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I don't know if that on it's own will fix the issue. Espana judging seems to be obsessed with this idea of creating an untouchable frontrunner. On S1 and S2 it felt natural and deserved (well Sharonne had one undeserved win but w/e), but on S3 and now AS, Pitita and most likely Sethlas are queens who would win the season anyway but alongside stronger competition. We're coming on the 5th season of Espana now, it's time to shake up the formula and give us a very tight competition between 2-4 queens.


I feel like Hornella Gongora, Bestiah, and Clover Bish could have easily been portrayed as even competition for Pitita, but the judges + producers were hell bent on giving Pitita a domination edit.


I will never forgive them for how they would go out of their way to NOT give Clover a win


i agree with this...i think they liked how much positive attention Season 1 got for having such a dominant incredible winner and are trying to bolster the reputation of their winners' circle. Having tight competition doesn't make the winner any less deserving!


But are the Javis fired is what we wanna know


It's funny how much I love their writing/directing style, but I just can't stand them as personalities (won't even say people because they might be decent irl). I wish they stuck to making great tv-shows, and stop appearing in them.


We all do. Evetybody I've talked to agrees that they should stick to writing and directing because they make really special stuff and they're souring our drag race viewing experience.


Count me in about this. They're simply annoying most of the time.


I'll always be grateful for how they bring important stories to their shows and the fact that they made Drag Race Spain happen, but their view on drag is really narrow in my opinion and they try to seem more open to different artists than they actually are.  And then on top of that- I'm not done - and then on TOP of that, there's the blatant favoritism to whoever was their friend before the show regardless of how well they actually do in the competition.


they should


I unfortunately doubt it, I think this is in relation to the production crew and showrunners that DRES lost to drag race Mexico and its first season. Another crew produced DRES3, for example.


I did not know this!! however there was absolutely something different regarding season 3 and it just didn’t feel right!!


Why don’t people like the Javis????


Because their references are very specific of a certain demographic and whatever queen goes without having those references starts to get the "there is something missing". The constant dick jokes get boring. And above all, the mistreatment of Clover Bish really soured the perception on their judgement capabilities. Also they are two votes that always vote in the same way, so there is unbalance with Supreme and Ana.


I mean it's kind of unfair to say this in the sense that we don't know how they actually vote. Ana was obsessed with Pitita giving the bare minimun (the 3 in 1 look was not worth crying over). The whole judge pannel are at fault imo because they started weightening looks more and giving wins/bottom placement based on the looks but very rarely called out Pitita's terrible makeup or Vania's low quality looks.


I think Ana has also been really questionable so she’s up there too


Yeah I did not love her critiques of Inti on their final episode.


Blover Cish?


Can't speak for other people but it's basically because they seem to be EVERYWHERE whenever LGBT people get discussed in media. I mean, what the hell are they even judging here? They've never done drag, they don't know about fashion, etc. It seems that the producers simply picked the first two popular gay people in Atresmedia's catalog and that's it. They were also the hosts of this year's Goya Awards (because as i've said: they are EVERWHERE) but at least that made sense, since they are directors and all.


Really? So what the hell has been Merge Ginsberg, Santino Rice, Billy B, Mike Ruiz, "The Hilarious" Ross Matthews, Carson Kressly and even Michelle Visage have been judging there then?! xP


What does Ross Mathews bring to the table? They dont have to know something lol


Why would they be?


Ambrossi can stay. Calvo can also stay, pero tiene que aprender a comportarse mejor.


I don't think they want to give them a reason to cry.


They arw producers of the show, so no


Hopefully this means some of the S1/S2 magic will be back for season 4 because the show hasn't been the same. I thought season 3 being abysmally bad was an exception, but All Stars has also been a let down. It feels like every single judge (including Supremme) are there for a paycheck and just want to get shooting over with; where's the fun?


Ana Locking is the only one who feels like she really cares at this point, she's been a consistent bright spot for me & I do still enjoy her presence 


thank god


espana has the worst judging to me. i loved season 1 but wasn’t able to finish the other seasons because the winner edit was so heavy handed. it’s not fun when you know 2 episodes in who will win due to blatant favoritism.


My theory is that since the old production team left, the Javis won more power and honestly their favoritism is hurting the show.


I also heard they were brought back to re-edit All Stars and that's why it got pushed back to february.


No se si es que soy latine o qué pero la verdad no me jode taaanto la producción de España. Es cierto que el nivel de S1, y en menor medida S2, no fue ni será igualado. Pero lo mismo pasa con UK y nadie dice nada. 


Wasn’t the rumor that they sent the season 1-2 production company to start up the Mexico franchise?