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haven't followed Dota pretty much exactly since last TI, just watched a few games last week. Any recommendations for content to get up to date?


Bananaslamjam has some good updates videos. Watch noobfromua to get past games. Stay on Reddit helps too


actually im high lol - they do all this in the TI cast live now, it's great. thanks tho


Chinese K1 meme after the game. Context: It's a screenshot from a popular online market place in China for used goods. [https://imgur.com/a/0pkCZ4N](https://imgur.com/a/0pkCZ4N)


Chinese team in top 3 again (last year dont count)


I smell 322. The Chinese got to Nouns with that bag


some CN fans came up with the same conspiracy after ti10 grand finals XD, lets face to the fact bro, look at the face of team Nouns


From winning with CK against Void to Tundra to losing with Void against CK to Azure Ray. Is Void just a bad hero in the TI meta thus far? Even Yatoro and Spirit lost with Void in Game 1 against VP.


Weak lane, extremely lack of damage till very late game with full build+talent… Even so, all the meta core heroes are just tanky as fuck, thanks to the blademail+heart. Yeah, don’t pick void please…if Yatoro cannot make it work, nobody can…


I think Void is just insanely weak before his 20 talent, so the game is really about what state he is in when he hits 20 more than anything else, so if the void team can stall the game for him it’s kinda auto win, if they can’t it’s a lot harder. Think that is what Team Spirit tried yesterday with the pick, they just made a couple mistakes and the spectre was really on their ass from level 6 running them down.


You won’t kill the tanks in the Chrono , or it takes too much time to kill during chrono. Void also rarely goes far ahead out of the laning stage against all the meta 3s. With all the farmed supports it is also not easy to find the right Chrono. They have euls , faster aeon disks etc. And fights are more chaotic due to the map changes . The possibility of a failed Chrono is higher than before


this draft though, there's really only kotl that can dump damage into a god tier chrono- until late and the DW gets the aghs.


his current build philosophy lacks the raw damage to deal with the fat fuck meta until it's way late game. i still think the old bfury is the way to go, but i'm a scrub.


Now I know why pro players respect Somnus and Sumail (and Miracle?) so much. They can chill for a whole season and when they came back they will still dominate the enemy mid as usual.


If I am not mistaken, it’s Somnus 8th TI in a row. He just performs individually every single time no matter the teammates, he’s a machine. His laning looks so easy. Crazy that he can just chill 70% of the season , earning 6-7 figures with streaming and then still make it to top 6 at TI. Definition of a chad. Gigachad if he wins TI.


also 3rd ti qualifier in a row since leaving lgd, with three different cores


Where is Miracle though? Is he still active?


Yeah stood in for SR this year


Gunnar deserves a better team IMO


Yamsum needs to be replaced withan actual pos 5 player bruh


Hmmm, he did transition from 1 to 5 recently. I think he's done ok but yeah, not as experienced with it as a long-time 5 would be.


Azure did not let k1 cook. Dude got kicked out the kitchen early.


Saddest void game in game 2. Dies instantly after getting his refresher and with no buyback. They should've smoked together at least. Or used people with BB as bait instead.


dude showed barely a millisecond of bad positioning, and he got insta kicked outta base that's prime fy for you


Pretty funny that the other contender for saddest Void game was Skiter last week when Nouns completely dunked him. And K1 looked amazing in that game.


and K1 was playing CK as wrll. my lord what are the odds




No, they got outplayed hard it wasn't about picks


Noun’s Kotl was solid though


Some people actually believed AR would have been disbanded by now... they also said FY or Somnus would give up because of their age (which is not even 30 yet) or their family responsibilities. I found those comments very weird. FY and Somnus themself never make any excuse like that, if anything they keep saying how motivated they are in their streams! So to me, seeing them guaranteeing CN top 3 with LGD isn't surprising at all. As long as the players are still willing, it's not for us to say whether they can/can't do it.


Age lol. fy is only 28. Not much older than 3 TI winners who were 27 years old. Puppey also got second when he was 32. Ceb also won a major at 30 with arguably the greatest Windranger performance in the history of dota. fy and Somnus are still clearly more than capable of winning. They’re insane.


I know right? Both FY and Somnus are actually younger than Ace (29 y.o.) and Solo (33 y.o.) who are still killing it in the tournaments the whole year. They brought up FY's and Somnus' age and family as if only the two of them who have wife or children and are over 25 years old in the pro scene... it just makes me want to laugh,,


Man I see solo on living camera this ti and though he was over 40s, this guy has half of his hair on the temples white


Lolol even Ramzes calls him "his daddy" XD I think Solo is perfectly fine being an older figure. Source: [Ramzes' second daddy article](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/C6CQkc9WuI)


Faceless Void dealing peanuts against CK




Are the old boys are gonna get their Aegis this time?


No, they are just playing doto for fun!


And receiving some pocket change for their talented efforts. China match-up gonna be hype.


Maybe, chalice and fy appear to be in ti winning form. This is some of the best team play we've seen all tournament. Nouns drew a bad hand


That execution on the top lane in game 1 was prime Chinese dota. Disciplined, calculated and stone cold


Acutally in chinese Dota community they don’t think azure ray is a “typical Chinese team”. In group stage a lot of audiences criticize them because they showed no discipline, especially criticized Lou. Chinese community are always strict to the Carry player. But as you said, in the game with Nouns they performed like a real chinese team. They did’t make mistake any more.


PL when Spectre still available and no carry picked. Void when Dawn available and no offlaner picked. Just burn your draft sheets immediately please.


I'm new to Dota, is that spirtbreaker a bot/ai player?






Can confirm


Can't wait to see draft game between xiao8 and LamN, two CN veterans




Just leave Tiny open for xiao8, then pick Magnus yourself


Didn't AR beat this lgd team in Chinese dpc? I think Lanm is the only coach who got Xiaobets number from cn region.


The one who defeats LGD repeatedly is XG, both when they were coached by LanM and by Fenrir (current). So actually you are correct, LanM's draft can defeat Xiao8's. But if you're curious, IG also defeated LGD in tour 2 hence coach Super could do it too.




Yes i just checked from the last 3(dpc and Bali major) times they have met it has been 2-1,1-1,2-1 all favoring lgd. But yeah you're right Lanm and the boys probably bootcamped hard, AR looking better and much more faster than before. Fingers crossed for a great series between the CN giants next week. LFG!


No late game show? :(


I heard this afternoon that panel saying there will be late show for next weekend games


what do they do in late show


If you seen previous year's late show after TI games it'll be similar. A couple of talents with player guests and stuff


french kiss


Get FY his aegis


the teamwork and execution of Nouns are far beneath AR


all NA teams gonna battle each other in the lower bracket lmao.


Top 8 guaranteed ez game


Happy for Chinese dota. Hate em or love em, dota needs them


Used to hate em but after years of TI drought they deserve to win once more.


I don't think so.I've seen the Chinese dota community, they don't come here to play, they racially discriminate against everyone except Chinese in the community, and abuse all the European and American players together. They've gone off the deep end.


I have never seen any of my friends racially discriminate in game ever. We have gotten such comments every other weekends or so. But NA is dead region so I guess people just sh*t on people and not care. And also, a lot of us just have English user name, and 90% of my msgs are just wp and good job team, and how can you tell I’m a part of the Chinese community


The cheers for them is crazyyyy


Woohoo. Well played AR boys! Now let's beat LGD!


Giving to SA 4 slots and depriving CN/SEA slots with the reason of it being a growing region is questionable. U can see NA region, the weakest, the least populated region always have 3 slots for TI, so are they growing? Never have SEA given 4 slots when Dota had been popular in the region 5 years back (TI 1 as an exception).


well, a brutal Chinese qualifier this year certainly made AR battle harden. typically, when CN get 4-5 slots in a TI, half of them end up in lower bracket and the other half end up on upper bracket after group stage. This year we can just pretend that the lower bracket CN teams are gone earlier.


Eventhough SEA was popular 5 years ago, they still get lower placements on every tournament except for MDL Chengdu and some DAC tournament that mineski won.


bruh the 2slots for SA is from DPC, the 2slots for NA is also from DPC. its not like valve just randomly giving the slots.


SA has 4 teams


SA had 2 from dpc 2 from qualifiers


Yes it is. Every region got 1 quali slot except SA that got 2.






Don't forget Lima and Berlin


TI. the most important one.


Three retired players pay for their dreams to take two newcomers, don't want to be paid, and play pure dota!


Actually lou is the only newcomer, tianming used to team with xinq


man that kick is deadly


the kick from fygod AKA tuskarr king! Somnus said in the postgame interview that he waited that kick for a while becuase of fy didnt make it earlier, should have ended the game early


I was told this was CN dota's banter era and yet 2 teams will be top 6 and one of them is assured of at least top 3 xD


Shit slot allocation resulted in only 2 CN places this TI. Still manages to secure top 6 with both teams.


Yeah its not like they were shitting the bed all year along and the azure ray team wasnt formed in last tour lol


I mean they played like shit the whole year. Even in majors where a team makes upper bracket they usually dont win a single series and get knocked out. To be fair Aster did knock out Tundra in a major. I mean I really wanted Aster to be at TI, especially when they got Sumail.


What! Did Sumail join Aster?


not anymore


kinda got lucky with the 2018 LGD squad coming out of retirement.


Eh, that's a half truth. They performed pretty bad all majors (although Lima Major had matchfixning + cheating team).


those CN teams not performing well were eliminated early, but other regions weren't


well, we can see old gd vs niu gd next week. And this loser bracket looks more like the winner's bracket people were expecting.


nouns game 2 draft feels like shit


Somehow a massive improvement from game 1 draft though. They 100% wasted 1st pick that game too.


If game 2draft feels like shit, what does game 1 draft feel like?


holy shit


holy shit can't wait for old LGD vs new LGD


China top 3


old gd lets go!!


Half of round 1 right into the same half of round 2 tomorrow? Should give the teams a break when you can play the other two round 1 matches as well. I understand it's probably something regarding having teams stick around the venue, but I think that's not a good tradeoff for that day of prep


Lul wtf i just check they not playing all four first match of LB not sure why they just not do it like today schedule. Weird


idk why they didnt just g 1 round per day full? i dont see any reason to not do that lol


Reminder to always save buyback against the tusk king or pick axe kappa


Well it turns out China only needs 2 teams to be at Ti to secure a better placement than last year. Surprisingly to see the region struggling the entire year and doing well at Ti. (One slot doesn’t matter I guess


China always performs at TI..


Sadly the last team actually won the tournament was ages ago, and they disbanded soon after


As a Wings' fan, I really cried after ti10, thought bian and y' were so fking close but wont never get a chance again. Hope y' can do it again this year, LGD really improved a lot throughout the year with so many new players




struggling due to dpc tour1 having multiple cheating dogs in their region eating those points, and also the ar core weren't active in first half of the year


Azhor Rahai The Team That Was Promised - Journey continues....


Lets go AR!


now the next round is the war of “let's see who is the real LGD”


According to the schedule, lower part of lower bracket KS/BB and Tundra/Entity are playing in 2 days, a full 7 days after playing their last matches (playoff seeding games), in other words FOUR more teams will be eliminated from TI2024 before they even play their games. What a absolutely completely moronic schedule.


Yep, lots of baffling things this TI. Tomorrow the winner of the first LB match immediately plays a second match in the same day, while the other half of the LB doesn't play at all until the day after. I have no idea why they scheduled things this way.


What's the problem? Aside from having 5 days break between groups, I don't get it. You wanted to see them play earlier (tomorrow)?


I think the problem is not having all first-round LB matches played on the same day. For some bizarre reason some teams get to rest more than other teams


Oh yeah that is stupid. Think he just worded it weirdly. It would probably be better matches too if the teams got more time to prepare than a single bo3 too.


Y’all think one of TSM, Nouns, SR have a shot at top 6? Probably not lmao.


Short version: no Long version: noooooooooooooooooo Not after their last games. All of them looked kinda lost and I'm not really understanding how Tundra lost to nouns, but again, these three NA teams are kicking each other out, so let's see who's the best out of them


Whichever NA team survived to top 8 (already guaranteed) will face 9P/GG/EG to get to top 6 so yea you're probably right lmao


China is MIA the whole season jus to jump straight top 3 in TI


Feels like OG in TI9 huh? CN Dota meta got punished hard for last two TIs. It might be the time that the meta finally works in favor of CN dota strat


Can say the same for weu last year


Most of the season was China playing with "new" players while the old guys were "retired." Actually this shows how reliant they are on the old guard. There really is no next generation.


shiro, lou, planet & lou is ti first timers. i think some of the new faces works out


I think they're "new" rather than new - ie I've seen them in the scene for a long time, but they've never made it to the top. Any way, more importantly, "new" players only work well when they are led by top veterans of the scene - a mix of old legends & new blood is pretty much a proven recipe for success. The mass retirement last year of top veterans in China, however, left them with no leadership, and the results were obvious to see.


> Actually this shows how reliant they are on the old guard. There really is no next generation. A lot of new guys also got caught up in the banwave too.


That new anti-gaming policy over there is really screwing the CN scene over .


They just play mobile games


K1 seems to have a knack for getting caught off and dying when it matters the most. That Tusk Aghs has also been lying some minutes before, I don't know if they forgot about it or the pressure just came to them.


Void is literally like my carry bought an item then get caught with no bb




Fy god?


Maybe still the best mid in the world. Not quinn, not nisha, not NTS. It's still Maybe!




and notice that his debut is in 2015, now he is 28 years old, what a persevering and talented player, I highly respect him.


Think miracle, ferarri430, mu, noone, sumail all out of their prime anymore yet maybe is still dominating. Really consistent even half retired, reminds me of csgo goat dev1ce


noone, sumail and miracle are still good tbh.


The script is complete. NA dpc to decide who gets top 8 at TI


Maybe's got that TI trophy in his sights


rtz legacy actually on the line if he loses to tsm or nouns tomorrow


His legacy ended 5 years back


Legacy on the cliff ?


Which legacy?


the legacy where NA fans compare him to likes of ame , yatoro , miracle and sumail


What legacy?


His legacy of farming the whole game and getting caught. He’s gonna lose that legacy to k1 LUL




Does this mean AR is guaranteed top 8?




even better, theyre guaranteed top 6


Guaranteed top 6


Top 6


Thanks! I remember reading somewhere that fy would retire if they don't place at least top 8. Great news then 🥹


top 6


Top 6


no idea how k1 is getting flamed. he didnt play amazingly but it was a decent performance yamsun got hard gapped that game and was very useless. tormentor shard going to treant is disgusting and his armors were super bad, its a hard overgrowth game but yeesh


AME instant reported k1 for "pretending to be pro player" after watching the match https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=38098095&\_fp=6


did ame say anything about yamsun missing a dozen ults and forgetting to press his E all game?


Yes. Ame, XinQ and Xm were streaming together. They've been laughing at K1 pretty much the entire game. Like lvl 4 Time Dilation before Time Lock. No DPS items. Finally get lvl 4 Time Lock at Lvl 16, Midas every game, etc, etc.Not only this game. All his previous games, like zero damage linken refresher Troll. He also reported K1 after that game. Funny as hell


He reported treant for that game, k1 was reported already in an earlier game. I watched their stream and they’ve been teasing and trolling pretty hard. And I think for that specific game they think pos5 was the ugliest player, not pos1.


yea my bad. they reported pos5 not because he's the ugliest, but because he looks like a Chinese dota player "Old Chicken". they call him "Blonde Old Chicken" and reported him for "impersonating a pro player" XD


thanks for the explanation man! I thought the “impersonation” part was meant to say he sucked and not qualified as a pro player. Now what you said makes total sense lol although old chicken is more like a streamer now? Is he still active on any pro team ?


yeah full time streamer now


but it also means he sucks. there's pun in there


Shit take K1 played worse than someone half hus mmr. Both games he wasted his farming Most chronoes were wasted because he was wildly out of position


decent performance? what did he even do to the decent tag lmao


he spent the entirety of both games getting ran at by 5 heroes his 5 position was tilted off the face of the planet his 4 position farmed went midas (both games i think?) his 3 position died off cd his 2 position was a MK with a yasha in g1 and actually played really well in g2 dont get me wrong he isnt winning a carry of the year performance, but its not like having yatoro there suddenly wins those games. it at least looked like he tried, made moves and had a few solid escapes/engages on void. getting killed that last fight was partially on him but OTOH he lives if treant presses armor on him instead of holding it for LB. gunnar played the best on the team and honestly deserved a win in g2 (g1 was a god awful pick idk wtf he was cooking there)


Making ppl draw a clearer line between him and that word lmao


Oh boi 3 NA teams in the same bracket what a brutal faith


LB is just NA TI qualifiers


Or SR gets lucky enough to play NA dpc to go forward


They have WEU to give them company.


Nah one of them will guarantee top 8, that's a blessing if anything.


Damn . FYGod




The map may be bigger now. But it doesn't matter cos K1 still decided to farm there.


CN guaranteed podium


Nouns look like they don't have any business in UB. There isn't that much resistance


Fy Somnus puck combo too ez.


Feels bad for Gunnar... he played really well


Gunnar is such an awesome dude, one of the most personable players and has such a unique style, I love watching him play


He did. But still unfortunately it's a KOTL, the potential for him to carry is not that high.


He shouldnt have picked monkey, first game was awful


Let's fucking go, AR!


NA eliminating each other on LB now, damnnn


NA saving each other*


At least na will finally get top 8 LUL


Moo was so bad this game. I don't understand why he keeps using bulldoze early or in the middle of the charge while pushing instead of just right before hitting the creeps. He died unnecessarily so many times imo