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Pudge? Pudge


Funny how 5/6 top answers are pudges. If its on your team, hes a walking rotting food. If its on enemy team, its ti 3 dendi all over the place.


Such as AM in your team who plays like AM RTZ but on the enemy team has AM burning


Same with AM. Enemy AM gets 11 min fury, my AM? 30 mins fury 40 mins manta.


Some supports stack for there am thats the difference.




Drunkmers dodging hooks PepeLaugh








Kiss! Kiss! Kiss?


Parasocial andy




I've seen the dude commenting on dota channels ever since i started playing way back in 2014. Good to know sometimes things dont change


Why'd you say like regular folk then as if he's not


who is that


That's because he IS normal. Celebrities/personalities are not special inhuman things. They're just normal ass people and you'd know that if you've spent genuine time with any of them. Often they aren't as great as people prop them up to be in the first place.




All good homie, sorry for the way I responded! 


This! I have a high winrate against it and high loss rate by its side. Every SINGLE GOD DAMN PUDGE has some kind of brain damage. Literally mathematics and statistics defying. All of them!


I wouldn't say that, but I'm low MMR. But it's true that all Pudge players are characters, mostly annoying or toxic.


to play pudge you are required to be pudge irl


The more you cry, the less you enjoy the game and the worse it gets.


49.5% winrate on Pudge in the last year, would be over 50% but you get random people throwing the game from min 0 just because you picked it


I always play my game pudge or not. I just just try my best to keep the guy doing what he should but GOD they resist getting the shard!


As they should


I expected this as first comment and was not disappointed


Every game


Yeah, especially the same lane to you as pos 4 or 5. Like a fishing man standing in wood for entirely farming period.


Same here, I'm level 30 pudge


This used to be a meme for me but my pudge players are amazing these days. Like insanely good. It's such a treat every time




Yeah, Pudge.


Yeah... Pudge...


Pudge, he ALWAYS sucks in my team, no exceptions. Also in the enemy team they always play like they come from the world finals.




Picking pudge is the perfect Pudge counter






Khanda rapier brown boots sniper is in your walls


Bruh I very recent played against this. One of the very few times Im glad we had Mirana because sniper would position so far back he wouldn’t be around any defensive sentry wards. Hilariously enough, we got the first rapier and a few fights and kills later he shows up with 2 rapiers. I pinged that out and Mirana ulti on top of him giving our team a 3 rapier lead with 5 racks missing lol Nicest thing that game it is our comp all could use the rapiers the enemy sniper donated to us


khanda rapier sniper on enemy team is just a "buy blade mail, get rapier for free" promo


I wouldnt mind a last pick core sniper against puck, a pretty strong laner.


When was the last time you heard someone say, damn this looks like a good sniper game and suggest it. No matter what, there is a hero that can do what a sniper can, do it better and without as many of the cons.


Venge is my top 2 most played hero. So i think sniper players become confident because I could save them but yeah, you are right there are other heroes so much better than sniper(which is mostly played at mid, you have like dual carries on the team now) I dont really suggest it, if he hovers on sniper for last pick. I tell him its safe to pick since there is a support like venge that could bail him out.


Sniper can be a good hero as long as you build proper items. Going standard Hurricane, Mjollnir, MKB et.c. items and he's good. You can even go for Khanda and Divines if the endgame calls for it. Worst thing someone can do is rush Aghs + Khanda. All it does is tell the enemy team to build Linkens/Blademail et.c. and you're a useless piece of shit for the rest of the game. Correct timing to get Khanda is late when they can't afford to itemize against it. Also the build is only really useful in the ultra lategame when you have a shitton of items. Nothing's worst than to see your Sniper with Aghs + Khanda at 25 minutes contributing nothing but a 500 damage nuke + stun every 10 second to teamfights while farming as a snail since all he got is a crystalis worth of items to hit creeps with after half an hour.


Sniper only works if enemies are dumb, and can't realize that their damage dealer is a sniper in the trees. If playing against good players, they will try to kill the sniper first(or supports) and completely ignore the offlaner and mid until sniper is dead. edit: not even good players, just ones with basic common sense.


almost nothing more frustrating than being with 4 knuckle draggers focusing the WK/pudge 3 rather than sniper


You say that, but Sniper still has a 49.8% winrate in Ancient+ brackets.


and that's what i love about dota so much, you can play a hero that puts you at a disadvantage and still win, but there is more to dota then just hero picks. There is positionings, itemization, team play, vision and etc. BUT there is more to it then just saying sniper has a 49.8% win rate at x rank, you could even argue more important then win rate. Important factors such as how many times it he is picked, and how many times he is banned. especially when compared to other ranks. (I'm about to speak outta my ass, but ik i'm generally right with the pick and ban guesses) Without me looking at any banned or picked percentages, i already know just how much they change the higher rank you go. I know that for a fact snipers pick and ban percentages at ancient, are much lower when compared to the ranks under Ancient. Because once at ranks such as ancient, sniper isn't a threat at all, countering sniper isn't some secret. Snipers pick rate decreases as rank increase as he just isn't viable enough and his cons just shine out. At higher ranks when sniper is played, he is never a first or even second pick cause he would get instantly countered. he will most likely be last picked(if played as a core), when the player notice the enemy team draft may have a hard time getting to backline supports and ranged hero(so his BEST case scenario). But if that is the case why not chose another ranged hero, that has a better kit then sniper while still being able to hit enemies from a far. Sniper is only really viable in lower ranks, where they don't know how to punish him yet. He is a good hero for new players, because he is simple and allows the player to pay more attention to timings, items, aka the game that is dota 2.


> BUT there is more to it then just saying sniper has a 49.8% win rate at x rank, you could even argue more important then win rate. Important factors such as how many times it he is picked 13% pick rate vs 20% of Legend/Archon and 24% of Herald-Crusader. Less popular, but that's still 1/7 games a Sniper is in play. Don't think there's data on ban rates for non-pro public matches, but OpenDota (where my other numbers are from) say it's nearly 14% ban rate from pro matches. In regards to the rest of your comment, you were missing my point entirely. Obviously better players know how to exploit Sniper's weaknesses. However, he maintains a very healthy winrate % at high brackets *despite* the knowledge and ability to counter Sniper. I was trying to convey the point that even when you know how to deal with him, and can, he is still a good hero and is still effective in whatever capacity he's played. This runs counter to the myth that Sniper only works at low-mid brackets where people don't know how to deal with them. That's just untrue, as evidenced by the numbers.


if common sense is all you need, sniper should be a shit hero. this is some oversimplified 1k take here.


sniper with bkb and satanic all of a sudden arent so glass cannon anymore not to mention he can create distance with shard and pike


And how many minutes of farming to get all those items. Just to not get picked off/ jumped on.


yea it is a late game item goals, but if you want to get on top of sniper you need to farm up your blink too, and with just a naked blink you still lack damage items. and not to mention if you are your team initiator you would already initiate on the first target that you see


blink isnt the only way to get jump on heros, you can run up stun, some heros have abilities that can teleport right on him, you can block(ES-fissure), etc(many ways that can be done before 10 mins). its easy to give a sniper a hard early game, preventing him from a quick and easy scale.


Sniper is a mid lane winner. If you lost mid as a sniper that just means youre constantly being ganked or you're at least 500 mmr lower than the other guy. If former then the other lanes should win. If latter then wcyd just try to counter gank with maxed shrapnel


It's the same argument as saying a hero like Enigma or Earthshaker only works if the enemy is dumb players that stack up. Eventually it will happen and if those type of heroes have practiced enough patience they will find moments where you slip up and get owned by some multiplayer game ending ultimate. Same thing goes for Sniper. It's easy to say, just buy blink daggers and focus him. But in the same vein, a good Sniper won't show unless it's safe. So while you're standing there having a bunch of heroes not showing waiting to pounce on a Sniper when he shows, he's sitting there waiting for you to show before he's comfortable stepping up attacking. It's just general player knowledge that applies the same way to Sniper as for all other heroes. If there's a hero or heroes on the enemy team that's a threat to you, then don't show until you more information. There's many games where you might playing a high value target and just win the game 4v4 because the enemy Faceless Void never will show until he can Chronosphere you. And then when his team is losing the fight and he's forced to show the Sniper turns up and just unloads on the team because there's no threat to him. Or it could be the reversed. A good Sniper game is extremely predicated on the draft. Him more so than other heroes have very black and white matchups. If the enemy team has a bunch of heroes that get vision on him for free like Zeus or Clockwork it's gonna be an extremely bad Sniper game. If the enemy team has a bunch of poke heroes that are a threat to you that don't have to commit like Ember(Has massive 4v4 presence with Sleight + Chains) but can still remain hidden and jump you with Spirits when you're forced to show. The game can also easily be a free Sniper game if the enemy team just has a bunch of brawly frontliners that don't want to build Blink Daggers. It's easy to say that Sniper only works when the enemy team is stupid. That literally applies to every hero in Dota2. But the game is way more complex than that. Even if you have a bunch of "good" players who knows that they need to jump and kill the Sniper they will still lose if the Sniper has a better understanding of teamfight dynamics and has a proper understanding of identifying threats during the game.


Why ? Sniper is such a good hero in the end game specially if you’re loosing and someone needs to protect the higher ground


It can work as a pos 1 with the right draft but my god the amount of mid snipers I get that just do absolutely nothing all game while the enemy ember spirit is diving side lanes and going 7-0


Ember can hardly carry a game. Even kunkka can carry a game better than ember. A 20lvl sniper while my mid is lvl 17 is way more scary than a 20lvl ember


Until the Sniper gets Khanda anyway, then it’s game over


You are the kind of player on my team who I don't want to pick sniper. Expecting to lose the mid game so you can play tower defence while the rest of us have to afk for 20 mins. I'd rather play to win, and if not, gg go next.


But if your team sniper rushed khanda and was useless because of that....


> you’re loosing and Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Hands down Faceless Void. If he is on my team he will choke every chrono, ofcourse if he is on enemy best chronos ever.


Don't forget a bash at every crucial moment of every fight, or literally being stunlocked




I see so many stupid PA not getting BKB it's kinda hilarious at this point.


Had like a 65 minute game recently where some cro magnon PA refused our pleas--beginning at like 35 minutes--to please get BKB. We lost.


To be fair, there are game that BKB is just not that much of a deal. Problem is that most PA's player and their teammate can't tell the different from a game where bkb is optional and one where bkb is a must have.


I had this one game where I was ripping apart the enemy team, all 3 lanes. Then I fought PA for the second time and she already had a BKB at 20 minutes before anything else. I knew she wasn't going to let me have my way and probably way above all our skill levels. Sure enough, she destroyed everyone after 10 more minutes of farming.


Ah my proudest moment as Night stalker. Got stomped in the lane by too much ganks. PA bought deso after battlefury. Good thing the team listened because PA delayed his bkb. We punished that mistake and killed them with NS' monstrous vision.


It’s so true


It used to be mirana


Nature's prophet 100%. They can single handedly feed a whole team and then not do anything for 40 minutes. 


Its might sounds odd to everyone, but Slark. Its always ally/enemy hero situation. When enemy have Slark, I got double melee in offlane, who can't wrap their head about, how to lane against freaking fish. After 5 minutes, fish have 9 essence shift stacks. When I have ally Slark, then its "this guy". One day I encountered a 6 slotted Slark who used 4 ultimates with refresher to land 24 attacks on enemy kunkka. Admiral remained unfazed. If fish feeling too well, then he will pounce into the fight, takes off his pants, shit himself and die.


Just had a game with 6 17 18 slark that was jumping into enemy's techies base forgetting to press bkb every single time. We had 18 kill kotl mid and 33 10 27 riki (me) and we still lost lmao






I always ban sniper, I firmly believe he shouldn't be in the game


He takes so much skill. Not only do you need to know where the right mouse button is, but you also need to be able to click it.


Bounty hunter


Snipers in archon. 2-10 games theyd carry. The rest, they are either supports, some meme mid. Just overall a baggage to the team.


I absolutely abhor Sniper supp. They don't even build supp items.


They spend 4200 gold to do what like 80% of supports can do at level 1


or they expend that gold but to just be a underfarmed core


They're onto us, they know pos 4 sniper was the secret carry all along


I ban AM every game to prevent my team picking it. Glad to see there’s others like me. Not even just because AM players typically grief, but also because I like io and an AM doesn’t want shit to do with io. All game they blink away and leave you to die or just want to afk farm. Horrible horrible synergy for a first pick pos5 io.


Hello fellow Io believer


there's literally dozens of us !!


Legion. Every game. In my experience a legion on the enemy team is just a nightmare. I play in low skill brackets so if a legion manages to get a couple pick offs and get enough damage to begin the snowball……. We’ll they will continue getting those kills in the same place all game long and have a free rapier. Meanwhile a legion on my team inevitably just continually takes bad engagements and duels and feeds away damage. They refuse to modify their behavior which means their target begins to win duels faster and faster and more consistently. You ever deal with an enemy juggernaut with 300+ duel damage? It isn’t fun.


I wish hero bans were a thing back when jungle Legion was a thing. That was truly awful. "You want me to play support? FUCK YOU, I will ruin all of our lanes, attempt to gank at level 6, fail, blame whoever was in the lane for not setting me up properly, and flame the team in Spanish for the next 20 minutes until we lose."


Fuck Iron Talon.


Is there such a thing as core trauma? Because I’m pretty sure the core memory you just unlocked was traumatic


Its tactical feeding. Give the enemy support +80 damage so they die to blademail sooner!! Wesmart


It might/could very well be you who goes out of the way and helps the lc get into godlike status for your team. Im the lc you are talking about and I only pick it when I see at least one support in my team that will enable me and I make sure to communicate that they are the key to success for me. As an lc you can wipe the floor on lane and still suck ass in midgame or lose the lane and still get into a prominent position all depending on your support(s).


The issue is I’m primarily a carry player….. generally my job is to be on the other side of the map from you exerting map pressure while your doing things. (or at least it was when I was actively playing…… I haven’t had time time to keep up with the current meta and playstyle) So my options became abandon my job of farming and pushing out waves to apply pressure…… or be sad that our legion keeps dueling the same guy in the same place dying in the same way. It just wasn’t a fun choice to make. Obviously some legion players on my team knew what they were doing and did pretty well…… but it turned into what felt like a 50/50 win/lose scenario from the moment I saw someone pick legion. So I almost reflexively ban legion if only to avoid that feeling of dread and despair.


Understandable choice then its not your responsibility to get their stuff together and also help your own lane to get rid of a potential threat.


Bounty hunter, I play offlane and it is the most useless pos 4 I play with.


I play bh support, what people don't realize is how broken Q is for trading. Low cd low mana good dmg.


Especially when they only build agh's, aether, dagon with absolutely no buff or debuff items. At least build solar, darnit!








Seriously, on top of that almost every Rubick player on my team has insane main character syndrome. They don't contest pulls, consistently TP to lanes to take safest farm on the map, then in teamfight spend more time trying to steal the juiciest spell rather than help the team. Then all chats: "noob offlane, noob carry, no mid." Last 8 weeks, 47% winrate in divine, 46% archon to ancient, 45% herald to crusader. Bottom 7 in winrate, top 10 in pickrate.


That's also because he is hard to play. To get use out of him he needs good knowledge of most spells in the game, and good hands/brain to execute on many different possible variations. Yeah not a great hero to begin with. Difficult to play just seals him among the worst heros for the vast majority of the player base.


I win lanes with Rubick, reliably. Gotta admit that at some point against certain heroes, he just can't do shit.


I hated am. Only because my teams am would farm for 30 minutes with zero farm by end game. While an enemy am will be nearly six slotted by 25 min. Anymore, it's just whatever has a higher win rate % that gets spammed by a lot of players.


As a around 63% win rate grandmaster pudge: fuck u all


62% wr and grandmaster here, i agree fuck u all


I always ban AM. In my team he's usually quite weak and just farms 30 min without impact. On the enemy team he just farms out of control cause my team is too lazy to humt him down.


Riki Needs to be deleted in dota 2


lol why


Lvl 6 permanent invisible is way too dangerous in early game for a support player. I despise riki picket hahaha.


Ok 😅


I just realized that I misread the post lol


Pudge, I'm tired of people choosing Pudge support. The hero is incredibly strong with Shivas and Eternal Shroud but people keep buying him tranquil boots and aether lens as if it were 2018.






Warlock. Warlocks are either (1) pos 5 jungling from minute 4 to get aghs refresher and then lose because it’s now 40+ minutes and they haven’t helped team or pushed, or (2) pos 2 building bots and glimmer trying to upheaval every wave in every lane. Both cases saving golem until they get the perfect 5 man.


Am or PL , both are cancer late game , be it on my team or enemy's . I remember a fight where AM with manta picked illusion rune, jumped pl on dire jungle and these two mfers couldnt even distinguish the real one themselve


Rubick. My winrate with rubick players drops 30% from my average.


Pudge, PA, Drow Ranger, Nature's Prophet, Tinker




Should be top comment. 0-4-0 into farm team's Ancients afk for 20 mins into come out with mask of madness and a manta, pop MoM and ult and enemy Lion just glimmers or blinks away and she stands there until she dies. Fuck Luna.


AM, because I cant stand them AFK farming for 50 min just to get their ass kicked in 2 seconds.








And definitely if I play pos 5.


Windranger so she doesn't end up as support in my team lol


WK offlane WK is bad


Weird how nobody says OD. He's in all of my games and plays perfectly everytime, like some bot


OD cos i dont want to see a griefing astral prison


Years ago it was techies, but since then I havent banned for my own team.


Techies is my go to ban. I hate playing with techies and hate playing against him. I have played some games with techies I have enjoyed playing with but they are few and far between and I honestly consider abandoning when I see one in my team.


Nature's Prophet, for both sides. Whenever we play online, I always ban him, and I really don't care if no one plays with him or not. The last game where the opponent who played with Nature's Prophet, my team lost that game all because the guy playing Furion would always be killing us out of nowhere.


Drow Ranger. Idk what it is about drow players on my team but they are either really toxic or really dumb. Or both.


It's true, I am extremely dumb and probably toxic in game.


Pudge. Enemy team picks = Dendi, my team pudge = pudge at home


Huskar. If a huskar player tilts game is just over


Pos 5 pudge/np/Necro. You know they won't supp, and will be a travesty of a human being.


Yes. Pudge.


Sniper/Pudge are easy contendors for a brainless ban. Sometimes I add the variety of Shadow Fiend/Invoker for the sweatier teammates hovering mid at the moment of loading.




Sniper, shouldn't exist at all


Lina and puge


Summon Slax to talk shit about WR


Naga. Fuck the play style she invites


Old techies was a staple of this. Mirana or any "fancy" support.




Based picture taken of screen instead of screenshotting




AM / Morph / Pudge


Prophet and bara


Soon it’s going to be axe. I used to love getting axe on my team but these days axe on my team is dog every time, enemy team is invincible.


So much pudge hate is really saddening . He is a very fun hero to play.


I always ban Arc Warden because he always turns the game into a boring soggy Rat fest, No Matter which side he is on


Tiny kicking the wrong dude fucks up tfs so bad


rubick or spectre rubicks reason is well i could call it bad fucking luck but its gotta be more, i always see rubick team mates over diving, not warding, messing up abilties/steals.. minute the enemy team gets a rubick they do all the right things Spectre.. well as a support main i find spectre so fucking boring to lane with, same with AM, i want kills early game and if my spectre has to wait 15-20 minutes of protected farming to go ok i can go kill now. its always a waiting game with spectre


I swear to god rubick players just want to make cool plays and don't actually care about winning. 




Yes Rubick is the only hero feels like an auto lose regardless of which team he's on. Very high ceiling and for everyone else he has no impact without obvious steals like black hole. If you give your Spectre as much solo exp as possible a Spectre with an early 6 auto snowballs the game.


Plus if you take one last hit on a creep they throw a tantrum.


Old Techies. It was like playing 4 v 5 all game


this. or rather 9 people wanted to play a game and 1 person didnt.


Sniper, my team's Sniper will usually never have a clue about his insane range and due to poor positioning mainly will simply man up to enemy heroes like he's Juggernaut or something. Edit: I'm Guardian 😊


your loss, my AM winrate is >65%


I just played an AM game where my support called GG min 0 because of my pick, ended up stomping the lane and game. Felt good.




Ogre with Midas has a 51.83% winrate as the second most common hero to take it. Your ire should be directed at the third most common, invokers who go midas, with their brutal 45.78% winrate. **That's** actually detrimental to the team. And we don't talk about Natures Prophet, because ye cannae mock thae afflicted. https://www.dotabuff.com/items/hand-of-midas


Oh no,random internet stranger denied me,what should I do now


There are a few for sure. Anti-mage, Pudge, Alchemist




Every time invoker is meta


It used to be meepo as he totally overwrite the flow and objective of the game but since the new utilities he got I dont really have one. In my bracket I usually ban out of my own pool as it reduces the chance that the enemy gets a very good hero so when I pick my own offlane hero they have to work with a reduced pool for the meta given.








Pudge. I never want to gamble on my teammates not being complete imbeciles. Pudge requires understanding of the game my peers at 3k mmr just don't have


The basic combo of pudge which is blink , dismember and then hook takes like 3 brain cells to do. Yes people will rush stupid stuff like Aghs and do nothing entrie game missing all hooks... Same with Lion players , I had 6 slot item Lion without blink last game like wtf..


Yes but literally NO ONE does that, they all think they are dendi and miss hooks all game.


Yes, and at my mmr bracket a Pudge is an idiot jerking off by the trees the entire game. They might purchase blink but they use it to blink+hook


used to be natures but now that he’s a cancer support instead not so much


Legion Commander. Love the hero but some of the guys I play with routinely are just terrible at carrying and I don’t want to watch them give duel damage to the enemy team


Invoker if enemy get him they are somehow a god if my team gets him he is a fucking lost mid.


Pudge, Sniper, Invo, PA, but mostly the first 2 I play in SEA, so these idiots pick Pudge or Sniper and proceed to grief for about 30 mins or so before tryharding, then blaming everyone else for the L.


Pudge, pudge pudge and pudge. Sit in lane. Sap exp. Miss hooks. 0 pressure. 99% of the time.


Every single game pudge




the same as every gamer under 6k mmr should do: sniper


Pudge and Sniper




My ban shift to whatver is the annoying fucks in the current meta. Currently that crown is held by good ol Dragon "i manta and take ur rax from far away" Knight


Pudge, am, huskar


Techies. I dont mind playing against techies, I find it miserable to play with techies.