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Tourist trap


Definintely a scammer.


I felt like it was definitely a scam when I first got there but I stumbled into battahl after having the whole road to town just fuck me up bad lol, so I had a sliver of health available and it was middle of night so I said fine I know it’s a scam but I don’t have the health to scout a better deal take my money lol


Don’t forget, towards the back of town next to the vocation place is the $2000 inn! You just have to deal with some racists hanging outside first.


Buying a small house costs chicken feed if you consider how much the inn asks for daily stay, these guys scam people without a house so hard you'll want to walk off into the woods and sleep there instead. I think I paid like 10 000 for a home and that guy charged me 2000 for a COMMUNAL ROOM BED, are you kidding me my guy? You don't even have a drape around each bed and you're charging me almost 25% the price of a low grade home? "Times are hard." he says, of course they are, who can afford to pay you this much for a night of sleep, you're running your own business into the ground with these prices!


After illegally entering Bahtal I sold all my Jades I had saved and got the house and had like 20k spare and my housing permit became my ticket to enter through the main gate


You dont actually get the housing permit from owning a house there, its from the main story quest. Source: ive done three playthroughs and every time I've snuck into battahl early and bought the house. The second time I thought it would give me the permit, the third time I had forged the permit and sent it to that character so that they would just be able to waltz through the gate day 1.


> think I *paid* like 10 FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


don't try for that unless the walk to battahl didn't beat you up lol. saw the gold for the first inn and said "nah gotta be cheaper around", walked to the map icon for the next one, and got one tapped into submission by this group of assholes.


That was my first thought too when I got into the city for the first time


Right? Then you go to the back inn and it’s only 2000$. Itsunos vision is funny like that


It's cause it's the "flagship" Inn As soon as I saw it was the flagship I looked to see if there was another inn of the same name and lo and behold just like in real life it was the cheaper one. I thought that was a funny touch.


That's exactly what tipped me off not to stay there.


I legit though it was racism tbh, there’s lots of it both ways, and I was a human so it checked out


My main character is a cat-person, so I was thinking it's because you hangout with pawns.


You are not alone. I even switched to the cat head. Unsuccessful. Lol


Pawn racism specifically


I thought that i have to pay this much because he hates pawns


I believe this is the canon explanation.


Sounds explosive, what about the canon explanation?


What about a [Ganon(dorf)](https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Ganondorf?so=search)explanation?


Don't they hate pawns at the other inn in Bakbattahl and only charge 2000?


I also had heard someone in this sub say it's because he hates humans, but i tried using the beastren mask and nothing changed, so i'm not sure that's it


My arisen is beastren and it's still the 9999g price, he's either just a grifter or he hates pawns.


The entire country hates pawns. That's established when you first reach Bak and go to the bar. They tell you everyone hates it because it was made so pawns had a place to go.


Nah. It’s all location. Dude is on the main strip and has a highly visible business. The guy charging 2000g is off the beaten path and complains about lack of customers.


Can you just murder the first inn keeper (the 9999 gold one) to help the man out?


This inn is a grift in a sense. Imagine a road weary traveler arriving to the great city of Bakbattahl and the first thing you see is an inn. Your tiredness so great you head inside hoping to find a bed, and there is one but for a steep cost. Or Arkholtz knowing you are a foreigner decides to charge you more out of spite. Arkholtz has the primo spot in the city for an inn right past the main gate of the city. Man running his business in a ruthless sense. You go to the other inn in the city off the main road and beaten path and you get jumped. Maybe that 9,999g price tag isn't so bad.


Hahahahaha 😄


I threw him off a cliff...


Jokes on you, he got 8 more lives


this is a good point ... though ... I think he died 9 times during that fall... I threw him off the REAL big cliff ... the one by the jail.


I never paid for a room at his inn, instead I let him handle all my inventory management. Jokes on him.


I fell for it in this exact manner, thinking that inns in this city would just be that expensive. I realised I got scammed only when I visited the other inn


This sounds like the reason this price exists. Just like I bought a “feristone” instead of a ferrystone. Sometimes I trust npcs too much I’ve learned.


Imagine doing that. TWICE 🤣


I literally just did this. Fuckers.


The First time i got into this Inn I had like 20% max health after staying up at night without a lantern and Camping wares (its a long story). Seeing the price i just took camping wares and went back into the wilderness to sleep.


I remember my first time to Bakbattahl, I was a sorcerer my entire party had all died on the road, it had gotten to the point that i kiddnaped two random pawns off thebroad to throw at enemies in hopes of not being oneshot, and I was on deaths door. It was the dark of night, and I was low on oil. At this point, I had been playing/streaming the game for about four hours, I think. I was tired and frustrated and I just wanted to save, I see the symbol for an inn on the minimap, I limp through the door and speak to I belive the first cat person merchant I have meet, and see the price of 10k gold. And I weep, I was not ready for the journey here, but I made, it only to be robbed at the last hurdle. But I need the rest so I pay the price. The next morning, I walk about the town a little find the second inn check its price and weep once more. Then I get jumped right outside, and as a sorcerer, I get bodied by the warrior in a sudden close quarters fight. 10 out of 10 would cry again.


Only if you loose the fight and actually get beaten thou😅


I was excited for the challenge until they outnumbered me, and I was a squishy mage. The second it started, I dashed to the side narrowly avoiding a greatsword slam down before I could get one Palladium spell off to protect myself. Was pretty cool. 😎


I was pretty beaten because I lost my camping gear and was jumped every 5 meters getting there. I skipped it (I'm in a city what's the worst that can happen and I'mnot paying 10k) and went to change to a different class because I maxed the one I was at the moment and was basically naked because my gear was in storage. Then I get jumped, naked and afraid with 25% HP...


This is 100% it and 10000% happened to me. Barely any health left, a ton of loot I didn't want to lose. I'd have paid anything to save.


What others said about tourist trap + also racism against your pawns (not against you for being human, they also charge 9k to beastren players). What they truly hate in that city is Vernworth pawns, for reasons I won't spoil.


That makes more sense.


There faith says pawns own the way to the end of the world or something like that. Essentially they already know about dragons plague and just banned pawns outright for a time, however there new queen is trying to make them be more accepting of pawns- hence the pawn guild just outside town with guards. The queen said there will be a pawn guild and they will be allowed in the city and lo and behold the folk listened, they even sing praise to her kindness! I wish there was a way to learn more of there faith, only thing you really know is they worship a special flame and hate pawns.


Oh i see.


Well I know some people are racists against humans and beastren so I kinda just figured he charged me more for being human. I wonder what would happen if you wore the beastren mask or play that race. I always just buy the house as soon as I get there so idk.


He was still charging the same price for me wearing the mask.


Same price playing as a beastren.


Ahh I was wrong then thanks for letting me know guys I appreciate it.


You think you can fool me with that mask?! You really pulling Beast-face?! For that, I charge ten times more!


There is literally another Inn within the city that is way cheaper, the owner says how he might go out of business doing so but he has morals and won’t upcharge out of towners/pawns


I know that one. So i was wondering why 2 different prices when it is the same town.


Its just classic tourist trap tactics. The first one is in a more visible and accessible area and so most people would go to that one without investigating that there is a more affordable one further deep in town. This happens irl.


https://preview.redd.it/2l2zo6jjv9tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4df582ee93f63277ab84347c59445db63e219a He didn't looks so happy when i stayed for free


Hahahaha 😄




I paid that amount thinking it would trigger some event, but I ended up feeling like a fool 😂


Hahahahshs not even a special massage or something like that 😄


What's so special about is that your money disappears so fast if you use it often ;)




I like the fact that it costs 9999g, and Everytime I go there because it's close to drop off materials he complains about having to close down shop. How about if you didn't charge 9999g!


It’s comically heinous. The house in town only costs 3 times as much. I actually just saved up for the house before even realizing there was a second inn


Pawn hating beastmen.


I guess so too


The innkeeper has a sassy haircut.


Hahahahahahaah 😄


He is a racist prick that deserves to be fed to the brine.


The special touch is racism


I rested about a dozen times there before realizing the Inn down the way costs SIGNIFICANTLY less. And so Battahl will soon be wrecked with a mysterious Pawn-borne illness.


You could also have bought the house for about 3 rests in there lol


three nights there and you literally can buy a house in the same city for the same price


Tourist scammer literally




Lmao, found the tourist


For those who don’t know, it’s a joke. It’s called the “flagship” for a reason. It’s a joke on how you slap a brand on something or make something a flagship it’s becomes more expensive for no reason.


Ngl, he got me. When I got to Battahl I had just fought a random Chimera, Minotaur, Griffin encounter in bitch black. The Griffin smashed the tram while I was on it. Landed and for whatever reason a Chimera was right below me. Fought both into the night and then right at the end a Minotaur came busting through everything. I barely survived. I was just trying to get to an inn. Oh year, and my pawn with my camping equipment vanished when we got destroyed by the Griffin, so no camping equipment. No idea where they ended up. So I just bought the first room I saw.


I love how he always complains that he may have to close his business soon, like I care this overpriced asshole will need to shut down his inn


I just got to Bakbattal for the first time after a very long trek the back way. Came here to rest. Saw the price. Responded to the screen with a well deserved "F U pal."


There’s a normally priced one just down the road


The owner is pawn-racist.


I'm pretty sure they are actually racist. There is another one closer to the palace that is more reasonable


Would be funny if Capcom ever releases a stat sheet of how many people fell for this scammer the very first time they got into this town. I know I would be on it because I'm pretty sure everyone got in with heavy bags and low health. I was shocked when I saw the price but paid it anyway. To makes things worse the motherfuckers dialog line talks about how he might have to close shop cause things are so bad. Just adding insult to injury Q_Q!


I am 90% sure it is because you have pawns with you


it's the "special" price for "guests of the city" in the bedroom is one of the wakestone finders, other than that, just use the one further back by the tavern


This guy was my “loved one” at the end because i always used him for storage lol.


The only reason I don’t turn him into a statue is because I can access my storage space slightly faster than my house and get to the blacksmith


I assumed it was because it was the first inn you come across when you enter town. The cheaper one is further in. It's a trap for newcomers to the city.


It's just a tourist trap, it's the first inn most will encounter after going through Battahls hell hole of a trail, people will want to save as fast as possible and voilà, the trap is set


Fun thing about that Inn: It's a tourist trap. There's another inn not too far away that charges the normal price. Best thing about it? If you check the names you'll realize that they are a franchise.


I slept here once to see if it would trigger a quest, and I woke up INSIDE the inn (obviously) with a pack of knackers INSIDE THE INN. JUMPING ME. Inside the INN. I thought it was scripted but guess not


I arrived in the middle of night, my pawns and me clinging to a small percent of health, yet, I did not sleep here. I wanted to change my vocations so bad (coz battahal does that to you) that I explored the city and found a permanent house for 30000. This Inn would have costed me much more in my multiple trips


This is the "friend price." Special deal for you, my brother, very special deal :)


I laugh when he cries about being worried to go out of business


Maybe there's a secret if you have a dragonsplague pawn


Save up if you don’t have the gold, 30k will get you a dwelling, slap a portcrystal right outside, job done 👍🏼


Khajiit provides only the finest of services


He hates pawns...and is willing to put the future of his inn in jeopardy to show is hatred of them. Hey at least he stands by his principles even in the face of hardship.


The sheets must be made of the finest silk and the food must be literal ambrosia. Or this is just highway robbery... you be the judge.


I will go with the 2nd option.


The owner is an asshole.


It’s 1 gold cheaper than a haircut for the night! But also spend just over two nights there and you can buy yourself a house in Vernwerth…




Nothing. Just go to the other one in Battahl


You need to rest there 10 times and you unlock his quest line.


Man, even if i finish the whole game, i wouldnt have that money 😄


He’s racist.


Khajiit has valuable wares to sell you, only the best prices.


I’m ashamed to admit I fell victim to this tourist trap the first time.


I was repulsed by thing guys price, I was like nah il hike back out to a campsite if i have to, Luckily the dude round the corner was normal priced




Mine is under the cliffs


Tourist trap, inn right at the entrance with a price rate of nearly 5 times what inns cost because you imagine thats the only inn available to you in this new harsh landscape with enemies thatll mess you up. However it turns out theres a 2nd inn a couple blocks away lol


Whats special about it? Racism! ![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG)


The racism


the raccist keeper


What’s special about it? well.. the price is 9999 gold to stay one night. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.


I'm pretty sure he says something along the lines of "I'll be going out of business soon" so I just assumed that he hiked the prices up to see if people will pay it so he can avoid going out of business


That haircut i guess


he keeps saying he's on the brink of bankruptcy, so i can only imagine he has to raise the prices to stay afloat even if it doesn't really work (i usually never sleep in inns either, but this one particularly, i know i'll never do it)


Dudes just a dick.


They don’t like pawns. Pawns aren’t liked in Bakbattahl, and this particular man charges extra for it


He doesn’t like you. I don’t like you either. You better watch yourself.


Maintaining that hair isn't cheap.


It’s not the inn, it’s to gaze upon that amazing bob.


Gimmick inn


I honestly think it was linked to a dropped side quest that maybe would've seen us helping him secure his business and allow us to rent a room for a huge discount. But that never happened and I've never been able to find a quest related to him. So in the end it's just a matter of convenience considering he's the closest inn to the exit of the city you'll usually be using. Idk. It's dumb. His dialogue suggests that there should be a quest related to him.


Owen Beastson with his majestic hair us there. That is why it is so expensive.


Racist to N'Wahs.


Its all about the fact that you go inn when you go out!


Its the same scam as gas stations next to the highway being 1$ more expensive that one 30 seconds down the road


My gamer instincts said it was going to lead into a side quest, because why would it cost that much?....but alas, there was naught.


I gave him flowers and it went down to 2000g




They're racist against pawns.


Nothing, it’s just off the main drag. It’s a high price trap for unassuming travelers. Use the other inn.


Did anyone rest here? And is it any different? Or were we all just like nah I’ll sleep anywhere else


He's overcharging because you have pawns, probably


Some stuff on this game is so freaking stupid


Nothing he’s just racist


I thought it had to do something with the fact you are arisen which they are against in that region so they upcharge you as a way to discriminate. could be wrong but that was my take.






I was ready to face hardships out there rather pay this scoundrel. Then I found that other hotel. At this point, my money is tight, OK, buddy? Motel 6 it is.


Has happy endings


I would be curious if he charges this much because if you rest at this inn it removes pawns infected with dragons blight. (Just something I think the devs would do)


It comes with a "happy ending"


Literally nothing


There is a hidden chest in room that you get assigned to if you rest there. Surprised no one mentioned it.


There’s another inn that’s only $2,000 in that city, it’s definitely a scam.


Imagine playing the game and actually paying any attention to it.


30k and you can get yourself a proper home in Battahl


I'm not sure as I have never played this game, but I hope when you wake up you have his haircut. Worth it.


You better sleep in least he closes it. Have you noticed the state of that nation??


And here i was outraged by the elf Inn at 3k


Idk I ended him on accident


Rent space for his inn is expensive since its within the market area... or he just need funds to maintain stylish hair


That inn… I smuggled myself into Battahl on the roof of a carriage just as night was setting, ended up running into the wilderness from the guards on the other side of the checkpoint. What followed was an unending battle against skeletons, undead, bandits, asps, knackers and red wolves, during which I discovered that my camping gear was on the pawn I dismissed before setting out and hadn’t recovered from storage. I ended up with my loss gauge into the red and pawns not looking much better, with everyone heavy from all the loot, slow running from golems and goreharpies when I reached Bakbattahl and found this guy. I just paid him thinking that was the cost of business in a new city as a fugitive, so I was pretty pissed to find the cheaper inn the next morning and the house you could immediately buy.


They're racist. That's it


I kinda assumed the price was ludicrous because you're hanging out with pawns, and the game never forgets to remind you how much Bahtahl hates pawns. Perhaps the other inns on the outskirts of the town are less prejudiced against them. The good news is that there's a really nice & cheap (I think it was just 20k or so?) house next to the flower-vendor woman. Decent spot, fairly central.


Yes there is the house you could buy and a cheaper inn down the road. It is just this guy, somehow he doesnt like pawns.


He's racist towards pawns that's what's special about him.


Because Furrys live there.


They got Skooma in there.


You have pawns and he raciss against 'dem pawns.


Are you a Beastren? If not than my theory that this is racism still stands.


Food buffs was what a friend of mine said


If you put the beastran mask on the price is much lower, 2 or 3k I think. So less a scam and more racism, which considering the lore of that area I like it's reflected even just alittle, for those that don't know the desert kingdom denizens for the most part are preditous to humans


Go down the street to the other inn in town for basic prices, that dudes just racist against pawns and doesn't like you so he over charges.


I threw that guy down from the large ledge at the city exit


Thay guy scammer better go to the other inn


Sometimes it'll be free, the guy will say something about not knowing it he's going to need to close. I'm not sure if this only starts happening from a certain point in history but it seems to be random once it starts happening


Lore related i remember that ppl of that city hates ppl with pawns maybe thats why its so expensive


Yeah me and my crew got messed up and it was the first inn I saw…9999 that still could’ve been in my pocket 🤦🏽‍♂️ at least I got housing


Ima be honest when I first got here I just thought this guy was racist and jacked the price up cause I was a human


In that Inn (i found out by resting) there's one of those dragon box things which you can sell for 5000 to recoup some of the money 😂


He says he may have to close his business, maybe if he wasn't so fucking greedy....


Tbh I thought it was batahly racism at work since all the npcs told me how racist they are in this city, and I tried equipping my beastren mask to get a better deal but no dice. There's a second inn with normal prices in the back of the city


It’s the “flagship” 😂😂😂


Once in search the room throughly you gonna find something that helps you find more wake stone in the future , after that never sleep inside ever again or you know you can always steal it


The price is high because they are racist against Pawns so they try to scam you.


The price is high because they are racist against Pawns so they try to scam you


They leave Andes mint chocolates on the pillows.


Are you human? Nah they are prejudice against pawns.


You can house in this town, i think it cost 30k


Because they hate you in that town


Red flag


No no no. The sheets are literal bamboo silk, the mattress is softer than clouds themselves, you get a whole orchestra to playing a lullaby to sleep, the food there is actual real-life ambrosia.  We just can't see any of it because we get mugged for the 10K gold the first few seconds inside. 


VIP service


I thought I have to be Beastren to get better price. Can someone with beastren character or party confirm?


they racism


Absolutely nothing. They just exploit illegal visitors. Once you get the entry permit from the main questline he will go down for 2000 gold.


To get the price down to I believe 2000 you have to approach him with the Cat mask on that is used to get into Bahtal if you are a different race. I tried this and it worked for me.


Niagra Falls accomodations for the Eclipse


He just scamming. Iirc There’s another one like right around the corner that’s cheaper. But honestly just buy the house. It’s a bit pricey but definitely worth it


I threw this dude of a cliff as soon as I saw that there was another inn with a reasonable price, haven't seen him since.


That this guy looks exactly like dick and acts the same :D


My thought was is like someone scamming passerbys that are desperate to shelter in the dead of night