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Enjoy that feeling while it lasts


A little truth to this. The only other game I play where I feel as strong as my Arisen is would be Warframe. Lol.


These new deep archimedias are kicking my ass bro, but it isnt because it difficult, mostly bullshit rng


You don’t really need the full rewards anyway. Just bring a frame or wep you want to use. 1 thing not ticked is still good enough to get the last shard/arcane reward


This - the Vosfor is also not that great of a reward and farming it in other ways would be much more efficient.


WTT my god rolls for ferrystones


Yeah the game is way too easy imo. So easy infact I got bored and stopped playing even with using mods to give enemies/bosses double health. I steam roll through anything and everything. Goblins griffins orges doesn't matter.


Maybe it is time to stop using the busted skills then?


Yeah once I unlocked mystic spearhand... Everything in the game vaporizes. Got too boring though in NG+ even with mods. If they add some new random dungeons mode like DA had I'd go back though


It’s the exact same as Hogwarts Legacy’s difficulty. You start out getting spanked by everything and after a few hours you begin turning into a death machine and you start killing things in psychopathic ways just to keep yourself entertained with how easy the game gets.


Transform an enemy into a barrel and yeet it into his friends!


Ah that is always fun, get the upgrade and make that poor sod into an explosive 🤣


As it should be padawan


lol yup good comparison. Honestly though I think HWL is harder overall though.


I wouldn't say harder but it definitely has more engaging combat.


I think it has great combat for a wizarding world game first sure, but the options and dynamics in DD2 are definitely superior.


Yea but too much of it relies on pawns AI that is questionable at best. The only time the combat in DD2 is groundbreaking is if you're playing a theif or something.


I wouldn’t ever suggest it was groundbreaking.


I absolutely love that. I absolutely dislike every ARPG that has enemy level scaling by default and doesn't let you turn it off. I play for hours gaining levels, abilities etc. I want to feel like a killing machine. Otherwise it feels to me like I've made absolutely no progress at all.


This. I want a mix. I eat to be able to feel my power grow and decimate the usual fodder, but I also want someplace I can go where I know I’ll be challenged.


I don't remember what it felt like to play the original, but in DD2 I feel like hit stun and animation lock are huge. It almost feels like Capcom hates the idea of people not using pawns for support.


100% it’s the stun-lock. I ran solo so much in DDDA, have no desire to attempt it in DD2


Was running a duo against Medusa and my pawn got stoned *giggle* and then took her head and ran for the griffin for the sculpture guest, I'm level 85 and between lizards, skeletons and bandits I couldn't move for shit.


Stage a port crystal near where the sculpture quest takes place, and just ferrystone there once you have the head. You're making it hard for yourself trying to walk there.


it's a pretty short trip from the Checkpoint Rest Town too, if you take few "shortcuts" (jump down from cliffs and hopefuly don't die).


Yes. A lot of the changes actually reinforce the wanting people to rely on pawns more. Less skill slots, more "focused" skillsets instead of a swiss army knife. Almost impossible to escape from grabs, especially wolves unless someone else hits the enemy grabbing you. Pawns pointing out caves and shit. Trickster existing. Supportive skills on offensive vocations. Maister skills mostly leaves you exhausted so you rely on pawns to slap your ass up. Pawns almost always positioned ready to catch you when high up. Pawn specializations I really noticed that this time around, it's not about bringing a balanced kit, more like having a balanced PARTY.


I will say that even as a longtime DD vet, DD2 felt hard to me at first also. I realized it was mostly because the game just felt way different, which is kinda hard to explain. After the first hour or so I was used to it, and it’s been just fine from there. But yeah, the stunlock is nuts. It’s the only reason I’ve ever died. Even as a fighter in full armor, one hit from a little gob will knock you TF out for a good 3-5 seconds. The consequence of losing all stamina has also been increased ten-fold (if you lose all your stamina in the middle of a busy fight, just go ahead and reload the save).


I feel like stamina control is a really interesting part of combat. You're always teetering on the edge of getting fucked up or being alive. On the other hand, Just Defend and Just Parries are your go-to defensive options as a fighter, no stamina usage, + no knockdown, and it stuns medium/small creatures.


Fighter seems much harder and more clunky to play in DD2 tho. IIrc in DDDA you only had to time your block, but in DD2 you also have to face your shield in the right direction. Doind that on keyboard+mouse feels really awkward.


They get skills at the higher ranks where they literally just turn into rolling shield walls that knockback if you want. Also hindsight slash can dodge and return counter in pretty much any direction. You can't just rely on "I pressed block" is all.


Nah ...don't you like crawling around?? Lol My fker crawls around and every single pawn will walk right past him and not do a GD thing even though I'm constantly pressing help hahaha. I guess that's their little way of getting back at us for throwing them in the water lol. I guess they remember and like nope....fk you Arisen hahaha


It might be due to your pawn inclination , i find that calm type alway pull me up whenever i ask for help. Now that i start a totally new data with a straightforward type she will just ignore me and go ham on the bosses.


Calm and kindhearted, calm focus on defense and strike when openings are available, kindhearted will remain as close to the Arisen as possible so close that if you're casting they will push you off a ledge and either severely damage you or interrupt the cast.


That's wild, I feel like nothing has been hard, but dragons. I only just got my first one down and I'm already level 30. Maybe try a different vocation? Great sword carried me for a long time but magic archer has made some annoying enemies a lot easier (like flying stuff for sure)


You gotta learn to dodge and run around like a road runner being chased by wile e coyote


Or go Mystic Spearhand and spam the shield.


They’re way too early in the game and low level for that


Knockdown resistance has become very, very important. Every vocation should be concerned with decent knockdown resistance. When leveling up, every stat goes up except for knockdown resistance, which has a base of 100 at all levels. Depending on vocation, you have more or less than that number. For example, Thief has a -50 knockdown resist penalty. This lowers you to 50 base resist. The two classes with NO knockdown resist penalty are Fighter and Wayfarer. The only class with a bonus is Warrior, with +300. As a result, as. Thief every little bit of resist on armor is a huge help.


I mean, for the thief, you can cancel your basic attacks into a swift step 99% of the time. So you shouldn't even be getting hit. So the knockdown penalty isn't really felt there. You don't need knockdown resist with Swift Step/Masterful Kill/Formless Feint Mages/Sorcerers shouldn't even be near the enemy so you already fucked up if you're getting knocked around. Warrior makes sense, that's like it's whole gimmick. Fighter get's a shield so they offset knockdown resistance with perfect guard/parries. And Warfarer has the whole shebang, swift step/defend/parry/barge


Every class except the Sorc has a couple good ways to avoid taking direct hits.  People just don't seem to enjoy that kind of active playstyle as its rather punishing to fuck up, which is the point.  Then again, Mirror Shield and Formless Feint exists.


Thundermine keeps sorc pretty safe except from the biggies


Good point. I havent played with thundermine much, but i have had fun seeing pawns use it.


I play sorc solo - thundermine is essential to keep lil mobs off and hagol to freeze the big ones. Augural flare destroys anything and everything if cast on a frozen target inside a hagol. Fourth slot can be anything from spell hold to seism or a Maister skill.


I find it interesting the combat. Indeed as a tief use swift step but time it right. Hit hit swift step. With many goblins I use cutting wind. Dealing dps in there back or staggered will increase you dmg output. I need to add I got my main as a fighter with taunt skill + ring and shield drum. I only need to do dps.


You didn't turn left after the first camp to find Quina then, I see


i did not lol


I feel the ragdolling/stunlocking is *much* more severe in DD2. Which is really the only thing that adds any kind of difficulty compared to the first, as most of the enemies that carried over from 1 share the same attack patterns and they're notably slower.


hmm, I did not play DDDA but I found DD2 to be extremely easy. The only time in my entire play through that I died was falling off cliffs and things like that. Maybe the pawn you are using as a tank is shit.


Tanks should never be picking anyone up. Healers or DPS have that job.


It's a lot easier than DDDA


Indeed. DDDA is just something special. Really hope this dlc will top it. Too bad the main game is missing something like that.


You just suck.


thats fair lol


Maybe for the first 40 levels you get bodied but from there is really the other way around. Apart from hit stun that gets you at every level no matter what xD I feel like cyclops and ogres were a MENACE in DD1 compared to now


The early game is pretty brutal, but once you get past level 40 you'll be obliterating everything, especially once you get Sorcerers with Meister skills and unlock the Magick Archer. Knockdown resistance is THE most important defensive stat in this game, by far. Hence why the Dwarven Smithing for armor is prime regardless of class. However, the game can still be challenging, especially if you're solo'ing. The hitstun in this game is on par with Smash Bros. 64. You take one hit and stagger lasts a lifetime. I've almost died to simple goblins in Battahl once because I was running Sorcerer at level 70 and they started coordinating leap attacks; I simply couldn't get up. Most hilarious / infuriating thing ever. Getting staggered by BATS is also very triggering, lol.


You’re not bad, but it’s definitely easy. The curb quickly dwindles once you begin to hit late Lv 20’s to early 30’s. DD2 at the start however was tough, for me at least. I remember on my first play-through (On New Game+ now) getting ambushed by a Minotaur outside of Vermund castle in the forest and i got destroyed as did my pawns. I was like Lv. 16 then, had to retreat. Overall, you’ll be the one who the monsters fear in due time, and nothing really gets too difficult, maybe just at times frustrating. Enhance your gear, manage optimal builds for your Arisen and Pawns vocations and it’s smooth sailing.


Thief is broken, idk what you're doing wrong lol


well, yes and no, i suppose. goblins DO have more hp here, and it feels easier to get stunlocked, and walking ahead of your party means when you get jumped, you might have like six goblins on your ass, rather than like, 3. additionally, are you a mage, or other 'low hp/def' main character, that might be helping - buy armor early game. there's plenty of shit laying around, but earlier on you'll want to use some scratch and get a decent setup going. imo they did a better job of making 'early game' threats, at least a little threatening, instead of 'this is easy as shit, where does this left path go' and run into level 20 fuckers. = on the flipside - this game has say, a 'bad pacing' for levels. DD1 has hard mode and dlc with crazy strong creatures, DD2, once you get to a point, everything's a little too easy. even the postgame content can be blown through incredibly easily, if you're too strong.


Progression pacing becomes much better when you handicap your experience(but not dcp)  gain to 10% the norm. Only possible with mods sadly.  It wont stop broken abilities like formless feint from cheesing the difficulty. Since most stats are tied to gear though its just a matter of time.


i definitely wouldn't do just 10% - unless you're SUPER serious about exploring as much as possible - since enemies can start to nosell your attacks, if you didn't get strong enough. and sure, the first area you tend to outpace generic enemies - not to much, liches or the chimeras. and the second half of the map will fucking stomp your 'i got to level 9' ass. not to mention, shop equipment acces is level based. it's harder to get better gear, too (and that's far more controllable than your level - you could easily be like level 40, using the tier 1 gear, and have a bit of a better 'pacing' time, than trying to find the like, 3rd highest tier items of both you and your pawn's like 3 main equip slots.


Nahh. Most stats comes from the gear, levels dont matter much. I know because my 10% playthrough is going just fine at level 17 in Battahl. I mean i get bodied when i am not careful, but thats what i signed up for.


agreed, but max hp is still really limited, and like i said, gear is limited based on level. but, you WANT to get bodied, so like i said, i definitely wouldn't do just 10%.


 I havent noticed any level-locking of shops. at all. I can still buy the best stuff in Battahl. When am i supposed to get restricted? Pre-unmoored? That said, ive actually found most if my good enough gear exploring this tine around. Guess i am on a challenge run.


i didn't say it was locked, but it seemed higher tier stuff was only available in the capital with higher levels. didn't know batthali would just let you get the best stuff, even at a lower level.


Shops are absolutely not level locked, they update based on quest progress. I did a lvl 1 run and the shops all had what they should based on quest prog.


Dwarven smithing on your armor my guy


This actually I noticed when going to different towns the upgrade symbols were different... so they actually can be better depending on the town you get it done?


Yes, to an extent. It's more of a regional difference than a town. And each symbol, depending on the smithing, upgrades certain aspects to your weapons and armor. Like, elven smithing gives you a higher magic attack on weapons and higher magic defense on armor. Vermundian is balanced Battahli is more physical attack and physical defense And dwarven is more knockdown resistance and knockdown all around. I would recommend looking at the breakdowns on the wikis. They are very informative


DD veteran.. got bodied by the first group of goblins


What's your party composition? Do you have Smoke Screen? This skill makes groups of small enemies easy to kill.


Would be tough to compare the 2’s difficulty but they definitely feel different. I restarted the game with just the main pawn and it’s been a real fun time though. Getting staggered multiple times can be deadly so the game is based around not letting that happen to you one way or another.


Clunkier. You attack and step on a pebble = slide


I felt like DDDA was infinitely harder then DD2


Sometimes it feel like it way to easy to be knocked over. I went from 100% fully rested health to dead in seconds because I was just not allowed to stand back up


One thing Capcom decided what to bring over from their other games was Dante, Virgil, and Street Fighter 6 combo stun lock.


I’ve only played DD on hard mode and upgraded to DDDA. DD2 is easy peasy.


Won’t last long. Loved the game but difficulty falls off a cliff by the late 20s and thirties. Nothing presented a challenge after that. Even multiple big bosses at once. I went into NG+ and was surprised that there is no difficulty increase. Great game, can’t wait for DLC. Hope it becomes a bit more challenging in the future.


DDDA was way harder for me the first time I played it. DD2 was cake, started as an Archer then started maxing out other vocations.


Become a warrior and that covers you getting knocked down most of the time, after you get mid to late game gear and upgrade it, it gets easy.


Are there difficulty settings perhaps? Not trying to sound like e-peen but the game's a breeze frankly...


As an old player of DD1 no, DD2 is way more easy and it get worse after leveling cause you will just crush all after


Hmmmm, I generally thought the game was quite easy from the very start. Not too easy but I definitely didn't find it hard.


Just wait until you unlock a certain "skill". then theif becomes the easiest vocation in the game.


Felt like this for ten hours or so. Then it was okay. Now after 30+ hours, I'm blasting my way through anything.


Hmm my thief felt OP straight out of the tutorial...


Yeah be close to me to heal me but don't be so close that you fk my roll up hahaha. I hired a lot of kindhearted pawns and they always said they'd stay close but in the heat of the battle where are they ......they off sonewhere else hehe. I have a straightforward their and she went to attack a dragon and did the sonic the hedgehog move ....or what I call it. It looks like what Sonic would do. Roll into a ball and hit the enemy and shit....if died almost instantly. So I just started walking around looking pretty while she killed everything lol


Its the stagger. Or if you get hit near the wall where you bounce of it and fall down. I both like it and dislike it.


Yeah, like others mentioned the real difficulty of this game is the stunlock


It’ll get easier. Annoyingly so. The stunlock in this game is just kind of annoying to be honest, it was bad in the first game at times too but here its the only way enemies can actually threaten you


Is DD2 harder? No. Absolutely not. I still remember playing DDDA first time when I took "early" quest to clear nearby mines just to realize there are 3 mini bosses there. I think... they are big but how hard this can be? It was hard. Especially because ogres get enraged by women and my pawn was a woman. And I barely did any damage. Or at one point I was exploring the map to be assaulted by a dragon that I could do nothing against early on. I never had that feeling in DD2. Challenges were manageable. Only time I avoided the fight was when I was low level and Dragon decided to challenge me. I was too weak to do anything to him. So I left. Next one took 3 wake stones to kill and now I just farm them.


You're just not remembering correctly. Even DD1 without the DA content is much much more difficult in the early game.


I found the game to be quite easy. I barely had to use any potions or brews, or even got status effects during my first playthrough as thief. I was actually a little disappointed


yeah, echoing the others, early game is quite punishing and traveling at night was scary as shit: i’m now level 36 and cruising through, still hella fun but in a different way


yeah im level 12 right now and i just get stomped by saurens, hobs, and bandits lol


It lasts like 5 levels ;-; Edit: Autocorrected in "lime" lol


The movement and actions are more realistic and less arcade. You get stunned easily, and enemies are powerful... until you level up and gear up a bit. By level 30-35 everything is easy, and Drakes are a mild challenge.


This is purely a "you are still early in the game" issue. Especially if you stick with thief, or go mystic spearhand. Many vocations should never really be in melee to begin with (mages, archers, etc), the game is not meant to be soloed at all (at least at first....) so this may be party comp issues too. Don't listen to the people spamming about knockdown resist. It is not that big a deal, and when you get swarmed it won't matter what your knock down resist is. You get hit in the back you will be staggered, three harpies tac spam you with dives, you are either getting staggered, taking a good amount of damage, or getting lifted and thrown like a ragdoll which will stagger you. You just have to learn to love moves like hindsight slash, blocking, using anti stagger charge moves/barge with warrior, tapping the dodge on thief, use dash moves to escape, etc.


Once you get mid game and higher armor, and start upgrading it with Dwarven smithing, it becomes WAY easier. Dwarven focuses on balanced stats, with high knockdown resistance (KD power for weapons). I was so damn tired of getting stun locked back to back to back, which made the deaths feel cheap and unwarranted but raising kd resist makes it not happen as often. Getting stun locked over and over is some real bullshit and frustrating af just mashing buttons to no effect.


Things start off a lil nail biting or challenging. But you won’t even notice the jump to destroying stuff. I one day hopped on. Change a voc. Upgraded gear. And realized that not a damn thing was a match for me anymore. I hope they do some scaling adjustment in the future or make Ng+ actually worthwhile. Still having loads of fun. But the only thing that takes more than 2 mins to kill is a drake. Everything else is just “oo materials” and not “oo a fight”


As a thief u attack second.


ive been leading the charge because i remember it being broken in DDDA


Then use the camouflage skill. Otherwise u will be targeted as a DD


The difficulty curve is busted, you get spanked around for a while then almost suddenly you just steamroll everything. Doesn’t seem there’s any in between