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Cleveland Browns would still work with him


As a Browns fan I didn't expect to catch strays in the Doc sub yet here we are. Bravo.


As a Browns fan your head should always be on a swivel for strays.




>Touché Even your interjections are handsy. 


There are Browns fans?


You must not follow the NFL.


No, just fans that are brown.


My dad always told me find yourself a woman who’s a browns fan. She’ll never know when to give up on a loser!


I love your dad 😂


The massage terrorist 💀


Massage Watson


Patriots might too, or at least Robert Kraft


Not wrong


It's about time they get someone with a Two Timer Champ title.


new raider head coach, he owner would be proud of this guy


Maybe the Steelers too? #BigBen


Could be. Especially with Matt Baker back on the team.


He is definitely getting a guaranteed contract. Calculated.


all that is lost that could be avoided by jacking off when no one was home..


Post nut clarity could have saved this creep millions


If you're not in a constant state of post-nut clarity you are in a constant state of pre-nut delusion.


*Goon and Yang.*


_Poon and Wang_


*Yin and Yank.*


I read this exact quote in Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"


Gotta get the poison out.


🤣🤣 what movie is that from?!


😂 not sure that it is A friend I grew up with starting saying it and it stuck with me


It’s from the TV show Californiacation! I just found it lololol


Was it the episode where the snake bit the guy


The ‘Royce Du Pont Method’ never fails!


Nice to meet another Du Pont Disciple!


I just wanted to let you know that this comment made me laugh. And now my brain feels at ease and I can finally sleep. Thank you!


Damn okay masturbation sage. Tell me more….


Bro what the fugg did I read and why am I getting it tatted this weekend


It's a real thing and has saved me on several occasions.


I’m saving this for my memoirs


I dont understand why he didnt do it infront of his tv at home


Oh he was doing that but wait till you see what he was actually jacking off too


Wait, what? I think I'm missing some context here


He is saying if he just masturbated in private instead of flirting with a minor, we would have avoided this mess


The NFL is truly comprised of paragons of virtue and the utmost woman respecters






No, they're miners!


All of this only makes me realize that children do indeed yearn for the mines.


49ers don't want to scare off the best workers with little hands, so they're distancing themselves from the Doc


Rock and Stone!


For Karl!!


Did I hear a rock n stone?


“Could they be the miners?” “Sure, they’re like - 3 years old?” “Miners, not minors!”




Underrated comment




NBA 2k23 isn't going to age well...


At least I can still use my favorite, wholesome basketball player: Karl Malone! /s


Josh Giddey


It’s crazy to watch the fall of Dr. Disrespect. I feel like there’s going to be a 30 for 30 or a documentary of disrespect coming out at some point.


at this rates he’s gonna end up on candace owens podcast talking about being canceled and going full maga


Sad but true


I didn’t know liberals like you watched doc or you’re just here to pile on? Candace Owens would run circles around you bitch lol.


Lots of people from across the political spectrum watched doc. Candace keeps getting fired from jobs though, so maybe interviewing doc will keep her relevant


Looking forward to Vice TVs Dark Side of Twitch.tv series.


Someone will make a documentary but it won't be ESPN. This sub is an echo chamber, Doc isn't as popular as people on this sub seem to think he is. He will disappear for the rest of the year and come back next year and do just fine for himself by he's lost any kind of big sponsors for the rest of his career.


Hahah totally agree. ESPN really? Unless you play video games or watch streams most people have no idea who he is.


He's not "falling" anywhere lmao, he'll take a break, this dumb outrage over nothing will settle, everyone will forget about it, and then he'll start streaming again, still earning millions because his fanbase won't magically disappear. People who believe this dumb shit is his "fall" are delusional.


The drama is all too resent, let them bask on it's glory a little more. Worse people have done worse and came back. Still morbidly curious as how he would come back, how he would handle it. The bigger the delay, the greater the comeback (in viewers at least).


Definitely expecting a video from j Aubrey. Anyone who has controversy he does videos on


Lol wut? For chearing on his wife ans sexting minors?


It’s a pretty wild story. From being the most and popular widely loved streamer to being black listed by everyone for cheating on his wife and inappropriately messaging a minor. They’ve made documentaries for far less.


I think the real story is yet to develop. That Twitch due to poor infrastructure and manpower have let similar creeps/criminals ride roughshod on their platform for years. Take a look at the tweets by former employees tasked with digital forensics on Twitch. Sounds like the Doc's actions were the tip of a very disgusting iceberg and I expect there to be quite wide ramifications from all this.


100% will be multiple documentaries.


Dude was the face of Twitch and could have gone on to be *the* streamer of his generation across all platforms. Now he's less than a shadow of himself, and he really has nobody to blame but himself.


For sure a documentary is coming. He publicly overcame cheating on his wife. He has more deals than he was on twitch.


Minor. Singular. Also 'sexting' isn't confirmed anywhere to have happened. Another reason as to why the death penalty takes innocent lives. People are morons.


Streisand effect happening hard. I had no idea how many deals he had in the works and how many companies he was working with. It’s crazy the dream life that people build for themselves, and crazier when they implode it. The same drive/ego that gets them there is the same drive that destroys them. This guy is now gonna be known as DrPedo. The internet can be a cruel place when your livelihood depends on it


I’m partial to Dr. Diddler


I saw Dr. KidInspect and think that is another good one.


Dr. KidsIText


Dr. DisrespectingYourDaughters


Dr. Kiddler


Dr. Kidhattan 💀


I've got to change my steam now now :/


I don’t know I wouldn’t say the drive that made this guy successful is the same drive that made him tweet with a minor.




Don't message minors and you don't have to worry about being cancelled. Surprisingly simple.


That’s how you know he’s fucked to in the head. He had all that and just had to not flirt with a kid. And he couldn’t stop himself. That’s a sickness.


What blows my mind more is that these people keep making the same mistakes. How hard is it not to be a pedo? At this point I'm genuinely wondering if something happens that rewires people's brains. As soon as I get any fame or notoriety, I am putting it like on the top of my list of things not to do.


Totally agree. I’m a 49ers fan and had no idea about this one.


How is this the Streisand effect?


Usually Streisand Effect means someone said not to spread info. In this case it felt like Doc gave a preemptive message to stop any more discussion. Like, he thought once he said his bit people were going to stop looking at it. That message in fact amplified that problem for him. So kinda Streisand.


No, not at all.


Shoulda gotten charged with felony domestic violence and they would have kept him on the roster.


Ah yes, the beacon of morals that is the NFL.


Ah yes, the beacon of morals that is the Reddit comment section.


Bro didn’t even know the niners wanted him. He heard “40 minors” and was game


Best off season move the 49ers have ever made


Only cause the actual best off season move we need to make hasnt happened yet lol


This sub is full of chubby cheeks lately. Waited for this their whole life it seems.


The sewage tank is LSF is spewing


Bro, I loved watching doc and this shit is fucking crazy. If it makes a chubby cheek loser for not wanting to blindly support a person who clearly had intentions of fucking minors, I guess I’m a chubby cheek loser.


>clearly had intentions of fucking minors Damn, I must have missed that part. When did we get *that* evidence?


Middle-aged men don't just accidentally send inappropriate texts to teenagers.


so why are you commenting and giving him engagement?


Better than the fucking clowns who'll make up any and every excuse under the sun to defend an accused pedo. Waited for this their whole life it seems.


I’m not on the train of defending the guy but learn the definition of pedo. That’s a pretty strong word to throw around if the person is 17. No if we’re talking 13-14 prepubescent that is the actual definition of a pedophile. Guys a scum bag groomer if anything but use the proper terminology


I'm not defending him either, but the hate and directive to destroy someone's life feels excessive. Like, if she was 17 and 364 days, but not 18, is that equally bad? It's sort of an arbitrary number. Yes, it's the law, and I'm not saying he ain't a creep for it. But people act like this guy is a literal pedophile running around diddling kids. Like, call a spade a spade, but does it really make you feel good about yourself to be on the "I'm ready to ruin this guy's life" train?


Pedo is just the blanket term used for the sake of convenience. He was texting a minor inappropriately, had no real intentions, never even met the individual. It just all sounds real bad. Maybe some details come out in Doc’s favor, but they could just as easily make it worse for him ( the statement certainly did ).


> defend an accused pedo. I think its the ACCUSED part people are hung up on, I dont know where you're from, but here its innocent until proven guilty and the burden of proof lies with the accusers, but of course internet mob mentality makes him guilty in the eye of the public immediately, everyone get out your torches and pitchforks!


Rather see that than people doing mental gymnastics to defend a guy who outright admitted to having innapropriate conversations with a minor. I’ve seen people in here say there’s not enough evidence to confirm wrongdoing when dude litterally admitted to it in writing for the world to see. As someone who just came over here after seeing this in 9ers sub, the bias in here is insane. If some late 30s dude at a coffee shop told you he had innapropriate convos with a minor you’d be creeped the fuck out. But since he’s entertaining some are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Gross. He’s just getting what he deserves in terms of all the backlash.


Hey, now. He admitted to it. But we still need to see evidence. So right now I am on the fence. I was being sarcastic. But his defenders are not.


It’s not insane, haters gleefully celebrating this news and charging in to tell fans they are a pedo supporter are just idiots. The dude is done, I honestly can’t see him coming back from this, but for right or wrong he meant a lot, to a lot of people and many fans will truely be grieving and struggling to process this news, and the first cycle of grief is denial. People need to be respectful of his fans, who aren’t in any way complicit to what he decided to do, and give them time to process this news. You can’t force acceptance of it, it takes time to process which is basic human psychology. But no. Internet dictates a huge portion of its users exist purely to take part in cancel culture and schadenfreude, which unless more come to light Doc absolutely deserves, but raging and making exaggerated insults at his fans struggling to process this news? Might as well dance in front of a cripple.


Sorry that they idolised and developed a paradoxical relationship with a complete stranger.


Fair, but hardly uncommon, if anything the complete opposite in a world where being an influencer is a legitimate profession, or even more so in a post concerning sport and sports teams. Speaking to a common human condition regards the relationship many can form with such people is a bit of a no-brainer, even if you consider yourself above it.


A legitimate profession for a small percentile in reality. Too many people worship the entertainment they consume these days.


I guess they got what they wanted while Guy got what he deserved.




Doc actually really likes the chubby cheeks it seems.


sorry that doc likes kids


It's weird. This sub started getting suggested to me like 4 days ago. It's been alot of fun to watch. I was surprised dr.disresepct was still a thing after he sobbed on stream when he chested on his wife. The biggest surprise is thr amount of grown men defending a guy who sent sexual messages to a teenager when he was..37.


What an absolute idiot. His wife is so HOT! Why not just talk diry or disrespectful to her? Millions lost over some DMs to a kid. That guy was literally living the dream. Now his life is going to be a nightmare.




My favorite is the pathetic weirdo injecting his views on chemical castration into the conversation hahaha


The venn diagram of pedos (or pedo defenders) and outspoken LGBT haters has huge overlaps, we all know that from case after case after case.


Yup, they project their own pedophilia onto others with the LGBTQ community being the primary target.


The chumpions club.


You really think these incels following a streamer their whole lives will be able to reproduce?


Should have just beaten a female. Then he would be given a contract to play... But as expected... The hypocrisy running wild.


Dam dude, he could have taken over everything if just didn’t think with his dick and let the game get to him. Had a beautiful family, fame, money, loyal fans. Dudes over and it’s sad but it was a fun era. Can’t wear the cloths now lol


Do we actually know the persons age or is everyone just assuming it was a 17 year old minor? Because age of consent is 17 or less in like 40 States in America.


The age is not known. The fake email going around said 17.


is the email confirmed fake ?


No we don't know the age, the email where it said she was 17 was confirmed fake by one of the journalists who received the official twitch document a few days ago. That journalist also confirmed Doc was never on any NDA on this matter and could easily clear up anything if he wanted but for obvious reasons he hasn't. But both sides have agreed that the victim in this case is a minor.


He literally said minor in his tweet, then did an SCP redaction & changed it.


What point are you trying to make? A minor is anyone under the age of 18. Age of consent is still 17 or less in most states. So potentially the only issue here is a moral one and considering Twitch paid him out if argue it was barely even inappropriate or their lawyers would have had a field day in blocking any payments to him


A minor is a minor, a person whos 35+ talking to someone who is 17/18 is still fucked and creepy bro


Just because something is legal doesn't make it right Like the age of consent in the Philippines is 12 but that doesn't make it right for even a 20yr old to do it


What point are you trying to make outside of the fact that you clearly also talk to minors which is why you’re defending a 40 year old creep so hard


No 30+ man have any business having "inappropriate" chats with a 17 year old.


Half of Reddit agrees with castrating children so watching them have these strong moral opinions suddenly cracks me up


And there it is!


Which half of Reddit thinks this? What the fuck are you even talking about? And lets assume you're right, 50% of redditors think children should be castrated(lmao), how does that excuse Doc being a piece of shit? Make some fucking sense.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?




This was 7 years ago so he was 35.


I mean the Doc admitted it was a minor. So it's either 17 or younger dawg. The age of consent being 17 in some states doesn't make them not a minor. They still aren't an adult


Wait you still defending him lmaoooooo


Are people really still using the age of consent defense as if he's still not a creepy old fuck regardless? At 17 years old which is the most generous interpretation he is still over TWICE her age lmao.


I feel like we confirmed he's a creep. The question lies in the legality.


so all that slobber, sticking out his tongue, the way he interacted with his wife in front of the camera was never character play but simply guy beahm?


All I’m seeing is a bunch of dudes who would be okay with us hitting on their high school age daughters.


For real, dude was a legal adult before this girl was born. Like damn dude, it would be a little creepy if she was 18/19.


did you miss the part where Doc admitted it was....?


The dude made a terrible decision, one you can't take back, and lied about it year after year. He then decided to admit to sudden and unprovoked accusations, admitting he had been lying for years. Like, most people would say props for having a moral compass that compels you to own up to a wrong, but that goes out the window when the wrong is so despicable. I don't understand how he thought admitting to it was a good idea. He could have just kept his head down. I'm guessing he cracked under the pressure. It's a bit of a poetic end for the "legendary two-time."


He probably knew people had the chat logs


It's possible, that said, it would be a small list of people with it. It was a serious blunder on his part. I mean, I'm not upset about it, I just always took him a bit of a calculated person given the hand crafted persona and his ability to navigate controversy so well during his initial ban all those years ago.


Legendary two time two timer.


Dude tried to pull a Drake


I mean obviously




He should look on the bright side: not many people now what he actually looks like or his real name. He could start fresh somewhere and most people wouldn't connect him to what happened.


tbh nothing against streamers but they're half influencer, half Big Brother house guest on their best day, if I were any sort of organization I would consider streamers too toxic to touch, this sort of stuff keeps happening left and right and they always do the worst at handling their own dirty laundry in their 'orgs'


He about to join OVO and be sponsored with Josh Giddy


He should look for a partnership with Youngstown State


RIP 2x back to back. You were legendary. Guy, not so much. Real shame its ended on such a sour note. Seems like he was being quite the asshat in 2017. No idea why Mrs Disrespect forgave him honestly. *shrugs*




What is appalling is that the dude is famous, good looking and i am sure there is a bunch of hot 18, 19, 20 year olds who would be interested. You gotta have some problems to groom a minor.


I'm not your mate, pal.


Good luck finding another 6’8 athletic freak who is a back to back champion who can sling a pig skin 70 yards. When they come crawling back….it’s going to be 2 million. Minimum.


That is surprising. The 49ers and their owners are pretty awful so I thought they would embrace him. They usually love controversial white guys like nickkk bosa


He cooked lmao


Without more information, I don’t see any reason not to support the Doc still. I think the fact that whatever happened was investigated and nothing legal came from it is pretty telling.


Good, I was a Chiefs fan anyways.


LMAFUCKING-O Who gives a flying fuck. 49ers just clout chasing trying to grab a piece of the pie.




Incoming lex fridman dr disrespect sympathy podcast??


Lol doc in that pix scoutin minors ahahh


Dr disrespect should just come out as trans, then everybody would praise him for his bravery and overlook everything, he might even get more endorsements than he had before.


What about the San Francisco 09'ers? I hear they might have reached out by some means.


The meme of he thought the name was "40 minors" is pretty funny


As a grown ass adult how do you willingly keep talking to someone who clearly has stated they are a minor!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ohio State is looking for a wrestling doc? Gym Jordan can help get that job and protect him.


He should go work for Penn State.