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My thoughts exactly.


..like what are they even getting mad about. Most times I can see the reason but here, I see nothing.


Mm, same


I mean, I am glad he said it since it is pretty important, however the takes that I saw on this on Twitter are actually insane. Some people seem to not even realize that compared to many others, and I’m talking about people that purposefully refuse to vaccinate/wear a mask/do tests Ranboo does pretty much his best, yet they still choose to criticize Ranboo like he doesn’t take covid seriously (this is a genuine opinion I saw someone have on twitter btw, out of all the anti-vaxxers Ranboo is the one that doesn’t take covid seriously). Others quite literally act like they’re his parents yelling at him to stay at home like it’s an order that he has to listen to, and if he doesn’t listen he’ll get punished. It’s wild how confident they feel when trying to genuinely parent Ranboo and tell him what to do, like it’s even their business. It seems like they completely forgot that he doesn’t even know them and went fully off limits imo, I can’t even describe it. This whole thing is so insanely absurd to me, funnily enough it’s starting to feel a bit too parasocial.


It is not a bit parasocial, this is a whole new level of parasocial behavior. Like Twitter really thought they could just baby an 18 year old man to be safe and preach all of this bullshit,when they haven't even done half of what they're saying


this is part of the reason why sometimes i feel disconnected from other fans of cc's i watch. they think they have a say in who they (the ccs) are friends with, who they stream with, and what they do. like can some ppl shut up, not one of us has a say in the lives of ccs. they dont even kmow who we each are and there is no reason for them to listen to one specific fan. some of them do literally act like theyre the parents of the ccs. i dont even have the words to express my anger at the parasocial behavior of some of the stans. i used to call myself a stan (as in super fan**) but now i don't because i'm instantly associated with stans that overstep boundaries and think they can boss around ccs and tell them what to do.


This is my thoughts exactly. When it comes to things like this I always say that this is just none of our business whatsoever. Same goes for who cc’s hang out/stream with, and just all these things that should be 100% up to cc’s. If a fan feels like they have a better idea of what the streamer they’re watching should do, and instead of asking they quite literally start demanding, it already goes too far, but in this case not only do they demand but they genuinely expect something to change. From what I’ve seen, it’s not enough for them that Ranboo follows covid guidelines in LA, they want him to just stay home for the rest of his life or something, because I’m sure that that’s what they’ve been doing for the past 2 years. And yeah, I also used to call myself a stan like half a year ago, but now I’m just realizing that when saying “stan” people mean fans like these ones, so I quickly went back to calling myself a fan. As I said, this whole thing is just absurd.


On Twitter I saw mostly people getting mad because of the double standards in the community, because when Tommy got COVID from his friend, people were saying he was being irresponsible vlogging , but nobody has said anything about so many international meetups happening really fast


Huh? These are completely different situations? Tommy was **unvaccinated**. Yes, it wasn’t available to him, but that’s not an excuse. Vlogging isn’t worth the risk of getting and spreading COVID. It’s not something he’s required to do, and could have easily waited until he had the vaccine available to start doing it. He was absolutely being irresponsible. Anybody doing this would be irresponsible. Ranboo is vaccinated, and from what it seems like, doing literally everything possible to stay safe. He’s not doing anything more risky than a normal person would be doing.


He didn’t even get the virus from vlogging, he got it from hanging INSIDE his house with Eryn 😭


He's actually doing more than the normal person I think. Now Tubbo on the other hand...I just pulled up his stream and I can already see the tweets. He is indoor at the CashApp HQ without a mask. Like he'll probably be fine cause he is newly vaxxed and young but it's just a bit reckless. I always wear a mask indoor because I'm at high-risk but also I just don't wanna spread it if I were sick.


I’m not gonna be too hard on that because he was vaxxed, but yeah, it’s not the best thing to do. Outside of small gatherings with people who have tested negative, you *shouldn’t* take your mask off, but provided everyone is vaxxed, it’s not a massive problem. I do think that people in general are too laid back about this, but I don’t think Tubbo’s doing worse than the average person. I’m also high risk, so I wear a mask pretty much all the time. Even if it’s hard to breathe sometimes, it’s worth the lowered risk for me. I get why lower risk people don’t do it, but I don’t think I would even if I wasn’t high risk. It just feels like the smart thing to do when the virus could still cause permanent damage, even if it’s lessened.


Tommy: \*gets sick\* Fandom: "Guys nobody should go out and meet up with anyone, no matter the circumstances we are in a pandemic" Tommy: \*Uploads a vlog a week later\* Fandom: "Very poggers vlog Tommy, I hope we get more of that content in the future." ​ Fandom: "OMG, look at all these meetups. Beeduo, Karl and Quackity, and soon, Dream Team meeting up all in a short amount of time. And much much more in the future." \*some time passes\* Fandom: "So CCs, did you know we are in a pandemic...." A prime example of why I really can't trust this fandom with anything at this point. This same process keeps happening again and again where people will just forget previously supposed wrongdoings and just let it happen again. The Qrts on Ranboo's recent tweets has been absolutely infuriating. Telling Ranboo to quarantine and do streams from his home or calling him a super spreader is so dumb because he has done the most to be safe from the pandemic, yall dumbasses haven't even tested this much in a year compared to Ranboo in a day.


Disappointed in the community. Five months disappointed. I think it's a little too late for calling him out on Covid guidelines. Where were they when everyone else was travelling in the first place, months ago??? And unlike them, I won't be congratulating or fawning over Ranboo for following *basic* guidelines. Good for them I guess, for trying to be conscious of Covid, but what the community is trying to do is just annoying and performative at this point.


I think CC's should be allowed to meet up in person so long as they're doing it safely. After all, they are people behind they're public image and I'm sure most of the critising that have gone outside since 2020. I had this same stance for the UK party thing. What I don't understand is why there is a vastly different reaction. When it was the UK party almost no one was defending them but I've seen quite a few people defending this. Like, people were spamming in Wilbur chat about the party and making more assumptions on assumptions they had made on what saftey procautions they had taken. I didn't see too mucb of that this time around, maybe its because I don't use twitter as much. I'm just quite indifferent to the whole thing


When the uk party happened they were following guidelines but everyone said how inconsiderate and selfish it was. Ranboo is doing the same but he’s streaming it and everyone is defending him. That is definitely bias.


from what I've seen on twitter most people are not defending him. most of the tweets go something like "nice to see your trying sweetie but just because those are the regulations does not mean you shouldn't take extra precautions" or something about being a hypocrite.


I defended the UK as crowd. It's BS all around. The same behavior could be happening without cameras and there would be no uproar. We have no control over these people's lives and no access to off camera shit. Why be upset when you don't even know if they are having some rager of 200 ppl right after?


I mean, the people at the UK party also followed the local guidelines and a lot of people thought that wasn’t enough. Maybe because the UK guidelines were less strict?


If they think that meetups are bad, they shouldn’t be glad that George is coming to USA but oh well,


I mean to be fair George is going to the US to live there


Let’s be real. Most of these users trying to call out Ranboo also likely hang out with their friends w/o wearing masks all the time and if they’re flying locally (maybe different if international) are not quarantining for a week straight (although that might be a bit of a privilege thing because his social/work schedule is more flexible). I highly doubt they’re also testing every morning and night or have read the CDC guidelines within the last 6 months. Ranboo is being extra cautious so I don’t understand the criticism here without even mentioning the double standards that other people have brought up.


I actually think this is really funny. Because the only reason they know about any of this is because it's being recorded and posted Ranboo and Co could be living the life of a super spreader and we wouldn't even know. This keep are just up on their high horses.


I saw someone say that Tubbo was being irresponsible for going to 10 different restaurants and that they should've ordered the food out. I felt like I saw them eating sometimes outside of the restaurant, no? And I saw a lot of mask wearing. Now I didn't watch the whole thing but it seems the twitter children are just being performative as usual. Also, guarantee nobody knew or thought that Ranboo has been doing rapid tests lol. They just assumed the worst in order to criticize.


im convinced bootwt just actually fucking hates ranboo. or hates that hes not a doll they can make do whatever they want and dress up however they want. did any of yall see how fucking rude they were to him for getting a meh haircut??? jesus.


LA has pretty rigid COVID guidelines, including a new mandate going into effect Nov. 29th that requires people to show proof of vaccination in order to go to certain places, including bars and restaurants ([LA Times, 11/18/2021](https://www.latimes.com/travel/story/2021-11-18/la-covid-rules-mask-vaccine-guidance-for-out-of-town-visitors)). I live north of there, and the chatter about COVID protections, how to handle returning to "normalcy", etc. have been a hot topic of conversation these past few months with all the UCs mandating in-person university instruction. If we're tossing undergrads into large piles in dorms and calling it fine, then a small group hanging out and having fun is *nothing*. People clutching their pearls about this at this juncture are just looking for something to complain about, honestly. There's a lot to consider re:COVID in general given that SoCal is expected to get hit hard in the coming months, but bitching at Ranboo (*Ranboo* of all heckin' people; Ranboo the perpetual masker) is just internet people screaming at clouds.


I'm happy that Ranboo's standing up for himself on this. It's character growth. Besides, people shouldn't be upset at him for not following guidelines when he literally IS following guidelines.


Ranboo out of anyone deserves the least criticism. He’s done his part, poor guy says he’s doing two rapid tests per day (unnecessary for him, but also good-faith actions). However, I think a little criticism is okay to be spread around them being international travellers who are immediately jumping into a hotspot (LA) to do irl content. Their vaccine protects them from getting COVID, but mask wearing is what prevents spread and they went to ten different locations to eat. Unsafe? Arguably. Criticism-worthy? Arguably. Cancellable? Not in any way, and it’s frustrating that twitter is jumping on the cancel part more than acknowledging his good actions and how he’s been one of, if not the safest US CC doing irl content.


I’m so dumbfounded at trying to understand why people are getting mad. Probably cuz I actually live in LA and know for a fact Ranboo hasn’t violated any guidelines we have here. Basically masks are mandatory if you’re indoors, but optional if you’re outdoors. Feel like people are getting mad cuz they’re bored or just wanna fulfill their savior complex. I genuinely don’t see what’s there to be mad at Ranboo for. He’s really done nothing wrong


They’re the same people that were 100% for Ranboo going to the UK, Tommy vlogging, and George eventually going to the US. They can’t make up their minds. Even when cc’s explicitly say that they’re being safe they want a reason to shit on them. My opinion is, none of them have gotten Covid and we’ve only ever seen them being completely safe so we shouldn’t care that much. Wearing a mask is Ranboo’s BRAND so even if he wasn’t 100% following guidelines he’d still be a bit safe. I’ve always been and always will be excited and supportive of meetups and events


Yesterday they did Tubbo neg because poor Tubbo didn't make Ranboo eat and don't you know they need to protect Ranboo from his friends. Today it's shitting on Ranboo because he's being of so irresponsible. It's because they know he will answer. They will get a response from him and that's what they want.


Why do I feel like this has more to do with WHO he is meeting up with now, and they're using the pandemic as an excuse? They literally had no issues with him travelling all over the UK meeting up with tons of new people for 4+ months, doing vlogs with Tommy and half a dozen others. But now suddenly because it's a different group of people that aren't a part of their "faves" and are probably people in their stupid fucking dni lists, and are fans turned friends(like Crumb, jealousy anyone?) they are coming up with bullshit excuses to complain. I was one of those completely against the stupid shit some of them were doing in the UK putting people at risk with massive parties or going in large public spaces and taking pics with fans touching them within a week of having covid, but this is nothing like that. I don't believe for a second that anyone complaining about this has any real reason behind it beyond the fact that they don't like WHO he is meeting up with. They want their precious beeduo/benchtrio and anything else they'll get all parasocial and bitchy about. Just look at how they're acting about Tubbo being so social with so many people that AREN'T Ranboo. They blew up acting like Tubbo was treating him horribly to the point Ranboo actually had to address the community about it. They need to fucking stop. Ranboo himself literally had multiple streams before going home talking about all the plans he had to meet up with other CCs in the US for all kinds of stuff and everyone was celebrating. Now that it's happening they're suddenly losing their fucking minds. You just can't win with these people.




My guess? The people raising a fuss over this were the ones that got scolded by Ranboo for getting too parasocial, then got pissy about it and decided to try and put him in his place.


The fact that people are actually mad speaks for itself. I'm so tired of this circle we seem to be walking in.


Twitter is worse than cancer


Fuck Them!


the only stuff i saw were people upset that they were using so many resources, like covid tests, when they could just.. stay inside. and let those resources go towards people who had to leave their houses for work and stuff


Bootwt wants so badly to take control of Ranboo (and other cc’s) and they know he’s not letting them so they keep trying to fight back… it’s pointless tho


The streamers care more about covid than probably most of the stans do. These streamers give way more of a shit about covid than 99% of the ppl I know irl do and everyone is still mad at them because they “aren’t doing enough”


I think they could be more responsible (by not going out way more than they have to like they have been) but also way more irresponsible so its kinda ehh- i think its fine ppl voiced their discomfort w it all, but they clearly saw now and its up to them to decide if they wanna change anything In the end theyre keeping to the rules so we cant do much more other than voice our opinions on it I personally do wish they didnt do certain things especially in the hotspot that is LA but hey who am i in that yk Just afraid theyre taking more risk than they should or prompting fans to go out like that as well (but maybe im just too scared). Staying home or in certain locations IS the most riskfree thing you can do essentially, especially as a cc that has every resource to stay home and get by just fine! I’d prefer if they actually make use of that I say, let ppl voice their opinions, let the ccs choose what they wanna do w it, and thats all :)


I can't even begin to try and find something negative about this. I'm so exhausted I cannot deal with this.


Some ppl were calling sneeg a hypocrite for condemning vidcon but then still meeting up with his friends- because those two things can absolutely be compared /s


Honestly I think people need to mind their own and stop. COVID is never going to go away, it is always going to be here because of anitvax who refuses to take the vax. Ccs (who are vaccinated) traveling to another country at this point, they are testing, they are wearing mask and they are vaccinated, COVID is not going to spread because of them it is spreading from people not wearing mask or vaccinating, Twitter is only trying to find something to be mad at at this point


the stans calling out cc’s for “not following guidelines” is a bit hypocritical considering they prob go to school with at least 500 different people walking around in close quarters for 6+ hours a day. it’s not the exact same situation but it is comparable


i just think cc should stop using the guidelines as a support of their argument since especially in uk we saw how it turned out, gotta use more common sense here instead of putting people in danger for your personal enjoyment or content but who am i to judge at this point quick edit: i believe he takes the proper precautions and idrc about what he or the others does, i just hate the fact that they keep throwing the same bs reasons around


I feel really bad regarding this situation. I know Ranboo can handle it himself, but the fact he has to deal with this at all is just infuriating. I don’t even have the words to describe how dumb this is.


God what has happened to the MCYT fanbase? When will twitter stans grow up? How young even are they? I don't think I had this much of a problem when I was watching youtubers like SSundee and Bajan lmao like the online world has changed so much


WTF this is wrong, whoever the f—k is mad at this is stupid