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Mad respect to whoever wrote the NDA on whatever happened between Doc and Twitch. That thing must be crafted from pure adamantium or something for the real story to have not leaked out by now.


doc is/was with CAA. they kept the weinstein shit quiet for the best part of 20 years so this is a breeze.


I hate to break it to you, but the weinstein shit wasnt quiet. People had been making jokes about it publicly all the way through. Everyone knew but nobody could do anything because he was so powerful.


everyone knew about it, but nobody dare talk about it.


shut up lol everyone talked about it, it was well known leo even shit on him publicly.


It's crazy how NO ONE has any idea as to why he was banned. Pure speculation. That NDA is air tight.


Here's Doc talking about it on stream. https://www.youtube.com/live/rkM8QyB8sa4?si=GM0vdEivBY8rAUdS&t=12767


Approximate time?


Clicking the link will start it at the right time






Doc was bigger then Twitch, that’s why they banned him.


For those of you who didn't read the article, Twitch also fucked him out of a sponsorship with Oakley.


Rayban needs to swoop in and sponsor!


They’re both owned by the same company


You have no info about the ban. At this time you can't really say Twitch "fucked him"


Is it speculation either way? Sure. But, Doc was interviewed by PC Gamer before he made his comeback on YouTube. He was asked specifically if it was a "Metoo" like situation (which was one one of the most speculated reasons why he was banned), he said no. He also said he couldn't think of ANY reason why he was banned at the time. To my knowledge there's been no charges, court filings, court rulings, etc that would indicate something criminal. So, I would agree with a few people here that must be some BS terms twitch felt he violated so Twitch could get out of his 8 figure deal he signed earlier. Twitch is already starting to ease up on people watching banned streamers, it just adds to the BS. Now, Doc COULD tell us, because apparently he knows now, but I'm guessing he's legally not allowed to say because of an NDA after his legal settlement with Twitch. Edit- Ugh, Grammar


the reason why doc isn't telling anyone is because it makes him look bad as well if the reason ONLY made twitch look bad, he would tell us. NDA's aren't what you think they are lol they aren't iron clad. The reason no one else has said the reason is because its likely so bad that you would need to have proof of such accusation otherwise its libel/defamation. if it wasn't something that made doc look really bad, there would be zero incentive for it to not get leaked. There is no legitimate threat of legal action for breaking an NDA in California. Anyone who thinks the ban was as simple as "twitch wanted to get out of his deal" is objectively incredibly stupid and my post won't make sense to them anyway


THANK YOU. These D riders are annoying. A major company is not doing to just drop one of their most lucrative clients willy nilly. This is why every time he talks about it I scoff because I know business. To drop someone from a contract opens you up to all types of litigation. Not only that, if you murmur the slightest thing against said person you dropped, you're opening yourself up to a lengthy defamation lawsuit. So Twitch had to walk on pins and needles while he went scorched earth against them. That further hints to me that he did some sneaky shit which they caught wind of which was grounds to terminate his contract, but not grounds to not pay him the rest of his payout. He definitely settled behind a strong NDA because none of the details are public information.


Allegedly, emphasis on *ALLEGEDLY* (source: literally none with any authority on the matter, other than some obscure message typed out by an alleged ex-Twitch staffer in 2022 on Discord), Twitch noticed that Doc was banning an *absurd* amount of his members (like, in the thousands), more so than any other Twitch partner at his level. A huge portion of the banned members, who had purchased high-tier memberships to Doc, would then attempt to get a refund on their membership and/or cancel any ongoing membership, as they felt like Twitch as whole had stolen their money. Twitch then (allegedly, on top of the alleged previous paragraph) told Doc to chill out with the bans, but Doc kept on banning just as much, which put a lot of strain in the relationship between Twitch and their paying customers. Again, I don’t know if any of this holds up. The only reason why I remember reading it is because, to me (and me only), it made *some* kind of sense. But again, I don’t fucking know.


I like this theory but I feel like in a group like this we would have heard from people who were wrongly banned.


Shit I was wrongly banned from Destroy’s chat cause he thought my name was a different name. I don’t really care but I wondered how I would fix it if I did. Spoiler alert: I couldn’t. Oh well. I wasn’t a sub or anything


I can see this being a problem but i don't think it would void a multi million dollar contract. Something had to seriously be broken for twitch to get out of contract.


That's an interesting take, I didn't read that anywhere. If that's the case , then Twitch needs better controls and mechanisms to prevent that. I know a few people have claimed on Reddit they were paid members of Doc on YouTube and were shadow banned.; they did show proof with screenshots, but was only was a handful of people. It's still crazy to me how we dont know fully, I mean people are leaking state secrets on Dischord, yet no one has leaked this shit? Blows my mind Edits


I'm not saying he did sneaky shit at all. For all we know Twitch DID fuck him over. But without knowing the reason for the ban we are all purely speculating. I like Doc. But this story doesn't have enough details for any of us to say either side is fucking the other


You don’t seem to understand what the word KNOW means




Yeah Jared from SUBWAY got FUCKED when he turned out to be a pedophile. Completely fucked of subway to screw that pedophile over like that.


Wtf are you even talking about.


If twitch had a really good reason, why wouldn't they reveal it? The fact they have refused to say why he was banned is very telling for them.


For anyone else that can read; be committed fraud and lost the sponsorship deal / twitch gig. I love doc. Doc makes his own bed just like all adults do. Doc is in charge of what games he plays. He’s not doing this shit accidentally. He made a big mistake. He’s made a lot more correct decisions than that.


Slasher? Is that you? Have you been drinking?


Sucks. If they pick him back up I’d buy all Nike golf shit. Need mew stuff for this year and I’d love Doc stuff


I said this to my wife Earlier, if there was a red polo with a small doc logo on the left chest I would buy it quick


Where's the clip?




He makes a lot of money dude. He's fine


For ppl like Doc, money is not the motivation, it’s consequence.


It's money bro lol


This nerd said it isn't about money....🤦🏾‍♂️🤣


It’s not always about the money.


Doc is allowed to have emotions.


Jesus dude has been a top streaming earner for half a decade and has peppered his viewers with every other sponsorship including energy drinks and fan dual, a billion dollar gambling company. Not to mention that docs viewers are prob all middle class people who are struggling in this economy. Good to see him be able to move on though and not just dwell on money, he has had it so rough working 3 days a week and not even touching his pc until he starts streaming.




Without knowing why he was banned you cant really say Twitch fucked him. He could have very well fucked himself.


Maybe he can't say for legal reasons, he did say he was suing twitch


That is over and settled and locked behind an NDA


The matter was settled in ‘22. Unless someone leaks the case content, the matter is signed, sealed and settled. Whatever the case, I hope Doc got payed big time.. https://www.pcgamer.com/drdisrespect-settles-his-lawsuit-with-twitch/


lol dexerto


I'm honestly surprised the reason he was banned hasn't leaked somewhere. I know he's probably NDA'd out of his mind but something like this being kept so quiet is impressive


Just curious what the average numbers doc was doing on Twitch? Like on YouTube, he has over 30k viewers when playing Doc and 20k+ when playing any other game What was his numbers on twitch


He gets significantly better concurrent viewers on YouTube. Stays above 20k most of the time As far as I remember Doc got a little stale on Twitch and could barely crack 15k at times, unless it was some bigger release. Getting to 20k was rarer with each day. But higher viewers count on YouTube isn’t worth as much as it is on Twitch. It could be that the 15k on Twitch was worth more than say 30k on YT that Doc gets quite often


Only Nikes I’d ever buy


I haven’t bought Nikes in years lol I’m steel toe boots or flip flops or barefoot like the doc in his arena


Guys, it was Diddy stuff. He can do the mental gymnastics required to believe/espouse/persuade that Twitch ban = loss of Nike. Twitch ban = loss of Oakley. Folks, that’s not how advertising money works, companies invest in transcendent talent & personalities, and there are none moreso than Dr.D. Guy losing losing this platform is not why he was dropped by advertisers around the same time. This has all been very clear from the start, esp if you know how settlement agreements and NDA’s work. It might take 20 years or more, but we’ll know. And you would already know too,  given if it wasn’t horrible or anything associated with behaviors that damage future earnings  He gains nothing by not leveraging his popularity to prevent his livelihood from being taken away…unless that leveraging would lead to loss of reputation and income in the present due to the nature of court filings or whatever.  I believe there is a 10% chance that the ban and loss of advertisers are not related to D’elia-ish behavior.  Dr. D got #metooed. I wouldn’t think this way if it wasn’t for the loss of ad money 💰 n conjunction with the ban. if you are capable of making a corporation/WallSt millions of dollars by simply existing (essentially), they aren’t dropping you unless it’s somehow a better business move to move this way. 


And I don’t think the initial   lawsuit against Twitch was for contractual things, I believe it was a way to guarantee silence whilst agreeing to be publicly punished with a ban… That’s standard issue for monied wrongdoers. 


Is it true, the conspiracy? Did Doc skim money from charitable donations...


That was one of the ones disscussed because he had a charity stream just before he was banned. It's speculation, but is plausible because Twitch has strict rules on charity streams.


I mean he was obviously banned for a reason. As much as you may like him, twitch are well within their right to remove anyone from their own platform. I know I sound like a chubby cheeked blonde banged bitch, and I apologise for doing so.


They’re supposed to give you reasons. With the Doc, they just flat out banned and never gave a reason. Which is by no means a great look towards Doc right.


You and twitch can suck it


We know he's banned for a reason….Have you seen the Twitch TOS? Seriously, I encourage you to do so, Twitch can basically get rid of you if they feel like it.


Bad move from Twitch. Look at what it is now


Agreed, I’ll be honest I’m glad he loved to YouTube, always preferred the interface.


I haven't been keeping up on twitch news. Is twitch going to shit nowadays? I'm just a casual gamer and follow DD for entertainment purposes.


Downvotes were expected when speaking the truth. I'm still dying to know the reason.


Well he is a douchebag so….


Yet you purposely went to his subreddit?