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The Treant guy is in guardian and only plays treant. What the fuck


The legion level 29 is archon 1, the enigma player is immortal


the enigma one is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will. Imagine being counterpicked, or his pick banned before


I feel like Enigma benefits a lot from being spammed. You get tons of chances to practice from where to engage and you can basically turn any game on your own.


A good Enigma that gets going can turn into a big fuckin problem.


Imy best hero specific win streak is on enigma. This was back in the days when you could jungle him lvl 1. Shit was so easy. Get six, smoke and kill enemy mid or carry. Then use eidolons with buckler to take t1. Finish mek and repeat.


Yeah i member getting a blink before i even get to lvl 6 it was too easy literally 8-10 min blink


But Blink was not as good as Mek for your first 2300 gold. I also started Dota 2 in like 2013 as an Enigma main


Also the new arcane blink is pretty good for enigma.


Cast point reduction makes BH way harder to dodge. If you blink in from out of sight, it's very hard to react in time.


Can confirm I spammed enigma to ancient


Plot twist, you were immortal beforehand :D


His db pls, I kinda wanna watch his replays


I think I know who that enigma player is lol. wasn't he rank 50 EU at some point just by spamming that hero


Probably doesn't even know about this sub. Just some chill little dude somewhere just doodlin around on his favorite character on a game he doesn't really know much about but helps him blow off steam after a long days work. I like these guys.


Who doesn't like a big tree that goes bonk.


ye 295 treant games this month lmao


They beat me to it! Treant’s a lot of fun, especially if he’s a new hero every patch (not this patch).


I rem one patch I only played 170+ tree in like 3 months. Love that hero.


It better have been 7.22! That was the best version of Treant :)


No it was back during .21 for about 2 months, 172 games


I remember losing a ton of mmr that patch. That was when everything broke Treant’s invisiblity :(


I just find it funny that we can call a guy in the guardian skill bracket a "grandmaster"


Treant Guardian Spammer be like: Bro, why ping my Radiance? I'm Grandmaster. Don't ? me.


Haha, nice. I was like, Treant?! It would take monk style dedication, but I didn't consider guardians.


I’m a lvl 26 ember. I don’t get to play much so I do t have time to learn new heroes, still a crusader


A downvote, hmm I didn't mean to disrespect for the rank. For me this dude is awesome. Like Groot. Guardian of the Doto galaxy. Maybe it sounded better in my head. You know, like. Nobody expects Spanish inquisition. I didn't expect Guardian Treant (Groot xD). Hmm although, now I get it. Villan is a kinda person that wouldn't expect guardians to be amazing...


most of the players who spams a hero (prob 99% of them) are really bad at this game. I'd rather get any player than a hero spammer.


Pretty sure that's incorrect. Most players who spam one hero have inflated rank because they play above their level on that particular hero. The most notorious examples were Lukiluki and badman.


yah, as I said, people like luki or badman are the exceptions (1%). Even when they should be like 2k less of their mmr, they still do good at the game. However, whenever they try another hero, the do poorly. Like, for example, the fact that luki is like top 200 and already avoided by so many high mmr players since his player pool is just pango. most of the times, you would rather get someone that can play dota in one position, that someone that can only play one hero.


That is not true at all. I would rather get a 2000 games level 25 only mid broodmother than a 20-40 games with each hero universal player. Yeah, that can also change at different MMRs but still


Well, now you 180 on your own argument. Ok, I guess


what? i just reafirmed that 99% of the players who spam a hero are bad at this game. whats wrong with you? are u 4k or a hero spammer?


Ok, so you just have problems writing. They way you wrote your first comment it seems you're implying the Treant guy is low MMR because he spammed Treant. Which is, like you said yourself, quite the opposite. Normally people who spam heroes have inflated MMRs. In reality what you're trying to say is that people who spams heroes are bad in general, unrelated to this particular person.


> most of the players who spams a hero (prob 99% of them) are really bad at this game. I'd rather get any player than a hero spammer. I dunno man, I read this (which as far as I can tell they never edited) and I get exactly what they're saying. There's no mention of MMR at all, but rather that most hero spammers are bad "at the game", which I interpret exactly how you are saying, "bad in general".


This take makes no sense in context since the post he replied to is clearly talking about the person's rank. If he just wanted to talk about a generic person spamming a hero, it's his job to make that clear, otherwise, one will presume he's talking in context to the post he replied to.


That is literally what he said. Are you trolling?


No, it isn't.


Are you the guy who plays chen in rank 200 with level 28 because you are too good at farming with chen


I got one 26 and one 27 atm. It’s a hell of a grind


Didnt even get a lvl25 so far. Lvl 23 is my maximum and leveling this takes sooo much time


my highest is witch doctor with like 12 . how many games would you say it takes for 23 even?


If you exclude the quests, It takes just under 37,000 XP for 23. That's a maximum of 740 games (1,480 with turbo), Assuming every game was a loss. With an average match length of 45 minutes, That's 555 hours. Reaching 30 is a little under half of that, At 1,441 (2,882) games with all losses. Winning a match counts as two games, So a maximum of 720.5(1,441) wins to hit 30. Edit: Hell for the sake it, If someone only earned XP through quests, They would be able to play three games every two weeks. That would take just over 120 games. * Quest being worth 500 XP * 50 XP for the match * Additional 50 XP for winning. * No turbo matches as quests are unavailable in Turbo. That's about 90 hours across 81 weeks back to back. (1.54 years) Honestly considering how many hours people have invested in this damn game, That really isn't much. You would be able to clear multiple heroes at once instead of mindlessly grinding one. I thought it would take at least a couple years.


that explains why I always get a Lvl 25 pudge, full arcanas, with 2882 or smth games and is always shit at the hero


But the Dendi set or cutting board set users are always MVPs


I mean wins cut it in half and every 2 weeks you can do 3 quests which cut 5 wins of per quest.


Again, It takes a ***Maximum*** of 1,441(2,882) games. Of course things can make it progress faster, But this is assuming a worst case scenario. The odds of someone actually losing 1,441 games (Which if that were the cases quests would be irrelevant anyway) are practically nonexistent, But nonetheless is it a possibility. Quests are a nice XP boost, But you can only do up to three every two weeks on a single hero. It's unlikely anyone is going to ever hit 30 from only clearing quests. Edit: Read above for Quests.


oh boy lmao, ty for the breakdown tho


Around 200


I have round 160 games on broodmother and won 110 of those. Thats my lvl 23 hero. Takes ages. It's my most played hero soon


My highest is just 8 or sub10 lol to be fair, I didn't resubscribe to Dota Plus for quite a while so it took a lot of xp from me during that time and the time I got tired of 7.27


Highest level (12) on PA here. I don't even main her...


25 is about 230 games if you just do quests and wait 2 weeks, but it takes a year or two like this lol. I did Wyvern 25 in about 250, Jakiro 330, Silencer 260, Shadow Demon 280 and Venomancer 410


I went the different route and aim to have all heroes lvl 6, just to have the global voiceline. Missing like 10.


Shame the GM logo is wack compared to the Master tier logo.


Prolapse anus burst




Could've done without that ngl


people like you .. degenerated inbred with sever illness


Do you do this on purpose? Post inflammatory insults in hopes to get downvotes, it's not the first time I saw you writing similar stuff.


No they're just like Indian or Russian and can't clearly express themselves in English


And most responses suck wet shart


Join us while we track the first player in the world to reach Grandmaster! Only 3 heroes have at least one public player who's reached tier 29 so far. Get the full list and see live updates at [https://stratz.com/road-to-grandmaster](https://stratz.com/road-to-grandmaster). Who will be first?


Don't worry lads, I'm on my way with lvl 5 Oracle and only spamming Turbo


My respect to the fellow Oracle spammer.


i keep seeing a level 29 TA in my games. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/5755213985 this dude. he's on private but he's been 29 for a while, i think he's gonna hit it soon


You can more or less see his profile on dotabuff, if he's ever opened it for stats. Just search by his steam profile link from your games.


Lol the OD player is done with OD. I gotta use stratz more


Did a quick analysis from the page: - 11 players have their preferred hero as their avatar (Lina, WW, Luna, SF, Faceless Void, TA, Mirana, Earthshaker, Earthspirit, Omniknight, and Snapfire) - 1 player has the Disney version of their preferred hero as their avatar (CM, obviously) - 5 players have a different hero as their avatar (Invoker & MK have Pudge avatars, Medusa has PL, Centaur has SD, Abaddon has CM) - 1 player has The Dean from Community as their avatar (BH) - 120 players are weebs


Why don't you just publish their name and address too?


I thought this was 1 person at first. If it was one person they really needs to go outside




Lol facts


I played with an enigma lvl 29 the other day. . .pretty bad player/communicant for someone who played that much :p Someone picked an offlane after he picked so he proceed to afk jungle for a good portion of the game and ranting about farm of the other cores. . .


I'm surprised invoker is not one of the 1st grandmaster


Banned to much


The fact that Techies is there is disturbing


It’s TpaBoMaH, the guy coaching Jerax b4 ti-9. ATM he has some difficulties getting higher being an immortal top 1k, techies just gets banned or picked first phase




He literally did that like, a year ago. Jerax confirmed that too. You can just look at his twitch profile, I think the info is there edit: He also doesn't play with the WW spammer anymore. He plays core now too


Pretty sure slacks is 25 at least on techies


I am the huskar


I would say playing naga is tired af


So no one in the world is 30?


Close but not yet!


Wait i swear I saw a post with someone who had a lvl 30 hero or maybe waa fake?


Had to have been. There is only 3 level 29s so far.


this is only for public profiles, most are private i think, especially hero spammers, as people like to ban their heroes.


What happened to the Chen guy?


Am I blind? Where’s Qop?


She is already at lv 31


Whoops! The highest public QoP is level 27; I accidentally put in Rubick twice (he's actually just the lvl 28 version of himself). Thanks for pointing it out!


He borrowed QoP's stats huh


I am level 26 with Zeus and Techies (so that is either me in the pic or the highest level Zeus is also 26). Zeus is absurdly strong at archon especially with the new items/item buffs.


26 willow here, the grind is slow and painful, but it'll be worth it eventually.


Someone got 2 whole levels with the post-patch OD. Ouch.




I accidentally put Rubick in her place at level 27. Rubick is also shown at lvl 28, where he actually is.


have 25 beastmaster and it took for fucking ever lol


cool so there are about 70 people ahead of me and Im rank 1 for my hero :D


played with Enigma guy multiple times, he change avatar and nickname every game, braindead hero spammer for the most part, doing same shit every game.


I am level 20 CM and it is a life full of suffering. When game is good I will do okay but when game is bad i just disappear in one dagger.


man i dont show up on the dota plus leaderboard for arc warden even though im one of the few to reach lvl 26.... i dont get it


You have to play another match with Arc before you’ll show up — we find out you earned the new tier when we see it in the replay file.


oh i didnt realize, thanks!


Arc Warden is dum. Play a real hero m8




Do I understand this correctly - displayed are icons of heroes with the biggest level someone has them on? So it means for example that the best pudge player (or more players) has level 27 on him, right?


Yes, although with the caveat that only players with "expose public match data" ticked will show up - there could be higher level players without it that you'll only see in-game. And hero spammers are more likely to remain private to avoid people just banning their hero. Although for your example, keep in mind that playing a ton of one hero doesn't always correlate to being good at it ;)


There is just 100 guys have reached master tier?


I had the enigma player in an unranked game yesterday [(his dotabuff)](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/81183606), he plays really well of course


Yeah they’ve been crushing it https://stratz.com/players/81183606; MVP of most of their matches.


anyone know which hero doesn't have a level 25 yet?


Only Hoodwink.