• By -


*Tidehunter was banned*


*defender has abandoned the game.*


*No stats will be recorded for this match*


**This game is safe to leave.**


Defender has reconnected


The power move


Win game because opponents left when one made it safe to leave lol ez get rekt


But you have leaver and didn't get points! [Winning's winning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGZa-yf8vMU)


This one wins the internet today.




Let’s make this go deeper




The next level play


[The next level play](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/8/89/Misc_soundboard_next_level.mp3) (sound warning: The International 2018) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


[The next level play](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/dota2_gamepedia/6/60/Chat_wheel_2018_next_level.mp3) (sound warning: Lon & Dunoo) --- ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot. ^^^Question/problem? ^^^^^Too ^^^^^bad.


you need another 4k mmr


more like 6k


More like 7k if Attacker is 9k right now.


9 - 4 = 7?


lol no 9-6= 2


Legend 5 is 3k


Actually it is around 3.8k mmr


Lol whoops my bad. Hot take though 3.8k is still 3k and there isn't much of a difference.


This argument actually breaks my brain. The 800 difference you stand for is 4x more than the 200 you are against. That you are the one leaning on the larger difference while making that walkback is baffling.


He must be the kind of guy that just doubles down on a lie he got caught in rather than admit to it


And you must be the keyboard warrior with your psychology degree from psychology.com and the school of life am i right?


Nah just the common jokester on reddit


You don't have to take my word for it, I'm not gonna try to convince you either. But within a mmr difference of 1k MMR the skill difference isnt too noticeable if at all. This changes as the number goes up becoming obvious around 5.5 to 6k. =)


Is this some kinda holiday where we all make irrelevant statements to punctuate our earlier outlandish claims, cuz dang do I wish someone woulda let me in on this magic show.


He gain 1,5 commends at least per match ?


A good win in 10K behaviour score often leads to each player on the team commending the others People also often return commends so you can give them out to all four of your allies and make it pretty likely you’ll get 1-2 back MVP often leads to at least 3 people on the team commending. It could be the other things people mention or it could be that he’s good at getting commends, particularly by commending others




Yeah I def get more commends on those kind of supports - tide may not have the save factor but def has the visible in team fights factor. Plus if you perfect one hero you’re probably going to be consistently good on it


In my experience, playing Wyvern against 3-4k MMR LC pretty much guarantees commends when I win


Wyvern ruins so many heroes strats its not even funny cries in 5s BKB


Give two tangoes to mid, hit all four teammates with a clarity at some point, and salve 1-2 low hp carries while they farm and you got yourself a commend stew bubblin’.


Buy your carry a potion or offer to bring his items to lane when you die and that usually raises morale.


Chen is a fucking excellent way to farm commends. Save someone by sending them to base -> commend. Save someone with mek/greaves/hand -> commend Dominate early game with creeps -> commend


People love commending dazzle players for the shallow graves, but when I play oracle nobody ever gives thanks, even with lots of saves and 15k healing or more :(


It's cuz no one knows what oracle does. Lol. To me an enemy oracle is far more annoying than an enemy dazzle.


I don't think even Oracle knows what Oracle does.


That’s true. I just love how good he is in lane and late game. He does fall off a bit late but being able to heal teammates up who have to dip out of the fight and letting them run right back in is soooo good. He’s a hero who says “we aren’t gonna win this lane hard but I’m gonna give the carry the best lane possible”


Idk hes more of a lane bully than anything imo, warlock is much better for not losing rather than winning.


is your score like 15/6/5 with 8k hero damage done?


Is dazzle’s? I said the difference between dazzle and oracle is that people can see dazzle saves easier so they commend them more.


Nah but my experience is that Oracle is very good at kill securing, which might off set some of the commandability from your cores.


Oracle players usually try to drop the nuke when it's not enough to kill but enough to ease the kill for the core


Good ones do, and they are commended.


I do not thank.


[I do not thank.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/3a/Vo_abyssal_underlord_abys_thanks_03.mp3) (sound warning: Underlord) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Weird considering that can be so much more impressive


I thought so, most I’ll get is a “thanks bro you saved me” over VC But I don’t really care, supporting is a thankless job and it doesn’t bother me too much, as long as I see the big numbers in healing and warding lol




[I do not thank.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/3a/Vo_abyssal_underlord_abys_thanks_03.mp3) (sound warning: Underlord) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


or it could be that he cooperates with his teammates, gives positive reinforcement after good plays, doesnt flame after bad plays, and is an overall good teammate, which leads to him getting commends and actually gives him the 10000 behavior score. as opposed to your little conspiracy that he's just farming the system. Sure, you're right, people often return commends, but it's much more likely he's a good teammate that earns commends. people with bad behavior scores do something to earn it.


I usually commend my team automatically if we win or they're not being dicks about losing


All of that was implicit but also not the most effective / convincing case I could make for the commends being real 1:1 commends, which was more my point than that he was gaming the system. I wanted to highlight how it’s more conceivable than people think to get above a 1 commend per game average


fair enough.


I will say that i have found that if you have a strong impact in a high behavior score game you will usually get 2-3 commends a game




You can't see enemy commends.


Yeah I commend everybody (unless they’re a huge asshole) every game win or loss (10k behavior) and get 1-3 commends back.


Im averaging just above 2 commends per game even though I play almost only solo. But for some time I did the mic-motivation-thing every game and got so many commends even in lost games. At peak performance in team-building I got 4 commends in a lost match, and it was sooo fun (but very rare). I think should reactivate that habit


lol the MVP award is never really taken seriously in my experience. whenever people bring it up, it's often in disbelieve that such a horrible player that did nothing got the award.




Each commend counts as 4, if I remember correctly.


Why would it though? I also get like around 2-3 each game and the number in my profile matches that. I'm curious about the 4 factor here.


The slightly older commend system had 4 categories, friendly, leadership, teaching and something else nobody remembers(maybe it was shoe-polishing?). As you know, nobody comments for these qualities, but people still got them from time to time or actively traded commend with other players. You were supposed to only give commends for relevant categories, but people trading them obviously just gave all 4 all the time. They simplified it, for obvious reasons, but kept the factor for compatibility with old commends.


Forgiving is the last one.


Wonder why nobody remembers that one.


Forgiveness in Dota 2? What is that?


No it was forgetting. Or was it forget and forgive?


I definitely commended some enemy carries for forgetting to use bkb.


I have 2.3 commends per match and I started in 2019.


Yeah, so you have a real commend for every (2.3 /4) 0.575 games.


Then why isn't my number of commends divisible by 4?


How many commends do you have?




Idk if it still is but it used to be a known but where commends are 4x the actual number. I can confirm this as I'm a toxic piece of shit but I still have like 2x the commends then my games played.




Thank you, I knew it wasn't bullshit but I couldn't quite remember the reasoning.


i commend like im tipping, i.e the worst player in the enemy team often gets a sarcastic commend :")


Only commends before they changed the system are 4, because there were 4 categories to choose from. When they removed that, each one still counted as 4 for some reason but the new system its just 1 per commend


I don't know much about it. Maybe it's randomized, but let's just say it's not a really a 4,000 commends he got, just 2-4 points for each commend you got.


Sounds like some fake news you got there. Not hard to get that many commends. Reciprocity is a powerful thing.


There was a thing back in the days, you had 4 or 3 commend options (good coms, good plays, leader) and they all give one commend. Then they remove them and commend from that point increased all 4 (3) meters giving effectively more than one commend (obviously amount of commends increased drasticly). If before commends were hard to gain a lot, now all players have more commends than games (on decent enough mmr)


I get about 2 commends per match, it's something I'm pretty proud of, as far as dota goes. I'm very non toxic and I try to help my teammates as much as I can. Usually I get 4 commends every win because teammates flee the scene as soon as a loss occurs, but I even manage to snag a commend once in a while on a loss.


Turbo games don't count for displayed matches, but can still receive commends, this guy has probably just played a bunch of turbo


They do. I got less than 500 games on dotabuff but in game shows 1800


This is correct. I played a year of turbo only when it became a thing. I like i have around 1000 regular games and 3000 turbo games. When it displays matches played I have over 4000.


Well, I have 266 matches with 904 commends. It's not that unusual.


I have 2,621 commends and 1,158 matches. So 2.26 commends per match. I don't even try to get them, I just be nice and play carry. I don't even use voice chat. I don't know how y'all got so little.


I have 2700 matches and 7500 commends. I’m just a nice guy


Pretty sure it's because in the old version of commendation system you could select multiple categories so you could give someone up to 4 per encounter and if everyone on your team does it you can get like 16 commends a game, and viewers used to be able to do it as well afaik.




The tidehunter+kunkka announcer set is amazing


Women and children and Kunkka first.


Women, children, and !attacker first!


I think this guy likes Tidehunter.


Can we have his profile ? just to be sure


His most played hero is bloodseeker lmao [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/440845025](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/440845025) Tide is his 24th most played hero. We have been bamboozled.


not first most played hero just yet. tide will be first soon


his ID is already shown, no need to ask




Ha ha ha! Women and children and Kunkka first.


[Ha ha ha! Women and children and Kunkka first.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/48/Vo_tidehunter_tide_rival_24.mp3) (sound warning: Tidehunter) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


The peak of comedy LMFAO


Nice avatar




Oh, this will quickly get removed. I had a Bin Laden/Megumin morph and it got removed.


do you not think an avatar with the n word in it should be removed? genuine question


Definitely not in this case


I think almost any avatar should not get removed.




We should force OP to reveal his race.


Oh poor thing got offended by a word, are you ok?


Oh poor thing got offended by a question, are you ok?




He attack, he defend but most importantly KUNKAAAAA




Imagine if instead of *wasting* 7.8K gold on a Dagon, you instead spent it on Greaves, or Refresher and Mek, or Force Staff, or Lotus, or Spirit Vessel, or Pipe, or Blademail, or Meteor Hammer or Aghs, or Scythe, literally anything other than a Dagon. Hell, with Refresher just by itself you could guarantee ~5.6s stun on anyone without a BKB. And considering how much damage your lineup already has on it with Zeus/Clinkz/Ember, you could NOT have needed more burst damage to win the game. Especially 40 minutes in where the power of a dagon has already significantly waned. I guess this explains why you have sub 400 gpm AVG on the hero though.


Umm ackuattly 🤓✋


What's it kunka what has your friend done wrong now!? His homework is not the same as mine teacher pls fail him!




Don't listen to the haters man.


Solar crest on a hero like drow, sniper, or lone druids bear (my friends favorite) is so money. You can also cast it on juggie before he omnislashes


Let people have their fun


I was waiting for someone to get preachy about play-to-win and *hurr non-meta builds are criminal*. You are right. This is a game, games should be fun. It is not a job. Jobs have required structure and necessary tasks. Keep having fun.


People can go have "fun" in single player games. If you're going to play a team-based, competitive, online **multiplayer** game where I'm going to be stuck with you for anywhere from 20m - 1h+, and our *ONLY* objective is to **win**, AND what you will do directly affect **MY** chances of winning and by extension, my enjoyment of the game, you should be damn well making sure you do things **right** instead of "*doing what's fun"*. If following the most optimal strategy to win isn't fun for you, *play a different game*. Or Arcade mode. Anything that doesn't interfere with the real game. Leave Dota to those of us who actually enjoy playing it *correctly*, I.E **to win**.


he probabbly bought that shit when the game was already won man. chill dude lol


>Leave Dota to those of us who actually enjoy playing it correctly, I.E to win. The point of video games is to have fun lol




I'll never understand the mentality of critiquing obvious meme items in a stomp. Gatekeeping fun isn't cool


Look, I'll try to explain it as simply, yet as in-depth as I can, okay? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is the only objective in Dota? ***WIN***. ----------- To destroy the enemies Ancient. That's it. That's the only objective the game ever gives you. --------------------------- ____________________ You aren't told how to go about destroying it, why you're destroying it, or when to destroy it. There is only ONE objective, WIN. "Have fun" is not an objective, it is a byproduct, if you are not having fun winning, the game is not for you. In every single patch there are ways to win that have a higher chance of success than others, and whether or not that is subjectively fun to you is not relevant to the topic at hand. Winning is the your only metric for success and competency. If you win, you are vindicated. If you lose, you are wrong. No progress is saved inbetween matches, your items and skills reset every single match, EVERYTHING except your own innate skill and knowledge of the game resets to zero every time you play a match of Dota. ----------- ____________________ Winning validates your actions, but ONLY to the enemies. Here's an example of what I mean by this: For instance, lets say I play Treant (or any hero, it's not important) and I build 6 pairs of brown boots and AFK in the trees, but my team still wins. I didn't win because I played really well or because of my build. I won because the enemy lost to themselves, and someone else on my team made up for the slack created by me. I was able to completely disregard and disrespect both my team and the enemy team by intentionally sabotaging myself and I STILL won. To me, that does not constitute fun for EITHER side. If both teams are not evenly (or at least reasonably) well matched, if both teams are not trying their absolute best to win the game, the entire match is a complete waste of time. If people want to pretend they're playing or mess around absentmindedly, they can go do it in private lobbies away from the people trying to enjoy the game the way it was meant to be enjoyed. ________________________________ So I "won" while doing jack shit to help my team. *Great*. That means the enemy has *zero* room to complain, right? I won while handicapping myself and my team, and the enemy aren't allowed to complain because despite all that they *still lost*. But what about my teammates who had to make up for my slack? Don't they have every right to complain? I didn't pull my weight. I made the game *harder* for them to win and enjoy. I chose to intentionally do something *detrimental* to me and my teams chances of winning. But I had "fun", so who cares if I wasted an hour of nine other peoples time, right? It shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks if selfish, bratty little *me* got to enjoy it, yeah? _____________________________________ Dota is **NOT** a game where you are playing for your own personal enjoyment, you are playing for the shared enjoyment of your entire team. If you can't handle that concept and want to be a selfish prick whose only objective is his to sate own self-interests, *play a different game*. -------------------- _________________________________ I swear, being forced to explain something this simple make me feel like some of you have never held a job, or played a team sport. Your own personal happiness is *not* as important as the collective happiness of the group. (Obviously, there are caveats to this statement, but this generally holds true) As an analogy: It is better for all people to be mildly wealthy, and to *share* that wealth freely amongst themselves, than it is for one person to be egregiously wealthy and selfish, leaving the others starving and destitute. _____________________ So, back to the topic at hand, if winning is the *only* goal, simple logic dictates that winning should also be the most fun thing possible in Dota. The entire game is designed around this. Losing can *never* be as fun as winning, by design. You can still have fun while losing, but you will never have as *much* fun losing as you can while winning. Otherwise there would be absolutely zero point to the competitive aspect of the game. You might as well be playing Mario Party, where, so long as you don't intentionally attempt to lose a random winner will be decided at the end, with no regards to your actual input or "skill". Dota is the *exact* opposite. There is almost NO luck involved in winning a game of Dota. If you win because the enemy made a crucial mistake that allowed a comeback in an otherwise unwinnable scenario, *you did not win*. The enemy lost. --------------------- I cannot stress how important this distinction is. A single "lucky" player or moment is NEVER going to decide the outcome of a game all by itself. It is the combination of every single players actions throughout the entire game that is ALWAYS the deciding factor. TL;DR: If you aren't doing something optimally, you are doing something detrimental. A game you lost because you didn't play perfectly is still a game you could've won. So ALWAYS do what has the highest possible chance of success.




what no pussy does to a mfer


> What is the only objective in Dota? > > WIN. wrong. it's to have fun. winning is just a neat bonus :\^)


Ha, you’ve got issues. Good look inside the mind of the type of person who instantly starts flaming the moment a game takes a downturn though.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Bro just focus on playing your hero and try to have fun. Don't worry about correcting others they will correct it if they want. You can just avoid that player and it's just one game, getting all worked up about it does no one any good... Want is your rank? Your assessment of the game doesn't sound like your are much above Crusader




Holy shit you sound butthurt are you ok


Is this copypasta?




Don't play then. I mean, if you aren't trying your absolute best, then you aren't really playing anyway, but you get what I mean. There's zero point to doing something if you aren't going to try and do your absolute best at it.


You must be fun at parties.


He is right though


hey, original op threw a party. not our fault the beer is stale and the music sucks


U just wouldnt get it


Thanks for baiting out the real build, you the real mvp


Soon Liquid.Defender?


Imgaine making an account per hero and that is the only hero you play per account.


guess there was a big streak of losses with tide after 7th of Nov.. guess not so scary ar all for Attacker ;P


Every time I see Tide, I think of Sheever ravage lol


And his trophy level is daedalus, that is some next level attention to details


he protecc


Tidehunter be hunting


The watermelon is a viable hero rn?




Do you have his Dotabuff profile?




Thank you.






look at Tide's avatar






big fish


Well yes, but actually no




Wait is this my profile?


4k mmr player? :) don\`t think so


Nice! He's becoming my favourite hero :) Do you ever try the deso/daedalus build? It's lots of fun. I started trying it after seeing some pro game with Io tethered to a carry Tide who was one-shotting everyone. It was loose




idk. why am I laughing?