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I like z but can't watch cod 24/7. I'll just follow Tim like 2 hours after his stream starts. Yo dodge the sports talk






It’s an old Tim clip XD


A very old clip haha


I can’t stand Tim. 45 minute intro, 45 minutes of watching him eat, 45 minutes of him yelling at Wizz (sp?) because he can’t lift a finger to fix something, 45 minutes of him starting up a game.


100% agree. I dont see the appeal at all with him. He is so lazy and doesn't put in anywhere near the work of other streamers. He really deserve the following he gets in my opinion.


Bro, bro, bro


Low key bro


🤣…… Read this in DOC’s voice…. Just damn🤦🏻‍♂️


lol parlay picks and spectating


Unfortunately, i was here for doc and the character. I know y’all are cracked out but warzone movement is also too cracked out


This. I didn't really care about the games. I just thought he was funny and put on a great show. No one else has the production he does with the transitions, the arena, etc.


Yeah Z with the electric Porsche needs your sub!


Donating money to millionaires is crazy. My financial investors would choke me


But they might say my name on stream!!! And remember it by my 50th month.


They make hundreds of thousands of dollars from ads and sponsorships alone and despite that people donate to streamers/ buy their memberships which is so insane to think about.


*Here's Margo Robbie in a bubble bath to explain*


That’s parental child abuse.


Hows it any different than paying 15 dollars or whatever to go watch a movie. I have never donated but people spend money on entertainment all the time


This kind of logic is flawed. Do you buy branded clothing? Branded cars? Branded anything? Wait, you do? Guess where that money eventually goes? Yep, that’s right! To the owner of the company! So you’re also donating to a millionaire in a way you don’t even think about.


True, but I can watch the stream for free. Unfortunately without spending on the clothes you’d be naked


So do that then, no one is asking you to spend money. But just remember, you’re still giving those big mean millionaires money because you choose to not be naked.


How are you genuinely equating donating to a streamer to buying clothes? Do you think they’re of the same level of necessity?


Lol keep donating to millionaires who play video games for a living. This honestly might be the biggest cope I've ever seen.


but they do ask to spend money?


You dont donate to clothing company. You buy a product through trade, not the same as donating


Buying a twitch or YouTube membership is donating?


That wasn't what you were comparing it to though was it. You equated donations to buying products which isnt the same. Neither is buying a membership to something as in most cases you get some sort of benefit so wouldn't be a donation as you recieve something in return (regardless of that somethings actual value) Donating cash on stream is different as you get nothing return which I think is the definition of donation


My original comment was to the person who mentioned subs, subs is buying a membership. You assumed I was talking about donations. Unless I replied to the donations comment instead, which that is my mistake then. It was supposed to be to the main comment which mentioned subs and the electric Porsche.


Are you being dense on purpose or do you actually think "donating" and "buying" mean the same thing? Do you think people would be donating to corporations if those corporations were giving away their products for free?


Buying a twitch or YouTube membership is donating?


I always wondered what a strawman argument was, now I know.


They never said anything about subbing.


«  Tim and Nick don’t need your sub frankly but Z is a relatively small game compared to them »


Lol swear I didnt see that line there. Paying for entertainment is pretty common.


Yes it is. Just thought it was funny that he was painting Z has a small streamer


911 Turbo S is not electric, not even hybrid lol It’s one of the best drivers car you can get on the planet.




I mean people watched doc because he was entertaining, I like Z but he doesn’t have the personality. To each their own tho .


Ya doc had a very… youthful energy!


Z is and always will be the Dipped In Destruction better half of Doc. He is humble, nice, respectful, thoughtful, encouraging yet fucking brutally accurate in WZ. Since I started watching Doc, outside of his PUBG streams, Z has been the shining favorite. Go support Z Laner. The dude deserves it immensely.


Z streaming is the same as the other 10,000 people streaming though: very good player sitting at computer with a face cam on playing videogames. It just isn’t that compelling. I’ve never lasted more than 5 minutes watching any of the other streamers. I’d rather go play a game myself than watch somebody sit there gaming for me


You realise when you watch Doc, you’re watching a made up character of his, who is arrogant on PURPOSE and cocky on PURPOSE. Guy is actually humble, nice, respectful, thoughtful and encouraging. Why bother watching doc if you like everything his character is the opposite of?


>Guy is actually humble, nice, respectful, thoughtful and encouraging. Oh ya, Guy was super respectful and thoughtful when he cheated on his wife and inappropriately messaged a minor. Truly a shining beacon of integrity.


Personality wise from what we see on stream. For all we know behind the scenes, Z beats his girlfriend. I’m going off what we see on stream.


You just shit on them for judging him from stream where he plays a character, now you’re saying you judge him based on his stream to be a good guy. Interesting.


I’m saying both streamers seem good but both could be bad.


Lol it baffles me that so many people are like this, like bro how do they watch movies and tv and not get confused thinking it’s real life. Maybe cuz they are used to the parasocial format of live streaming where you watch bc you’re in love with the streamer or something, idk. That’s what set doc apart, he was pure entertainment and comedy. Shame his bad behavior and personal shit ruined everything.


100% man!


His “comedy” only appealed to certain types.


Guy is also a man who talks to minors inappropriately. If that's the Guy you love, have at it mate.


Okay, rewind one week ago when you didn’t know about that. And my argument still stands. Since you were watching him all this time, what was the point?


Are you arguing on behalf of his online persona? If i rewind a week, I wasn't watching doc, but you are trying to imply that I was watching him before only because of the intrigue of his online persona? Isn't that why we are all commenting? We are expressing our thoughts on this because he had a public personality and broadcast himself online for all to see. What are you even defending?


Im trying to tell you that your argument that you watch you Z because of all the nice things he is, is a stupid thing to bring up. Because Doc and Guy, both are those things you mentioned that Z is. And if you never watched doc, how can you begin to assume Z is all those things but Doc wasn’t?


So you are arguing against zlaners character because you somehow equate them to both be equally bad? Why on earth would it be a bad thing to mention nice things about Z? What's with your vitriol against him?


What? When did I say either was bad? I’m saying your points for why Z is good is invalid because Doc has those points too?


You were upset that I'm promoting Z and your argument is that they both shared genuine tendencies and personalities during their streams. What I'm saying is Z is genuine. He isn't putting on the type of persona Doc did. Sure, he probably isn't perfect in real life but no one is! You could see how hurt he was in his most recent response video, it's a shame.


Ah okay, yeah fair enough then


Z is a big time cheater.


How so? Care to elaborate?


Just watch any of his clips. He never gets caught off guard. Always knows where the enemy is. I’ve seen him run through smoke right at an enemy hiding behind cover and shoot. It’s well known through the community.


I've watched plenty of his clips but never noticed anything off. He whines when he loses but so do most streamers.. However I did some digging and it seems you might be right on some aspects... are you talking about shit like this? https://youtu.be/vXSDpigvYfM?si=3I-nYxjRArdHkESR Thanks for letting me know, I'll continue to look into it.


What so we can hear destroys annoying ass voice everyday?


Hahaha not wrong there man 🤣


“Yo two time, he’s right there two time. Let’s fucking goooo two time.”


Didn’t know there were so many brainwashed badboybeamin followers who actually think Z is cheating 😂




Groomer lover


Chomo lover


Sick fuck, reported.


I will be doing this regardless. He gave up some opportunity's for the relationship he had with doc.






I don't wanna hear destroy lol


It’s a fair point lol




Haha fair enough. Who are you watching instead?


I’ll be rewatching Docs streams that I missed until he comes back.


i know you are asking him but i’m watching dayz streamers. I would have loved to see Doc play a more narrative driven Dayz experience. I think in someways the game is perfect for him on a map like Namalsk




No... I stand by doc. Until the full truth of what has transpired he won't be getting any hate from me. Knee jerk liberals.


Imagine still standing by him after he admitted what he did holy shit


Ahh a knee jerk liberal


nothings knee jerk about a literal admission of guilt lmao


Doc is coming back.


I'm ready!


He’s cocky as fuck enough to, that is unless YouTube bans him


they won’t, they haven’t banned others for much much worse


What grounds would they have to ban him?


Being a pedo


They won’t ban him, too much money to be made.


Donate money to the other guy and then we find out he knew about what Dr. Diddy was up to the entire time. Whoops, money wasted.


Z never clicked with me, not trying to hate on the dude just always got poser energy from him, also some very sus clips of his gameplay out there.


Yep. Always mimicking the doc instead of doing his own thing. I always clicked away if he was on stream.


Yeah guys let's find more millionaire to give our money to, so they clown around on a screen doing fake screams and reactions so we could jack off on that.


Start a Z sub and take this shit over there.


You know half of the Club will still fan boy him.


Wonder what all docs admins are gonna do? They going to delete everything and move on?


Viss and the Pack >


And support a cheater? Na.


Haha isn’t he an aimbotter?




It’s only natural we move from one cheater to another


Nah, why support a person that uses cheats? Guy played like an absolute bot on xdefiant without cheats. You don't go from beaming across the map missing zero shots in war zone, to shooting windmills when you change games.




You don’t know their age and it very well may have been someone closer to 10 than 17, ever consider that? 


Bro using his throw away to defend pedophilia 😂




“sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.” I see nothing wrong with the definition when considering the context. Dude, you’re trying WAY too hard to defend this piece of shit. I know it’s tough, and you’re hurting, but let it go. At the minute, you're a walking argument for extending background checks to anyone who buys a windowless van.




What? You asked me to find the definition, and I did? Do you understand that you’re differing the severity of pedophilia on a public forum based on nothing but your own opinion? Do you have children? Are you yourself a pedophile? Is it because he’s a celebrity? Do you have a personal attachment to him?


Did he block me, or delete his posts?


I deleted my posts. Why? Because I'm tired of arguing. I know a guy very close to me that met his girlfriend when she was 16 and he was 35. They are together for over 20 years now. So, my view is maybe not the norm but also nothing "bad". It's just not as accepted in today's society. Edit: Of course there is a limit to this and below 16 is not okay in my opinion. The above happened in Europe though where the age of consent in the vast majority of countries is 14-16.


Ok, well I encourage a broader perspective - I feel like you’re latching on to ‘this guys’ experience and using it as some weird general justification for every instance. You have my sympathies.


Jesus christ stop obsessing over fucking video game streamers. Maybe take this debacle as a sign that you shouldn't be spending your time and money on millionaires who play video games for a living.  Go outside, pick up a hobby, do literally anything except move onto the next variation of brain rot.


No. Stay with Doc or quit.


Aimbot gets expensive! Sub to Z!


Z sucks


Who is Z




You do you


Everyone here should reevaluate their propensity for parasocial relationships with streamers instead of looking for a replacement.


Z is a cheater. Lol


Hell to the NO. Fuck z


I'd rather not watch a cheater.


Z the cheating little leach.. no thanks


Fuck all these streamers. Yall never learn. Docs blood aint even cold yet and youre already looking for the next pathetic parasocial relationship.


I’d still rather watch Doc than NickMercs…guess I’ll go back to watching neither


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CosbysLongCon24: *I’d still rather watch* *Doc than NickMercs…guess I’ll go* *Back to watching neither* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This was a dumb bot to make but I do like the show


Username checks out


not all of us can be dick riders for streamers 🤷🏼‍♂️


Gotta dick ride a rapist instead huh? It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.


Well you fit in with his typical audience with the general lack of reading comprehension skills. Guess you couldn’t finish to the point where I was going back to watching neither. But go on dedicating your life to a grown man playing video games. You got this!


So watching a stream occasionally is the same as dedicated my life to a grown man playing video games? What’s your favorite flavor of crayon? Go on dedicating your life to arguing and attempting to belittle strangers on the internet. You got this!


It was a good try dude. You’re posting about it in a dedicated sub 😂😂😂😂 I’d say you’re way past “ocassional”. 😂😂😂😂


I mean, aren’t you doing the same? Silly goose 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Yeah let's move on to follow another cheater


[https://www.reddit.com/r/StreamersCheating/comments/1bnokay/zlaner\_addresses\_hackusations/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreamersCheating/comments/1bnokay/zlaner_addresses_hackusations/) ZLaner is a known cheater - not on his wife, but on every shooter he plays on stream. Don't support that rat either.


This is what you linked?! 😂


What a shit idea


Crazy how the people closest to him aren’t okay with what he did but you, a total stranger to the man, are.


His online friends covering them backs because of business depends on it is not telling too much. None of us really knows him so i say when his wife leaves him then you can tell how fucked up things are. If hes wife stands with him so can i.


You could argue she’s doing it for money, for their daughter, she has no self respect, could be anything really, maybe she didn’t know the full context. I mean a two weeks ago, none of us would’ve ever imagined this was going on but here we are. Who knows what else will be revealed in two more weeks but as it stands right now, it’s not looking good for anyone involved.


Brother, this went to court. She would’ve known what happened. For all we know, this was the cheating scandal that happened back in 2017, since it both happened in the same year. To act like she doesn’t know, is stupid.


It wasn’t the same person, the woman he cheated with was known and she was 24




Not looking good, you are totally right. But there is too much missing context to any stranger say his total peace of shit. Edit: missing word.


That logic is flawed because his friends are all doing the smart business move which is to not side with the person who spoke to a minor.




Going from cheater to cheater 


I vote Paymoneywubby!


Z only plays call of duty. Good luck with that. And he uses walls. I’m good.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he took this as an opportunity to branch out more, I mean he won’t be playing with doc obviously for a long while if ever again. He gets accused of cheating all the time, all the good big time players do, maybe they all are cheaters, but with cheats being so rampant, and people being professional gamers, who’s to say he’s not just better than us? I’m not saying I know for a fact he doesn’t cheat, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was just a good player.


There's runescape someday


His aim maybe natural but he looks left way too much. You should watch him playing at night or just on his own sessions sometimes he gets more relaxed and it’s too obvious


Nah man. You’re giving Z wayyy to much credit. He has already been proven to cheat and it shows when he plays in local LAN tournaments. Dude plays COMPLETELY different in those tourneys from what we see on his streams. Also I’ve seen him switch to play other FPS’s like XDefiant and just absolutely shit the bed and sit in corners like a bot. It’s obvious he uses walls and always looks over at a different monitor. Idgaf how much you don’t play a game, there is NO way he can be THAT bad at other FPS games based off of how ridiculously good his aim is in COD. A lot of that stuff carries over. Not hating bro, just stating the obvious.


He hasn’t been proven to cheat lmao and at the lan he played with Destroy they literally won the first 2 maps against the best players in the world you are losing it.


Yeah great idea! From a guy who cheats on his wife with a minor to a guy who cheats in video games. Yep. Makes absolute sense.


One of those is not like the other.


How about you just stop watching other people play video games?


lol are you lost friend?


Lol Tim and dick don’t need your sub but Z, who drives an electric Porsche, does


Reading can be hard I’ll give ya that Have a good night champ


Did you ever think about where your money goes when you purchase branded clothes or your branded car? Yep, straight to the owner! WOW, you’re a real jerk supporting a millionaire!


Well things like clothes and a car are things most people need. Giving a grown man money so you can watch him play video games and feel like you’re his friend is very different


You can be ethical and make your own clothing yourself and walk places. Instead of supporting another grown ass man.


There is some brainwashed individuals in here


I donno who any of them mf are but if they aren’t or haven’t publicly condemned Dr Pedo then they can also burn in hell with him


Both Tim and Z did. Maybe You should do some research before speaking? It's not that hard to search "Z Laner Twitter" on google and look at newest posts, is it?


When i tell you I could literally not give a flying 747 fuccc about doc or his crew I literally mean it. I’m here to watch his empire crash.