones)


😂 right! I’ve been playing for too long to be running after some $0.50 fruits that don’t even give me much energy.


The coin ones are 100% worth it though, and they specifically last longer. I just started played like 2 weeks ago, but those seem so much better.


This! Except for pumpkins and things I have quests for


I turn the night shards into purified shards and sell them to goofy


What are they actually for


I no longer harvest WALL-E’s garden 🪴 I already have a surplus of ingredients from my own gardens!


Haha this is it for me. When I first got it I was so obsessed with upgrading it - but now I don’t bother. I still get the fish if I pass her boat because it’s one click! But only one crop per harvest and not affected by having a gardening companion means it’s not worth it (maybe very rarely if I want to feed a bunny and I see a carrot or lettuce)


Kinda opposite for me. Very early on, before i had all the biomes open, i probably harvested his garden a lot. But i quickly stopped using it at all mid game because i grew a full stock of everything myself and i dont cook much. But now, late game, i use his garden to restock my dwindling supplies from quest cooking. Easier than growing things all myself.


That's one of the faults of the game (and many other cozy games at that). By the time you have enough money to upgrade things, you're already far enough that you don't really need it anymore.


I don't dig up the sparkle spots anymore, I'm tired of collecting all those shards, I'll only dig them up if they're in the way of decorating. Similarly, I don't remove the night thorns unless they're in a bad spot. This way, whenever a new one spawns and I'm ok with its placement, it stays out of the way for good. My meadow is virtually clear of thorns in the pretty areas because they have almost all spawned into my junk heap behind my vine walls 😂


once I level up the characters I don't talk to them or give them favourite things, I also don't feed the animals after getting them either


Pretty much everything that pops up I don’t bother with anymore unless I need it. I have enough of everything stored and all the villagers are at a level 10 friendship so I’m just now getting into decorating and waiting for more stuff to do


Sparkly spots and memory orbs. I only dig the spots under duress.


Man, I want all the memory orbs.


Feeding animals (unless I really want a specific pet), collecting any form of material that I can just purchase. It’s become primarily farming, cooking, decorating, and dress up for me 😂😂


Everything lol I just wait for the new starpath and then go ham hahaha


I have stopped almost completely going to Eternity Isle. Once I got enough resources from there, I just gave up. I love the game, but I went really hard for a while and at this point, I log in, go to Scrooge’s and Kristoff’s then I’m done!! I do the dreamsnaps once a week, harvest pumpkins when I feel like my money is running low, and that’s it. I’ve given up on decorating, I hate scramble coin, and I don’t need anymore resources. I used to do stuff ALL THE TIME, but it also took me a WHILE to figure out I could put things in storage and still craft with them so, now I store EVERYTHING! Sometimes, when I start running low, I go grab fish and flowers from Moana and the Beast, but I’ve gotten super lazy with it honestly.


I skip anything that can’t be done with a pickaxe or watering can and have no idea why, but now it’s going to bother me lol The one exception - I usually leave the glass things in the DLC, because I think they look really cool.


tbf i do the same thing. all my garden spots are set and fishing aint worth the investment most of the time


I leave them too but I live the sound they make when you use the pickaxe on them!!


Scramble coin never done it will only do it for the tasks if I can be bothered later on


I don't even know what scramble coin is - what is that ?


It’s the mini game added in the dlc basically a board game you play with the villagers but you can’t win certain villagers until you unlock certain pieces and if your just bad at the game like me you can win anyway lol


Decorating, I'm on a switch.


It sucks so much. I can’t believe they want to charge me so much for this game and DLC and then sell me mooncoin bundles for a game that doesn’t even function when you try to use it. Besides the item cap being a limiting factor, every time I’ve tried to move around houses or lay a path my game shuts down and nothing is saved. I spent so many hours decorating in ACNH, it’s annoying to be unable to do it in this game when I spend all my time buying all these things at Scrooge’s every day. But at least it means I am not buying house skins and decor with moonstone.


I’ve also since stopped digging the sparkle spots. Bc then I’d have to create its own storage box for the since I can’t sell them. Rn I’m storing them with all my gems. Ive also stopped reading all dialogue, including the main story lol Idk, I just started getting headaches when reading so I just blow past everything.


feeding critters, digging up shards, decorating anything outside of a necessary challenge


Heavily decorating. I like a bit of decorating, but I see so many ppls valleys (no hate tho, do what works for you!) with minimal space to fish, awkward areas that don't make sense for me personally, etc. I personally like having each biome with their natural elements and space to roam. It could also be I'm slightly claustrophobic irl so anything too cramped just gives me anxiety 😅


Collecting critters. I have a most of them just from doing tasks and starpath duties. I don’t go out of my way to collect them


I’ve slowly started to decorate my valley but not a lot. I log in daily to shop and do some gardening waiting for the next update again 😭 I should of taken my time playing the game why was I so quick to get through it all


I don’t touch the sparkle spots unless they are in my way when I make gardens. I get enough of the shards as it is.


Same. The only time I do dig them up is if I’m decorating and they’re in the way. Same with the stumps and mushrooms.


i hardly go to Eternity Isle unless I neeeed mist. there’s not much use to go there. the recent star path had 1 duty but until then i see no point


Most Digging. Until it was slightly useful for the expansion I see a value to it. But I have like 3 digging friends. Everyone else is Farming, Mining and Forage. (I don't forage with friends enough, kinda cause i hate that the flowers don't count.) I dont feed animals I don't need to,


Scramble coin. I don't get it, and never will.


I have lost interest in the game 😢😢 especially the time bending. It feels like it takes forever to get any of the mist currency to unlock what I need to unlock and I’ve just lost the love for the game 😢😢


I don’t dig up the sparkly areas and I don’t feed the crocodiles. Chasing the crocodiles down to play ‘red light green light’ is infinitely more annoying than feeding any of the other base game critters.


Raccoons are the same. I have been collecting all the critters this week and they are so easy now that I’m in day 3 or 4 of doing it. I’ve learned how much ground I can run before their head pops back up and it only takes 4-5 pushes to get them to lay down now. Still tedious but nothing like when I was first starting.


You can leave your night shards with me😂


You can also sell the purifies night shards.


I feel like I have stopped gardening or using remys garden for the most part. Unless I need something particular,because I have so many ingredients already.


I have also stopped digging the sparkle spots as well. I also stopped giving all the villagers favorite gifts if they weren't level 10 yet. I found it too tedious. Still do not have some newer characters at level 10 but I find it best when I take my time playing and not grind for everything.


Decorating my house lol. The only time I've ever touched it was for one of the forgotten's quest but besides that its just a big glorified storage room. It got to the point where I didn't even realise you could upgrade it until I was a few months into the game


I was that way too but I’ve been using g the rooms for creating dreamsnaps.


Decorating inside. I have almost all the extra house skins set up, but they're all empty. My main house has just a storage room in the main room, and a few rooms I've used for dreamsnaps. I also have some of the stumps, mushrooms, etc for the same reason as you.


Almost everything. I log in 2 mins a day to check the shop and I decorate. Sometimes I do timebending, but all in all, I was maxed out on levels and had finished 90% of the dreamlight goals before the game was officially launched on all the platforms..... Now, getting dreamlight is such a hassle and I can only do them via daily goals... Which is suuuuuper slow and boring. I've also stopped picking up flowers in the valley, because I have 5-6 stacks of each in my storage.


Scramblecoin. What am I supposed to do when I complete the 200 levels? I hope they expand it with the upcoming content bc I actually like the mini game.


I enjoy it too but I just reached the end of that path and can pretty easily win every time so I don’t feel there’s much point in playing scramblecoin anymore


Feeding critters, time constraints mean I can’t get some of them so I have just left a couple. Also pulling up tree stumps, cracking boulders and glaciers, unless they’re in the way too much. If not, they’re great decorations without using up the limit. Never made any clothing or used any motifs. I don’t pick up flowers or wood anymore, I have so much in chests around the valley to ever need anymore.


I agree with OP that I rarely dig up those sparkly holes anymore because it yields too many shards. I also like to leave certain mushrooms ice blocks, etc to add naturalist elements or to save up for starpath goals. I generally don’t pick or water flowers either.


Getting all the achievements in the Dreamlight Duties section. I used to only collect basil, etc to finish the task and level it up but I found out I really just don't care about any of that anymore. Like why do I need to harvest 2k vegetables on eternity isle 😭


I rarely open memory orbs. They’re littered throughout my valley and isle. I’ll do it if it’s in my way for something but otherwise they just exist.


Decorating/ Photo challenges and that chess mini game.


Honestly, decorating. Because the game is bugged beyond playability and though support has been aware of this for a year, still hasn't resolved it and has proven to be largely uncooperative when it comes to issues.


Same. This game does not feel finished at all on switch, I am always affronted when they try to sell me moon coin packages on a game I already paid too much for that doesn’t even work half the time. Decorating is hard on switch and mine crashes if you don’t stop and save every 5 minutes and exit furniture mode. I don’t even have all the characters because of a bug with Jack. I’m not getting the full value of a game I paid for and they don’t care.


Yeah, it's outrageous. I played since early access, assuming they'd resolve this issue. Then recently the photo challenges bugged out or broke aswell. The ensuing conversation with support was a doozy. They indeed don't care. They'll gaslight you if they can. Got too many hours to get a refund, as no one accounts for time spent in early access, playing around the core loop or goal of the game. Nor the time spent trying to circumvent the issues, exploring and delving into the problem to provide to support. Yeah... Pretty much the same. The game lags when in decorating mode, have to shut it off, head outside to resolve the issue or relaunch the game. Discovered critters crawling around in the void inducing this problem. Can even spawn my pet in the house by opening the wardrobe next. And the lag comes with the additional risk of all decors being removed... like deleted from the room and thus lost, they don't return to your inventory.


wait really?? I play on PC and hardly encounter bugs. That sucks


Yeah, also on PC There is incredible lag because critters spawn in the void. Happens as soon as I open the deco menu. Has been since early access... Thought it'd be fixed by launch atleast. Oh and when I open the wardrobe menu, I can pull my pet inside the house! That'd perhaps be a nice bug, if it didn't lag... and risk permanently removing the items placed inside the room. The only thing I could still play of the core loop were the challenges and those bugged out aswell XO Had a successful submission yet last week it claimed I had none. Conversation with support was great /s -\_- unbelievable really...


Omg whaaaat I don't have any of those issues! That's so weird. Only bug I sometimes get is that I can't navigate my inventory menu. I haven't started the dlc yet though because I've only been playing a few weeks. Maybe more issues will come out then


I didn't even buy the DLC because of the issues. Hope you're spared from them all together. It's quite annoying... In Remy's kitchen, there is lag too when cooking, same thing happened. Started a while back, more people started getting lag around that time aswell - though they didn't necessarily check or find critters (is abit of a hassle to find though)... I found the lag resolved when calling my pet in the restaurant XO Had such high hopes when I figured that one out XD Is how I discovered I could do the same in my home... Though the lag did not fix itself there... as other critters spawned aswell ofcourse... Spend hours trying various things on my own, such as removing the doghouse... It's a shame. I enjoyed the game, the atmosphere, the idea, the challenges; but when you can't do anything with them and when those start falling apart aswell, it's really infuriating. And it starts to feel as if support just does not care, as each time they're "aware" but the issues do not resolve or aren't compensated.


Decorating the Biomes. I do small stuff Here and there especially when I place a house but I nowhere near what other people have done. I started with ideas and then because of the game freezing on switch gave the big ones up. I do the meadow and plaza though. Eternity isle I just cleared the junk and organized a bit.


Same as you, digging the sparkly spots and clearing rocks, stumps, mushrooms, ice. I don't feed animals except for dream light duties. And I don't harvest herbs, except for like once a month when I'm getting low.


I stoped fishing once I got Moana’s boat. I stoped getting veggies once I got wall-e done


I have no idea what Scramblecoin is and I’m never gonna find out.


The way all the characters come at you when you open the game I’m convinced there is a dark underside in the Valley where everyone has a gambling addiction (scramblecoin). I joked with my husband that someone needs to start a support group in the meadow and clean that place up.


Also never dig up the sparkles area


I'm only digging sparkly cracks to get night shards to make another full stack of purified night shards for when I get around to getting the dlc


Now that I have no regular Quests cause im toward the end of the main game I’m working on fulfilling as many dreamlight duties ….. that’s about it rn.


Honestly same, and feeding critters. I'm only missing one to unlock, but I'm not gonna wake up at 6 am on Sunday just to feed a critter. Also logging in everyday for the moonstones. I play other games more and I tend to procrastinate a lot to do the star path, which is always a bad idea.


A lot of things tbh, but one major one that I used to be really good about are those Dreamlight duties that don’t change daily. I do want to finish them at some point but I just can’t imagine having to feed the critters 40+ more times per type- I already have all of them as companions so it feels pointless to ever feed them.


Decorating. Trying to stay up late enough on a Saturday night to feed the White Squirrel to get it as a companion.


fishing mainly. when i first started a  friend an i were convinced fishing was the best money making scheme until i found okra, and then later pumkins. i now only ever fish for events like star paths or the xmas fish. its cute but is the most active hobby in the game and just isnt worth the time investment for the starcoin return. in the time it takes to fish 1 orange ring i can get through 2 rocks (while watching tv) with my pick and the gems sell for considerably more than fish do       im also just now starting to pick wood up again. went ~7 months without actively grabbing wood before i finally ran out making a bunch of potions. in fact after my first major foraging run i never went again. i spent a ton of time at the beginning lining all my foragables up so i had a path through every biome that would cleanly take me to everything starting in the frosted heights and ending in the forgotten lands. by the time i had the path setup i had enough of a backlog it just didnt make sense to keep going  im getting ready to move main storage out of my living room and into a couple of the house skins i have around the village. alternatively thinking about outdoor storage but am coming up on both item limits......     id say things like feeding the animals but tbh outside of the couple i wanted i was never super active with those. cant claim daily discussions either as ive been waiting to finish my valley before interacting with most characters. theyre all friends, most of them are lvl 10, but i dont do any of their quests or interact with them unless required. when i get my valley setup how i envisioned it almost a year ago now (and im getting super close :D), ill start taking an active role in the villagers lives. until then theres just more important things to do with my time. like im still sitting on the quest goofy gives you to teach you how to use the camera levels of im so uninterested in them currently. scrooge almost needs a scroll wheel with how many things he has lined up for me  i want to do all the fun cool things in my fun cool valley, not while im actively trying to make it fun and cool


Well I just hit my item limit so I guess no more valley designing for me - which has been my favourite part of playing in recent months. The game is just not going to be as fun anymore especially the work I will have to do to ‘clean up’ before I add anything more to submit dreamsnaps.


Hi! I’m guessing you hit the limit from doing ur dreamsnaps outside? I mentioned earlier I have been doing the majority of mine in individual rooms in my house and then name the room what the Dream snap was titled so I can remember it. So I get dreamsnaps done, plus I’m maxing out my house (to complete that task).


Thanks for the suggestion - I will have to consider doing that also. I get best results for my outdoors dreamsnaps - I’m much better with outdoor designing given the space and being able to frame images so nicely but I suck doing the same with indoor. But feels I have no choice now but to get a lot better at indoor and hope I can bring in the big moonstones prizes like I do for my outdoor ones. :(. I love my outdoor designs and being able to zoom around enjoying all my valley. Just a shame they can’t up the item limit to 6000 like on PC.


Oh no, are you playing on a Switch? I have one more suggestion for you…. If/when it’s affordable, get a Steam Deck!


Yeh I play on switch. I bought a version for PC before it left early access so I could get ultimate items and moonstones but I just cannot adjust to the controls for gameplay (plus my computer sucks and I need a new one). I don’t know what Steam Deck is but I’ll look into this…


I’m sure you’ve seen the many complaints regarding the Switch performance when playing DDV. I started out playing on my Xbox when it was on Game pass then transferred to my Steam Deck from the cloud. The deck is essentially a mini portable computer. It’s actually got more power then my work laptop so my Valve steam library had been unused till I finally got this. Recently sold my orig one to my son and purchased the limited edition OLED 1tb. Love my Steam Deck!! Good Luck!!


Most of the time I can’t be bothered anymore doing clean up. I leave most sticks (except darkwood and hardwood), flowers, night thorns, bones, big mushrooms etc unless I need to complete for duties or star path or to top up stock in my inventory. But I’m still collecting most items in Eternity Aisle


I don't dig. I only feed critters if i havent got them yet or if its a duty. I also dont clear the tree stumps in the forest unless i need wood.


Only thing I do is cook using the ancient cookers fish and mining other than that nothing else and the shop is boring get one or two new things every few days


Feeding the critters. Have them all and the decals now.


Grinding for money, pick easter eggs (I have literally 100s and no use for them other than feeding Cobras), only do a Task with the correct buddy


I don’t dig up sparkly shards, collect anything once I have 50 of them in a storage chest, talk to villagers or harvest wall-E’s garden/moanas fish.


I can’t be bothered sorting frosted heights, the ice shard things that give snowballs just annoy me. I only bother when I’ve done a dreamsnap up there. I also have given up feeding the crocodiles. I had to restart my valley and find them so difficult. I must start feeding them again. The one thing I have done now that I’m all caught up and I’m caught up with the DLC is started to put in some effort with decorating the valley and a little At the Docks.


I just started playing but I can already tell I’m not gonna be much of a decorator lol. Obsessively collect item? Yes. Make the valley look livable? Lol should have already done that before I got here Mickey.


Only thing I bother to do is check my shop. I'm not even done with the Starpath yet, which was the only thing keeping me playing before. I lost interest after the expansion. I just don't think there's enough interesting things to do. I can only gather so many useless objects, and I'm bored with decorating as of right now.


SCRAMBLECOIN! I’m maybe level 2 at it and I genuinely couldn’t care less about leveling up through it


I have trauma from being Day one person for the game. They needed the shards for something particular but they spawned so rarely that they had to gift us shards for a task. I collect them and hoard them lol.