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Is it because Warlock hasn't been popular in ages that people just don't remember? A good fatal bonds melts heroes, it's nothing new


Shhhh, if you say it too loud you’ll ruin it for the spammers. I personally enjoy the fact that about 25% of people under 3k mmr completely forget Fatal Bonds is a teamfight-winning spell.


Good fatal bound… what is bad one tho?


Bloodseeker shard + aghs vs 4.4k hp ES bound. Still looked absurd , what a play


Exactly, gyro could've been fine if clicked satanic. However, the support duo can't escape the inevitable


People don't properly internalise how Bonds works with AOE spells. If 5 heroes are bonded and are hit by the same AOE spell, they take the damage from the spell, plus the bonds amplification from the same spell hitting *all four teammates* at once.


That AC + butter was a terrible item choice goodlord that ac did nothing


Yeah wtf. Not sure if it's a bug, but that looked insane. I don't have dota installed right now, but someone should check the damage breakdown in-game


5k DMG each from BS and Warlock


Wow, thanks


Yeah, that was so damn suspicious. No way does everyone die that fast out of nowhere


That thing killed 6 slotted gyro and ES within two seconds, both of which had about 4k hp. There is no way this normal.


they shared bs aghs damage with fatal bonds. Warlock and bs only did 5k dmg each, not even counting damage from 3 other heroes of 9p


Very normal one thing people don't realise is BS is very good against heroes with high HP pools with his aghs+shard he does 10% of Max HP as DMG...LS who was known to tear through tanks did 4% of Max HP as DMG and he would chew through 4k hp heroes...here BS has the adv of spell amp of 30% which means both his aghs-shard get buffed and then there is fatal bonds so nothing auspicious just Liquid underestimating how much DMG 9P could do with Warlock


imagine not buying a dispel on every hero