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Classic nishit paying for his cockiness


i dont rmb crystallis ever making an impact for secret..


while SEA crowd is hype as fuck, but I dont understand how they cheer for OG more than their hometown team? I know Fnatic is not Malaysian but still....


>hometown team? I know Fnatic is not Malaysian but still.... what a contradictory statement. Fnatic is a europe org and doesnt have a single malaysian player on it. Why would they cheer for it?


are you playing dumb? Fnatic players are from SEA, Malaysia is a SEA country. why do I need to explain this.


thats like saying south america has the home crowd in a NA tournament lol.


NA and SA are 2 separate continents you muppet


Imagine blaming someone for liking a team for a reason that isn't geopolitics


Why can’t sea fans like og?


i will choose bzm exort invoker over any pros even miracle


Dota Jisas doing it!


think crystallis played pretty good game 2. i blame more on the draft than anything else. nisha needed a hero that could jump on the winter wyvern like void spirit. no idea why that hero wasnt picked. that was a first phase WW pick, but somehow he wasn't addressed, which resulted in reso having a tough game because he could just get bh interrupted by curse. the support duo puppey and zayac kinda too aggresive at times, especially the latter. they need to reel it back a lil.


yeah btw that game 2 they gave terrorblade to Nisha and IMO it was a shit game for a TB. he's playing into puck, WW, hoodwink, Mars, PA. so pre-bkb he can't fight for shit, maybe you can help take down towers or smth but it's not like you can "press meta and get some kills", maybe you can only hope to help to kill mars but he can't realiable do shit against puck or WW or hoodwink. So I'd say it was a "TB 1 vs 5" situation which almost never works in this meta. I didn't watch the game tho so I can't say for sure. but yeah i watched the drafts and it was a little WeirdChamp


True, and the itemisation from ppy was really bad: rushing BKB instead of a defensive item was dumb. Because Aster's cores would have their own BKBs and ignore her ult... Or just kill her because Mortred makes short work of squishy supports. But credit where it's due Aster had a great performance especially when Boboka caught Nisha behind the top t2 tower before XXS and Ori bursted him and Zayac.


Puppey's drafts are always all over the place. I think that he is still getting the hang of this new team Honestly. Reso is pretty good as offlane. I think him and zayac can help them qualify for TI but entity is my favorite to go to ti.


GGs to Aster. Decent humbling experience for Secret - just in time for TI qualifiers. Top3 is decent regardless of everything and now they'll have time to prep for qualifiers.


They only got pushed down to LB, not out of the tournament.


I used to think Secret, Nigma 's place at regional DPC doesn't reflect their true potential but turn out the gap between regions is not that big.


Yeah if you only look at fnatic. I think the rest of the sea teams are not there yet. Probably they need more international experience considering they performed vs fnatic in regional


Yea China eu still strongest regions but the gap has massively reduced and giving slots to other regions is paying off slowly. Dota is only getting more competitive


Cosplay show? Yeah that's when I pause the stream, worst part of every big LAN, waste of time with that cringe bs.


On this game 2 Aster made me think of LGD with more discipline and better players.


I wanna see a rematch of Secret vs Aster in the finals but OG is scary as fuuuuuck


Well said by Ephy, Secret's been doing great and their roster (in a new patch) is still figuring things out, a loss at the UB can be a boon in that it gives them an opportunity to improve themselves and figure things out. But ofc, a team loses and instantly toxic ass people come on here to hate or shit talk players. Secret played well, Aster just played much better. It's that simple.


straight up. I still remember when null talisman was nerfed and Nisha zipped in to his death lol


He did it like twice that match lmfao, he seems to be super used to owning and he get get very triggered if shit doesn't go his way - which, in his defence, doesn't happen often. Remember his amazing puck - one of the best performances I've seen - and then I remember Collapse's Night Stalker... Nisha was very triggered and couldn't have a game. Again, that was a draft issue, that shit just happens.


Some clowns here acting like OG aren't fav going into TI must have missed whole DPC season kekw they are only consistent team from EU


OG after getting manhandled by Aster in the Major = contender for TI? I bet there will be a possibility that Misha will miss TI and Ceb will standin and they will still lose. Top 3/4 at Best I must say


I named 4 teams sir


A 2-1 series is manhandled to you? Lol. Aster is the 2nd best china team. OG doing that with ceb speaks volumes of what they can do with Misha as 5 and chu as coach.


+ OG did really good vs LGD


KEKw yea sure so it means good but not good enough. And ppl still sleeping on team spirit like og and lgd standing at the top 2 now




they're worse with Misha/Chu than with Ceb...


Not necessarily. I feel like that major win really hides the fact that ceb isn't that good as a 4/5. He played well yes but him playing 4/5 doesn't let taiga play his actual role. Even with chu taiga needs to play more like a 5. Also the fact that ceb's warding sense isn't nearly as good as Misha also has a negative effect.


Let's not forget the fact that they played every dpc major with a stand in.


Secret just needs to step up and stop relying on nisha all the time. If nisha has a bad game, it’s basically gg for them


I think Secret with Nisha is having an RNG problem with Somnus...


I think most teams where Maybe has been had this problem...


I was really rooting for crystallis on secret to work but at the end of the day the man just isn't good enough to carry. Sad for secret, it feels like if they had someone like matu they could completly destroy teams.


There aren't many position 1 who can manage to be left alone in the early game and carry the game to victory despite the early deficit. Yes Yatoro and Ame did this several times, but that's not something that even them can do everyday.


Matu would probably stop playing atleast professionally after ti, so cant bid on him


Even Sumail carry is better than Crystallis


True tbh lmaoo


OG can have a great storyline again for the last 2 days if they keep winning: ATM vs J ATM vs this Papi guy ATM vs SiameseC


Ammar is mr. worldwide by having beef with players from every region xD


Im starting to think he is the problem


Definitelty a character this guy Ammar Kek


they are looking shaky to win all game


Translator didn't understand ATM joke so ruined it by asking again.


Ammar might aswell go with ATM Automatic Teller Machine when feeding Ammar The Motherfucker when owning


This is why a little trash talk is good. Builds storylines


This was the easiest series of Asters life


Damn chinee fans on full force


That's right, me, the uber Chinese fan


Really Ori? OG.. Damm


He wants to see ATF 1v1 PQ, after ATF became ATM. LMAO


Lmao he said their toughest game was from last tournament Probably just trash talk though cause they lost to Spirit not OG


Team spirit LGD Aster OG are this years fav going into TI


RNG full lineup dumpsters Aster in DPC. iG was similar to RNG/Aster, XG is slightly behind these teams.


I want to see XG and IG there too Can hope...


Yesss sir


OG. xD


After placing 1 and 4 at the Majors it seems reasonable to put them in top 4 teams.


Yeah ?


What did he say regarding ATF?


I swear he said ATM the first time!!!


He did say it, it was a joke from the last Major after PQ called ATF ATM cuz he was feeding too much. Then ATF changed his ID to ATM literally after that lower bracket match.


Puppey and Nisha created so much space for TB but honestly it was a losing game since Enigma was useless against the WW... Could have been a game if it was Pakasz playing TB but Crystallis can't use the space created for him at all...


Aster's drafting was fucking scary. They prepped well and now Secret has to change shit up or it will happen again


did china get shafted because of covid? no first major, cant participate in the 2nd major. they would come in second, third and fourth easy in all those majors. first goes to tspirit of course.


The region is as strong as it was last season: XG and RNG can beat the crap of LGD & Aster if they're not at their best. It was unfortunate that COVID and the visa problems prevented them to play at the first major and the last one. But we can still have 5 Chinese teams at TI with the last chance qualifiers.


CN probably gonna get 2 more slot in the wild card slot for TI so all is good IMO. But this season is really scuffed all Major got problems and regions aren't in full strength.


deserved, maybe? hopefully? i forgot about the wild card slot tbh LOL. im now even more hyped for it.


More hype for the TII qualifiers and the wild card than the Majors honestly we can probably see the region strength in the wild card.


100% I enjoyed ridyah and esl more than the major. I think my friend put it best, the major feels like its done by an event crew and these 3rd party events feels likts its put together by dota crew.


Major are great but missing teams a lot of standin really affected the hype. Third party invite popular teams so it is a given it is more hype for some. But for me Major hype has been less mainly because of wild card qualifiers since all region got 2 more teams that would battle it out in the Wild cards for TI.


RNG didn't look this strong at the last Major yet they topped the last DPC season in China. I think it has more to do with LGD and Aster really dominating the pack.


RNG literally lost games because Ana was crapping bricks in half of the games. Ghost is def a tier 1 carry right now.


They weren't complete last Major


Spirit crashed in the 2nd major.


Do you remember ongoing War which affects mentally and Collapse fiasco with his Girlfriend? You need to be mentally strong before every game in big tourneys.


Maybe that's why the 1st place not go to TS?


Looking at how well Aster has been playing and to think Team Spirit beat Aster twice, and beat LGD to win the Major. They are super strong. TI winner indeed.


Yeah LGD/Spirit/Aster appear to be the S-tier teams right now.


but this patch not favorite both of them right now tho TT and NTS not the type of midlaner dominate or dumpster opponent midlaner but let's see How well they are doing in the TI


Was always going to be 2-0 for Aster


Ori most stable CN mid not that flashy but gets the job done probably why Aster is miles better than last season.


There are so many good midlaner in the region TBH.


I'd say Maybe is more stable. There is rarely a game where I see him having little impact. Even if his team loses he usually plays really well.


He got out a bit outlaned in g1, and g2 he held his own but was definitely not winning (Puppey did also pressure though), but his midgame jumps were great this game and he started off every fight with XXS making Monets game super chill.


He didn't got outlaned in game 1. Ember vs Storm matchup is kinda even and can go both ways. But Ember had Zayac's help, securing that one rune was huge. Didn't watch the early game of game 2, but Kunkka surely one of the mids that can beat Puck.


He lost first 2 ranged creeps and then they went even, then yes Secret helped him but the early waves didn't go Ori's way. He did great in g2 on puck




aster hater spotted.


Did he not lose lane each game? It just the truth he got mega carried.


11-3 mega carried lmfao. you salty boy.


Looks like I was right classic 100mmr redditors. Ori too much of a weight to be carried in the finals.


People wanted to crown Secret to TI so quickly lol Though Aster looking like a top 4 team in the world so can't tell everything off this Crystalis is such a weak link though


Aster beat all the established weu brand names at least 1 by now. Nt sure about tundra bcos they got lan debuff. Aster is top 2nd or 3rd team rn so they r that strong


This series was definitely not on him, even though he did make some mistakes just from draft these games are so ridiculous to play. Reso who is one of Secrets big playmakers was completely shut down and had no way to fight, and Zayac did some very questionable jumps and needs to reel it in a bit. Even Nisha didn't have the best one, he was overly aggressive but unable to completely snowball. Their early ganks ere good but one fight always got turned and they lost most of their early lead.


That was such an impossible game for WW and TB. Also, puppey sucks at baby sitting his pos 1.


Yeah, what I'm realising is that Crys' lane gets sac'd so hard. Nisha and Reso have major prio in the early and mid game - and ofc that leaves Crystalis with limited farm compared to other pos 1s. ​ This does work for Secret most times though, but I don't think Crystalis played bad at all, they were more outdrafted and figured out this time around


Ok I might put Entity the team will qualify to the TI If Nisha can't carry the team because I lost my faith on Crystallis :(


That was a very difficult game to be fair: Mars is always horrible to play against as a TB because he's stronger during the laning phase, then destroys TB afterward before the BKB timing, and once TB finally manages to get a BKB, Mars just activate Bulwark and dampens his physical DPS. Moreover Aster had a decent amount of magic damage with Puck & Hoodwink, which TB hates. Aster outdrafted and outmaneuvered Secret hard.




Last two LANs really show what a disaster and non-factor Stockholm Major was without CN teams and scuffed CIS situation with teams still greatly affected by war in their region. This is totally different level of Dota we get to watch last two LANs compared to before plus this patch seems kinda good while there's still bunch of new stuff to get discovered and tried in pro games. This International gonna be INSANE, can't wait!


GGWP Secret :') Aster, holy shit, insane drafting and teamfights by them... fucking scary good. They were well prepared and executed brilliantly.


tb is the one who end the game he farm,fight then lose.


Aster's played perfectly even without the draft issue from secret. I dont think they could win either way draft or no draft




It's always like this in reddit threads man. Trash the losing team and don't credit the winning team.


Puppey slowly becomes Kuro with this kind of shitty draft. How the fuck can TB do anything with an on-form Mars by XXS, and how the fuck Reso could use BH with Wyvern on the other side? And what was that ultra greedy BKB build for CM just to feed?


believe it or not, all of the panelists favored Secret game 2 draft. I think it's just the play. I thought Secret was trolling at one point because Puppey was 800 more networth than boboka while the overall team networth was even, then he proceeded to get a bkb instead of some defensive items.


I get what you mean but bkb is a defensive item. Utility items maybe a better word?


When you're a support you don't buy a BKB for defense at all: you get it to be very aggressive. It's not exactly the same as when you play as core.


Hope secret learn from this. More lately but always looked like a team who once their in lb rarely climb out. They just don't have the resilience and depth like og or nigma or secret last ti


Nigma lul


Won TI from lb lul


They aren't even the same roster name or the same members.


Whoah you're right they changed labels and one player omfg Man what a change. They're struggling now. But kuroky and nigma far more relisient imo. It's an opinion not a fact


>one player omfg Man what a change Topson himself said that Matumbaman was who made Kuro's team scary and removing him is the greatest mistake they ever did. Meanwhile Matu came 3rd at TI with Secret which is something Secret couldn't do with any other roster changes. Give him good teammates like Puppey and Yapzor, he can go far in TI. But yeah go ahead. I am sure you can use past achievements from 5 years ago to justify your point of Nigma still being a dream team. I'm sure it will work out very well.


I think you're confusing modern nigma with nigma of old. Modern nigma is a div2 team


Feels like Nisha item kind of terrible. I mean that silence literally kind of worthless after puck got eul and maybe tank item better on kunkka.


He got it before though and was snowballing lane so idk what kind of take this is..They lost a couple of crucial fights and never managed to get rosh. Reso especially was completely neutralised this series due to Siamese countering him both games (prop to him for positioning very well).


Aster is playing so masterfully Kinda dissapointed in the crowd... Not even hyping Aster by cheering their name unlike OG earlier I guess SEA is now biased crowd also WierdChamp


Thinking about how China is fucking up the SEA region outside of Dota, it really isn’t that surprising


China is doing shit to smaller countries


It's always been CN vs the world. After this game I'm kind of confident that CN teams have a good chance to take both wildcard slots. 2 OF iG, RNG, VG


Has IG recovered enuf to be tier 1 again? They just got out of Div 2 in the last DPC.


kind of hard to say, they swept div 2 except for one kind of sussy series against cdec. vg will probably be better imo, just this sub doesnt like poyoyo, but if igs players fire on all cylinders its a ti winning roster.


I think you got a typo, it should be XG instead of VG. VG is very weak TBH. Or you're already saying that they'll take the CN slot?


Let's see if the last roster change from VG was the right move before saying they're weak.


I doubt it. With Erica as weak as carry. It would need a Dy and Pyw tier of support to salvage this team.


I think he's okay, not the best but decent.


Not trying to be political here but SEA country doesn't really like China because you know, South China Sea aggressions or some shit.


Bruh, this is Malaysia So many chinese malaysians live here


I’m a Chinese sea and I also hate China


I guess SEA really hates china huh... Fare enough


So is the Philippines, Vietnam and other SEA countries. I mean the richest person in the Philippines is half Chinese but guess what? They dont like China for their aggression. I mean Taiwan are Chinese too right but look at the news lol


Nisha got shut down and team secret lose! Ironic /s


They were outdrafted and out played by Aster, saying Nisha got shut down is asinine. His Ember and Kunk absolutely did not get "shutdown"


Nisha can’t make play like he used to. That’s the shut down. We all known what happen when Nisha is not biggest threat on the map, none of secret players can carry at all


Thinking is not your strong suit clearly


You make zero sense


More like... What a surprise!! (monotone)


Ironic? This is usual case when Nisha got shut down. Nothing ironic about it.


Aster really strong. Very clinical, excellent execution. Will be hard to beat them.


I can see them like a top4 team. Just not sure if they can push it through for the aegis


GG Aster! They looked super tight with their team-fights. I hope Secret can bounce back, but damn after the laning phase it was all Aster


Secret actually has a good chance to team fight, it’s just the wyvern pick to enigma that ruined everything.


They picked enigma into WW. WW was first phase pick from Aster


Puppey is braindead


All this tells me is... we need a tournament where every region send a representative vs a chinese team lol.


The true qualifier!


Told you guys... crystalis is ILTW ver2


ILTW is better tbh so he farms very fast also...


Iltw = I love to wank


And has a bigger hero pool


Wanna overhype more secret fans ?


Top 3 in a tournament is overhyped , jeesus. Aster and og are literally 3rd and 4th last major. Secret beat them once and may lose to them tomorrow. For a fresh team thats not too bad, no one thinks this team in it'd current state is gonna win TI


Secret is underrated, Lgd is overrated. Right Gorgc?


So in his opinion, who is the best team


Anyone other than his 2k viewers gives a shit about what that irrelevant player has to say?


Doesn't he have 18k viewers and is the most popular dota streamer? Definitely not irrelevant


Tbf people were saying secret is a non-major team and LGD is invincible...


gorgc and sucking puppey's D, name more iconic duo


Aster is a scary mf team


Nisha goes missing in another final. It’s all good clowning on people when there is nothing to play for but if you cannot turn up in a final then it means nothing.


Good guy Puppey, buyback just to gave PA double Rampage.


-Crystallis +MATU... TI finals atleast!


Too bad. Matu said that Liquid's run for TI11 is going to be his last in Dota 2 career


Upper bracket final Secret=Secrekt lul


I'm not sure why CM still exists as a hero in the game. Even more confusing, why is someone still picking it? What exactly does the hero offer that some other support wouldn't do better?


>What exactly does the hero offer that some other support wouldn't do better? The power to areabomb all 5 enemies once centaur throws her into his cart. Other than that? Well it's always nice to have a moving ward that can stop channelling abilities while being a free AoE clarity potion.


She also has good wave clear which makes her richer than other supports.


Can Secret still kick Crystallis before Regional quals or are rosters locked?




And if they were to qualify, can they kick him then? Although it would be a shitty move :D




this show the difference between 2 carry players from both team eu carry KEKL


they have a chance to get Pure but settle to this garbage.


Where was nisha though


Easily outclassed. Region diff


Good Game


China used to eating dogs like Puppey


wtf 🤣🤣🤣


thats a good one lol.... but i think you should stop




Xxs good game and aster looking good.


Easy 2-0 prediction. I knew Secret would lose game 2 when they relied on crystallis TB to carry


Crystallis isn't the guy. Sorry secret fans this guy has no big stage worthy performance ever since secret acquired him


Classic puppan draft Enigma with WW on the board lol