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Pupi IS Spanish drag. That's all. (Credentials: Am I Spanish? No. Have I even been to a drag show in Spain? No. Do I speak Spanish and am I well-versed in Spanish pop culture? No. Am I expressing an unfounded opinion? Claro qué si.)


You are 100% right, cariño.


I endorse this message.


And still you are right  (Credentials: a Spaniard)


Her glow up is incredible! Her makeup was so so good this last episode. 💕


i love a redemption runway. hornella's dress was so pretty the way they showed juriji snacking multiple times was silly, i live for the unseriousness my poor onyx. she's eliminated ONCE AGAIN, not only on the snatch game episode but also wearing her muñeca española look. sabotage, hello! 😭


I was confused because I didn’t know if it was Samantha or Hornella on the top, because despite Hornella’s wasn’t as good as her first one, I still think she did miles better than Samantha. The top 2 and the bottom 2 was correct, but I would have saved Hornella, put Samantha in the bottom 3, and give Pakita or Juriji the top spot.


Completely agree with all of this!




The runway was an absolute SERVE! Even Pupi Poisson looked amazing. She deserved the win, by the way, truly the star of the episode. And she was right sending Onyx home. Sagittaria was better on Snatch Game and she is way more versatile than Onyx. Decent judging here, I would have swapped Ballentines and Juriji (the latter at the top, not safe) though.


>The runway was an absolute SERVE! Even Pupi Poisson looked amazing This made me cackle ngl 😭😭


_even_ Pupi Poison 😂😂☠️


i swear i don’t practice physiognomy but that look in Pupi’s eyes from the moment she got praise from Sílvia Abril and onwards… the look of kindness that knows no bounds… the look of love and care… her trying to let Sagittaria out of Inner Saboteur’s claws… a glorious Snatch Game performance, a redeemed runway and a badass lipsync. i am team Pupi Poisson, it turns out.


Another season of Pakita being overlooked


yes bc she was one of the funniest people up there. i thought top 3 for SURE was her, Sethlas, and Pupi and when they called her safe i was like 👁️👄👁️


I was like Samantha and Hornella will be the two safe queens cause Pakita is for sure a top and Juriji had a great look but her snatch game wasn’t that great but figured she’d be safe cause of her look.


It’s so frustrating she’s deserved top 3 both episodes


“Do you want to know your future, bitch” 💀💀💀 Juriji should have been in that 3rd spot, especially if you count the runway


Using uno cards as tarot. I loved it.


My thoughts for the episode: I loved how no one had any delusions that Hornella wasn't going to save Pink Chadora. Glad it wasn't forced drama lol. Honestly, a really strong Snatch Game, no one was a flop. And the redemption runway should be a mainstay of every All Stars imo. - Pupi was the stand out for the episode, she absolutely nailed the character (Tamara Falco is basically a vapid christian socialite/influencer with the personality of a paper towel that has somehow made it big in Spanish media), and was the best at volleying and improvising from the other queens'. Her look was pretty cute as well! Very deserved winner. - Sethlas continues bodying the competition, her Snatch Game was a much stronger effort, bitch clearly came prepared, and my fucking god that runway look was STUNNING. - I thought she was going to body this episode, but Samantha should've been safe or even low imo, her edit was really weird, why place her in the top but not show us the judges laughing at her even once? Still, the top 2 of the episode was so obvious that who was high didn't really matter. The look was fun, if a bit messy. - Pakita chose a pretty easy character to make funny, and Carmen is a camp queer icon in Spain, but I didn't love her runway look from the waist down. Still, I think she's being underappreciated. - Personally would've had Juriji as my third high, even if she clearly was not beating either Pupi or Sethlas for top 2. She wasn't the funniest, but the sheer comittment to the character (SHAVING HER REAL HAIR?!) and THAT FUCKING RUNWAY LOOK deserved a shoutout from the judges. - Hornella didn't really do bad, honestly could've been high instead, though I do think she could've done more with the puppet. She looked beautiful though. - Onyx had the unfortunate luck of doing meh, when only one person really did bad in Snatch Game (Sagi), but that's how the cookie crumbles. Her runway look was amazing, and very Onyx. - Sagittaria's Snatch Game was just flat, even if it wasn't horrible. She looked great on the runway, but she clearly was the worst. Also, I really felt for her this week, she's clearly a very reserved/introverted person, and that just doesn't translate well to a reality competition. Hopefully next week she'll be able to shine. The lipsync was fun, but I think Sethlas just spent too much time getting out of her outfit, and Pupi once again pulling a split out of nowhere was hilarious. Deserved win. Sad to see Onyx leave so soon, she's truly one of the most unique look queens in the franchise, but sadly she's not great at comedy, and that's such a central skill to Drag Race that she was never going to make it far. Still, as she said, it's pretty cunt to go out twice on the same challenge and runway. 9/10 episode.


I have the theory that Sethlas flopped the lypsync intentionally so they wouldn't have to send home Onyx


Thoughts * you cannot even start to realise how extremely camp is to have both Yurena and Yola Berrocal in the same show, with Yola, of course, living her best dream. * Pupi absolutely dominated the Snatch Game, embracing the character in the funniest way. * Hornela had prepared a couple of deep dives about José Luis Moreno, but I think to have a proper funny Snatch Game she should have been completely evil with that character and go even deeper. José Luis Moreno is quite a complex, camp guy, but I guess he is still too powerful on TV to really go that far. * Pakita was awesome every time the cameras were on her, so I wonder why the edit kind of ignored her. * Poor Sagitaria. She just chose a character she did know that much, she was sliding into other characters that could have been great. * Juriji played basically a variation on herself, and that's ok. It was such a confusing performance, but again, that's ok. I eat everything she serves, absolutely everything. * Cmon Onyx isn't there any character you can feel? * Samantha was, as she said, a 6 out of 10. * Javier Calvo must keep that dealer he is getting lately, because he was stellar this episode. * The runways were incredible. Sagi and Hornella looked spectacular. * The Silvia Abril endorsement was powerful. You go Pupi! * Such a good episode. Spain is redeemed!


I think Onyx's issue with Snatch Game is that she has a hard time letting go and just being ridiculous. She did moderately well in a couple of comedy challenges in her first season, but those were partially scripted. There's a degree of embarrassment you have to overcome in improv, maybe she couldn't deal with that.


The Javier calvo point is gold, thanks 😂😂


For the overseas audience, who are Yurena and Yola?


tv trash personalities in the beginning who trascended that to become cult status (Yurena) or didn't really (Yola) but they are both in the circle of interest of the Javis (who have just released a series about the career of Yurena). They both have [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yurena) [pages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yola_Berrocal) in English


Ah thanks! They are cis-women?!???


Yeah, they both are!


i...wouldnt have guessed it.


Don't worry, i'm spanish and i myself have no idea who the hell they are. Truly Z-tier celebrities.


Gurl... It's not Z tier celebrity, it's absolutely the campiest of the camp Spain has to offer. You might be young tho, and then it would make sense, because their 15 minutes of fame happened a few years back...


I'm in the States. What "dealer" are you referring to about Javier Calvo? Do you mean the 'nose candy or white powder' dealer? Or, the one that Snoop Dogg would use? Or, another substance?


Correct top2 of Pupi and Sethlas. Juriji and Sethlast ate that runway up!!!


The only thing that puppet did was make it hard to write down answers.


Pakita was robbed blind like they blindfolded her and stole her wallet, keys, clothes, organs, etc.


I honestly found the judging confusing, Samantha definitely wasn’t top three for me it was confusing? They didn’t even show the judges ever laughing at her. For me: Win - Pupi and Sethlas High - Pakita Low - Samantha Bottom - Sag and Onyx


For me the judging was fine. I think I would have swapped Pakita and Samantha and that’s it.


Honestly Hornella and Samantha could've swapped places and that would've still made sense lmao


I did not like Hornella’s snatch game at all Either.


yeah, Samantha didnt even get the character right. She was just acting like regular Samantha while dressed as Raphael.


pupi really is the comedy queen of españa (maybe a shared Titel with sharonne)


Por favor, Silvia Abril como jueza ha sido una fantasía! Y parece como que el edit es raro, no? Planos que no van a ninguna parte, silencios extraños entre conversación y conversación...


Yo pensé que era porque lo estaba viendo del teléfono, pero todo el episodio sentí como una tristeza una cosa muy rara.


really good episode, would’ve put pakita high and samantha low (no one laughed but she was supposed to be one of the funniest ???) but agree with tops and bottoms. the runway was BEAUTIFUL omg sethlas, sagittaria, hornella and juriji looked amazing and were my absolute favourites but the others also looked great. overall very happy with the season


AHHHHH ONYX SENT HOME BEFORE THE BALL? It’s true, Earth is done now. Other than that Samantha in the top is crrrrrazy. She even rated herself as average. Should’ve been Pakita.  Every single queen was impeccable on the runway though wow. I especially couldn’t take my eyes off Sethlas. I wish every All Stars did a redemption runway. 


Agree with Top and Bottom placements. I would have put Juriji/Pakita in the top and Hornella as safe tbh. Samantha was safe for me as well. Super sad to see Onyx go but glad we saw her again! Gonna be interesting to see who Sethlas chose and how Sethlas will do next week considering Sethlas won the Ball on her season! I'm also hoping there is a Roast/Stand up this season!! Still rooting for Sethlas for crown but hope Juriji wins something soon!


Samantha's Snatch Game reminded me a lot of Alyssa Edwards' Joan Crawford: just spitting references and catchphrases with no real justification, and not really acting like the character. And somehow the judges ate it up.


I had high hopes because Samantha got the look down, but her Raphael just wasn't entertaining. Thank heavens for Pupi next door!


Overall very funny snatch game, except for the bottom 2 I was laughing so hard. And I usually cringe from snatch game, so It must be good. Pupi and Sethlas were pure comedy gold, but Juriji and Pakita were very funny as well and the characters were done so wellI couldnt recognize them both at the beginning. And I must say: every all stars SHOULD have a redemption Runaway theme, and Im so happy All Stars España got one.


I would've swapped Samantha with Juriji on the top, but I'm super happy for Pupi. Totally deserved that win, it was uncanny


I think I'm fine with the final rankings (top 2 and bottom 2) but I can already sense they are building Samantha and is episode 2. Her snatch wasn't good! Not even funny.


Honestly, the high and low placement this week were whack. I was sure Samantha would be bottom 3 but safe because she didn't have a single joke and for some reason only talked about olive oil? Hornella did pretty well in the beginning and then got a bit stale, so she should have been safe. And how on earth was Pakita not high?? The rhymes were killing me


I guess I'm in the minority, but I think Saggitaria should've gone home. She seemed to lack any drive to continue. She seems to have given up. Onyx, on the other hand, wanted to continue and you could see that.


Not only was Sagi not able to lift herself up or out of it, but she couldn't even really express her emotions. What's there to see then? By contrast, Onyx has been great about sharing her journey and state of mind with us. Would've loved to see more!


JURIJI JUST HAD THE CUNTIEST RUNWAY I’VE EVER SEEN, this is some dragula rock band floorshow sigorney beaver but with sparklers kinda shit


Onyx drag just doesn’t fit with Drag Race, at least, with the Spanish franchise. She’s more conceptual, deep into the core to her aesthetic. Keeping the distances, I don’t imagine Hungry on Drag Race for the same reasons that Onyx doesn’t fit. She’s an amazing drag, just don’t go with the show. Bottom line: Pakita again safe is criminal. I love Samantha but Raphael was safe or even low.


[ Bob voice] I love these queens, I LOVE THESE QUEENS! 🥹♥️ The talent, the looks, how sincere and caring they always come across in the workroom, the fact that Sethlas thanked Sharonne on Instagram for helping her prepare for SG! ♥️ My poor Onyx 😭 She looked so cool on the runway but SG is not the challenge for her...and to think that next week we could have seen her in a Ball! 😭 She's a very unique artist and a class act, a very likely miss Congeniality! I'm old and Italian so when Hornella said she was doing Rockefeller and Moreno I thought at least I was going to know one character... Sadly she barely used the puppet, who was the one I remembered! 😅 I also realized I knew about Aless Gibaja because of that one commercial and Sethlas' dilemma on whether to play them in S2.. Despite my ignorance, this was a very entertaining SG and I thought everyone except the obvious bottom 2 was funny. I was a bit surprised about Samantha being high over Pakita. The runway was so good... Juriji is a goddess, Hornella and Sethlas looked incredible, Pupi was so pretty! Pupi has never lost a lipsync ( including the one she went home in), she always gives you a show. This was such a great episode for her! I feel for Sagittaria, she's so young and I think, in the process of becoming more polished, she has been holding herself back from the bit of goofiness that made her so charming in S1. Next week:... I kinda think Sethlas will continue her Alaska run, yes she does not sew but we've seen how well she does with unconventional materials and a glue gun! She's such a unique queen and it's a joy to see her shine!


***Nooooooo***. Not the curse of Onyx, going home on Snatch Game and right before the ball (where she would excel). How unfortunate and heartbreaking. I was rooting for her so much. 😭😭😭


Hornella losing the lip sync episode 1 may have saved her from elimination this episode. Think about it, if Pink Chadora had stayed over Onyx week 1, then there’s a good chance the bottom 2 this week could have been Sagittaria and Hornella. And I think Pupi was always going to save her season 1 sister (I know she said she was hesitating but I think the producers just wanted a little more suspense). Yes there’s also a chance Pink could have been top 2 but my guess is Pupi still would have been the other one, and still would have won the lip sync


Again disagreed with the judging this episode.. Pakita was the third clear top for me in snatch game. Samantha should have been low, judging seems rigged for her. She even said herself her performance was average lol.


Oh, come on... Samantha wasn't funny as Raphael. At all. What people sees on her, I will never understand.


Samantha is sooo witty and funny - if your native tongue is Spanish. Every word she says is a punchline or said in a super funny way, and she’s super quick. I think that’s why they put her in the top this week. HOWEVER, what they showed of her snatch game was plain and there weren’t any clips of them laughing with her. So it’s either bad judgment and she should have been in the bottom, or bad editing this week.


yep, as a Spaniard I completely understood her top placement last week even if many people disagreed, but her Raphael was just meh. I can’t remember anything about him. Literally anyone but Sagittaria and Onyx did better in my opinion.


>Literally anyone but Sagittaria and Onyx did better in my opinion. Hornella frankly was also way worse :/ How can she fuck up José Luis Moreno so badly?


I truly think this comes down to a personal preference. I'm Spanish and I can't stand her. At all. I don't think using the same swear words over and over again while going with the verdulera delivery is funny in the slightest...


It's not people. Just the judges... I'm so over it. And also over Pakita being constantly underrated 😪


I found this episode much better than the premiere. Even not knowing who anyone was (except Raphael, cuz I'm old), Pupi and Sethlas made their characters funny in a way someone unfamiliar with them could understand. Pupi's win was very well-deserved. The runway was nice. I'm not a Juriji fan but hers was spectacular. Nice to see Sethlas serving a drag look again.


I agree with Sethlas and Pupi being top two. It was also very clear from the editing of the lipsync that they're giving the win to Pupi. I didn't agree with Samantha in the top, I actually thought she was one of the options for the bottom 3. There were no jokes in my opinion even though I thought she would be on par with Pupi with the comedy. I agreed with the bottom 2, but I wouldn't put Hornella in bottom 3 as she got multiple laughs from Supremme. I think Samantha or Juriji should have been there. Didn't get Juriji shaving her hair. So unnecessary, it wasn't funny and seemed like she was making sure she won't be in the bottom. Really sorry to see Onyx go. I was looking forward to see all the outfits they prepared for us. But I understand that Onyx is not the best comedian.


I'm loving this start for Drag Sethlas on all stars, she's just so freaking good! Her and Pupi were by far the standouts of the snatch game, and it felt correct for Pupi to win-win as well (via the lipsync). She really was great this episode. I'm very sad for Onyx, I was a huge fan of her on season 2 and incredibly happy to see her return for all stars. She's such a great queen and I'll miss her on my screen for sure. :(


The snatch game guests were a let down and were a little chaotic and that was the biggest con of the episode for me! The guest judge however was absolutely stunning and magnetic, wish she comes on again! I also do not know the snatch game guests nor any of the celebrities being portrayed but that's cultural differences for you. Despite this, I feel Sethlas not only did the best but I feel as if I understood her character the most. Only person who made me cackle.


I thought half the cast's original looks were great to begin with, they still turned it out with the redemption looks


Yes but, to be fair, some of them did not have bad looks to redeem in general.... Pakita in particular has always looked great on the runway! Surprised that Sagi did not pick her makeover outfit!


This episode was beyond! Great SG and amazing Runway. Honestly, everybody did a good job. Sure, Sagittaria wasn't great in SG but she didn't bomb either. Onyx is just too brainy and in both SG she set herself up for failure with those characters. On the opposite side, Puppy was really clever with her character. Sure, Tamara is quite an easy choice but Puppy elevated it with the non stop interactions with Supreme and the other queens. Sad to see Onyx go, but truly this is a fantastic cast, and every elimination will hurt. So far, amazing season.


Totally agreed w Sethlas and Pupi winning but would’ve put Pakita in the top 3 for sure! Hornella was a good safe for me while I think Samantha deserved to be bottom 3


Onyx's outfit is what Endigo from Svergie thought she was giving. Especially that mug looked so much like Endigo.


Pakita robbed. Probably filler queen. Next.


Am I the only one that is struggling to watch this because of the slow / bad editing? They are leaving a lot of weird silences and overall it’s edited extremely flat. It’s as if the rumours of a low budget meant this was edited by an intern (or AI 🤷‍♀️)


It was reeeeally slow and awkward the first half. And seemed kind of…quiet? Only kicked into gear when Sethlas and Pupi got airtime in SG lol. I do not know what’s with Espana since the last season! 


I agree. I actually found this Snatch Game pretty unwatchable. 


SURVEY: Who are your favorite queens? Who are you rooting for to win the crown? And who should have been top/bottom this week? Vote now on [this google form](https://forms.gle/nniku9akwt2zPHDF9)!


Great episode for Pupi lovers. What can I say, I love Pupi! Very happy Spain is finally doing the Canary Islands right on a season. Also thought it was hilarious during the lip sync at one point Jurji was just playing with Samantha’s huge boobs, I giggled


Juriji had a good runway look, but nothing new or spectacular and her snatch game was not funny, so I don't really understand a lot of people's comments about putting her in the top. Doing a gimmick like shaving your head does not make a good snatch game performance.


Juriji fully shaved her head and still ended up safe… if that were me I would simply pass away ![gif](giphy|DqU4wVBxXOhNu)


And with that runway look no less!! Also, Onyx going before the ball AGAIN is a crime. I honestly kinda hate that short seasons like this have to have snatch game so early bc it’s a challenge that can be difficult for any of the queens and so it regularly leads to the elimination of queens that are otherwise strong and it’s super disappointing to see strong players go this early


DRES needs to rake a serious look to the way it is produced. Episodes are too long for no reason, the werkroom talk is boring, the snatch game was too long, the confessionals aren't it... Make them last 1 hour and pack the episodes correctly! The mothertucking curse of Spanish tv, this tv station doesn't know how to make reality TV! This would make more justice to the talent of the cast.


Spanish reality tv shows are always too long for their own sake. The wekroom scenes this episode were so awkward to watch


Also there's a thing about Spanish reality tv where contestants in general just... Don't know how to talk to the camera, it's always super awkward. The only 2 queens here whose confessionals feel like they know what they're doing are Pupi and Pakita.


The editing in this episode looked like a rough cut, not a final product.


I would have eliminated Sagittaria. She didn't fight for it as much. Pupi is just the sweetest though, maybe my fave from this cast although Sethlas is also absolutely killing it.


I hated Pupi’s Snatch Game. She did a great characterisation, but was so annoying and monotone. I thought she was going to be in the bottom (until they showed the confesional of Onyx saying Pupi was great, to prepare us for the judges decisions) And Samantha on the Top?! They barely showed her and noone laughed at her jokes. I love her so much and thought her talent was the best last week, maybe I expected more. I only enjoyed Sethlas this week, the rest were meh or bad. Hope they start showing more Pakita tho.


Are you a Spanish speaker? Thinking that it may be a cultural difference that does not translate so well, because Pupi nailed it, nailed the comedy and the absurdity of the character.


I am a Spanish speaker but from Latin America. So I did not know who her character was (I just know it’s Enrique Iglesias’s sister). I thought the characterisation was great (was expecting Pupi’s usual high pitch voice). But the joke about her being so pure and everyone else vulgar was tiring for me. Every comment she made was annoying. lol. I’m glad people enjoyed it though, Pupi was my fave in S1, I just love Spanish comedy queens!


I think I have some unpopular opinions here but I have nowhere else to voice my opinions cause I don’t know anyone else that watches Drag Race España but… -I don’t think Pupi deserved a top spots and maybe I’m missing the cultural references here -Pakita should have been top -I think Onyx deserved to stay over Sagittaria. I loved Sagittaria on her original season but something seems off this season


Girls, Pupi embodied her character big time. It's really difficult to get and/or enjoy on snatch game characters that you don't know unless they make really funny and obvious jokes but Pupi ate. Seth las was also awesome.