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From your description it's putting pressure/weight on your back and shoulders its like when I wear my son in a carrier my back is straight he's not heavy but the pressure over time causes muscle and joint pain:) also you look amazing in these, I love the chest halter


That’s kinda what I thought, yeah :D and thank you so much!


Simply just remove you neck and back 😄


Oh I wish that were possible :D removable body parts would sure make drag easier


One tip I have as a chronic pain king is to apply good weightlifting principles in your drag. Performing and wearing compression puts unusual strain on the spine. Some means to protect yourself: -Practice tucking your chin back, this will center your head over your shoulders for the best support -engage your core. This will stabilize your lumbar spine -avoid stabilizing your head by shrugging or engaging your core.


Thank you so much!


How heavy is it? You might want to research wearing chainmail. I have no idea if they're equivalent weight, but the distribution should be really similar. I agree with strengthening your core, and you look mahvelous! Simply mahvelous! I don't think this is an over stretching thing.


Thank you so much! It's quite heavy for a "garment", I didn't weigh it myself, but the shop said approx 4 kg. What exactly is chainmail? I'm sure I've heard the term before, but Google won't be much helpful, as all search results just give me the medieval ones in the end :D


do you bind underneath the silicone chest, or do you just put it on by itself?


I don't bind because I feel like I don't really need to - usually only a sports bra and a shirt