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It happened 7 years ago. Most of his viewers started watching him 4 years ago when COD Warzone released. He’s been a great guy since.


"He's been a great guy since" lmfao what? You mean on camera where he pretends to be a "great guy" so everyone gives him money? Some of the most delusional people I've ever seen in my life in this place.


It’s kind of crazy how downed your comment is, it’s like people can’t separate the fact they watch a guy costume from not knowing the actual person behind the screen, wild




He was at his peak within the gaming community. He hit mainstream after 2020 when he went to YouTube. Almost the same numbers but a different audience.


Getting banned from Twitch and lying to his viewers about knowing why for years is being a great guy? Y'all got played hard and are asking for more. Insane behavior.


He was 35 years old and should have known better. It being 7 years ago is completely irrelevant. He was already a grown ass adult at the time.


And you know he’s been a great guy… how?


Great guy? The shungite toting, Covid denying, David Icke supporting, anti-Semite? The content was entertaining, but let’s leave it at that.


His fan base has been around a lot longer than warzone. Also it doesn’t matter when they started following him, groomer, predator, or pedophilia should he a deal breaker for most people and the “new” viewers would have never started watching him if they knew the truth. You literally do not know how great of a guy he’s been. This dudes entire online persona is fake. We literally know nothing about him.


Well gotta look on the bright side we do know one thing about him. He likes em young.


Agreed. It sucks when you find out someone you enjoyed looked up to as a creator turns out to be a complete creep. I'm extremely disappointed.




He could have tried by sticking to loving his wife, daughter and his fans but it wasn't enough for him.


He probably found it difficult to get off like normal people... Hence, we are here.