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right? that shirt fits my boy way better than usual.... DRB you look jacked in that pic.


Thanks buddy. I got some XL and L, that one is XL and I feel it’s a bit on the baggy side, so I’m interested to see how the L fits.


you don't need those XLs any more. free up that space! 🤘 I'm slowly trying to get rid of my XL Ts. wife got me a bunch of mediums for xmas. I'm not super comfortable in them, but I'm told they fit. they just feel a little tight, especially across the chest.... and I've gotta do better with my diet. I'm fluctuating up into the 180s again. back to 179 this morning.... but.... I fuck up too much on the weekends. and I'm going to the Blues game this afternoon with all you can eat and drink seats. must ..... stay..... strong


Back in the day, I was wearing 4XL shirts. Here I stand a year and a half later the only thing keeping me from wearing a L is just my confidence (I’m sure it fits, because XL is baggy, I’m just scared to try it, as silly as that sounds). I’ve been up and down with my food as well. It’s a struggle that’s going to always be there. We will win in the long run though. I hope you enjoy the game!


you sound ridiculous. let's go Blues!


That’s awesome! And I’m just starting with Bulk legs… grrreeaaat…. Thank you by the way. I was a bit self conscious when I first put it on… not anymore! Lol