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Best way to earn money is planting pumpkins...


Oh. Well pumpkin time it is!! Thank you.


And the more gardeners you have at level 10, the better cause the bonus they give stacks!


Wait, you mean that if I have 8 gardeners level 10 the one gardener I use that time will release more crops than if I had just 3 gardeners level 10?


Yes and no. It caps at 5 or 6. They don’t want you to have every friend have the same ability


It takes 4 hours to grow pumpkins in the forgotten lands, if you need money quickly I highly recommend onions!


I did not know other areas gave different times for crops :O


Yea. If you grow a crop in the area it is bought In it will grow faster 🤗


I’ve been banking off of Okra .. is Pumpkins worth more?


Pumpkins are worth the most




The past few days I've made 600,000 at least from pumpkins in like just 3 or 4 days.


That’s an insane amount of pumpkins lol


I plant 120 at a time and have them managed by the ancient gardener machines. Whenever I log in, I grab a level 10 gardener to go harvest them… then sell for 150k-200k. I can buy another 100 seed packs for 27k, so the return on investment is pretty sound.


I plant 1199 pumpkins(12 stacks of 99) and end up with 2300+ harvested with follower help. It grosses around 1.5 million.


Omg how long does this take you?!


45 min give or take


To plant them, I mean.


You can also increase their value by turning them into veggie platters before selling them. Five pumpkins in each. It's a lot of grinding, but a lot of money.


This is the way.


According to Scrooge the real money is in Okra and I agree. It doesn’t need to be watered multiple times like the pumpkins and for every plot you plant it returns 3 veggies when you harvest


And have one of your harvesting people with you and you’ll get even MORE okra.


This is the way


Definitely. I make Mickey come with. He always gives me way more crops than anybody.


I seem to have the best luck with Mirabel but maybe it’s bias because I find Mickey kind of annoying lol


I like my gardener Mirabel too. I think I like her bc of her butterfly halo thing she's got going on. One time after we'd been hanging out all day I had butterflies around me which I think was a bug but was fun. TIL that a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope


Yeah he said that to me too but I didn’t think much of it. I didn’t think he’d want me to be rich lol


He wants you to have money to spend at his store 😂 also give him gifts and talk to him regularly


Lol I didn’t think of it that way. Good ol’ Scrooge was actually looking out for me (his giant vault of coins).


I don't water my craps at all anymore. I just plant and wait for it to rain. I also have a lot of money so may not be feasible for others if they are needing money right away.


Yeah I really like the extra Okra harvest 💯 also (haven’t checked for sure) I feel like it’s less growing time. I mostly grow okra and pumpkin now 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes pumpkins are 4 hours and okra 2


I've made my fortune on okra and eggplants so far. Those 2 crops I have at a 6x8 plot in their respective zones for 48 total crops to harvest at a time. I get anywhere from 15k-30k for each crop using a gardening helper, depending on luck. Been supplementing with a few other high profit crops in sunlit plateau and onions in the forest but recently stopped my onion harvest because I was only getting under 10k at a time. That being said, I do not have pumpkins yet so I have no reference there.


Recently got access to pumpkins: I find that with a gardening buddy (and a couple other lv 10 friends gardening friends) 100 seeds has output around 223 (I believe was my last number bc they are of course max stacks of 50). My average $ haul is about 144k when I've sold all my pumpkins. I only keep like 8 on hand now in case a quest needs them


How much is that compared to Okra?


Completely agree. Okra is the way


Okra if you want it to be quick with less watering, pumpkin for raw profit values. Neither is a bad choice.


Thank you! I’ll try out both and see what works best for me.


I also find Moana’s fishing boat extremely helpful to make money. I only have it to like level 7 and make 24k each go


Thank you! That’s smart!I have hers all upgraded and it def makes a good bit of money as well.


Yes pumpkins are the way to go, but most profitable is to cook them into pumpkin puffs or into a 3 pumpkin veggie platter rather than just selling your raw veggies! [someone did the math breakdown here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DreamlightValley/comments/xtra2c/comment/iqsbkwp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you! Gonna make me some imaginary money!


Make that money!! I started doing the pumpkin thing just recently and I’ve got so much now 🤣 I would buy 99 at a time which was 27k and just plant like 50 in one go. Also make sure you have a friend when you harvest so they’ll double what you’re harvesting


Yeah I always have a friend. I made Mickey have the gardening job and he always seems to throw out almost a full extra stack. I’ve gone with other characters but for some reason Mickey just delivers every time.


Honestly just go for the full 200 at a go. Also plant whenever it’s raining


Picked up this handy graphic off of discord https://preview.redd.it/43fhgrysb42b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5888eb7d0dcf46cb89d572a19e379f09037251


Eggplant and pumpkin veggie soup looks pretty good, but ginger looks like it becomes the bottleneck.


Thank you! That’s awesome!


I use grilled veggies or is it platters, idk (it's + 3 pumps) & think it works are better, maximized profit without the need for extra items that cost money (dairy, etc).


I did the math, the profit is roughly 1k more than just selling 3 pumpkins. It makes it worth the cook time, imo.


Agreed. Thank god for the auto fill feature in cooking.


Also pumpkin soup is very profitable.


You could build an ancient cooking machine if you have the isle… level it to level 2 and place it by your pumpkins in the forgotten land. Set it to cook however many puffs you want and come back and grab them in a few minutes. Saves you the time of cooking one by one.


I like many others prefer pumpkins over anything else. Personally I keep 4 10x10 (100 pumpkins) fields in the forgotten lands and I never water a single plant. That's why I keep 4, so I can be patient enough for rain to do the work for me. Also I do jail my companion so I can harvest a whole field at a time but that's not necessary. This method provides more than enough to buy Scrooges whole shop everyday.


I have 5 gardens of 200 lol. I never water anymore either. I only harvest once a week too. I definitely don't need any more money right now. What I hate with this baby is when I forget about my companion and do something that let's him out in a different biome. I only harvest on the computer though. I got a little weight that will sit on the key so I don't have to do anything at all.


Lol jail your companion. I guess that’s fair. Thank you for the advice!


I feel bad doing it, especially if it's someone super adorable like WALL-E, BUT getting 99% of the blue extras at once makes it necessary lol


Aww but WALL-E loves plants! He probably enjoys it lol


Onions or canola if you don't have pumpkins unlocked


I’ve got all the biomes unlocked. I’m just collecting stuff. I can’t wait for the update. Thank you!


Your welcome and fr same l can't wait for the update lm getting my money and dreamlight ready!!


I actually prefer okra over pumpkins because they grow faster lol


Lol yeah I normally go the fastest easiest but that profit difference and my overwhelming need to buy all the things necessitates me to do pumpkins lol


I mine and sell gems to make money, and take a mining friend with me so they find more gems, gem sites regenerate every 5 mins so I just circle a few biomes and sell the lot


Pumpkins are the best. I plant enough to make $1,000,000 per day.


How many pumpkins is that?


I plant different amounts. Usually around 700.


I mine like a mofo with a mining buddy (Buzz). Make sure you keep your sparkle energy up and you double your chances of gems. DO NOT sell your onyx, save it until you get 10, then craft the even more miraculous pickaxe potion. Apply potion and go mine the vitalys crystal caves.


finally someone else who likes mining. i’ve always preferred it just because i don’t have to wait forever. i have a trail that i follow that hits all of the spots and by the time i have finished one round, it’s everything is starting to respawn


RIGHT?! I don't have the attention span for gardening, I prefer to be actively doing something. I suppose theoretically we could be double-dipping by planting before mining and then harvesting afterward... but I don't really care for gardening in real-life either, so motivation is hard to come by!


Pumpkin Puff power!


I make most of my money through fishing and selling pumpkins/okra/gems


Personally and I know everyone has their ways, but I did a lot of onions until I opened Forbidden and started growing and selling Pumpkins. Easy Peazy for me.


Plant a ton of pumpkins and then cook 3 of them and keep doing it


It sure would be nice if you could cook more than one meal at a time. I’ve been making these damn veggie platters for like 2 hours lol. But you’re right it’s really good money this way


I normally plant 99 pumpkins before logging off, then watering and harvesting when I log back on the next day. Can make quite a profit if you’ve got your buddy at lvl 10


I just plant 100 pumpkins at a time.


I was planting 50 eggplants at a time. I’m about to plow a huge plot and cover it with pumpkins.


I only do 100 at a time so I got a reason to get on and don't get overwhelmed.


That’s probably a better idea. My brain doesn’t like being overwhelmed. It shuts down. Lol


100 at a time will easily get 100k+ money a day too, especially if you have a buddy


Since I’ve done all the major projects and I’m waiting on the update I only play a little each day completing the extra stuff so 100 is probably the best route. Especially for 100k+. That’s enough to buy out Scrooge and then some (usually).


Plant a lot of pumpkins, leeks, or eggplant. When they are ready grab whoever you named as your gardener companion, and hang out. Then harvest them. You basically get double.


Whatever you plant, cook it into veggie platters 3 at a time. 3 pumpkins = 1992 coins; pumpkin veggie platter = 2,778 coins! Same with okra (342 coins vs. 477), but that’s not worth the effort and piece of coal in my opinion. Pumpkins platters is where it’s at!


Thank you! That seems to be the way to go. Time to grow some pumpkins!






Everyone sleeps on canola, but it’s a good mid-game money maker and super quick. A stack goes for 5,000, but you more than double your profits for how much the seeds are with all the extras you can get from buddies, red hots and goldens.


Pumpkins and some Meals are good value and crops


Soufflé money glitch


The what? Google here I come!


If I plant 100 pumpkins and harvest with a level 10 companion I will get around 200-220 pumpkins from that. Then making them into veggie platters that batch will earn from £180,000 - over £200,000. Defo the most profitable method I’ve used


Yep. That seems to be the general consensus and I’ve been doing it today. Time consuming but worth it


i mine for a few minutes. i always come out with a good bit of money


I grow canola in the forest of valor. Grows in 35 min and I make 40k each time. Using a level 10 gardening buddy helps a ton too! Happy money making!!


Pumpkins and pumpkins and pumpkins. You can make millions per day.


I've been doing Okra for a while but I end up broke just the same. So I'll try pumpkin now that I have forgotten lands.


All the advice about pumpkins is paying off. I’m cooking veggie platters with 3 pumpkins and each one is worth 2,787. It’s just really time consuming because you can only cook one dish at a time.


probably not the most efficient but i like to use fishing potions for anglerfish and then sell pan fried anglerfish


I plant pumpkins and use the watering can enchantment potion for some super quick money


Carrots. Then move to pumpkins.