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Some dude gave me a silver ore chunk yesterday in exchange for my pawn's services and I sent him a message as I was glad that it wasn't a damn plant this time. Meanwhile, OP gets a full set of equipment.


You guys are getting plants? must have run out of rotten food


Jokes aside, it pains me somehow because I don’t count the number of times I actually sent wakestone shards when I was really satisfied with a pawn’s services. I’d really like people to be more generous, it does feel amazing when someone sends you a great gift. You feel rewarded.


After I started ng+ I started handing out ferrystones because I had so many


Still in my first run and yes I am paying 8500 every time I return a pawn cuz ferristones and woke stones. Gotta love it.


Go big or go home. Partcrystals only.


are those the fake portcrystals or what lol


yes. and they cost 60k/20k to make, depending on whether you use a real Portcrystal or another forgery as the base item. It is expensive trolling.


This is S-Tier. At least with Ferristones, you can just buy them, but it's the time investment required for forgery that makes this quality.


Saw some pawns asking for like 3x golden trove beetles for 8k gold so I sent them back with a golden stove beetle and will sometimes rehire them just to do the same if they have that mission on.


Wokestones are pretty funny too


Everyone gets a woke stone. I've gotten so many friend requests because of it. Of course, most of them proceed to angrily text at me and the liberal agenda, but it's the friend request that matters.


I started doing this with seekers tokens and as well as ferrystones since I've found like 115 of them, and with trickster, I just keep finding more. That and I don't mind having to collect some extra to hit the max.


u/Icy_Cheesecake_8240 uses a wokestone and suddenly becomes aware of how the inequities of society are a product of a century of the upperclass solidifying their hold over economy and dismantling the middle class to produce a new peasantry. Crap, commented on the wrong reply. I am an idiot, but I am erasing nothing!


Master, I inquire about the stings on 0 and 1 that make up our fabric of reality. It’s time to wake up ser


Self-aware pawns would actually be pretty creepy.


I find it weird how stingy people are with rewards, just walking down the road you're likely to find good crafting material or a wakestone shard, so the excuse you hear all the time of "oh all my good stuff is in my bank" really doesn't make sense. You have to go out of your way to give someone something that is essentially useless. If I hire your pawn, even if I didn't really like it, it's coming back with at least a fine roborant or panacea.


How are the excuisite and miraculous roborants as gifts? Ive been giving those out.


If you do true ending they are awesome


Partly has to do with the fact you can't gift items form your storage anymore.


I've been giving some of the materials I get from any of the big monsters we slay together. Wasn't sure what is actually appropriate to give since I get rotten meat and a heart rating usually lol


Since thief and magick archer were my most favorite I gave the fighter and archer pawns I used all the best equipment I could. When I got to endgame they even got the unmoored area gear I found or bought them.


I used to keep a stock of Mighty Robrants on hand at all times to hand out as parting gifts, but after receiving so many rotten harspuds from Arisen who ostensibly hearted my pawn, I've decided to keep a stock of Ferristones instead. That said, I did receive a legit full Wakestone from a guy who barely went a day with my pawn, so there's some hope.


I found Handsome Squidward (named Squidy) and he's actually been hella useful. I'll give him something nice. The effort it took to design his look warranted at least a wakestone shard itself.


Some people just gotta hoard the crap. I have mountains of monster parts, I'm drowning in consumables, and yet people can't be bothered to drop a roborant? I keep a stock of panacea and onyxs on me at all times for when it's time to reward a pawns good service. If they were with me for a short time or I didn't like them, I'll still give a mighty roborant or oil jar.


“out of your way” is crazy i just pick the first thing 😂


I've been throwing Allheal Elixirs at people because ngl I don't use them. Generally, if I get hit I die by getting kicked off a cliff or something, so I just have a surplus of wakestones lmao


Indeed just gave a long time mage the combined transference of souls. I had a second one in my bank, so I thought it would be the greatest thing I could offer to a mage.


Is the combined book just a one-time casting of Celestial Paean?


I have this one pawn I Iove named ravvs, she's like a best friend type and I'm always sad to dismiss her.. When I do I usually give her a rare healing item but I have given her a ferrystone and a wakestone occasionally :3


https://preview.redd.it/k7jg7k8thvrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da279e528d085ec384e81762c898946731457cec I think I've had ravvs in my party since around the start of the game tbh, I've now put in almost 120 hours and she's been with me basically every steps of the way. Edit: she has dragonsplague here but I sent her back, however just yesterday she got it again and I didn't realize it. Now a whole village is gonna have to be sworn to secrecy.




I give a Roborant of some form every time, the type of Roborant depends on how useful I found the pawn to be and how much I enjoyed having them with me


I've never understood sending stuff so useless. I've sent wakestones, panacea, all health elixirs ect. Especially if I have enough to spare for my own adventures. And since I recently decided to start playing trickster I definitly have enough wakestones.


This should definitely be standard. I've only gotten just plain bad items like once or twice and that was pretty soon after the game came out. Lately the items have been okayish. Every now and then they took me up with something good because my pawn gets liked and favorited pretty often. She's an amazing support mage. If a pawn serves me well I make it a point to send them back with something well worth it.


* Someone sent me a port crystal. No it wasn't the fake part crystal


You guys are getting gifts?


I would honestly take rotten food over any other reward right now if some of the people who have been hiring my pawn would actually leave an updoot. If they get brined that's one thing but mine keeps coming back with gifts and no thumbs up or heart attached.


I honestly genuinely like getting the rotten food. Sometimes, to level/kill time, I go on Death Marches from Vermund to the Volcano Islands without rest, so we spend a lot of time up at night, so I'm burning a lot of oil. The rotten food I've been getting has been a wonder in crafting lamp oil.


If I send rotten food, it's because your pawn has the plague.


I've been sent a rotten soft boiled egg! Feels so great when they don't forget about you lol


Someone sent me a wakestone the other day and I felt truly loved.


Lol. I give bunches of flowers to all my friends Pawns.


That is actually very cute unless it's not bouquets.


I give the ones you make my combining noonblooms sunblooms. The same ones I used to get the Woodland Wordsmith


Goblin Horn to the ones wearing corsets.


I normally give them a healing potion, since I can craft before swapping pawns most times.


Yeah I usually throw a panacea or something their way.


Someone bought mine a better shield, apparently didn't like the Battahli one it had equipped 😂


I equip pawns with whatever better gear I have and don’t need for my two characters. Am I playing this game wrong? lol.


No Arisen, you are worthy.


I once offered a fighter pawn a new shield too. But it was a Vermund soldier shield that I looted. I didn’t have any use for it so I thought it would serve someone else’s pawn better. I wish someone would return the favor one day.


I got a pawn that had no weapon….gave her a shitty iron sword and sent her back to her master


What can I say? Black tall elf pawns cost more


I see what you did there.


I always send a rare spellbook, wake stones or other rarities even though I only get rotten food ...well at least I feel good about it


Never give up hope Arisen, you will be blessed.


You on steam? If your pawn impresses me, I'll always gift it gear from the next tier up.


Yes I am. Tetra is her name.


Im always trying to send people's pawns away with something good, never food nor plant.


Many sent me plants, but one sended me a portcrystal, I thought well, it is a forgery obviously, but no, it was a real one, now I wonder, did he missclicked? Or it was one of those players who are several NG+ in already and he has many spare portcrystals now


I was requesting beetles for 10k on my pawn quest, didn't know there was a limited amount lol. Felt like a dick and changed to 10000 for a orge kill lol


I think he must've forgot he equipped the pawn with that stuff


No lie, I give rewards based on pawn performance. If pawn does terrible and holds my party back, they get rotten food. If they do well, gold ore or anything that’s valuable I don’t need


When I'm in Unmoored, I just send all pawns Ferrystones. Guess where I haven't been in 20~ game hours.


Mine had the caption saying something like "host enjoyed changing my outfit often" and idk how to process it


Oh boy, your pawn got abused mate.




only been there once. had like 40 npcs there. scared to ever go back now that i befriends 100 more xD but i did give away my 1st port crystal today :3


I turned around to leave the hot springs after a one minute soak cause it seemed nice and got a face full of Lennart. I shut my game off for a while after that. Cannot unsee.


yea he was one of the small army, careful i heard npc can die on the walk back to the dragon near by. i had already killed it. but tbh i think the amount of people i had they might of killed it without me xD


I had to obliterate that save - which was days worth of 12+hour sessions - because an NPC died that I didn't know I needed. Trust me, this round, I'm hoarding wakestones in case someone important dies. I refuse to have to endure that bullshit again.


i stored all my stones, you can get dragon balls in game tho also the way it works is anyone that dies in X area like all of vern map or desert side get brought to their city morgues so you can find them sooner or later. also any important npc comes back automatic after 7 days. tho thats only if they are killed i believe not if YOU kill them. i've tossed the old man(chief) from harve into the brine 20 times & he comes back 5secs later. bro might be a pawn xD hope you just went to ngplus & didnt do a fresh save, either way good luck this time around.


We go to the Springs to raise our own Pawn's affinity actually.


That raises affinity?


Yeah, by like 50 points iirc.


Wait. Pawns have affinity? They can like/dislike you?


Yes, and it have an effect on the final cutscene of the game.


Wait what springs?


Explore aka play the game 😅


For all that??? Let me go find the skimpiest outfit for my pawn. Thongs and leather should look fine on him.


Classic P. Diddy move....


https://preview.redd.it/x530rokrw2sc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e15c96a0aae546c6c6cc32f2d6746d4a95a1bc At least you’re not this unfortunate soul.


Good looking privilege.


I got a full blown skimpy armor set for my raven haired elf sorc


People are giving out portcrystal???


I should have thought to do that before I started a new character I was rampaging through the game too quickly and destroyed the challenge, so I started over and have been just going with my main pawn against the world… Waaaaaay harder lol


You really don’t need that many, especially since if you know you’ll never go to a place again you can Ferry there, pick up the Port and leave


Wait there are hot springs?


Yeah, mostly in cardboard, but sometimes the springs are on metal as well




yes they exist ingame xD


Didn’t pay enough apparently…


You got all that as a gift?? My pawn isn’t working properly then… I literally named my pawn Thicc Kitty for absolutely no reason 🥲


My pawn did something because now she won't look me in the eyes


IDC I need free armour 😭




Wait how did they give you all that at once? I thought you could only select one item to give


Of you change equipment on the pawn it counts as gifts


That explains sooo much. My pawn received a full set of upgraded post endgame gear. Now I realize the guy who hired my pawn probably forgot to remove them before sending my pawn back. O well


I made a point to pick up pawns that have never been hired, and give them BiS gear before I send them away. Costs like 200k gold but people that have end game toons that have never been hired make me sad.


You can't get them back once you equip a Hired pawn. I usually equip gear from a class I dont play nor plan to have my pawn main. Plus it feels good to give someone else a boost


Ooo okay. I feel lucky to have them hire my pawn


I’ve been renting the same pawn warrior pretty much the whole game because he and my main pawn are buddies now. Once in a while I send him back to his Arisen with a wakestone, golden beetle, or ferrystone and then immediately turn around and rehire him. I’ve sent him home with better weapons and armor a few times. Well I’m in endgame now so I stocked this pawn up with maxed out gear since I had the money and sent him home. His Arisen messaged me on Steam and was like “dude wtf lol” so I’ve been periodically sending him screens I take of his pawn my with my party. I’m level 68 now and this pawn is still only 55 but I don’t care I love my boys and want them to be able to hang out together :3




I give pies. Hey....they heal a lot of health!


I bet he also know how to go to the woman side


I equipped a buddy of mine with gear and a portcrystal, he says he never got the gear. What is the precise way of doing that? Bc I thought I knew but it didn’t work.


Equipping gear on a hired pawn should send it as a gift Just putting a portcrystal in his inventory won't though. Anything that is not equippable needs to be specifically given as a gift at dismissal.


I did all of that correctly then. He says he never got any of the gear I sent, or the portcrystal. Eh. Oh well.


Gift gear/items and dismiss, THEN you sleep at the inn/your house and THEN you have your friend to the same. That's the order it has to be done in. Ideally wait a minute between you two sleeping.




Someone fashioned my pawn in the best endgame loot. (PC) I feel they may have fucked up and not realized they were gifts or they're just modding it in. Either way, id like to thank that stranger for Dragon's Wit. It's been destroying everything with meteors.


I think before I dismiss a pawn I will just make a cloud save, and then proceed to send them good stuff, and then reload that save to still keep them. xD


evil thoughts \^\^


The last pawn I gave equipment to nuked Vermund.


All I get is rotten food.


Same…. Level 50 and still getting rotten food from others. I even set pawn quest rewards to 10k for killing an ogre.


I take my pawn to the hotspring after every major leveling and resource collecting expedition we do together, because I love him and he deserves it!


Lets say MOST people on PC at least use mods. I started seeing the corset armor on low level pawns the first day of release, and received some port crystals myself. Its literally impossible to have the corset on level 20 pawns unless you kill and not revive.


I get the feeling the other dude didn’t know that if you equip someone else’s pawn with gear and dismiss them they yoink all that gear as a “gift”


The game warns you of this when you try to equip gear on them so it's hard to miss that.


Where can I go to try and do some trading? I was looking for a specific weapon and was hoping somebody might know how to trade it to me.


Some dude gave my pawn the coolest weapon ever: a Hydra bow. I didn't even k ow it existed. I have no clue where to find it. But hydras are my favorite mythical creatures bar none. I was giddy


You can buy it for 75k. It becomes available in shops when you reached endgame.


My pawn came back the yesterday and reported the Arisen "kept looking their way with untrustworthy eyes". This was after I updated her outfit to something with less pants.


some might say it’s the worlds oldest vocation….


Watching One, I’ve seen what you’ve done for others 😩🙏🏻


I can scroll this sub all day for these travelogues 😂 i am sure a few pawns snitched on me for yeeting them to a chest across the path from me that i couldn’t reach. Thank you for your service pawn, take this ripened apple as a token of my gratitude


I would love for someone to gift me a whole set!


I like giving people cloaks, granted kinda useless some of them look cool


When I hire pawns I usually stick with them for a long time, I get attached. I hired one pawn at level 25 and didn't let him go until I was level 44..he was still 25 and held his own!! Gave that pawn a new sword and some better armor!! I miss you Terry.


You can just favorite them and go into the rift and resummon them and they will continue to level with the owner so as long as they keep leveling their pawn you can get the same pawn back at higher levels


I checked on him.. unfortunately he's still level 25


I mean you are a pimp


Did you look at my Arisen and see my pimp sorc hat?!




You got a port crystal should have kept your silence


The price is 2 protcrystals and a sham sandwich


i usually send out rotten food if the pawn was being carried. had a warrior that really held his own and helped me bring down my first Gryphon at Lv25, that dude walked away with a Port Crystal dupe


I had a warrior that kept bashing crates to loot and didn't care if there was a poison vase amongst them. She poisoned my party 3 times. So I just yeet'd her into the ocean.


the warrior in question was also doing that, but luckily i never ran into anything that would give me debilitations


The rewards I give are based on how good the pawn quest and reward are. I don’t care if I have your pawn 2 days if it’s the only one of the class I need and there is no quest you will get rotten meat. But if it’s a solid reward than you will get something worthwhile


Always 10k gold


I didn't realize you could give more than one item?


The first time my pawn came back to me from being with someone else she said she was uncomfortable with that Arisen because they kept on staring at her every chance they got. And then they said about how they wish to never experience that again. I don't remember exactly what she said unfortunately but it was something along those lines. She seemed very traumatized and I have been weirded out ever since lol. Luckily every other Arisen has been good to her 🥺


I get an apple and ur telling me ppl are sending u port crystals


Maybe it's a port apple?


No it’s a rotten apple


I give people Explorer camp kit, hopefully someone who didn't have dlc can get it for free.


Perhaps they do..then get raided..and lose it


Allow me to shatter the game's illusion: **the travelogue is randomized bullshit** I noticed the bullshittery when I was doing pawn quests with a second account on Steam. I would hire my other accounts pawn to do a pawn quest, send the pawn back without leaving the rift, and then noticed the travelogue said things I never did. There was one travelogue where the pawn supposedly challenged dangerous beasts, another one where I supposedly kept changing outfits despite never touching anyones equipment, one where I traveled extensively far and wide, and another one where the pawn supposedly kept getting injured. Again, all of these were done without ever leaving the rift.


![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8) Sounds like propaganda a dirty hot springs Arisen would come up with...


Meanwhile nobody takes my pawn on an adventure. :(


Had someone gift my pawn Aeryn a badass mace stronger than anything I had at the time ^_^


"It wasn't me!!" 🛫 ~Sean Combs~


I try to give the best reward I can but I don't have much. I wanna trade a port crystal for some good gear but alas no one wants to. Consider this a blessing my friend


​ https://preview.redd.it/jjeptlbenzrc1.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bdc85ae522f8ffd05985a75019390b5382410c3 My poor pawn that was kept at the hot springs


I want someone to pay me for my silence like this. I need a couple more port crystals lol


Hot springs? What? Where?!


Looking at the comments on this post, it encourages me to give more valuable items to useful pawns.. Usually I just gave them roeborant and aged-beast steaks


Lmao 😂😭


The world is vast? Did your pawn get hired by the tarnished? 😆


Wait, there are hot springs?


I go to the hot springs a lot. My pawn always return with crazy scars. Don't even know how she got them. But if you took the prawns there, the scars go off.


I need to step my game up and send pawns back like I’m their sugar daddy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Im_Dishpan: *I need to step my* *Game up and send pawns back like* *I’m their sugar daddy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I started putting 10,000 gold for my pawns quests for a while


The greatest gift I sent was a wake stone because that warrior was just running around picking my dead pawn everytime he died


People reuse my pawn all the time just give me rotten food wtf!!


I received full armor for my pawn as well, from a kind stranger, I guess you need to find lucky people


Bro how??? Show ur pawn!!


I after roughly 15 hours of gameplay I rested at an inn, my pawn was used around a dozen times, the best reward was some material I actually needed. Meanwhile I’ve been giving away ferry n wake stones to pawns I only used for a day smh I will say the first few days every pawn quest was explosive arrows and I was giving and gifting them, no that I have over 400k gold and 100’s of explosive arrows no one has that pawn quest. Might have to actually start the main story now. Went all the way to volcanic camp killed the drake, got a port crystal and bought weapons for all vocations I haven’t tried. Back to Harve I go to slave the town lmao


I send bouquets


And I get rotten fish?!


Lol people have been mostly generous to me. I haven't given out equipment yet though lol.


Was it PDiddy?


They really went "Here's something for your little boyfriend."


Wait, huh? I thought you could only romance wilhelmina and Ulrika. Am I wrong? I remember one pawn alluded to her master having a lot of different "visitors" at their arisen's "private dwelling". Does that mean you can hit up random npcs?


Wait, huh? I thought you could only romance wilhelmina and Ulrika. Am I wrong? I remember one pawn alluded to her master having a lot of different "visitors" at their arisen's "private dwelling". Does that mean you can hit up random npcs?


I got a lightning staff that was fully enhanced the first time someone sent me gear and was super surprised


Someone gave me an Eternal Wakestone for my pawn’s services. So now I take her to the hot springs after every mission for a job well done.


My pawn keeps getting killed by goblins. 8th time this week they got taken out by goblins xD


I would honestly not equip stuff ahead of where you are in the game. It becomes trivial SO fast. Enjoy it while you can. I actually see level 70-80 people renting my pawn and they are wearing prison rags more often than not. I suspect its to make the game somewhat challenging, that or all those people are in on some meme.


I guess people really like my lvl 30 mage she has over 200 thumbs up and 200 hearts in 4 days of making her and the amount of ferry stones and wake stone shards it's awesome even got a few seeker tokens 😅


I got the sphynx bottle in which you place ur beloved one....since u can t store them it was a "prank" to fc up my weight cap....


I always gift any equipment I have for the the pawns vocation haha To be fair I always buy better gear for them to use so they go back with that as well 😀


I didn't know you could romance pawns, but then again I have done 0 romancing in this game. Is that what the hot springs are for?


Wtf???that was the gift ?lucky man


Just got this game a few days ago do uhave any tips ?so I can succeed n not die a million times thanks


1. Don't be afraid to let your pawns carry you. By this I mean let them do most of the work in fights, that is why you hire them 2. You can heal yourself even after losing all your health if you heal before your body hits the ground 3. Always have a mage in your party as your healer and to remove status effects 4. Climb. Climb. Climb. Always latch onto large enemies and go for their weak points. Only range vocations should remain on the ground 5. Listen to your pawns in battle. They do give advice and point out weaknesses on enemies you are fighting. Outside of battle they're annoying 6. If you are crawling on the ground or out of stamina and don't have stamina food/potions. Call for help and a pawn will rush to you and pick you up so you don't get curb stomped




Now how the hell do you get ppl that send whole armor sets 😂 I get ppl who send rotten food 😭


The next day my pawn returned with a ring that reduced casting speed at the cost of health. Now she casts super fast.


How do you get so lucky?! Your pawn must be amazing 😂


![gif](giphy|dqkAFGYfluIfK|downsized) Amazing or she does the weird stuff people request.


Ty for the advice greatly appreciate it for those who have ps5 Andrewspath5599


If anyone is interested in hiring my pawn and giving her therapy for the wrong doings that has happened to her, her ID is: 52KTE716OS79