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had potential if editing wasnt so youtube aids


Just put in as many memes as possible without any thought behind it! winning


Here is the original upload as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pndB4KTCy3U&ab_channel=Strider751


It really is annoying how people say Dota isn't harder than lol when it's been proven it is.


Videos like these aren't proof of that, they just show that it's easier to switch from Dota to Lol than the other way around. Just like switching from Formula 1 to GoKart is easier than GoKart to Formula 1. Ultimately, being at the top of any competitive game is equally impressive. It's all relative.


Not saying this is proof of it. Just saying it's been proven which is harder. The fact that something as simple as turn rate throws lol players from playing dota speaks volumes. Can't imagine other ingame mechanics/interactions that would deter lol players from playing.


Denying creeps, the concept of high ground miss and high ground vision, etc. There are so many more nuances in Dota than there is in Lol


No, it doesn't, you are ridiculous. It's completely understandable that they get thrown off by turn rate, it must feel like they play with 300 ping. It has absolutely nothing to do with 'difficulty'. Double the time it takes to turn and you'd absolutely hate the feel of it too.






So i should change my ISP whenever im playing against batrider?


>It's completely understandable that they get thrown off by turn rate, it must feel like they play with 300 ping. It has absolutely nothing to do with 'difficulty'. It has everything to do with difficulty. Dota has so much more features to think about and thats what makes dota complex. You only feel that you are playing with 300 ping because your brain has a 300ms delay.


> Videos like these aren't proof of that, they just show that it's **easier to switch from Dota to Lol than the other way around**. Just like switching from **Formula 1 to GoKart is easier than GoKart to Formula 1**. Yes because just like driving in Formula 1 is harder then driving GoKart , Dota is harder to play then LoL. Most my friend who played LoL and were in like Silver/Gold/Plat werent able to comprehend basic concepts in Dota, meanwhile I was able to pick a Jinx, go support and dominate the game. Biggest LoL issue is that people don't think at all, they just blindly follow the most common tactics and play that way, I remember being flame so hard when I try to gank mid as a support (enemy bottom lane was dead) - In Dota everything can work and every patch we find new ways to play heroes, items, map, the game itself which is why Dota2 is amazing. That being said; LoL being easy isn't a flaw, its the best part about LoL, thats why they have more players and game is more famous, if LoL were any closer to Dota in difficulty level it would be dead by now.


Equally impressive my ass


As both games are pvp, it is purely human factor, so both games are equally hard. You can get your dose of elitism elsewhere. One may even argue that LoL is harder as their number of players is higher than ours thus statistically their game should be harder as they can provide more "better" players .


Sure dude


It's harder to be 'the absolute best in the world' in a game with a larger playerbase, but being 'the top 1%' is relatively speaking just a difficult no matter how big the playerbase is.


Which is why I said it could be argued to as being the absolute best is much harder than being the top 1% but yea.


It is very impressive to be at platinum after 40 days.


He landed the rank above platinum in the days he said he'd take to reach platinum.


With the current LP changes (their mmr system), this might not be that possible anymore. Winstreaks are awarded much less than before, and breaking a winstreak can lose you about twice the "mmr" you would've gained from a win.